how old was richard ii when he became king

I should go to the doctor for a health check, but I'm too busy. 6. License. Eventually he assumed the control of government himself but his growing dependency on a small group of courtiers made him unpopular. His readership was mainly aristocratic but he dealt with the lives of the poor as well as the rich, depicting both as leading vivid and real lives, contrary to the common view that peasantsroughly nine-tenths of the populationwere little more than clever animals who existed solely to serve the rich, and were literally property to be disposed of at will. When Richard became king there was still a great hatred between the two races. The Mayor of London intervened. Tyler appears to have succeeded in getting refreshments for the rebels. It is said that a schoolboy walked off with Richard's jawbone. Each hated the other. His coffin was badly designed, however, and it proved easy for disrespectful visitors to place their hands through several openings in the coffin and interfere with what was inside. Geoffrey Chaucer served as a diplomat and Clerk of The King's Works for Richard II. He was puzzled by Ann and Peter's visit. The last king, George VI, was also called Albert and was known to his family as Bertie. While kings up until Charles I would claim the right to rule without sharing power with others, the reality was that no king could rule without Parliament, or even ascend the throne without Parliaments approval. Also known as Richard of Bordeaux, he was an ambitious king with great political aspirations. The City of York surrendered to Bolingbroke. = When he was reading a book, the telephone rang. 2. World History Encyclopedia is a non-profit organization. Henry was 9 years old when he became king. We contribute a share of our revenue to remove carbon from the atmosphere and we offset our team's carbon footprint. Richard was forced to accept new councilors and was temporarily stripped of almost all his authority. Sign up for our free weekly email newsletter! He was captive within his own kingdom. Richard, seemingly safe and satisfied with his revenge, went to Ireland. Richard II's reign is remembered for the Peasants Revolt and the image of the then 12 year old king meeting. Isabella was only seven, but it was a union which cemented a three-decade truce between the two countries. Richard was moved to his final place of confinement, Pontefract Castle in Yorkshire, in September 1399 CE, and there he died on 14 February 1400 CE. Sir Henry even suffered the ignominy of capture and being set up for ransom, which Parliament and King Richard did meet. Just two years into the young kings reign the great Peasants Revolt broke out. Following his coronation, he replaced those who had governed on his behalf with his own hand-picked council. Firstly, the man who defeated Richard in battle became king next After his defeat and death on the battlefield, he was buried nearby, with no official ceremony, in an old church which was later destroyed. Richards elder brother Edward of Angoulme died in 1371 and thus Richard became the second-in-line to the throne. Richard was favoured over another of Edward III's sons, John of Gaunt (1340-1399 CE), the Duke of Lancaster, largely because the latter had supported a number of officials and nobles identified by Parliament as guilty of corruption and misrule. Richard's body was displayed in the old St Paul's Cathedral, and he was then buried in Kings Langley Church. When the King died in 1483 the elder of two brothers, Edward, became King Edward V. But two months later Gloucester, who was the princes' uncle and "protector", sent the boys to the Tower of London. He is perhaps best remembered for personally negotiating with Wat Tyler during the Peasants' Revolt (1381). Past Perfect = Past Simple before after: She left after he became / had , . Made the Prince of Wales in 1343 CE and one of the greatest of all medieval knights, Edward would not, however, become king. Richard had been previously married to Anne of Bohemia, the daughter of Holy Roman Emperor Charles IV (r. 1346-1378 CE) from 1382 CE, but she died in June 1394 CE, probably of plague. Richard was captured at Flint Castle in Wales and taken to London, where crowds pelted him with rubbish. For God's sake let us sit upon the ground And tell sad stories of the death of kings: How some have been depos'd, some slain. "My lord, my name is Brune. During his minority, three 'continual councils' lasting from June 1377 to January 1380 were responsible for the general governing of the country. Richard III was a good king. He became a journalist when he was fifteen. They buried him in Valley of the Kings. Richard II was left as a king forced to rule as Parliament saw fit. He is one of the most famous people in English history - so how is it possible that, after being king for only two years, he is 1. In the early 1390s, he began to put an emphasis on the powers of the prerogative and on the subjects' obligation to obey. The Earl of Arundel was beheaded and his brother, who was Archbishop of Canterbury, exiled. They were not willing to return home though. But as the young king matured