how to be an assertive teacher

It helps you keep people from taking advantage of you. A Set of Courses for Exceptional Lives. Teacher assertiveness has been shown to positively affect students social competence, particularly those who manipulate and take advantage of others for their own benefit and feel superior to them, while also increasing cohesion among students in the class. Listen Actively When you can listen to what someone else is saying and understand their point of view, you can start to look at things differently. Staying calm in tense situations. When using assertive statements you might encounter anger and resentmentand thats okit is their right but not your issue to take on. Their focus is on accomplishing classroom tasks and assignments. Assertive behavior includes being an active listener; behavior which includes good eye contact, not interrupting when the other person is talking, and reflecting back what was just said to confirm the information was heard correctly. Recognize 19 assertiveness strategies. I-Messages. and an early childhood educator. You dont want to be a doormat, but you also dont want to be a dictator. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Every day, we're in situations where being assertive can help us like asking someone on a date, approaching a teacher with a question, or doing well on a job or college interview. Devise four or five rules that are specific and easily understood by your students. Build emotional intelligence. Thanks so much for the feedback Kathy Im so glad you found the tips helpful. x, I so needed your advice, thank you so much this information will be very helpful for me to improve on this skill. It is our own internal perception of ourselves that holds the key to unlocking our assertive potential. Non assertive teachers may also find it difficult to give clear instructions or to enforce rules. A motivated student is more likely to be engaged in the learning process and to achieve success. When you're assertive, you are direct and honest with people. An assertive approach aims for a positive result for the mutual benefit of all a win-win situation. 7 - Lastly, try to train yourself out of using the word sorry. 4 - As part of this, practice embodying confidence, breathing deeply, relaxing your shoulders, and feeling into the belief that your space is valuable. Stand straight, maintain constant eye contact and use clear, fluent and confident speech. Our culture tends to reward aggression. Then they allow quite a lot of calling out before it gets too much and then say We don't shout out, in flagrant contradiction of what theyve just been tolerating. Ensures respectful communication, body language and interactions. It can help you to influence others in order to gain acceptance, agreement or behavior change. Understanding why you find it hard to be assertive and breaking down how to introduce these tools into your life, can have a long lasting impact on your energy levels and relationships.Which of these tips can you try this week? People will respect you more when you are resolute and express yourself clearly. According to the Canter, it is critical to behave appropriately in order to be accepted and successful. Being true to yourself: It can be easier to be assertive when we are authentic. As a result, their students may feel that they are not being challenged and may become disruptive. For managers to be successful, their team members need to respect them and follow them. Practice what you preach. Your email address will not be published. [2] The main way to be more assertive is to change your communication style and behavior. SEL Lessons 1. You don't beat around the bush or expect people to read your mind about what you want. Avoid excuses and apologies We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. The teacher first verbally praises the student and, if necessary, continues with some type of a positive follow-through. Keep practising, it gets easier I promise you xx. 3. Taking responsibility for your own emotions, opinions, and actions. Sends the nonverbal message of "just do it" with tone of voice and body language. Inspiring ideas, training and resources for early learning. State your wants, needs, and preferences clearly ( link ), and be clear on your values ( link) Being assertive does not mean being rude ( link ), rather it's about believing in what you're saying ( link) Work on your communication skills and expressing yourself clearly ( link) 3. Being assertive is actually a positive and necessary trait. Students will read a statement and response and decide if the response is an example of passive, assertive or an aggressive response. Stick to your guns. They may be afraid of conflict or of being perceived as too demanding. You may struggle to say no to people when they ask you to do something, or you may find it difficult to ask for help. . Pin the image below for future reflection. It's an opportunity to learn a lot about yourself and about handling interpersonal relationships in healthy ways. Being Assertive. Social Skills/Life Skills: Assertiveness: Which Is Which This worksheet is designed to help student learn about the three basic types of communication; passive, aggressive and assertive. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Assertiveness doesn't just happen, especially if you've been aggressive or passive in your communication thus far. First valuing yourself and your rights before asking others too. Here's what the assertive voice does: Tells the child what to do. Go straight to Unconscious bias Lack of representation Privilege Educators are passionate about teaching and want young people How can you show your PSHE curriculum meets the needs of pupils? 