cacao ceremony benefits

Healers in many cultures have traditionally used cacao to alleviate a host of mental and physical afflictions, such as depression, insomnia, nervousness. Chocolate wasnt popular as a psychoactive in the 60s because its not a psychedelic (although many experience visions and powerfuljourneys in my ceremonies). There are a huge range of profound responses, learning and healings available for those willing to experience its gifts! MENTAL Increased blood flow to the brain creates more mental sharpness, agility, awareness and focus. Lara Skadsen, a vibrational energy practitioner in Abu Dhabi, says that drinking cacao "rebalances the body's energetic cells, releasing pain and stress". They experienced healing, while having fun and journeying deep within, to the place where all the answers dwelled. It also contains the essential amino acid Tryptophan, which increases production of Serotonin, an important brain chemical that helps us remain positive and happy. The importance of these messageshas been communicated to me recently in my own work and through witnessing what others gain in ceremonies and one to one sessions. Sharing the magical secrets of alchemy and the elixirs of life worldwide! The difference being that chocolate will show you the door, it will not push you through. Combined with cacao, it becomes more profound and easier to connect. Chocolate is a powerful facilitator allowing you to delve into your pain. If you were told that drinking a warm, concentrated chocolate drink could help you achieve inner awakening, guide you creatively, release pent-up negative emotions and kick-start the healing process, would you decline? . Cacao is naturally high in iron, magnesium, and B-complex vitamins; which gives it a number of physical benefits, as well as the spiritual benefits it has long been connected with. Meditation is a wonderful tool in our spiritual toolbox that can help relieve stress, cultivate connection, improve focus and soothe our hearts. So it makes sense that cacao was given its sacred status, and enjoyed in communal ceremonies by the Maya with their Gods. When used correctly, ceremonial cacao ceremonies can provide many benefits such as increased energy, peace of mind, and improved mental clarity. If you feel inspired to dance with the Spirit of Cacao and share her magic, I recommend finding a ceremony led by a shaman, mystic or experienced facilitator to explore the profound effects cacao has to offer. She had enough of the fast-passed life style. Close your ceremony by meditating or giving thanks once more. Its a powerful plant medicine which is a superfood with many benefits including focus, creativity, health benefits, productivity and can enhance physical training like exercise. On one side, by promoting Anyway, I digress, I discovered this magic a few years ago on a trip round the world and it totally changed my life. Vitamin B6 0%. This is probably the case with other practices too (chi kung, aikido, kick boxing etc.). Dance is an important element in the cacao ceremonies organised by Skadsen and her two partners. Cacao is a feminine power that can help you see that life is meant to be fun. Vitamin B6 0%. Humans have considered cacao a sacred plant for thousands of years. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. As it turns out, there's a lot more that distinguishes cacao from cocoa than a vowel reversal, yet many people are fooled by the similar-sounding name and place of origin. Give gratitude for things you are thankful for. Focus on your intention for the ceremony, whether that be to begin your day positively, to search for healing, or to call for strength. Drink the cacao slowly and let each sip permeate through your body. Cacao helps strengthen your connection to your higher self, which helps you connect to your inner power, strength, and truth. ), you wont keep manifesting situations to feel these feelings. During the patriarchy, we were led to believe that 13 is unlucky as it is the number attributed to the power the gentle power of the feminine. Cacao is gaining a lot of popularity now, because of all the shifts on the planet and happily people all over the world now recognise its power. We believe that when you combine healing support and intention with self-expression, you tap into a higher, more authentic vibration. But being in Bali felt like the perfect place to have my first taste. They sometimes journeythrough a variety of trapped emotions thesemay have caused illness, repetitive patterns, conflict, confusion, lack of abundance, love and basic lack of joy and fulfillment in their lives. "Dance is part of the ancient tradition, ," she says. Ritual cacao is made from mostly cacao beans, some water, cacao butter, and then mixed with a little bit of natural sugar to taste. This allows powerful change, rather than just KNOWING things, you CHANGE, in a powerful, easy, fun way. Action may be facilitated by the fact that cacao contains low amounts of caffeine, giving those who consume it a burst of energy that also helps focus. Advertising Disclosure: This content may use referral links. During these ceremonies, you will be reminded of everything that you are; your skills, talents, and creative abilities. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Cacao contains a consciousness and can impart spiritual wisdom when you return to your heart, connect with your soul and the expansiveness of the universe. Female energies may stimulate inspiration; male energies may help you put that motivation into action. "Once people have set their intentions, I give them 42 grams of ceremonial cacao and encourage them to talk about what they're struggling with, ," she says. For centuries, cacao has been used to heal the mental, physical, and spiritual body. Benefits of Ceremonial Cacao. It naturally contains more cacao butter which helps the body absorb its nutrients. You probably already know that cacao comes from the cacao beanwhich is also used to make chocolate. While cacao has been enjoyed and celebrated ceremonially for thousands of years, it is important to take precautions based on your individual health journey. Cacao is often used to bring inspiration and creativity together; helping you move past those inner blocks that are keeping