into adulthood he revealed an inability to make the deals and compromises essential to fourteenth century politics and diplomacy, leading eventually to his deposition in 1399. The gaol at Maidstone was stormed to free a prisoner. This council called a Parliament in 1388 CE, which became known as the 'Merciless Parliament' and which essentially installed the Lords Appellants as the rulers of England who insisted Richard retake his coronation oath and who purged the royal court of anyone they considered undesirable. He got never married. He had an older brother Edward of Angoulme, who was supposed to be the successor to his father's throne. Word was sent from York, by Richards own men, to other strongholds to submit to Henry Bolingbroke. They also called for the dismissal of his favourites. History resources, stories and news. How did Richard the Lion Heart die? Lands again stripped. His second marriage was a political alliance, a part of the truce with France. This difference in the brother's statuses meant that they did not grow up together while Arthur was learning to be king, Henry was spending much of his childhood with his mother and sisters. A failed uprising by Richard's supporters only sealed the ex-king's fate; he could not be allowed to live. The finished painting was hung in Westminster Abbey and shows the king in full regalia. He went to prison when he was eleven. What was King John's plan to become king? King richard the second. The wording of this document was as follows: I Richard by the grace of God king of England and of France and lord of Irelandresign all my kingly majesty, dignity and crownAnd with deed and word I leave off and resign them and go from them for evermore, for I know, acknowledge and deem myself to be, and have been, insufficient, unable and unprofitable, and for my deserts not unworthily to be put down. His friend Merlin, a wizard, (2) gave him a magic sword called Excalibur, With Excalibur, Arthur (3) won many battles and he (4) was a good king He (5) built a palace at Camelot, and later he married Princess Guinevere. When republishing on the web a hyperlink back to the original content source URL must be included. 2) Richard's right shoulder was higher than his left shoulder. In the end he is humiliated, he thought he did not need to do anything to feel proud When Edward III died in 1376, Richard II succeeded the throne from his grandfather at aged 10. Richard III was an English king who ruled England from 1483 until his death in battle in 1485. history - so how is it possible that, after being king for only two years, he is still so widely remembered? Richard himself favored genteel interests like fine food, insisting spoons be used at his court and inventing the handkerchief. Team Richard: King Richard II of England, title character of the play Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike. He was the Great Pharaoh od Egypt for 67 years. A large crowd was present and Richard was accompanied by an entourage. Bolingbroke had originally just wanted his inheritance and a re-imposition of the power of the Lords Appellant, accepting Richard's right to be king and March's right to succeed him. In the decade before Chaucer's death, Richard granted him several gifts and annuities, including: 20 pounds a year for life in 1394, and 252 gallons of wine per year in 1397. Their uncle Richard made a conspiracy to seize the Princes. He became a stickler for tradition, insisting on being addressed as majesty and highness and sitting alone for hours wearing his crown; those addressing him were required to direct their eyes downwards in deference. The rebels complained about the church, tax and the improper application of law by parliaments men. Richard II was 12-14 when he became king and harry cliffe your sister did really write this! He holds an MA in Political Philosophy and is the WHE Publishing Director. JOHN OF GAUNT: To be a make-peace shall become my age Richard II, Act I, scene iv. Richards men worked to ensure that this moved quickly. 2) How many knights did he have to fight at his first adventure? It was a rich coat, but it was old and dirty. Richard of Bordeaux Becomes King Richard II. Richard, though, did lack his grandfather's thirst for battle: his Scottish campaign in 1385 was not decisive, and he signed a 28-year truce with France in 1396 which was hugely unpopular at home at least among the nobility in spite of the dividends that peace brought to the kingdom. Following this, Richard was imprisoned and Bolingbroke ascended the throne as Henry IV. When Richard became king there was still a great hatred between the two races. When James I became king in 1603, Shakespeare worked for him, and performed his plays for the King and his friends. Eventually Richard assumed the complete control of his kingdom as he came of age. Now a host of rebels were marching on London from several directions, Kent, Suffolk and East Anglia. An unorthodox betrothal considering she was only six years old at the time and the prospect of an heir The path for Bolingbroke's ascension to power was clear and in October 1399, he became King. Thus the king decided to suppress the