how to end a toxic friendship gracefully

WebThe lesson from letting go of toxic friendships is this: Choose wisely. Why did she pick today of all days to cancel? Choose to end it gracefully. You might begin to experience low self-esteem. A betrayal like that can cause you to lose faith in others. Lets be nice. Make it about yourself and your needs, not their wrongs. Find a friend or family member you trust and confide in them about your decision to distance yourself. We dont deserve to be wounded birds dependent on each other. If they don't accept your decision, While you may think a friendship will last forever, it.s not uncommon for some friends to fade. Instead, for months, my phone remained silent and I wondered why. How do I push my lead in mid lane to win the game? It was never a healthy friendship, to begin with and my fathers death taught me to eliminate all, Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), 7 Tips to Stay Productive Even When Youre Not Feeling Great, Why We Feel Stuck & the Key to Dealing with It, On Forming New Healthy Habits and How to Start, How to Calm Down When You Are in the Middle of an Emotional Storm, How to Find Strength After Losing Someone You Love, How to Master Your Mindset for Your Healthy Lifestyle, 9 Study Tips for Succeeding in Online Learning, How to Be Free, Fulfilled and Live the Life of Your Dreams, 10 Big Dos & Donts For a Successful, Happy Marriage, Top 5 Communication Skills and How to Improve Them, 5 Ways You CAN Build a Strong Intimate Relationship, 4 Things Im Learning While Recovering From Anxiety, Happiness is Not a Destination: How to Enjoy the Journey, 7 Fun & Screen-Free Hobbies to Boost Your Creativity, How to Deal With the Challenges of Moving to a New Country, 5 Important Travel Tips for Wheelchair Accessible Travelers, 5 Best Ways of Using Online Resources More Effectively, Heres Why People Never Do What They Say They Will Do, The Best Advice to Anyone Planning a Wedding, When You Dont Feel Like You Belong, Do This. You need to have forgiveness to finally let go, says Smith-Hines. Sometimes the measure of friendship isnt your ability to not harm but your capacity to forgive the things done to you and ask forgiveness for your own mistakes Randy K. Milholland. 5 steps to let go of a friendship gracefully. No matter how much you resent this person now, you dont want to reciprocate their toxicity. After all, you desire to end the relationship in the first place. Your response to a toxic person should be one of non-engagement. 2. I needed her. These friends bring joy and happiness to your life. We brought out the worst in each other. 2. Make it about yourself and your needs, not their wrongs. Posted February 19, 2021 Be firm but keep your voice calm and quiet. 3. If you are beginning to feel stressed, drained, and unnecessarily disturbed around some set of friends, watch it. Removing a toxic person from your life is like lifting a huge weight off your shoulders that you might've not even known was there. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); 55 Motivational Jim Carrey Quotes For Success In Life, Walt Disney Quotes About Dreams, Magic, Imagination, Success, 65 Best Christmas Quotes On Success In Life, 65 Wendell Berry Quotes On Success In Life, 48 Catherine the Great Quotes On Success In Life, Having good friends who love and care for you is vital to your physical and mental wellness. Its also essential to have someone to talk to who will understand your need to end a toxic friendship gracefully. It is a necessary step to help you spot toxic friend signs and develop an appropriate elimination strategy. Don't shame or blame the other person. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Practice in front of your mirror, your other friends, or your cat. But when you are stuck with the wrong sets of friends who bring you down, you become all messed up. There is a time and place for everyone in your life, and no relationship is perfect. Even if you are frustrated or angry with your WebI have this friend, he has asked me to call him sans. By acknowledging your own feelings, you are recognizing what you do and do not want to experience within a friendship. Take a break from the friendship to clear your thoughts and calm down, especially if you have had an upsetting fight.Be clear about your goals. Find support from people going through similar issues.Use I statements to ground your conversation in how you are feeling. Have the talk in person, rather than over text or email. More items Reviewed by Gary Drevitch. Don't bite your tongue when they do something that stings let them know that's not a way you let yourself be treated. It He also listens to others when they share things that border them or are important to them. These friends bring joy and happiness to your life. We dont have to completely burn bridges, unfollow them on everything and block their number. They can become so deeply ingrained in the way we think and feel that we dont realize we are steeped in toxicity untilor hopefully when- someone else points it out. Do not be forced to just dump them They are constantly seeking for fertile grounds to sow contentious seeds. I just, I don't want to be that kind of guy. You need to appear rational and calm at all times even if your now ex-friend decides to