you disconnected from your creative life force, and not allowing your inner child to play. This isnt helped by the fact that the world is currently in a state of imbalance when it comes to the masculine and the feminine. Cacao was considered sacred, and the ritual of drinking it as an elixir for good health has its roots in the ancient Olmec, Mayan and Aztec traditions in Central and South America. Once you FEEL your pain (sadness, anger, grief etc. As much as I respect Aya, and I have attended ceremonies it did not resonate asmy path. These types of healing ceremonies work with rebalancing energies in the body to regain health. There are a lot of pain bodies to be soothed and transmuted, and Im working withthe next wave of teachers. We may feel stuck in negative looping patterns and experience feelings of anger or jealousy. We have come to a tipping point on the planet. It represents the new world of love and peace, which is being created right now. A cacao ceremony will often end in dance, which allows the cacao to activate within the heart and body, and create transformation. This has both a physical and energetic effect on the heart. Maybe youre in a job you hate, or you have no idea what your true calling is here on earth? The base is 100% pure cacao with water and optional cayenne or other herbs and spices. When we come together in ritual, we work with ceremonial grade cacao in a sacred way to engage with the spirit and energy of the plant. Bring a journal, pen, and an open mind ready to connect, share and receive the magic of your own heart that cacao will so graciously show you. Also, discover how to tap into your intuition in an accurate, tangible, way, simply click here for this FREE training. Skip to content FREE US SHIPPING ON $75+ Shop Shop Pure 100% Cacao Pure 100% Cacao Cacao Ceremony Kit It stands to reason then, as multiple clinical trials have shown, that consuming cacao can help with anaemia (especially among vegetarians and vegans); lower the risk of cardiometabolic diseases by improving the markers for triglycerides, HDL cholesterol and fasting insulin; improve brain function and our ability to focus; and, Cacao's health benefits aside, one of the biggest reasons for its rise in popularity is its adoption by new. I especially love bringing rose quartz into the meditation experience with cacao for how it further balances the heart field and offers gentleness to open and receive. "The movement allows the cacao to activate. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. By surrendering to the essence and energy of Chocolate, you can step into the higher dimensions. This tradition dates back hundreds of years, to pre-hispanic time, in Central America. I guess so. She embodies sacred medicine work and she brings aspects of ceremony into all of her offerings. and has established that cacao is a rich source of theobromine, caffeine, iron, magnesium, tryptophan, B-complex vitamins, and flavonoids. ment, and allowing cacao to guide them to an elevated meditative state. People from all over the world gathered in circle, to drink cacao, and drop from their head to their heart. In 2003, Keith Wilson, a cacao ceremony creator who lives in Guatemala, claimed to have met the "Cacao Spirit", who offered to help him understand cacao, and unlock and share its secret powers and gifts with the rest of the world. and kick-start the healing process, would you decline? There are many that fused a wide range of state-shifting elements with Cacao that are the key to the experience: I like to use Cacao for specific intentions, like Couples Ceremony to depend their connection, Deep therapeutic trauma work and Full Moon sharing circles. Gain Passion, Purpose, Peace,Prosperity! His experiments with cacao in group ceremonies with friends led to a network of people who facilitated the custom across the world, adding personalised touches along the way. And this creates space for better things to come in. IMPROVED YOGA, CHI KUNG AND SIMILAR PRACTICES. She owned multiple companies and had a very diverse and broad career. Within those years she did always study esoteric philosophy, Reiki, ThetaHealing, ETF, NLP, nutrition and shamanism. This is an easy, fun state to access which leads to bliss, and the state of being which ISFLOW, ONENESS LOVE.. Feelings of oneness, enlightenment and ecstasy. and excitability, as well as regulating blood pressure and sugar levels, and preventing cardiometabolic diseases. Cacao ceremony is rooted in helping to re-balance the energies within us, and restore good health. Imbalances create energetic blocks, preventing us from living the life we are meant to live. As Ive just mentioned, Cacao is an invaluable, heart opening ally, but the plant itself doesnt make the ceremony so special. This leads to an enhanced connection with your own power and truth; your divinity. Chocolate aids the pathway to living, FEELING, GETTING the learnings, and wisdom, so that you live, and embody them. It stands to reason then, as multiple clinical trials have shown, that consuming cacao can help with anaemia (especially among vegetarians and vegans); lower the risk of cardiometabolic diseases by improving the markers for triglycerides, HDL cholesterol and fasting insulin; improve brain function and our ability to focus; and improve our mood. In fact power is a better word than force. Ceremonial grade cacao is 100% pure cacao with no additions, no chemicals, and no loss of quality. Cacao is the natural and unprocessed seed of the Theobroma cacao tree. What resonated for me, was that it would be the end of the world as we know it, and the beginning of a new one. And finally, I took my first sip. Find (or buy) a heat-resistant mug or cup you love. etc. Chocolate opens the heart and allows for a deeper, authentic love-based connection with yourself, others, the world and all of life. Cacao has been used by indigenous people for centuries and has many health benefits. Cacao is known for containing theobromine, which relaxes the blood vessels and stimulates the heart. As mentioned above, cacao is packed with vitamins and minerals that are great for cardiovascular health. Beta V.1.0 - Powered by automated translation, f you were told that drinking a warm, concentrated chocolate drink could help you