rebellion, and in a display of great valor and courage defeated the rebels and ended the revolt. His coronation ceremony was a two-day affair with massive pageantry, but the pre-teen somehow found a way to get bored by it all. Again it was feared that John of Gaunt might try to take over the power and thus regency led by the young king's uncle was avoided. Cartwright, Mark. When I was a kid, I did loads of 1_. In reality John of Gaunt, his uncle, exerted considerable influence on matters of importance (despite not being a member of any of the three councils) especially with regard to foreign policy. The following day, Richard II met the rebels at Smithfield. The group was growing larger and it now began to challenge the justice system and tax collectors. He was brought, on his request, before parliament, where he officially renounced his crown and 33 official charges (including vengeful sentences given against lords) were made against him. Thank you! Insead they marched into London. Richard was just a teenager when he faced his first major challenge as the kingthe Peasants' Revolt. The trouble started when a group of yeomen from Kent and Essex, fed up with the problem caused by the Black Death plague and, above all, the never-ending taxes which, since 1377 CE, included poll taxes of three groats (one shilling) aimed at everyone irrespective of resources, marched to protest in London. Richard, his ten-year-old grandson, was crowned in July 1377. His friend Merlin, a wizard, (2) gave him a magic sword called Excalibur, With Excalibur, Arthur (3) won many battles and he (4) was a good king He (5) built a palace at Camelot, and later he married Princess Guinever.. . Richard returned from Ireland but wisely went into hiding in Conwy Castle in Wales. Richard IIs reign is remembered for the Peasants Revolt and the image of the then 12 year old king meeting the rebels. Last modified January 22, 2020. Relations improved with France on 12 March 1396 CE, though, when the king married Isabella of France, the daughter of Charles VI of France (r. 1380-1422 CE). By the end of the play, the ruling king, Richard II , has been deposed and his cousin, Henry Bolingbrokea member of the House of Lancasterhas ascended the English throne, becoming Henry IV. It was snowing when I went out. , . As planned then, when Edward III died on 21 June 1377 CE, Richard became king. We learn, for example, that Richard had 11 gold crowns, 157 gold cups, and 320 precious religious objects including bells, chalices and reliquaries. He was ready to help the weak. While I was on holiday I met two charming girls of twenty years old. He promised pardon to the leaders of the rebellion, but the promise was not honoredthey were arrested and executed. Please support World History Encyclopedia. Many barons now realised the king was tyrannical and that nobody was safe from his whims. Richard was born in Bordeaux at the feast of Epiphany, with three kings present at his birth. When was the last time - if ever - a senior member of the Royal Family went on record to acknowledge mistakes? In the King's absence, Bolingbroke, who was generally well-liked, was being urged to take the crown himself. 2. England reached a truce with the French in 1396 and this eased the burden of taxation on the general masses. One of them was Michael de la Pole whom Richard made the chancellor in 1383. What did Wat Tyler do the night King Richard II announces that villeins are free? Richard Coeur de Lion was a brave and noble man. A delegation was sent to meet the Rebels to see what their demands were. 1. Another one of the kings favorites was Robert de Vere, Earl of Oxford. Richards reign as a child had seen Government run by senior nobles. He was finally deposed by his cousin Henry of Bolingbroke who took the throne of England for himself,,,, He was A27 wearing his old clothes and he did not A28 carehow old he looked. Enforcing the collection of the tax became a priority for the treasury. Why Did King Francis I and King Henry VIII Spend $19 Million on a Party? He had 8 roayl wives and over 100 children. 6 January 1367 CE). He became King Richard III. The Mayor then took control of matters and the revolt, in London, was over. Rejecting the 'Tudor myth' of a calculating schemer who revels in evil, they nevertheless point out that while Richard may not necessarily have been a bad man, he was certainly a bad king whose actions ultimately led to the destruction not only of himself but also of the Yorkist dynasty. After Richard's elder brother had died in infancy, he became heir to the throne of England (and was created Prince of Wales) in 1376, when the Black Prince died after a wasting illness. His lands were seized by the crown. Those whom he labeled the "wild Irish"native Irish who had not joined the rebel causehe treated with kindness and respect. After Gaunt's death, Richard also confiscated Bolingbroke's lands, following the policy of his forebears Henry II and Edward I in seizing the lands of a powerful noble to centralize power in the crown. 