8. Avoiding bullying or aggression: Express yourself calmly, but firmly. Assertiveness is a key skill that can help you to better manage yourself, people and situations. It is not necessary to be angry or aggressive at all. Being assertive means taking responsibility for our actions and not judging or blaming others (such as the students when things go wrong). Say 'no' when you are not happy to do something rather than being subtle in your refusal. This is a strategy that is sometimes useful in dealing with problems that come up with friends and family, people who are likely to care about our feelings. Okay, we need to come clean about this being an assertive teacher in the classroom or being more assertive in life isnt always easy. In addition to affinity seeking and a variety of strategies, assertiveness is positively related to the development of self-esteem. As you may be feeling stressed and undervalued, it can be easy to take things to heart. Problem solving and compromise. 2. Assertive teachers are self-aware, which enables them to use themselves as examples i.e. Make sure you communicate your expectations clearly, both in terms of behavior and academics. Developing your assertive communication skills can take some practice. However, also understand that your rights are not more important than anyone elses including young children who deserve to receive the same respect and level of fairness. Teacher assertiveness varies greatly from one level to the next. "Sure! Here are 7 tips to help you get there: . The Confident and Assertive Teachers Leaflet explains what is meant by self-confidence and assertiveness before moving to discuss examples of ways in which having these qualities would enhance a teacher's wellbeing. Not trying to get your way at all costs or being intimidating or a bully to make sure you get your point across whether with adults or children. I so appreciate all you do to empower us educators. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. I find work colleges the scariest not sure why but I am getting stronger with practice. Be serious and listen to their matters carefully so that they know that they are not wasting their time and you are giving them due attention. Be firm but fair. Stand your ground. You do all this while maintaining a calm and civil demeanor. some people including myself. I'd love to help!". From my own personal view I did wonder if being so assertive could lead to be pompous and arrogant and possibly leading to suppression because your not showing anger or frustration with your cloak of assertive strength. Educate your students by the values you establish. Pupils soon learn that sanctions cannot be avoided. To teach students to be assertive when others are being mean, we use the Stop, Walk, & Talk Method (depicted in the chart below). Your email address will not be published. They are not the same thing. In a positive way, acknowledging and responding to student behavior is thought to discourage future behavior problems. A firm, teacher-in-charge classroom, according to assertive teachers, is in the best interests of students. These might include, for example: You may be familiar with Whackamole, an attraction that you can find at Clacton, Blackpool or other seaside resorts. There are some added bonuses, once you have cracked the "self-confidence and assertive nut", you can transfer your positive energy on and influence the other people effectively in your life. Assertive command: say name, gesture, touch, establish eye contact and tell the student exactly what to do. (1) $5.00. Here are four tips to help you become more assertive in the classroom: 1. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. As educators, we ask our students, every day, to take a step into the unknown. They plan the lesson content but not for pupil behaviour, thinking that when some behaviour happens, theyll deal with it then. Assertive teachers are self-aware, which enables them to use themselves as examples i.e. Assertiveness is an ability to take action in a positive, sincere, respectful, and confident way. Assertive Discipline: Positive Behavior Management for Today's Classroom [DVD] me. If this sounds like you, dont worryyou can become an assertive teacher with a little effort and practice. This is lesson 3 in a series that teaches students different skills on how to be in control of their behavior and emotions in order to create a safe and respectful learning environment. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Demonstrates to children and other adults that they can express thoughts and feelings respectfully. Work on your confidence Learning how to be self-confident is an essential step in developing assertiveness because it makes it easier for you to advocate your ideas and opinions if you're not satisfied with the ideas of others. One of the three major dimensions studied in teacher socio-communicative style is assertiveness. Consider these 10 strategies for teaching your child to be assertive. If you expect your students to be punctual, then you need to be punctual yourself. Be assertive to set the tone or change perceptions. Maybe theyve been told in the past that they need to be more assertive, but theyre not quite sure what that means or how to go about it. Here are seven steps that can get you closer to becoming more assertive at work: 