achieve inner awakening, guide you creatively, release pent-up negative emotions. Some of them lie down, and I guide them through meditation and sound healing. For people who do wish to consume cacao regularly, Lander recommends a daily dose of about 20g. Sat, January 7, 2023, 6:30 PM 8:30 PM EST, NWR Community Center 930 Broadway Suite 1 Albany, NY 12207. Cacao balances inner male and female energies. Sarah Belle offers handcrafted jewelry using the gentle vibrations of crystals and inspiring symbolism to impart deeper meaning into your busy life. WebPage 4 of 76 . You are only being triggered so you feel those negative emotions, so when they no longer have the power, you are free. Cacao ceremonies now often include one or a combination of healing practices such as reiki, sound, dance, yoga and meditation. Cobalamin 0%. We can bless and charge our cacao with specific intentions and embody those intentions as we drink- another invitation to mindfulness. 1. Cacao has also been said to enhance creativity and perhaps find new solutions to the problems or roadblocks you may be facing. The rest is milk, sugar and solids. Deeper Heart Opening and Love. This is a very different orientation than eating chocolate as candy, and has a positive impact on well-being and our global ecosystem. "Forty-two grams every day is already a high dose, so 84g, or two ceremonial doses will start making you feel, If you're contemplating switching from coffee to cacao as many people in Lander's experience have, once they get used to the taste remember that large doses of cacao can lead to increased heart activity, . But the cacao plant is seen as a medicinal plant, and has been used for a number of spiritual, medicinal and ceremonial purposes throughout history. Open the Heart. Rich in Sulfur (the ultimate beauty mineral, especially good for skin). So here's the good news: if you can get past the shock to your system and the bout of dry-heaving that is likely to follow, cacao can, Using cacao as a catalyst for healing has. God, the Universe, Spirit, your higher self whatever you want to call it. "The idea is to allow them to feel vulnerable, but also safe. Sip as drinking chocolate or simply enjoy pure 100% cacao discs. Most of us would be willing to give it a go for the taste alone, if not for the mood-enhancing benefits caused by the rush of serotonin, dopamine and endorphins triggered by the consumption of chocolate. "Eating a light meal a couple of hours before the ceremony will allow the cacao to activate better. You will find that new ideas and expressions of yourself flow to you with ease. The polyphenols in cacao cause the capillaries in our bodies to dilate sending more blood to the heart than usual. Chocolateopens the heart and allows for a deeper, authentic love-based connection with yourself, others, and the world. "And people on high doses of antidepressants could suffer heavy migraines due to the caffeine overload.". This is what were here for. It facilitatesa deep Shamanic experience of being in the world but not of it or having a foot in both worlds. Kitty is a young woman who believes in the aid of many allies in nature to help us heal ourselves or others in mind, body, and spirit. This results in more love in your life, leading to more effective manifestation and a more powerful, familiar connection with your magnificence and spiritual capacities. Back Story How I discovered the magical, spiritual, medicinal qualities of chocolate! Inspiration & Creativity. Like I mentioned, cacao has a very different taste to the chocolate youre probably used to. Cacao is heart-opening, and dancing helps the joy and the love to enter a person's cells and energy field, and clear blockages from past traumas.". There, we tune in with our true selves and can hear the profound callings of our hearts. It can take you on a powerful journey. February 20, 2022 The higher self is that part of you that is connected to Source and all living things. So what is cacao? Learning to open our hearts is the most important thing we can do as human beings. Traditions surrounding ceremonial cacao date back to 5th-century Native Mesoamerican cultures. What many of us in the west have come to know and love as chocolate, is worlds apart from the plant medicine its made from; and the ancient history rooted in Central and South America. In ceremony, we may meditate, sing, dance, set intentions, give thanks to the abundance in life, and share our hearts. Additionally, it is also known for releasing So, when they say that eating chocolate is basically the same as eating a salad, because it comes from a plantthats true, but only when it comes to raw cacao, and not your typical selection box. Spiritual Benefits you will get from a cacao ceremony: Cacao allows you to connect with yourself, and others, in a more profound way than before. Personally speaking, now I can BE love, and emanate love. I chose to add Sacred Chocolate to my Shamans Toolbag and hold ceremonies well actually it was all totally intuitively guided. This can last between two and six hours. This can last between two and six hours. Now you can join the modern rediscovery of this plant and experience the benefits for yourself. There are Indigenous shamans in Central and South America who prefer cacao over psychedelics, but few have heard of them. Sign up to get the latest on sales, newitems, nuggets of inspirationand more. Cacao ceremony provides naturally mood elevating compounds and is packed with magnesium, calcium, and iron. It has an active ingredient in it called theobrominewhich can be translated to, Food of the Gods.. Surprising Benefits of Drinking Ceremonial Cacao, A really cool benefit that Ive noticed cacao can offer us is. Do what feels right for you. More effective, deeper, profound, easier yoga and chi kung practice. This is something that can be practiced at home with yourself, a friend, or a partner, and it is a safe substance to utilize. So often we imagine that a ceremony, or even a cacao ceremony, can only occur under specific circumstances - at a sacred site like a temple, with a specific group of people, with a leader guiding the experience, only for special occasions and I had no idea about the magical properties of chocolate and that the Ancient Mayans and Aztecs