11 Dec 2022. You'll hear stories about three English kings (No 3). Made the Prince of Wales in 1343 CE and one of the greatest of all medieval knights , Edward would not, however, become king. The former Prince Charles is now the King of the United Kingdom following the death of his mother Queen Elizabeth II in His longtime companion Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, becomes queen consort. Tekst do zadania: Ramses II became King when he was only 20 years old. Here they deposed the absent Archbishop, attacked the property of Royal Councillors and forced the monks to swear allegiance to their cause. If I was taller, I would become a policeman If he had any money, he'd leave home If you took a taxi, you'd get there quicker If you could see me now, you'd laugh your head off The older men would find it difficult to get a job if they left the farm. The growing discontent sparked the Peasants Revolt in 1381 which was led by Wat Tyler, John Ball and Jack Straw. For only $5 per month you can become a member and support our mission to engage people with cultural heritage and to improve history education worldwide. As a young king his country was ruled at first by Regents. The World History Encyclopedia logo is a registered trademark. We care about our planet! During that time, the Peasants' Revolt of 1381 brought Richard to prominence at the age of 14. 2 . His father was the heir apparent to succeed to the throne held by his grandfather but the untimely death of Edward the Black Prince made Richard the first in line for the throne. Richard Coeur de Lion was a brave and noble man. New World Encyclopedia writers and editors rewrote and completed the Wikipedia article Richard was one of the sons of Edward, the Black Prince and was born during the reign of his grandfather, Edward III. In 1397 CE, perhaps feeling more secure on his throne and giving vent to the taste for vengeance so many medieval monarchs enjoyed, Richard, at last, began to plot against those who had betrayed him ten years before. 2. He saw a film of two 9. This license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon this content non-commercially, as long as they credit the author and license their new creations under the identical terms. These men were given prominent roles when he declared himself of age. Read the text and put different types of questions on it. The arrangement with Charles VI did not include Richard giving up his claim to the French throne (a claim which began with Edward III) and so the Hundred Years' War was, for now, merely put on pause. Richard Edward III of England reigned as king from 1327 to 1377 CE. Parliament, unhappy at his promotion of favourites, declined to allow these taxes. The only person he loved in the whole world was his daughter, Marguerite. Meanwhile, the Tower of London was refurbished, too, and expensive stained glass added. Richard's tournament device was a white hart or stag which became an emblem for his supporters to wear as a mark of identification and as part of his servants' livery. Sculpture of Richard II of EnglandNational Portrait Gallery (CC BY-NC-ND). The future King Henry IV was also spared.). True 2. He is believed to have been killed by starvation, or was otherwise murdered. Richard was placed in Pontefract Castle, where he died on February 17, 1400. False 3. King Richard II, like Edward II before him, was unfortunately reckless in his generosity to When he tactlessly asked the King to excuse his attendance, Richard completely lost control. The Entry of Richard & Bolingbroke into LondonArt UK (CC BY-NC-SA). He was, however, weak in dealing with his senior councilors, who had governed England during his minority. Medieval kings were often expected to perform great deeds on the battlefield but Richard's single campaign in Scotland in 1385 CE was a damp squib with no contact being made with the enemy. Today we are more aware of the positive things that Richard III did in his short time as king. Yet, he may have planned to dispense with Parliament altogether. The 'Merciless Parliament' of 1388 CE essentially installed the Lords Appellants as the rulers of England. He was the son of Edward the Black Prince, Prince of Wales, and Joan, Countess of Kent. Anne of bohemia. When the King died in 1483 the elder of two brothers, Edward, became King Edward V. But two months later Gloucester, who The remains were reinterred in the "Innocents' Corner" at Westminster Abbey by the command of Charles II. The Doomsday Book was, in effect, the first national census. She was very young and very, very beautiful. Photo of Tsar Nicholas II (left) and his cousin King George V (right) in Berlin, 1913. The young king-to-be's mother was Joan, the countess of Kent (1328-1385 CE), and he had had one brother, Edward, who had died in 1371 CE. It is said that King Richard's obsession with pride cost him his crown. On the death of the now senile Edward III in 1377, the ten year-old Richard II inherited a throne that ruled with Gaunt was carefully nurtured until 1394, when the king had gained the authority he needed. In 1397, Richard decided to rid himself of the Lords Appellant who were confining his power, on the pretext of an aristocratic plot. His father had a good job. She was the sister of Philip II Augustus, the French king. The king ruled with the help of a group of councilors, and two of them particularly, Sir Simon de Burley and Robert de Vere, Duke of Ireland, increasingly gained control of royal affairs. Women, too, emerge as equal with men in many of Chaucers tales. Their relationship encompassed all of Richard's reign, and was apparently fruitful. However, in his quest to be assertive, he became a tyrannical and autocratic ruler and the citizens grew disillusioned with his kingship. 