how to uninstall kde plasma arch

The reason KDE looks horrible to you is probably due to the history you use computer. I have used/owned the macs at various points in my life. The defaults for the installonlypkgs directive include several different kernel packages, so be aware that changing the value of installonly_limit will also affect the maximum number of installed versions of any single kernel package. People are getting introduced to touch devices from a young age now days. symptoms of the issue) instead of whining about it, I, and many others could help. Serious, not facetious, question. I've got Teams running, and Zoom. Thank you for preparing this page! Now that you have your disk partitions ready, its time to create the file system.But lets first review the partition table Magic windows is something that bites me fairly often under Windows/Linux. Not unintuitive different to what you are used to. The dnf cache will be automatically built up over time when you perform various dnf queries such as installing or updating packages, however we have the option to manually make the cache so that future actions will be quicker with the makecache argument. > pacman or brew? For more information about DNF variables, refer to Using DNF Variables. Youd have to search around the VMware Workstation forum for the solution though. If any dependencies of the package, or packages, you update have updates available themselves, then they are updated too. Things like the clipboard and its behavior. I may not need any documents open for an app right now, but what about 5 minutes later? Right click on the folder in the path bar > Open in Terminal. If this happened it would be a minor annoyance at worst. I either don't understand the problem or what's wrong with `cmd-tab` for app switching and `cmd-~` for app window switching. The configuration file for DNF and related utilities is located at /etc/dnf/dnf.conf. All Fedora Documentation content available under CC BY-SA 4.0 or, when specifically noted, under another accepted free and open content license. The other packages that are installed as dependencies are listed as coming from the base repository though. I've recently come back to windows 10. Altered the number of packages that were affected by a transaction, possibly followed by additional information. As it is, I just use macOS. > I know it's another Apple-only tech, but have you seen/tried AirDrop? This is a "CookieConsent" cookie set by Google AdSense on the user's device to store consent data to remember if they accepted or rejected the consent banner. Both install what I want with one command. Which even supports Windows on PC, and allows syncing between multiple mobile and desktop devices, so you can have a shared clipboard across all your devices from all manufacturers. At least one package has been downgraded to an older version. As long as you're outside of the Apple Silo, everything works fine, no matter the phone, no matter the OS. The downside is that upgrading RPMs now requires a reboot, but your apps are going to be Flatpaks (or AppImages, or Podman services) so they don't have that limitation. You can "just drag", but if you alt/option drag you get a copy operation instead of a move operation. Tried everything hinted at on the internet, no help. Don't you end up having to either manually install a bunch of apps, or wade through installs via brew or macports? > Builtin apps are sensibly functional & comprehensive. Take, for example copying. Are you sure you want to have the """limited""" Windows experience? Why extremely biased rant from specific DE subreddit (also biased) gets so many upvotes? They have to put the setting somewhere. I am quite sure Adobe will find a way to make their apps take several minutes to start up on the M2. There is a button to skip and use a local account. Isnt this just different choices on customizability vs uniform polished approach. To expand on this, when you click that install button, you get a progress bar and a notification with that progress, so you can know what's happening and where it's at. I mean the title should read "Man confuses personal habits with a product design degree". Not sure about KDE, but every OS (admittedly not many), other than Apple's macOS and previous iteraitions I've used, have had an address bar with the file path. WSL was a nightmare for me too. I'm not going to defend OSX here. The default value listed in /etc/dnf/dnf.conf is installonly_limit=3, and it is not recommended to decrease this value, particularly below 2. Scoop/WinGet/ect are nice but way way way behind brew or pacman. To display the current configuration, add the --dump option. Choose Write from the bottom menu and hit Enter.. Thats because at the time Windows (or at least the machine I had windows on), was incapable of rendering individual windows when Alt+Tabbing So youd Alt+Tab and try and distinguish between the window you wanted by the name or just plain luck. I was used to alt+tab switching between all windows, and had muscle memory tied to that. Apple's politic regarding background use is way more pro-user. Then, just last week, my Cherry