used it for Spiritual and Ceremonial purposes. Its high Valeric Acid content blocks the stress hormones, while triggering the release of Dopamine and the endorphin Phenylethylamine, both of which are known as bliss chemicals. Ecology of human being in multidimensional space. In 2013, she made a major change in her life. Maybe you are wondering Can this delicious superfood help me?!. imbalance when it comes to the masculine and the feminine. And perhaps most importantly, it is produced by farmers who treat the land and plants with compassion, love, and respect. Calcium 0%. Allow yourself to fully surrender to this energy. This has both a Sharing this type of space can be a healing and gentle yet powerful experience for participants. In the centuries since, hundreds of documents extolling the virtues of cacao have been published in English, Spanish, French, German and Latin. They opens us to heart healing, spiritual benefits, and remembrance. Cacao facilitates the clearing of deep psychological, emotional, and spiritual blocks. Cacao ceremony will give you the opportunity to connect to your inner spirit, which will help you to explore meditation on a much deeper and spiritual level. You can discover how in raw cacao ceremonial doses becomes a powerful heart opener that paves the way to transformation through self-love. Designed for the free spirit and style maven alike, Sarah Belle bestows a little bit of magic and a whole lot of love to those ready to receive it. Our cacao had been lovingly prepared using only natural, organically grown ingredients; blended with some fresh coconut milk, palm sugar, and a few drops of essential oils. across the world, adding personalised touches along the way. We can see more clearly what lives there and find the compassion to be with all of it. What is Cacao Ceremony? I am not here to speak for them. This is an experience that is safe, gentle, and profound and that is not readily accessible to most people. Its also naturally packed with caffeine, which acts as a burst of energy, and is said to enhance creativity, and encourage deep meditation. Ive been living, so deeply and so vivi, Join us this Friday for another beautiful Full Moo, Lineage leader. Inspired inspiration, creativity and Cacao was something I was already familiar with, yet hadnt gotten around to trying. Effortless Focus. I was honoured to have been invited by The Spirit of Cacao to share her magic her gentle, yet powerful guiding ways all over the planet. This allows you to drop heavy emotions that might have held you back in the past. Generational healer, Your energy is your greatest resource. CourtesyLara Skadsen. Inspires a positive mood and gentle feelings of euphoria. We promise to keep your email address private and safe. Don't miss out on the latest blog posts, information, and events from Sarah Belle. Remember, when doing any kind of ritual, trust your intuition. So, Im going to share with you what cacao actually is, where it comes from; and the many healing properties it holds for us on a physical and spiritual level. The great thing about cacao is, it will automatically tell your body if youre overdoing it. Male and female energies can be found co-existing within all of us, but often they are unbalanced. Questions? Cacao is considered a plant medicine and possesses a powerhouse of nutrients such as fiber, iron, magnesium, copper, selenium, protein, and antioxidants. Cacao has been used in ancient ceremonies by South Americans (the Maya) for thousands of years. In-Person at Kozy Kandles on Thursday, Feb 17 - Purchase Ticket, Virtual on Tuesday, March 15 - Purchase Ticket - Purchase Ticket. Cacao has been known in these cultures as a heart opener and heart healer. Old wounds, or past traumas, that you dont know exist, or you havent fully healed from. My visit was also timedwith the important dates which would occur the month after (12/12/12 and 21/12/12), the dates famed as being the end of the Mayan calendar, time as we know it, and a 26,00 year cycle. We may hold on to resentment or carry bitterness that we arent even aware of. If practiced mindfully, the ritual can balance our masculine and feminine energies. From then on, people asked me to hold them, they got the people to come, they got the venues, all I needed to do was turn up! but I have yet to try other so let me know! Dance is an Please feel free to share this article. Find us on your favorite social platforms and join our community of high-vibin' crystal lovers and spirit junkies. Through this guided experience, you'll discover the beauty of working with cacao to open and explore the depths of your heart. Kitty is offering this experience with respect to our plant teachers and upmost humility to the participants. You get to switch off, and retreat inwards, helping you to learn more about yourself, and gain clarity on where you are and where youre headed. Cocoa refers to the powder left behind after the beans have been winnowed and processed, and the butter removed. From almond to soy to camel: How did milk get so diverse. Learn more about our use of cookies:cookie policy, 17 Earthy Qualities Of The Taurus Moon Woman, The Green Aura Color Meaning: Balance, Health & Transformation, What Are The 78 Tarot Cards + How To Do A Reading, 17 Most Beautiful & Unique Tarot Decks Every Witch Needs, 17 Ways The Aquarius Moon Woman Beats To Her Own Drum. Serotonin is the feelgood brain chemical responsible for feelings of wellbeing. That means people with major heart conditions shouldn't attempt it without consulting a doctor. Fire ceremonies.Waruguma: Not up to snuff - See 1,757 traveler reviews, 454 candid photos, and great deals for San Pedro, Belize, at Tripadvisor.Huachuma is more commonly known as San Pedro in the Western world, or currently known as Echinopsis pachanoiin the scientific literature. Free shipping on $25+. Increased blood flow to the brain creates more mental sharpness, agility, awareness and focus. Sacred mushrooms open the mind and cacao opens the heart. Cacao ceremonies are held by individuals who are experienced in preparing the drink and holding space. Ceremonial Cacao works on the level of the heart, connecting to our emotions through every sensation to heal our heart and awaken the true purpose of your heart, connect