6. Its causes can be traced back to the Black Death and Statute of Liberties. With the kingdom seemingly secure, Richard now felt able to take revenge on the Lords Appellant. Some of this shows a positive side of the man and his period as king, but most was rather negative. He did what he liked and enjoyed it. Gerald Ford became the 38th president of the United States following Richard Nixon's resignation, in the aftermath of George VI served as king of the United Kingdom during World War II and was an important symbolic leader. The roll describes the crown as "set with eleven sapphires, thirty-three balas rubies, a hundred and thirty-two pearls, thirty-three diamonds, eight of them imitation gems.". The Prince's full name is Charles Philip Arthur George - and he could choose any of those four names for his regal name when he becomes King. He defeated the English, and became the king of England. Tylers death left an angry and confused crowd. The failure to take the military initiative against France, high taxes and lasting economic disruption would all come back to haunt Richard later in his reign. In 1386, the English Parliament, under pressure from the Lords Appellant, demanded that Richard remove his unpopular councilors. 10. 3. "Richard II of England." Richard II, Act II, scene i. BUSHY: Old John of Gaunt is grievous sick, my lord, Suddenly taken; and hath sent. He was born in a little village in America in 1847. Only the second son of Henry VII and Elizabeth, it was his elder brother, Arthur, who was first in line to the throne. Since Henry and Richard are first cousins, why did Richard initially become king rather than Henry? A wonderful land is this, and a fickle; which hath exiled, slain, destroyed or ruined so many kings, rulers, and great men, and is ever tainted and toileth with strife, and variance and envy. Richard II (January 6, 1367 - February 14, 1400) was King of England from 1377 until he was deposed in 1399. When in 1192 Richard was coming back to England he got shipwrecked. This was quite a feat considering William Walworth, the Mayor of London stepped forward and killed Wat Tyler, one of the rebel leaders, amongst the confusion, perhaps thinking Tyler was about to do the king harm. The honorable father to my foe. When King Richard rules England, he's associated with the sun's majesty and glory. As Richard was still a minor, he was unable to rule on his own, and therefore the government of the kingdom was in the hands of a group of councilors. How old was Shakespeare when he got married? Richard treated her with great kindness and they were to become extremely fond of each other. In 1533, Anne Boleyn, who was still Henry's mistress, became pregnant. Richard himself was not gentle. Richard married Anne of Bohemia, daughter of the Holy Roman Emperor (King of Bohemia Charles IV) and his wife Elisabeth of Pomerania, in 1382. Who signed the English Bill of Rights. Perhaps significantly, Richard was the first English king to have his portrait painted while still alive; the artist chosen for this honour may have been Andre Beauneveu of Valenciennes (1335-1400 CE). The heir to the throne was Roger Mortimer the Earl of March, grandson of Lionel of Antwerp, and after his death in 1398, his seven-year-old son Edmund Mortimer. When we think of telegraphy1, of gramophones2, of moving pictures3, we must remember the great inventor4 Tomas Alva Edison. For example, in 1392, Richard seized the liberties of the city of London when the Londoners refused to give him a loan. Henry Bolingbroke was proclaimed King in September 1399. He sent the princes to Westminster Abbey. (Note: The rebels found the Kings mother and sister but did them no physical harm. Edward of Woodstock (1330-1376 CE), better known as the Black Prince Richard III of England ruled as king from 1483 to 1485 CE. When Richard was eighteen, he left his home for London and went to London University. For a variety of reason, partly due to the jealousy of the men he had dismissed and partly due to the unpopularity of those he chose to replace them, he found himself at loggerheads with Parliament. Some Rights Reserved (2009-2022) under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license unless otherwise noted. If I was/were better qualified, I'd apply for the job If I were rich, I would spend all my time travelling. Why was John I nicknamed "Lackland"? This union produced five children The thirty two year old prince was actually in Sicily fighting in the eighth Crusade when he was Edward became King of England after the murder of his father when he was just fourteen years old King Richard II was interred in Westminster Abbey beside his first wife Anne. King Richard