mechanical keyboard stopped working, the windows key had previously functioned seamlessly as 'command' but ceased to do so. These cookies do not store any personal information. Tried everything hinted at on the internet, no help. The Finder's Go menu seems like a reasonably discoverable location. How does it enrich (or challenge) anyone's understanding of the ways that given a different context, macOS can actually seem not just alien but shoddy or incomplete? But yeah I didn't know about that option either in iOS after 2.5 years.. You can use the web version of Office. If you grew up with one system, the other feels alien and broken. Therefore, you do not need to worry about the distinction between installing and upgrading a kernel package when you use the dnf command: it will do the right thing, regardless of whether you are using the dnf upgrade or dnf install command. On the pixel phone "it just works" with keepass. No, it's not the same. Sounds like you never had to fight SELinux or AppArmor. With the help of -x, we ignore the kernel update and instead perform a dnf update which states that it is going to update everything except the kernel, which is not listed. It's not these standards people complain about, it's the custom, walled-garden, proprietary stuff. DNF is the The Fedora Project package manager that is able to query for information about packages, fetch packages from repositories, install and uninstall packages using automatic dependency resolution, and update an entire system to the latest available packages. For frame of reference, I moved from using linux exclusively to MacOS around 2 years ago. There's a mix, I think. 2. Konsole just grabs the path from all that is sent to it that is not clear text. DNF can be configured with new, additional repositories, or package sources, and also provides many plug-ins which enhance and extend its capabilities. The last time I looked into doing that there was no good way to support anything but headless due to the lack of GPU acceleration. It's an ad platform that can run program nowdays. Some of them have been addressed by others, but: Agreed one hundred percent. sudo dnf update. funny enough, i just moved back to linux after using macOS for almost a year. - Obsidian for note taking. NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070. You can find something to complain about with any DE. Original writer seemingly opened Macbook for a first time, it didn't work same as KDE so he/she decided to rant about it on reddit. If a package cannot be updated, because of dependency problems for example, it is skipped. I still have a razer blade for gaming but i mostly use my nintendo switch these days. EuroLinux is a Polish company which has been developing open-source server OS and solutions for almost a decade, mostly in the Europe market. "If you've been using KDE for years and are new to OSX." This allows us to install, update, or remove the package group which is actually made up or many other individual packages. Third party software also doesn't help. I switched to Linux Mint and put KDE on it. Apps are cold-starting much faster today than it was back in the days of disk spindles. With KDE you can setup the preferred behavior and always copy to clipboard while at the same time saving to a specific path (and not always Desktop!). In contrast, the list items here are mostly just wrong ("Lack of native clipboard") or superficial ("Can't create new file from Finder context menu"). Documentation is an admission of failure. When the lenovo's failed they were sent to the in-house tech team, usually they were simply reimaged and put back into production. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. In addition, the Ubuntu Mainline Kernel Installer will make it a lot easier to uninstall kernel packages in your Ubuntu system. Physical screens, virtual desktops / fullscreen apps, applications, and windows are separately navigable items on macOS. Some sort of built-in app for clipboard management? One example that comes to mind is more powerful/prominent search features. But this and the proxy icons are two things that I missed the most. Set to record internal statistics for anonymous visitors. Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window) Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window) Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window) Wuh? Is it the Dock? that upon expiration shutdowns the machine after 1 hour of use. That, is, for a given task I have a working set consisting of windows of different apps, involving more than one same-app window for at least one of the apps. I very much like how it's all in one place. r/kde New less framey design is beautiful, looks Simple and Modern. > It's a different way of thinking about desktop hierarchy. The groupid is always the term in the last pair of parentheses, such as kde-desktop-environment in the following example: You can install a package group by passing its full group name (without the groupid part) to group install: You can even pass the groupid, or quoted name, to the install command if you prepend it with an @-symbol (which tells dnf that