throw a tantrum. Whatever the reason was, by the time we reached our twenties, we had become wounded birds dependent on each other for survival, The time after my father passed was filled with dark days when maybe a phone call or even a text from my best friend, would have made a difference. But first thing first. Practice selected present hedonism - fill the hole left behind from ending the relationship. But when you are stuck with the wrong sets of friends who bring you down, you become all messed up. Too often, people will rush in and place blame on a friend who had wronged them when they are making the decision to terminate a friendship. Having good friends who love and care for you is vital to your physical and mental wellness. It spells out each parties stand in a friendship. It could be the best strategy. Rosemary K.M. He/she doesnt keep secrets unnecessarily. Forgive. If you went down this list saying, check, check, check AGAIN in your headtime to cut ties. Allow yourself to grieve the relationship. Stress from a toxic friendship can pose a risk of mental illness and disease. Weve all been there: a friendship that was once filled with laughs and fun outings suddenly being replaced by the anxiety of having to respond to their texts or wonder if they will flake on you at the last minute. Shaming and blaming may provide a very temporary feeling of victory, but being open and honest about what you will and will not tolerate in relationships will yield a much longer sense of satisfaction. Why did she pick today of all days to cancel? -Restate your intent to end the friendship so that they get the message. Ending friendships is never easy, but doing these three things ease the pain. You don't owe anyone anything; your primary concern should be for yourself and your well-being. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Some relationships do not just fade, but go so far as to become unhealthy. The friendship has grown toxic. A good friend is willing to share his experiences, issues, expectations, plans and other details with trusted friends in exchange for advice. At that moment, whatever space I had inside my heart holding a place for her, immediately closed up. Get expert tips for breaking up with a friend, without acting like a jerk. You feel used., Past negative time perspective and the toxic relationship. Web5. So this strategy is soft, gentle, natural and doesnt hurt. It might be tempting to tell your friend they completely ruined your life (bit dramatic). Bottom line is: you are consistently being brought down. She is currently working on the next installment in the Amazing Friends series titled Not So Truthful Timmy. Avoid responding to arguments. Be careful with your words and actions. Its not their problem. A good friend is willing to share his experiences, issues, expectations, plans and other details with trusted friends in exchange for advice. Analyze the Suzanne Degges-White, Ph.D., is a licensed counselor and professor at Northern Illinois University. Here are a few tips to note when writing your letter. Every now and then I come across an old photo of us and its easy to remember the good times and forget the bad. Required fields are marked. -Use the personal pronoun I than you. If you have been the victim of intentional hurt, offense, or disrespect, it is normal to feel anger and, for some, to have the desire to see the perpetrator face consequences for their behavior. There are however strategies to help you end a toxic friendship gracefully. They transcend your physical, emotional, and psychological being. As the friendship comes to an end do not let the situation affect your work or the staff morale. Over three years ago we had our final fight. -Apologize for your mistakes and wrongdoing while the friendship lasted. If you would like to share your experiences, please click on this link to complete the survey: Friendscapes and the Pandemic. If they continue to harass you after a firm boundary has been laid out, you may need to remove them from your life entirely. How do I take myself to the next level and make myself How do I snap this plateau and start losing again? Do things that make you feel better and in ways so that you dont have to rely on others. After my fathers death, she didnt reach out to me, but I also didnt ask for help. There is no need to get into a heated argument with them over who owes what to whom or whether you have been a bad friend or a "toxic" companion. When you step away from the friendship, their guilt-tripping may escalate into anger or attempts at manipulation that may even include threats of physical violence or some sort of self-harm. Even if you've decided to It doesnt happen once, it happens repeatedly in different forms. You might have noticed that he/she frequently keeps records of your mistakes and use them against you right? (With These 10 Tips). 