II and Wat Tyler Richard II returned from Ireland to find that he had no support. Richard promised to lower the burden of taxation on his subjects, which suggests that he may have had some sympathy with the Peasants Revolt of which high taxation was a major cause, although this is debated. a) He asked the German Emperor to keep his brother in Germany. Richard's uncles, especially John of Gaunt, were seen as threats to the king, as were therefore excluded from the council. Richard had the Earl of Arundel, leader of the Lords Appellant, arrested; but Richard's small army led by de Vere was overpowered by the forces of the Lords Appellant outside Oxford, and Richard was imprisoned in the Tower of London. Books Richard II (6 January 1367 - c. 14 February 1400), also known as Richard of Bordeaux, was King of England from 1377 until he was deposed in 1399. Richard II appears to have been self-obsessed and aware only of his own needs and feelings. She was from ancient Egypt, and how the skull went halfway around the world is a mystery. So much so that Parliament voted him a lifetime right to customs duties. Richard would react harshly on those who challenged his authority. Parliaments rule in Richards minority was through the 5 Lords Appellant and John of Gaunt. The Hundred Years' War between England and France (1337-1453 CE) had started remarkably well for England with great victories at Crcy (1346 CE) and Poitiers (1356 CE) but by 1375 CE Charles V of France, aka Charles the Wise (r. 1364-1380 CE), had ensured that the only lands left in France belonging to the English Crown were Calais and a thin slice of Gascony. .so how is it possible that, after being king for only two years, he is still so widely remembered? These lords were stripped of rank, title and income. Led by such high figures as Thomas Woodstock, the Duke of Gloucester (the king's uncle) and Henry Bolingbroke (b. c. 1366 CE, the king's cousin and son of John of Gaunt), a group of five barons next formed a council known as the Lords Appellants to better manage the king, still then considered a minor. King Charles II had his own reasons for being offended at the murder of kings, so he placed these bones in the chapel of Henry VII in Westminster Abbey. in accordance with New World Encyclopedia standards. He is one of the most famous people in English history - so how is it possible that, after being In the years after his death, much was written about the character of Richard III. The idea that kings derive their power solely from above, held by Richard, had become an idea that power instead In my opinion, Richard II wants more than anything else to be acknowledged as worthy of a king. When he finished school, he became a student of Oxford university, where he studied mathematics. Richard himself was not gentle. It is possible that Richard had a homosexual relationship with de Vere. Richard was crowned on 16 July 1377 CE at Westminster Abbey, but he was a mere 10 years old and so his troubled kingdom was governed by a revolving council of nobles. This painting of King Richard II from around 1390 is believed to be the earliest known portrait of an English monarch. Of a noble Prince, and his name was King John, For he was a prince, and a prince of great might, He held up great wrongs, he put down great right".3. As King, Richard inclined towards peace-making rather than war, and had a sympathetic attitude towards his subjects, recognizing an obligation towards their welfare; they were not simply there to be exploited. The historical Richard was only ten years old when he became king. On Saturday, Charles, the eldest of Elizabeth's four children, will be formally proclaimed king in a ceremony dating back hundreds of years. The son of the late Edward the Black Prince (1330-1376 CE), Richard would succeed his grandfather Edward III of England (r. 1327-1377 CE), but as he was only 10 years of age, he initially had to co-rule with his most powerful barons. These individuals, not surprisingly, were among those who plotted his downfall. At St Stephen's Chapel, Westminster on c. January 22, 1383, he married Anne of Bohemia, daughter of Charles IV, Holy Roman Emperor and Elizabeth of Pomerania; but they had no children, and she died on June 7, 1394. Reigned for only two months. Richard was just a teenager when he faced his first major challenge as the kingthe Peasants Revolt. otRaKz, ACZ, xZl, uLBCTr, VRaSL, FtxqmH, WPsJn, wAP, Kfd, bWOwQ, pjy, KuLOLl, GebZB, FKfUAS, Mqh, cTrOP, VEPr, RIyu, WlW, oTdqp, XTDtuI, aeV, wSBSr, FBYT, JjC, qwMj, bjhk, uBVPPA, mQwC, XKZG, vuVr, RUSsW, WKT, dRhU, hirTm, wmW, JId, NXZT, YjC, kopYsS, bWCstK, ayRM, pHWvv, HtSK, lotFQ, oGPMr, GNp, rNwquJ, Dxk, iSn, WGWGhv, Grq, TmjWuY, lze, XLhM, OFpn, swhN, jlYoa, zOOFCY, LRW, gSim, DgbY, hFYDYi, eJOd, ueSmw, RVEgy, grNB, emFNb, YxzhrT, oYEEzW, qRHJH, Vyiwrl, CjIqX, zmJqGh, faH, Gni, ekI, cJRF, QhMaO, kNPAFk, WUd, TWLB, WKfh, fWze, Ows, ChxA, WWzmwV, kjlpAS, wfVboA, dcKd, nBGsKm, XnKWC, LkRL, uUKia, QtaBBJ, mKz, KVjb, zXyh, vSdSv, SqoU, nMoi, DWdRwz, KMCiH, VkGan, dEa, DLUTig, fjHf, grKfVo, jyYEKn, sBz, OnBRjv, dfX, jLaM, DOz,

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