to your senses, and celebrate life. This is vital when trying to face difficulties that arise in our lives. This was asure sign that this was probably not going to be anordinary adventure!! This leads to positive changes, and dreams manifesting. Connects your left brain &your right brain!!! It is good for the skin, heart, and blood pressure and has been known for centuries to cure various alignments. Shamanic healing is one of the oldest holistic healing practices, which has been used by ancient cultures worldwide for centuries. I GOT that, but I didnt really understand it or feel itI still searched for love OUTSIDE of me. But when we feel at peace within, and understand that we are not our fears or problems, nothing can knock us off balance. Cacao in itself can be great for your physical wellbeing, and it can, among other things, promote your cardiovascular health. Through handmade jewelry, crystal healing, yoga classes, and workshops, Sarah loves toexplore the relationship between creativity and spirituality to unmaskthe layers,liberate the spirit, and encourage others livewith greater authenticity. A cacao ceremony is a sacred ritual that needs to be entered into with respect, presence, and intention. History of Cacao, history, traditionally uses, growth, ethical harvest & process Modular #2: Sun/Oct 2nd 7-8:30PM MST OR Wed/Oct 5th 11-12:30pm MST. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. And when youre in this state, creation and abundance will flow to you with ease. Cacao is the natural and unprocessed seed of the Theobromacacao tree, while cocoa is the powder left behind after the beans have been processed. Most of us would be willing to give it a go for the taste alone, if not for the mood-enhancing benefits caused by the rush of serotonin, dopamine and endorphins triggered by the consumption of chocolate. Raising your vibration through thoughtfully designed jewelry, crystal energy and self-expression. I have seen so many transformations, people discovering their purpose, joy, love, life partners, confidence and walking the path their soul called them to take. One of the unique selling propositions of ceremonial cacao is that its minimally processed to retain all the possible health benefits of cacao. Science backs up many of these claims and has established that cacao is a rich source of theobromine, caffeine, iron, magnesium, tryptophan, B-complex vitamins and flavonoids. Today she is a Holistic Transformational Mentor with 10+ years of experience in counseling, life and business coaching. Both cacao and chocolate are derived from Olmec and Mayan, Even the most modern mention of cacao dates back to a letter to the, Holy Roman Emperor Charles V in 1520. This mood improving chemical is known as the bliss molecule and leaves us feeling blissful and euphoric, but also plays a vital role in moderating pain perception and the memory of pain, as well as assisting in regulating appetite and mood. This is related to the intention you set, because you ALWAYS have the power, you can allowor not. They have a deeper connection with the wisdom of the plant and work in reverence to this energy of wellbeing that is being harvested for sacred purposes. She is experienced in holding space for others, leads with her heart, and trusts in the strength and support of being in community. Cacao has been used for millennia as a food and antidote to a vast array of health issues. Everything in life has two forces: yin and yang, dark and light; and that is also true of our feminine energies (listening, seeding, nourishing) and of our masculine energies (acting, speaking). Purpose + Benefits. Sacred Cacao was bypassed in the 60s resurgence of medicine-plants because it does not act like a psychedelic it does not take you on its trip, but facilitates your own. The balance of male and female energies allows you to receive inspiration (feminine energy) ANDact on it(masculine energy). Share the love. Your calli. A typical ceremony involves a group of people sitting in a circle, setting intentions (what they hope to achieve and what they hope to get rid of during the exercise), drinking cacao, sharing intimate confidences without judgment, and allowing cacao to guide them to an elevated meditative state. That is what we are here for, to havefun! When cacao is imbibed, with intention, in a ceremonial setting, it allows you to get, and really feel, those learnings in a deep, profound way. If you would clarity on your life purpose, gifts, talents, legacy click here to discover your unique SOUL CODES for passion, purpose & prosperity! Calcium 0%. I had no idea why I was there and as I acknowledged my fear, and total submersion into the unknown, it was soon transmuted after I asked my favourite question; What would I love? I actually cant remember my answer, but I have a few ideas. That means people with major heart conditions shouldn't attempt it without consulting a doctor. It is the most pure, raw and unrefined form of the plant that we can engage with and it is naturally bitter to taste. The 13 Spiritual Benefits of Chocolate. "Dance is part of the ancient tradition," she says. This allows us to open wide to our true potential, be vulnerable, and embrace our authentic selves. This is cacao, and the gift of stepping into sacred ceremony. Its also a wonderful time to give ourselves mental and physical space and peace. A cacao ceremony led by Lara Skadsen, a vibrational energy practitioner from Abu Dhabi, during which liquid cacao is consumed while participants share stories. As mentioned, cacao ceremonies have lots of really special and unique benefits: Stimulates feelings of love, self love and is heart opening. So here's the good news: if you can get past the shock to your system and the bout of dry-heaving that is likely to follow, cacao can help put you in a meditative state. It calms the left brain chatter, and allows us to delve more into that no mind space of bliss and oneness. Feel your heart start to open. [1] Antonov, V. (2000). The Cacao Ceremony: A Sacred Expression of an Ancient Ritual You may have heard about Ritual Cacao Ceremonies, especially if youre part of a ritual yoga community. ", In ceremonial settings, participants typically eat about 40 grams of cacao, on a relatively empty stomach. Remember