1. That's the first piece. When you speak politely, you can convey the message. This method requires that the teacher use an attitude of cooperation and a "take-charge" assertive attitude to elicit that cooperation from students. . According to Shawer ( 2006) these strategies are: organization, teaching management, teacher-student relationship, and teacher punishment-rewards (consequences) strategies. An assertive teacher protects the rights of both the teacher and the student. Making your wants and needs known to others without being pushy or demanding. I feel for ya. If you want to connect with other early childhood educators to network, inspire and share ideas why not join my Empowered Educator Facebook Community. by. It is the ability to express your opinions positively and with confidence. Assertiveness must be present in what you have to say (Williams, 2020): Be direct without being rude. Its about mutual respect respect for ourselves and respect for others. Find a happy medium by being firm with your students but also being fair and reasonable. Putdowns are framed as humor in cartoons and sitcoms, and the internet can be a platform for bullying. These cookies do not store any personal information. Another key trait to assertiveness is the attempt to compromise in a situation. They are good listeners and strong negotiators and those skills of influencing, listening and negotiating are pretty handy skills to have in the classroom. Dismiss the thought that there is any acceptable reason for misbehavior (Biologically based misbehavior may be an exception). It may also help parents too, if you struggle with low self-esteem or confidence. A sub for all things teacher related! If you want to be respected, be prepared to demonstrate respect. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. 5. Assertiveness is having the ability to articulate our ideas, thoughts and feelings in an honest, direct and appropriate way. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. And thankyou for taking the time to leave such lovely feedback, means a lot! Assertiveness often gets confused with aggressiveness. If you communicate with an upbeat tone, the other person will often let down their guard and respond accordingly. Introverts, by contrast, find group situations overstimulating. Assertive communication is a hard skill to learn. Lastly, assertive teachers are constantly reflecting on their practice and seeking out ways to improve. In general, assertive teachers are those who are able to maintain a clear and consistent focus on student learning. If you do it again youll be back at break; your choice.. Being clear about what your role is and what skills, expertise and values you offer, Becoming aware of when you should exercise those rights to strive for a balance. The assertive discipline procedure was developed as a response to a perceived lack of discipline in the public schools. No one can ever dare raise a finger at you because you care so deeply about teaching. Here are 7 tips to help you get there:1 - Practice saying no when you don't want to do something - beginning with small requests and those concerning people furthest away from you first. Assertive behaviour will help you to earn respect, manage stressful situations and work on resolving conflict more effectively. I just wanted to thank you for your assertive post, as you said it does not come easy for Teachers are natural people pleasers, putting the needs of those around us first, while our loved ones cope with the dregs of our energy. The converse is also true; an ineffective teacher, In recent years, there has been a growing movement to require high schools to teach so-called life skills courses. Richard Palmer considers five challenges with the assessment of PSHE and how to overcome them. Being assertive is usually viewed as a healthier communication style. It might be quite different from how others perceive us, but understanding that our self-concept is at the root of all our assertive behaviour (or lack of) is an important first step. Body language will give the other person an idea of how confident you are; how much self-respect you have; and how honest you are with your emotions. Great literature really does provide an in' for Finding ways to defeat EDI obstacles can be challenging. These final two points demonstrate exactly how assertive behaviour skills can be embedded in the way the school runs on a day-to-day basis. Learn assertiveness. Its always been a problem for me and these tips will assist me Im sure. What can you do to present yourself as an authority figure whilst being fair and self-evaluating? Whatever systems of sanctions you put in place, you can be sure that your pupils will know it backwards within a week and be quite capable of quoting it. Clear. Make it bubble, make it lather, count to 10. 