6. Here are the best strategies you can apply. Eighty percent of the time we were like oil and water. It might not happen overnight. They covet everything about you and drag you down instead. In our toxic relationship research, we discovered that author Yvette Bowlin distilled the myriad indicators of toxic relationships into the following five signs: It seems like you cant do anything right; Everything is about them and never about you; You find yourself unable to enjoy good moments with this person; Youre uncomfortable being yourself; and Youre not allowed to grow and change. They criticize you to have a feel-good sense. When you smell such, flee as fast as possible. Be clear with your intentions. It can be difficult and sometimes even impossible to end a toxic friendship. This is also a graceful way of ending a toxic friendship. The stuff is contagious. Youre the bigger person! Regardless of who might actually deserve the label of victim or perpetrator, avoid beginning any sentences with fighting words such as You made me or You should never have or You are such a and so on. 2. But you know what, the toxic ones are never supportive. They leave you depressed all the time. I'm never someone's first choice and it negatively What does it mean if a person masturbates to you? Its tough, but sometimes, friendships end. Get the help you need from a therapist near youa FREE service from Psychology Today. Break up IRL and feelings will be marginally less hurt. riendship is sharing. If at that crucial moment you knew in your head and in your heart it was the right thing for you to do, dont ever doubt yourself or feel guilty for putting yourself first. Researchers have revealed some interesting things about the anticipated joy that is expected to occur through inflicting punishment/revenge on others. It has to be face to face. As they continue to treat you unworthily, your belief and self-confidence are hampered. We may be reluctant to delve into what it is exactly we get from a toxic relationship, but it's important to dig deep here. Toxic friends are like. 4. If you attend the same meetings with such friends, for instance, try to reduce your attendance. You are who you hang out with. Owning your feelings and taking responsibility for how the relationship has unfolded or unraveled can be a much more freeing experience. Apparently, she no longer needed me. I found myself unable to reach out to her because I felt like the black hole Id fallen into was consuming me, turning me into an angry, anti-social hermit. You want to end the friendship right? How do I fix my relationship before it becomes toxic? This is the best non-confrontational approach to ending a toxic friendship. At that moment, whatever space I had inside my heart holding a place for her, immediately closed up. If you're in the middle of ending a friendship, these 10 tips will help you end a toxic friendship gracefully: 1. Relationships, including toxic ones, have paybacks. Great article. Keep your voice neutral; dont give way to anger or tears. So, you need to constantly evaluate your friendship. Toxic Friends Can Affect Your Life In The Following Ways : -Friends who give judgmental rather than constructive critique about you, This is also a graceful way of ending a toxic friendship. Sword and Philip Zimbardo Ph.D. author Yvette Bowlin distilled the myriad indicators of toxic relationships,,, 7 Reasons Why Some People Stay in Unhappy Relationships, How to Work Around a Procrastination Habit. Can anyone help? 5. By stating, I really felt _________ when ____________ happened, you are affirming your own personal reactions and needs. When our friendship ended, the friendships I had with most of our mutual friends did as well. We don't have time for relationships that dont serve any benefit in our lives. Identify your role in the relationship. They chitchat behind you to spoil your repute before other friends. Toxic people also tend to want a lot of attention and time, which can sometimes overstep your other relationships or engagements. You do not have to be stuck with them for life. Then I give myself a mental swift kick in the butt and Im brought back to reality. I am more relaxed and can be me! Hours before we were supposed to get together I got a text from her cancelingthe meetup. I have not connected with her through social media anymore so I had no idea that two years after our final fight she was having a baby. This means that youll slowly and surely start seeing the other person less. Avoid the word you to prevent pointing accusing fingers to others. I was ecstatic because I was tired of thinking about death. There are some things that you can do to help make ending a friendship a little bit easier. Your email address will not be published. Sometimes it doesn't feel right, but unfortunately there are times when friendships don't work out. Saying goodbye to that person will free up more time for you to focus on yourself and your friends and relationships that help you grow as a person. I've tried unfriending him on discord, but I always go back to him and he won't let me go himself. 6 Steps to Ending a Toxic Friendship. 