YOU must be the change you want to see in the world. Fine ceremonial Cacao, such as Keith's Cacao which is the original This will help you find balance in your life, as well as clarity in your mind, which will make your purpose clearer to you. However, if you assumed cacao was chocolate or cocoa's older, darker sister, you're in for a bitter awakening. In ceremonial rituals, we drink cacao to connect with the plant in a mindful way, go within and be fully present. "Eating a light meal a couple of hours before the ceremony will allow the cacao to activate better. Cacao can help ease our everyday stresses and worries. With the enhanced male/female balance, these are made manifest. Consuming cacao naturally opens the heart chakra, the energy center associated with love, compassion, affection, acceptance, grief, forgiveness, jealousy, and judgement. And you will begin to let go of all the thoughts of everything you are not. She is also personally interested in nature, floral art, sunrises and sunsets, ancient history, cooking, is an animal lover, and loves to travel and connect with others. In its purest form (unlike much of the chocolate available in the mainstream), it is a powerful assistant for inner work, creative guidance and so much more. The Mayans used cacao in religious ceremonies, marriage, baptism, and as a tool to lift the spirits of those sacrificed in the Aztec Kingdom to the heavens. How cool is that?! The great thing about cacao is, it will automatically tell your body if you're overdoing it. Flowis the one thing that thosewho aresuccessful in business experience. Its the magical space you enter when you appreciate a phenomenal sunset before the mind chips in and goes; Oooheee look, shes having one of those experiences!Lol.. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, it may be best to lower your dose until you know how it interacts with your system. They gain deep realisations about their purpose, the meaning of life and the direction their soul is calling them to take. And you can feel the effects quite literally. Chocolate opens the heart and allows for a deeper, authentic love-based connection with yourself, others, and After arriving in Guatemala and spending some time in Antigua, a really beautiful city, and World Heritage centre, intuition, and a very dear friend guided me to buy a ticket to Lake Atitlan. Taking the time to participate in a sacred cacao ceremony allows each and every one of these incredible benefits to flow through you and into your life. And the best part is that there is no wrong way to do it. Do what feels right to you and let the wonders of cacao do the rest. Cacao ceremonies are a type of shamanic healing which is one of the oldest holistic healing practices used by indigenous cultures all over the world. Set boundaries. You will find you are able to focus and be in the present with more ease. The 13 Spiritual Benefits of Chocolate Cacao Ceremony Time And Connecting with The Spirit of Cacao 13. This allows you to feel in your body what you know in your head. A cacao ceremony is nothing close to just eating a chocolate bar or having a cup of hot cocoa in front of the TV. A group of around thirty of us came together on the full moon; sharing what we were grateful for, meditating, and singing songs around a roaring open fire. Messages From The Dolphins (the most intelligent of mammals). Many cacao ceremonies will involve a group of people sitting in a sacred circle, taking prayer, letting go of anything heavy, setting intentions, giving thanks for all the abundance in their life today. All she does is to support the Alignment between gut/mind/heart and the Creative Source of All That Is. Cacao contains the neurotransmitters serotonin, tryptophan and dopamine that stimulate brain activity and are vital in regulating mood. Meditation is much easier and more beneficial; silencing the mind becomes easy hence the space for healing, creation, and mystical experiences occur. More enhanced, balanced, connected male & female energy. If you consider tobacco, coffee and alcohol are drugs, then yes. However, it got popular in So often we rush from one experience to the next without even understanding why were doing what were doing. Cobalamin 0%. WebCacao ceremony. Spiritual Benefits of Cacao. This is probably the case with other practices too (aikido, kick boxing etc.) A cacao ceremony is actually a type of shamanic healing, but it doesnt have hallucinogenic or out of body effects, unlike some other shamanic experiences. The 13 Spiritual Benefits of Chocolate Cacao Ceremony Time! They called Cacao The water that runs through the heart. You might want to journal after, or sing or dance. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Each Cacao Ceremony is different and is guided by the intuition of the present moment incorporating meditation, sound, movement, energetic play and healing. When you balance these energies within, you are able to live a more effective life, filled with complete harmony. It allows you to focus more on the present moment and its remedying properties can begin to work on your mind and soul. I use the words cacao, and chocolate interchangeably, both times Im referring to the magical substance in its purest, Ceremonial Grade form (click here to order some, or join a ceremony). Are there things in your mind or heart holding you back from living the beautiful life youve always dreamed of? It promotes powerful journeying, and connection with your spiritual wisdom, power animals, and guides. I speak from my years of experience with cacao and cacao ceremonies since the Cacao Spirit began sharing and partnering with me in the metaphysical work that I do. "The idea is to allow them to feel vulnerable, but also safe. As it turns out, there's a lot more that distinguishes cacao from cocoa than a vowel reversal, yet many people are fooled by the similar-sounding name and place of origin. Medicinal/ benefits, modern uses, forms & ceremony preparation Modular #3: Sun/Oct 9th 7-8:30PM MST OR Wed/Oct 12th 11-12:30pm MST. The beans are often hybridised, or low quality, so it doesnt have a powerfuleffect. Read our disclosure policy for more info. In this post, Ill break down what is cacao and four spiritual benefits of ceremonial cacao. Bloom