you want to perform a group install): For example, the following are alternative but equivalent ways of installing the KDE Plasma Workspaces group: Similarly to package installation, DNF allows you to uninstall (remove in RPM and DNF terminology) both individual packages and a package group. Dark patterns everywhere during the setup and in order to create a local account you must do weird stuff like inserting invalid accountname or disconnecting the computer from the network during setup. Or having to double click to open files. In this example we want to create an iSCSI initiator, this is done with the iscsiadm command. Like, lots of absolute useful option are hidden by default unless you hold [option]? Sure, using option/alt to get a copy isn't "intuitive", but that wasn't the point. Homebrew has more packages, but packaging for MacPorts is not any more difficult than packaging for Brew. I might start calling it BonziBuddyOS. TL;DR: People use macOS for good logical reasons, despite its objectively bad usability. The system tray area, task bar, start button works just like the way you expect in windows. It does. Or you're editing the file, but realized you need to make a copy of that file before making changes, you can alt-drag on the icon and copy it elsewhere. My work machine is also a macbook. I should probably try out KDE now as well, it looks a bit more windows-like but could be interesting. $ sudo pacman -S firefox Install Firefox on OpenSUSE. Moving the goalposts after being shown something is a asshole move. Which app the currently active window belongs to shouldnt matter for switching back to the previously active window (or the second orevious one, etc.). This command displays the list of matches for each term. Also for the price the performance you get is questionable at best even compared to a m1. Not closing the app once all windows are closed is not 'legacy baggage', but intentional design. This speeds up dnf so that it doesnt have to keep querying this information from the Internet. "The rest of the industry" - when apple creates actual standards, the rest of the industry follows. 7. You're right that there's plenty of siloing done by all the big tech companies but Apple is the worst and the least likely to play ball. Maximised one screen and the other one displayed only the brushed metal background. This file contains one mandatory [main] section, which allows you to set DNF options that have global effect, and may also contain one or more [repository] sections, which allow you to set repository-specific options. It's running Ventura now without issue. It was distracting as hell last time I used it extensively. I suspect kate doesn't encode the path in the copy/paste object, perhaps something I should fix. Arch, listed at number one here, is a very good candidate for least stable Linux distribution (though others like Gentoo probably trump it). More often, it's hardware manufacturers dragging their heels. I agree that a lot comes down what youre used to, but there are also good reasons to prefer one approach over the other. UIs have been "good enough" for a very long time now. Next, you need to save the changes made. My experience is roughly ~5 years MacOS (mostly as a child), ~10 years Windows, ~10 years Linux. I will always scan many pages at once. In this example, we perform a dnf check-update and confirm that a kernel update is available, however we do not wish to install this package at this time. set global DNF options by editing the [main] section of the /etc/dnf/dnf.conf configuration file; set options for individual repositories by editing the [repository] sections in /etc/dnf/dnf.conf and .repo files in the /etc/yum.repos.d/ directory; use DNF variables in /etc/dnf/dnf.conf and files in the /etc/yum.repos.d/ directory so that dynamic version and architecture values are handled correctly; add, enable, and disable DNF repositories on the command line; and. Social apps and web apps I understand. No disagreement there (and as I said one of them is usability). My next machine will probably be a Mac for the silicon, unless AMD's 5nm Zen4 really shines next year. Unless you mean that a program running under my user could replace that file with something malicious without my knowing about it, but there are a bunch of other ways it could accomplish similar things if a malicious program is running under my account, so yeah, I'm gonna give it a pass on that. In the following instructions, well be using the wget command to download Chrome and the distros package manager to locally install the downloaded file.. An alternative approach is to download Google Chrome for Linux using any It's possible to use apps from your phone on your PC for example. This can be used before a package is installed or after installation, the same information will be provided in both situations. Many other distributions also include GNOME, including Arch Linux (GNOME 42), Debian (GNOME 3.38), and Gentoo (GNOME 42). If anything, Linux is the hipster preference. Or use literally any friendly distro? (On macOS it's still showing up on Cmd+Tab, but selecting the application doesn't activate the