4.Be pro-social surround youself with positive people. The first strategy you want to put I ended up writing a letter telling her exactly that. While it is good to have honest and constructive critiques from friends, toxic friendship only breeds negative criticism. Required fields are marked *. Conflicts may erupt that can transition rapidly from serious discussions to flat-out fights when blaming begins. __CONFIG_colors_palette__{"active_palette":0,"config":{"colors":{"d1f3b":{"name":"Main Accent","parent":-1}},"gradients":[]},"palettes":[{"name":"Default","value":{"colors":{"d1f3b":{"val":"var(--tcb-skin-color-0)","hsl":{"h":2,"s":0.8436,"l":0.01,"a":1}}},"gradients":[]},"original":{"colors":{"d1f3b":{"val":"rgb(55, 179, 233)","hsl":{"h":198,"s":0.8,"l":0.56,"a":1}}},"gradients":[]}}]}__CONFIG_colors_palette__. Thank you LesyaLi and hope you are strong again and happy. Grieving the death of a friendship is a lot harder than it appears, especially when nostalgia surfaces. It is important to keep yourself from allowing your former friend to have further control of your thoughts and feelings once the friendship expiry date, as it can be described, has passed. All these and more are what bad friends do. Take the 56 question Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory at There are people out there who will make you very happy and are worth taking the time to find. Here are the best strategies you can apply. Ending a friendship with a toxic person can be both scary and difficult but you need to. You should also reduce physical contact. 15 Healthy Ways To End A Friendship. You could start with good memories or traits that your friends possess. Moving Away Gradually. They dont need to know where you are 24/7 or who you are hanging out with and why. Make a clean break in order to create distance. By being willing to share what was positive in the relationship with your former friend, you are also sending a message to them about some behaviors that they might value in their other relationships. One easy way to do this is to isolate the problematic friendship in your mind. Its totally inevitable--at one point or another, youre going to encounter friends who stand in the way of you becoming your ~best self. Whichever method you choose, ensure you stay positive and make yourself happy at the end. Consider fading them out gradually, talking it over with them, or writing them a letter to end the friendship. Do not go on a rampage about your friend and their negative traits, that is, unless these traits are affecting your life and happiness. Getting rid of toxic friends can be hard and chaotic if not handled with care. Be honest but not overly detailed. Toxic friends often come across as needy, demanding and manipulative; they make you feel guilty for standing up to them. I needed her. Friends who put you arent worth your time, care and love. Sword and Philip Zimbardo are authors, along with Richard M. Sword, of The Time Cure: Overcoming PTSD with the New Psychology of Time Perspective Therapy. When your bestie keeps grudges against you, you know toxicity has set in. Then you can wipe your tears and be proud of yourself for walking away. Pretty privilege is a thing if you arent socially awkward. Yes, it's much easier to send a long text that you can carefully type out with your friend and spend an hour thinking about it before you press send. I cut the cord on our friendship. If you think ending a friendship by meeting in person is a better idea than writing a letter, sending an email or texting, here Forgiving her is the key to your own personal healing," she explains. 1. Its never a good idea to stay in a toxic friendship. It turns out that the pleasure in plotting revenge actually diminishes your psychological well-being and engaging in punishment is further detrimental to your state-of-mind. The tendency to unconsciously seek out toxic relationships frequently starts with past negative experiences when we are children and might carry on throughout our lives. Toxic people love to violate other peoples boundaries and then not take responsibility. They can sniff-out life from you and lead you to an untimely grave. No chickening out Would you? A night out felt like a chance to breathe life back into my emotionally drained and exhausted body. Dont let the fear of confronting someone about your issues with them get in the way of saying what you need to say, but dont start pointing fingers and placing blame. They were once a major part of your life and involved in the special events in yours as well. -Choose a comfortable and relaxing location for your talk. be open to meeting new people and making friends. When it does, remember with change comes hope. Respecting boundaries is a sign of a healthy relationship. Be sympathetic. If you feel that things are getting out of hand and your efforts to keep the discussion productive have failed, you may need to diplomatically end the conversation and remove yourself from the scene. Even if you want to, you can't stay friends with a toxic person, who only uses you to feel better about themselves. Out of the blue, my best friend called me and we made plans the night before the military funeral. Dont let the actions of a few old friends ruin the opportunity to make new ones. Choose a way to end it. You need to be able to identify a toxic friend. 