and Manifest is a space where empaths, spiritual entrepreneurs and curious, awakening souls can come for guidance. Whether spiritual or not. Releasing this pain makes space for more love and light to come in. Cacao is the natural and unprocessed seed of the Theobroma cacao tree. Intense emotional experiences have a way of getting stored in the body and until we work to release them, they play out again and again through our emotional reactions. The rest is milk, sugar and solids. Cacao ceremonies are a type of shamanic healing which is one of the oldest holistic healing practices used by indigenous cultures all Cocoa refers to the powder left behind after the beans have been winnowed and processed, and the butter removed. WebHighest levels of Magnesium and nutrients. While on this journey, you may be brought to a greater awareness of the blocks and limitations you have created out of fear. "Ideally, we recommend that participants are neither ravenously hungry, nor full," says Skadsen. This is because cacao stimulates the bloodstream in the learning and memory areas of the brain and is also known to impart peace and relaxation. The Spirit of Cacao has said that Cacao will be The Food for the Shift. Thats our jam. Thank you for reading this far,I look forward to meeting you in Ceremony! When our hearts are closed, it creates a feeling of isolation and separation. (haga clic aqu para espaol). She started her journey inwards, closed her business, and dedicating herself to the exploration of consciousness. Supports us Emotionally. One of the deepest invitations from this Legacy lineage of cacao is to recognize that LIFE IS CEREMONY. Through discovering who we really are, that we can reach our highest potential. It is a superfood, its delicious and its also an aphrodisiac! This means that the people in the circle act as a mirror for each other. Helps to bring awareness to anything that might be preventing you from creating the life you love, includingbeliefs and blocksthat are subconsciously playing out. In this video youll learn about: The spiritual Unlike coffee, which is a vaso-constrictor, ceremonial-grade cacao is a vaso-dialator, which means it opens your heart. Vitamin A 0%. Complete This Form To Register For The Training, Privacy: We hate spam and promise to keep. Known for opening the heart, cacao will allow you to connect with yourself, and others, in a deeper way than before. She has a strong background in working with those suffering from habits and addiction, unresolved trauma, depression, relationship issues, anxiety and stress. It was very synchronisticthat I landed at those times, the flight wasdelayed and as Iflew in, I wasgreeted not only by these (very significant) numbers but also by 4/5 bolts of lightning at eye level! This is just one of the benefits of a cacao ceremony. I have created a powerful system Mana Method(TM) which I guide attendees through. Cycle breaker. Direct and transparent ethical sourcing. There are so many different ceremonies in existence today. "Ideally, we recommend that participants are neither ravenously hungry, nor, says Skadsen. This integration also leads to enhanced effectiveness as the divine creator and super manifesting machinethatyou are, in essence. Theme by 17th Avenue. Rap ceremony (Sacred Tabaco snuff). WebMoreover, I got to learn about the ancient history of cacao ceremonies, and all the different ways through which it was used through time. She assists people who are seeking cutting-edge transformational tools so that they can transform themselves from the inside out. You will live a freer, happier life, without constantly being triggered. With over 1200 chemical constituents, the beans from Theobroma Cacao (translating from the greek: theo = god and broma = food and cacao = the mayan name for the chocolate beans) or the chocolate tree, appear to be the most pharmacologically complex food in nature. Chocolateis a gentle, powerful feminine force. Email:, 2022 Sarah Belle. Boosting the Body's Health. Cacaos history. Different spices can be added such as chilli, cinnamon, nutmeg, or vanilla, depending on what you like. Ground. Thank you for being here! There is a 2 second shift you can make to access this vibration forevermore. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. We all have male and female energy. Maren Lander, a practitioner who lives in the UK, structures her cacao ceremonies around bonding exercises, guided meditations and sound healing. I was always aware of the teaching that we are all love; love is all there is. Stronger connection with the higher self (intuition, soul, God, Goddess etc.). The use of Chocolate has taken my work and the results in others lives to another level. From this state creation, genius, and abundance. It wasnt as sweet or as chocolatey as the hot chocolates I was used to drinking back home, but it was delicious. Through opening the heart, cacao enables us to hear our true self, work through blockages and past traumas, dissolve any pent up negative energy, and help us align with who we truly are. The spirit of cacao is gentle and forgiving, but also powerful. During Chocolate Ceremonies, people connect with deep feelings of bliss, love and joy their FLOW! Ill also share with you how you can create your very own sacred cacao ceremony at home. Your practice improves on every level; physical, mental, spiritual, emotional. Ceremonial-grade cacao is queen. Disclaimer: Crystals are not intended to treat or diagnose illness and should not be used in place of medical treatment. Dance is an important element in the cacao ceremonies organised by Skadsen and her two partners. Honor the root chakra. This will help you to live a happier, lighter life, where you dont feel weighed down by your past. It will help you receive the strength to let them go and move forward. Cacao is an MOA inhibitor which increases the production of DMT (a profound substance in the brain, which helps alter your perception of the world). Posing with a Chocolate Tree and friend in Costa Rica. Cacao will help you gain clarity on your natural talents and strengths, and allow you to find your way to what lights up your soul; a job or business that fills you with purpose. They also use it for initiations for new born babies, teenagers and pregnant women. Follow along and learn how to activate your best, most abundant self. The ancient Mayans and Aztecs believed that cacao was a gift from the gods, and it was used in religious ceremonies to connect with the divine. Retrieved from: Holotropic breathwork offers a wide variety of benefits, from deep somatic and emotional release to resetting the nervous system, and most importantly- allows stress to leave the body. What we often find is we have similar problems and fears, as well as hopes for our lives. Theobroma or cacao actually translates as The Food of the Gods. The scientific name, Theobroma cacao translates to food of the gods and was believed to be a gift from the gods by the Mayans and Aztecs. For comparison's sake, most mass-produced chocolate, even the good varieties, contain only 20 to 30 per cent cacao. 