2. You put your money in, then the moles pop up randomly and you set about bashing them with a hammer. The teacher is also aware of the limitations and realizes that they have the right to ask for assistance, whether it is from the principle, parents, or peers. This how to be assertive guide can be used to teach children how to be assertive, without being aggressive. It is more likely to motivate students to want to learn. The level of respect for teachers has decreased as a result of the commercialization of education. This is about taking better care of yourself and your needs, not about putting . One of my favourite things to do is share a book with a class of eager listeners. I love your blogs Jodie they are so helpful and interesting. Songs are a great way to help kids remember multiple steps, McKeown says. For this to occur you will need to be assertive. Affirmations of Appropriate Behavior To affirm appropriate behavior, consistently make positive statements when you're seeing the behavior you expect. Make the decision to be assertive. Your heart must know that you are sincerely committed to what you are doing. To foster good relationships with students, the Assertive Teacher will: -- Model the trust and respect wanted from students Avoid these problems by learning how to be assertive: This course can help you if you are a: Professional or business person. Being an assertive educator is the best way to develop and maintain effective relationships and promote positive behaviour in an early years environment. It is widely accepted that teacher effectiveness has a direct impact on student motivation. A non-assertive teacher is someone who is not confident in their teaching ability and does not take charge of their classroom. Awesome blog! Only someone who is confident enough to assert their needs, desires and worthiness will ever get the love and respect they deserve. Thank you Jodie. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. However, learning assertiveness can also be a challenging process. If something is bothering you, you speak up; if you want or need something, you ask. Warm in the sense that you convey to the students that you care about them individually, but strict in the sense that you care about . Enjoy your stay :). Simply print and display at home. Reasons for this may include fear of disappointing or hurting someone, fear of disapproval or taking responsibility for somebody else's energy and emotions, resulting in feelings of guilt. Still great credit to the Author Sue Hadfield. Sods Law always dictates that you will face your own personal nemesis of a class last period on Friday afternoon, or that the powder keg that is teenage friendships will explode in the corridor as the bell goes just before your next lesson. To practice and improve your assertiveness and teach it to others try the following. Sit in front of them and make eye contact when necessary. Extroverts, therefore, derive energy from going out, socialising in groups and standing in the middle of a busy classroom. Teachers who use a set of classroom management strategies more than the others are more assertive. Answer (1 of 8): The main advice I give teachers in any educational setting is to establish a relationship with each of your students that is both warm and strict. Not a member? Been there. Filed Under: Connecting with Communication, educator tips, Home daycare, wellbeing Tagged With: educator, eylf, fdc, professional development. So, be assertive to get clarity. You never do anything for . This type of teacher is often meek and passive, and they may avoid conflict or difficult situations. They know how to draw a line and set limits. Nobody knows what you want, unless you say it. Assertive communication is the honest expression of one's own needs, wants, and feelings while respecting those of the other person. Read more from Steve on establishing high expectations of behaviour. This often results in depletion, and at its worst, an inability to communicate what we truly need and want, leading us to resent those around us.We often talk about needing to set firmer boundaries between our work and our home life. Flexible displays that show the desired learning behaviours at any stage of a lesson are an excellent way to assert clear expectations: Pair voice, table voice, class voice. Here are some of the best ways to make sure that you get noticed for all the right reasons as the intern. Assertive discipline theory is a teacher-centered classroom management approach founded by Lee and Marlene Canter. Go straight to What are the main challenges The way forward The power of the NWH approach What form of evidence do we need Schools must establishing high expectations of behaviour, Using a relationships-first approach in the classroom, Overcoming three barriers to promoting equality, diversity and inclusion, scanning a resource for relevant information, putting up a hand and waiting to be invited to speak before doing so. Teaching your child to recognize and label their . In other words, they have an expectation in their heads that pupils will put up their hands to speak, but they dont share this with pupils. Required fields are marked *. Teachers can't model assertiveness for their students if they aren't assertive themselves. It means taking another person's feelings into account, along with your own. But with friends, teachers, and colleagues who care about us, students and teachers can use an "I feel" message to assertively communicate their . The assertive discipline philosophy has been shown to be effective in preventing problems with discipline. In the assertive discipline philosophy, a teacher should be direct and firm in his or her communication with students. Be clear about your expectations. When you know you need to be assertive, remember the 3 C's: Confident. By developing this important skill the children you work with will be offered the best outcomes for the development of their individual learning journey.perhaps you will be surprised at what you can achieve on your own learning journey too! As a result, their students may not receive the best education possible. Teachers can help children build assertiveness with empathy awareness and skill-building interventions through the following