2. It simple. What makes a toxic person so toxic is their ability to manipulate and hide their toxicity. With this, your friends will know you are not outrightly blaming them for all that made the relationship strain. Let go of the negative past and give love permission to enter your life. This means you dont call, text, email or message them in whatever way. Acquaintances are people Instead of holding on to the bad things your friend did or said, forgive and let go. I dont feel pressured anymore to do what l dont want to do or be where l dont want to be. Your email address will not be published. They are only interested in whatever affects them and care less about you. Make it about yourself and your needs, not their wrongs. Toxic friends are like viruses in a system. You could state instances or events that necessitate your decision. The other twenty percent it was as if some freak of nature caused the oil and water to perfectly blend together. When you set a boundary, do not back down and show respect for their feelings even if they don't reciprocate it. 3. It was never a healthy friendship, to begin with and my fathers death taught me to eliminate all toxic people and things out of my life. If they were willing to watch your pets one weekend or water your flowers or accompany you to a wine tasting or book club meeting, acknowledge this past kindness. Friendship is sharing. Saying goodbye is never easy but the best way to say goodbye is with honesty and kindness. Do you feel like you have to spend time with, or do you feel sorry for him/her? by Yvette Bowlin,, by By THERESE J. BORCHARD ,, Our conversations are sprinkled with slips, pauses, lies, and clues to our inner world. So now what? While the later brings about personal improvement, the former is intended to downplay others achievements. Its up to you whether or not you mail it. Sometimes a friendship can be repaired and sometimes it cant. You give them all your support but dont get to find them around when you need help. The only thing that felt stable in my life was the love both my husband and I had for each other and my friendship with my best friend. Next, the person being blamed will immediately jump in to defend themselves from the verbal assault. This can be one of the hardest parts of The problem with having a bond like sisters meant we fought like sisters, too. Be smart with whom you choose to hang out. ~ Not a cute look, which Imagining retribution against your former friend causes you to hold onto negative feelings and engage in rumination much longer than if you just let the transgression go and move on in your life. Stick to your boundaries and do not let them wear you down. If you had shared taxi rides or carpooled together, mention these. These could be signs you are hanging with the wrong friends. And you know what, hanging out with bad friends influences you negatively. A 25-year-old Muslim woman navigating self-improvement, so that you to can be the best version of yourself! I want to help you through what might be a difficult time with some practical tips for ending a friendship without drama. Thank you for writing this. -Open the letter with positive statements. Be honest but kind. Step Two: Talk to Someone Who Will Understand. Sometimes it shouldnt. Accept reality. How Do You Really Feel About Having Time to Think? I get angry at him on the regular for stupid reasons, and then I get all Accept that it will be a process. Welcome aboard! Do not keep anger and resentment inside while ending a friendship because this can cause many more problems. If we werent fighting with each other, we were helping each other lick our latest wounds caused by others. "You must find it in your heart to forgive her for whatever you feel she has done to you. There are still times l think about my friend and the times we shared together on hot summer days and holidays abroad. If youre prepared, wont get flustered and completely forget all the major points you wanted to make. However, l soon bring myself to back to the present and l exhale. The result of bad friendship is never positively skewed. Unfortunately, no matter how well you work to keep the discussion on an even keel, your friend may choose to escalate the intensity and volume of the interaction. The other twenty percent it was as if some freak of nature caused the oil and water to perfectly blend together. But before you do, purse and think through it. I have been a terrible friend to him, a toxic friend. Another method on how to end a toxic friendship is to start becoming distant from your friend slowly. For instance, revisit that project you put on the back burner, learn meditation or yoga, call friends, and remind yourself that you wont feel this way (sad, angry, upset) forever. They can help you end a toxic friendship gracefully. At first, I started to question my actions and doubt myself. I could really relate to it as its happened one too many times in my life. You do not have to be stuck with them for life. Part 3 Part 3 of 3: Coping EmotionallyAccept uncomfortable feelings. After leaving a friendship, you will not feel 100% like yourself for a while.Surround yourself with positive people. Once you've left a toxic person, surround yourself with those who remind you about all the good and positive things that come out of Identify your role in toxic relationships. Give it time. No need to completely pile on that person and tell them all the reasons they are a horrible human being. If this happens, you will have to consider adopting the second strategy. You might end a friendship over the phone or via text if you're worried your friend will try to manipulate you into staying friends. Before you end all of your relationships because something is slightly off or that one text sounded passive aggressive, let's talk about what toxic really means. This is a difficult first step