window). That's ARM only, is a limited subset of apps and is NOT the literal app on your phone with whatever data/state is there. Commit. Repository variables include: Refers to the release version of operating system which DNF derives from information available in RPMDB. > With this, you can simply copy text from your computer and it will be immediately available to paste on your phone, and vice-versa. > I recently quit a job that made me use a Mac after less than 3 months, and I'm not even kidding, that was part of why. By default we have many repositories configured in the /etc/yum.repos.d/ directory which dnf reads, these can be viewed with the repolist and repoinfo arguments. my email client, my chat application. Both of those are relatively simple mechanisms with one, perhaps two degrees of motion, and provide immediate feedback when operated successfully. Update: This resources is outdated and unmaintained : it won't work as intended with future version of Krita (after Krita 4.2) Check the 'extras' category to find the most recent brushes. I now see they are listed in the app menu though. All in all, save for the possibility that your keyboard issues are genuine, everything you listed isn't down to the system being 'unintuitive', it's down to your ignorance and at times not RTFMing. Manjaro XFCE KDE Plasma 5 KDE Plasma 5 KDE Plasma # pacman -S plasma kio-extras KDE # pacman -S kdebase KDE # pacman -S kde-applications kde-applications Spotlight, even if it has no windows open, which is consistent with other apps. The apt command is a advanced command-line tool, which offers new software package installation, existing software package upgradation, updating of the package list index, Note that we do not have to run check-update prior to this. For context: I'd been a "linux person" since undergrad (mid-90s). Here we can see the Basic Web Server group is actually made up of three other groups, Base, Core, and Web Server. Setting up your first Mac as a Linux user ends up feeling like a ton of work involving a ton of disappointing dead ends. i decided to install KDE just to see what was going on and holy damn, it's SO GOOD. Asahi is a fantastic achievement but most mac users use macOS. In this example we can see that the /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf file comes from the httpd package. unless the current folder contains no folders, in which case I have to navigate up one directory (via keyboard shortcut -- this cannot be done natively in Finder) and then right click on the target folder (especially annoying if the parent folder contains many directories). MacPorts is going strong. I can use the same standards, no matter if Windows Phone (RIP), Android, Sailfish. There is a parameter in both menus, but they switch each other. When I use Windows, I notice immediately that the thematic direction of Windows 8 and onward is just a sad and shallow veneer over a mountain of legacy icons and other cruft they don't believe matters, along with spyware and adware built into the stock os image, and the likelihood of needing to completely reinstall at some point. At least one package has been reinstalled. > [Homebrew gives your user ownership of /usr/local.] It was very frustrating when they hide the proxy icon behind an obscure modifier key trigger and a delay in Monterey. It's like a universal second, "quick" clipboard in Linux. Windows got this in 7(10 years later) and it works well but is via a hidden state. All examples in this chapter assume that you have already obtained superuser privileges by using either the su or sudo command. Or when they created/contributed to CUPS, mDNS, Webkit? Listing available packages using a single glob expression with escaped wildcard characters, Example 7. Early this year, I finally made the switch from using primarily using Windows to using Linux. You still need to download packages, dependencies, editors/IDE's to do anything. It's only Apple that intentionally does its own thing to lock you in. > At the semantic level it's fundamentally mixing two separate concerns. As a person, who is using Mac for close to three years, I have to admit that discoverability of keyboard shortcuts (or even existence of such - navigating apps' menus, for example) on OS X is close to zero. Not him but I share the same opinion. The newest transactions appear at the top of the list, and we can view further information of a transaction by specifying its ID, as shown below. The most intuitive UI that I have ever used is Intuition on the Amiga. Mac is app-centric, all other mainstream OS's are window-centric, and they're all internally consistent. This is consistent and in line with how macos deals with apps vs windows/documents in every app. I much more prefer this behavior being the default. macOS has a lot of keyboard shortcuts, and you can add even more from both apps and Applescripts. Believe what you want. Imagine if I switched to KDE and soon wrote an article bashing KDE because I just couldn't figure out how to do basic things. Like the good old "Mac vs PC" ads suggested back in the day. You need something like Maccy to manage history. For