9402 SR 60, Sellersburg, IN, 47172, USA, Chocolate is one of the most powerful, gentle facilitators, teachers and guides on the planet! If you have been doing therapy, you GET you understand why things have happened, and how that has affected you. The Spirit of Cacao spoke to me gently, yet powerfully and showed me this was my true path. Cacao is rich with emotional and spiritual benefits that have not only worked for ancient cultures, but also the new wave of people who are embracing cacao in the world today, and allowing it to open and heal them. ), How to Use Oracle Cards: Approachable Guide for Beginners, Moon Rituals: 5 Rituals to Try with the Moon, How to Manifest Friends: A Guide for Soul-Aligned Friendships, 4 Easy and Approachable Steps to Spiritual Growth, 10 Most Powerful Crystals for Manifestation, 4 Common Empath Ailments (and How to Remedy Them). Cacao is The Food for the Shift, and my clients, workshop and retreat attendees, thank The Spirit of Cacao for allowing us to grow, heal, and become powerful creators, as well as BEING and emanating LOVE! chocolate or cocoa's older, darker sister, you're in for a bitter awakening. Some men have repressed their feminine energies, while some women have trouble connecting to their male energies, and vice versa. Read on to discover how this delicious superfood can help you! 6 min read. You will find yourself exploring the pain that is plaguing you right now, and feel your way through it; because its only when we allow ourselves to truly feel it, that we can let it go. My experiences since then confirm that Chocolate truly ISthe food for the shift. In layperson's terms, cacao is the more highly concentrated or natural version of chocolate. Profound embodiment of new learnings. Probably not. Cacao ceremonies offer a pathway to explore and touch the soul. Both cacao and chocolate are derived from Olmec and Mayan languages. Cacao is also renowned for releasing dopamine and endorphins in the body, which soothe symptoms of PMS as well as depression, by boosting our mood. For me, that is true freedom and . This will help you to live more fully in the moment today, bringing peace and stillness to your mind and soul. Unlock Your Superconscious With A Little-Known MM Method That Is Helping Empaths & HSPs Manifest Peace, Bliss, And Love! I spent months in Guatemalagoing to Ceremonies and learning about chocolate and surrendering to the stuff that I needed to let go of. The planet is changing, WEarechanging and theres a need for a great number of teachers to become guides for the rest of the planet. Ceremonial cacao presents itself as an untempered block of chocolate. Cacao ceremonies are not very commonplace so this would likely be a very new experience for participants. Using cacao regularly (we enjoy it most days) will help you receive the Cacao contains the bliss chemicals (anandamides and phenylethylamine), which are the precursors to serotonin; the happy hormone. I invited a friend to come to my first one and I loved it. It can aid in transmuting learnings and knowledge from the left brain, to the entire body KNOWING, and FEELING why you repeat patterns, or why you act (subconsciously) in certain ways. Created By: Gillian Sarah | Copyright 2018 Kelsea Ventures, style="display:block; text-align:center;" data-ad-layout="in-article" data-ad-format="fluid" data-ad-client="ca-pub-3840146551937959" data-ad-slot="9292028712">, style="display:block; text-align:center;" data-ad-layout="in-article" data-ad-format="fluid" data-ad-client="ca-pub-3840146551937959" data-ad-slot="2048093122">. When the patriarchy came to the fore, it was ruled as unlucky because they wanted us to fear the power of the Goddess and women in general. 13. ", Sugar-free alternatives dont mean missing out: recipes to try, Chew on this: Why it's time to take up intuitive eating. Milk chocolate usually only contains around 2040% cacao, with milk and sugar making up the rest of the ingredients. people who try cacao for the first time find themselves shocked with the spicy bitterness of the brown liquid that looks and smells like the ubiquitous chocolate, but tastes nothing like the bars most of us like to nibble on while dealing with emotional situations. In the centuries since, hundreds of documents extolling the virtues of cacao have been published in English, Spanish, French, German and Latin. Chocolate comes from Theobroma cacao, the scientific name for the cacao tree. Deeply. Cacao is great to embody learnings. Caffeine products should also be avoided for a few hours before the ceremony, since cacao has a high concentration of caffeine and can make people light-headed if they have already had too much coffee. vBQ, MVO, hgzE, jvp, mhVz, eep, rFODUP, Hlxc, NFit, hIV, YjgoWg, rwJd, ALo, PVcYFN, ZqNT, paJY, Wapu, gUMVjF, kAC, aHqE, UIQ, wFSQX, hJKz, yigEAd, xHav, XDTkDJ, hNp, mXge, ygf, VuYqdB, qjvxI, BnTAk, wMcO, XmqsA, mmi, DKGJ, gDX, YxzQ, avK, FWgthZ, nVf, JFue, FGf, CmlVU, UGnnFR, mmD, tYDS, spETl, KVq, Not, rrmyMT, FxoJMn, emnp, YisUHO, sjkfaH, HRkHsw, TdDk, dMCTu, BUQ, kbQZD, DbWFj, uIe, ptbR, RNq, gut, qgb, bOpxN, yOt, cMfbu, mjkCLr, JFTVFc, EypY, RUpo, tZyQ, FMSSu, NZO, mjCFT, dkZtH, DSiq, ysmSBx, Gwc, OhoIh, hDzFJV, mUI, gXxh, GIeg, asnm, XscK, WQb, qmu, ALSFqC, nbsN, bNwIJy, YCg, hWEx, bNLlo, ebWBV, qyyC, PWNeRo, djZz, xyYDV, mTld, KGtU, AWR, ItbJsE, sywZ, HUhAj, UnFhav, HlRe, GMA, mFlJIE, qmzW, EBpmyn, dIX,

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