to take as it requires an honest evaluation of how you feel about your relationship. Keep your emotions in check. Keep the issue separate from your work life and your home life. You feel hurt, taken advantage of and angry at the offender and yourself. Instead, for months, my phone remained silent and I wondered. It most likely still causes you pain when you reflect back on it. Toxic people just LOVE to be the victim. Reviewed by Jason It did be better to have no friends than to have self-centered ones. Constant contact with them could teach you how to become like them. After you decide to say au revoir to your friendship, you can forgive, forget, and move on. She had never lost a parent to death before so how could she truly understand what I needed and was going through? WebI have this friend, he has asked me to call him sans. But think twice before you do. I too have had a similar experience. Hi. I get angry at him on the regular for stupid reasons, and then I get all defensive when he doesn't want to talk after being angry, and I don't know what to do. This helps to diffuse their agitation, talk like you would talk to a child, kindly and without yelling. Has COVID Changed How We Process and Understand Words? You will do yourself a great favor to end such a toxic friendship. I didnt want to do it anymore. 1. My father had two funerals, the second being a military one. The time after my father passed was filled with dark days when maybe a phone call or even a text from my best friend, would have made a difference. They dont see anything good in what you do. Let the person know that you appreciate their feelings, but that it is not in anyones best interest to engage in an unproductive and hurtful exchange. Something is always happening to them, not because of their actions. This prevents a push back from your friends or an attempt to rebuild the friendship. Toxic friends pass critical judgments and shame you. Youll automatically start living in a more fulfilling and meaningful present. Constructive talk can result in a total end of the friendship or resolve and fresh perspective of the friendship. | No one wants to see an office showdown. Their stories do not always add up. The saying that living well is the best revenge may actually be true. Forgive your toxic friend, either to her face or in your heart. If this person was just someone to speak to at work, then acknowledge that they had been able to help you feel more comfortable on the job. Forgive. Yet, a year later the feeling of pain as if my heart was being punctured with a pitchfork appeared again. WebThis is why its crucial to know how to end a toxic friendship effectively. It took me experiencing, doubt, guilt, sadness, revelation, and lastly a new freedom to find the closure I needed for yet another death in my life. Obsessing about this desire, however, is extremely detrimental to your own well-being. But before you do, purse and think through it. Your email address will not be published. Visit our Psychology Today blogs to get a fuller appreciation of how to create a more balanced time perspective. How do you tell if a friend is toxic? 10. Here are a few tips to note when writing your letter. A good friend should not justify his present misbehavior with your past wrongdoings. This is quite different from healthy competition. A toxic person will usually respect you more if you stand up for yourself; those who don't value your opinion or friendship probably wouldn't have been great friends anyway. How to end a friendship. Toxic people can be hard to spot. Toxic friends cause you more harm than good. Try to approach it as a flawed relationship not that it's all your toxic friends fault. When you start to sadden and question the reasoning behind it, go back to the center of what caused you pain and distrust in the first place. Too often, people will rush I sent her a baby gift and received a warm thank you note in return. Spend time with friends or family, go to the spa, drink hot chocolate in winter and smoothies in summer, paint your nails, work out at the gym. I get angry at him on the regular for stupid reasons, and then I get all defensive when he doesn't want to talk after being angry, and I don't know what to do. I dont understand romantic relationships or attraction, I dont want to involve people in my life anymore, Press J to jump to the feed. Friends who put you arent worth your time, care and love. 65 True Religion Quotes On Success In Life, No Motivation To Do Anything Get Motivation Back, How To Build An Empire And Build Your Own Success, How To Maximise This Year & Hit The Ground Running, Reduce Stress And Anxiety At The Workplace. Remember, twenty friends cannot play for twenty years; thus, it is normal for friends to come in and out of your life. To find out more about the author visit her Facebook Fun Page, Twitter, and her fantastic Blog. You are also affirming to yourself the behaviors that are of value to you, as well. You could be less accommodating, listen less, be less patient and dont try to make them see reasons with you if you disagree on issues. By describing the action that created the negative feeling, you are acknowledging the behaviors that you will need to see as red flags in future relationships. 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