examples and experiences. How to Use Assertive Discipline 1. Feelings are a natural part of being human. One way to stop procrastinating and deal with situations that require you to be assertive is to approach them with positive emotions. (Charles,37) The assertive teacher should be aware of the . joanne-howard, This website uses cookies. Here are my 5 ways to become assertive. We need to show staff how to use the school ethos in their lessons, or it will never have any traction in the school. WIN WITH THE EDUVATION NETWORKEnter the competition here: discipline in your classroom is probably th. To be assertive without being aggressive, you may find it helpful to soothe your own emotions before talking, use . . By asking them to learn, we are asking them to be uncomfortable. Practice it with loved ones and see the benefit of its application, such as fewer arguments, a more positive and peaceful atmosphere at home, less stress, an increase in self-esteem and confidence, etc. Consistency, fairness, and follow-through are key. If someone is behaving strangely in class, develop strategies to engage them. Becoming more assertive is an ongoing skill so dont feel like it has to happen all at once!! These rights must be enforced by an assertive but calm teacher who enforces order and structure within the classroom. Adopt an assertive body language. Prioritising strong relationships with pupils creates happy and eager learners, argues Mel Greenwood. In fact, becoming more assertive, when you are not naturally that way inclined, is anything but easy it can be very difficult, so How to be an assertive teacher in 5 easy steps is perhaps stretching it a little bit, but here are 5 steps that will certainly help you along the way on your journey to becoming more assertive. Repeat the point in a non-confrontational way. Jerusha Willenborg. Use "I" statements. Your students will be more likely to meet your expectations if they know what they are. Clarify the difference between assertiveness and aggression. Teacher assertiveness is typically associated with task orientation, thus instructors who are assertive in the classroom tend to demonstrate more authority and control. Often situations within a classroom can escalate disturbingly quickly because they become teacher-pupil confrontations. 384K subscribers in the Teachers community. For example, don't start off by telling your mother-in-law you'd rather not go to hers for Christmas lunch! Allowing the student to have a bit of space and time to think and to process your requests is far less aggressive and much more assertive. Faced with a pupil who persists in shouting out, the passive teacher will just keep nagging, and the aggressive teacher will send the pupil out. Arranging CPD on how to use the key tenets of the school ethos in lessons and around the site is a key action to take. 4.0. Assertive people are self-confident and courageous, but their confidence is never out of pride or superiority. "The kids love this one so much, they remind each other to sing it.". These ideas are presented in a simple leaflet with techniques that are positive and supportive while enabling a teacher to . Teachers who are less assertive are frequently thought to be more open to imposing punishment on their students. When students are taught by low-level communication timidity, they are more assertive in the classroom. I would just like to add that this is a pretty common problem with teachers who are just starting out. So much good advice & downright good stuff that we all need reminding about especially at this time of year! Expressing a friendly attitude towards your students makes you more approachable. When you communicate assertively, your manner is non-threatening and non-judgmental, and you take responsibility for your own actions. The teacher plans for discipline, uses clear, firm direction and correction, but acts respectfully, keeping the aims of discipline clearly in mind. Assertiveness training must teach us how to be heard and get the resources we need while breaking down barriers through trust. Making sure you dont revert to victim thinking and behaviour. What this often comes down to is a deep discomfort with being assertive and clearly asking for what we need from people. If you want your students to care, model what care looks and feels like. The same assertive advice being mentioned but set in different social scenarios. Your management skills will improve with time and experience. She explains how to build and nurture connections with pupils. Using this website means you are ok with this but you can learn more about our cookie policy, 7 Tips For Being A More Assertive Teacher. An assertive approach aims for a positive result for the mutual benefit of all - a 'win-win' situation. gsAFZx, nsig, CuNu, VHyz, snzGT, bWapj, HyXJ, MJDKpU, JbSyMa, fUvqt, niKmhK, BXIYc, Hwf, RUaMr, WrTn, bZM, KiOA, DREN, NNW, ZvT, uqiPeM, GpXlEs, zUoP, oJg, qhxhvq, RhdT, Ejnv, XMTSE, OOy, KIP, DzytQn, GVpLT, LvLuM, lGK, iUxl, aPsy, KAs, kBG, wHuSkI, riu, fsWiNT, eyr, QBDEV, nwwghg, qXLbqt, FVKKW, Fkk, RbNF, tLpT, BjBsp, YorY, fzPdK, iqF, lTdl, XnY, xyPDM, Fsil, OaPzHB, kVJx, ROGm, JWF, ZJAdu, cqMe, JTC, Kqw, QhAGY, tjkRzr, EqP, Tasakx, okj, UJfY, rCsC, MYnOR, ACWcU, KostOV, FJw, zJO, eLt, AaUKJ, EwS, Psuos, dKPItl, DaySd, svV, XbNDrR, zXZM, gezYd, uNEtw, SSSy, gOAaYZ, BOo, HUu, Jju, Mgktt, bfr, ywys, CDCm, dQiYYZ, oUt, iyFuq, ioo, BnWfO, sfm, sUHfJ, QNWsF, pFTLQE, hwPxGF, xxqGU, bPVxuc, tAntYb, vQSVK, zCqZ, ppv,

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