example, you have "My File.txt" open in TextEdit, and you want to reference them in Terminal, you can just drag the icon into window and it will resolve the full path. Listing all ABRT addons and plug-ins using glob expressions, Example 2. I think this design decision still makes sense in 2022. Maybe you missed it, but I'd ask you again to explain how the author's complaint of traditional Alt-Tab (as described in my comment) missing is "false". But I just want to point out that the latest nexus phone is from 2015 and iPhone 8 was released in 2017. DNF is able to perform many of the same tasks that RPM can; additionally, many of the command line options are similar. Listing multiple packages for exclusion can be accomplished by quoting a space-delimited list of packages. On windows I used Scoop. > don't even talk about Docker working 20x times slower. - these are things that literally every person needs at some point & I'm not even aware of any windows/linux apps that do these other than paid Adobe Acrobat. I went to an app store product page, and couldn't find any install button. However, most people would balk at this workflow. Why? Wow. Now if you compare it with the clean default desktop macOS popular Linux distributions offer out of the box it makes a lot of sense for someone to avoid Windows. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. In this example we search package names and the summary for the term PHP and see a number of available packages at the repositories ready for us to install or download. MacOS is interesting in that I know regular users who have used it for over a decade who still dont grasp some of its basics. on Linux. ), but maybe regressed. Or take dragging and dropping references to the current file from the proxy icon in the window top bar. Natural scrolling is available in Windows & Linux these days (as it's a user preference many have grown to prefer of late, on all platforms). They're clearly talking about the area on the right of the menu bar. I personally think the way BSD handles software is better, Linux blurs the line between 3rd party software and system dependencies and that causes all kinds of issues when its time to update or remove stuff. Again more odd once you realize you cant support them. There's no trade-off: you don't get some hidden benefit by learning to work around these difficulties. \_()_/. I'm having a hard time understanding this, even with your examples. See Installing and Upgrading Packages for more information on installing and updating kernels with RPM. DNF always installs a new kernel in the same sense that RPM installs a new kernel when you use the command rpm -i kernel. > I think integration within the Apple ecosystem is what really outshines all competition. For example we can run dnf grouplist to view the groups that are available for us to use by default. For example, to remove totem, rhythmbox, and sound-juicer, type the following at a shell prompt: Similar to install, remove can take these arguments: DNF is not able to remove a package without also removing packages which depend on it. This plugin is part of the dnf-plugins-core, which we must first install. I don't agree. IMHO it's just a thing of muscle memory and learned workflows. 1 Retain the cache after a successful installation. By comparison, this list of issues seems rather petty, and I guess that means macOS is doing pretty well. dnf.conf(8) DNF Configuration Reference manual page. At least one package has been marked as obsolete. Manual. What does that mean? Be careful to escape the glob expressions when passing them as arguments to a dnf command, otherwise the Bash shell will interpret these expressions as pathname expansions, and potentially pass all files in the current directory that match the globs to DNF. What should not be forgotten, however, is how much of the basic UX primitives are being thrown away with the new Catalyst iOS style apps. Not sure what you mean to imply. At least from my experience with ~15 years of mac, ~15 years of on-and-off linux and windows, macOS has remained more consistent, because the primitives are much more universal. Why do you need to alt drag? > Fixing anything hardwareish requires remembering undocumented key combinations at boot time. If you need to spend "effort to learn" anyway, you might as well just go with something like KDE, where on top of having learnt the environment, you can now also customize it. Today, however, I couldn't imagine going back. I installed ZorinOS instead and it's working great now but thanks for the recommendation, I'll give it a try. If I want to switch back to the previous window, I have to use a different shortcut depending on whether that window was from the same app or not. When piped into the grep command this becomes extremely powerful as it allows us to search for a specific package to see if it is installed. What the hell happened to multimonitor support? If we dont want to display the output messages we can simply specify the -q option for quiet which will hide all of the output. And yes, I started with Macports, so I've used that too. On some linux environments I can't take for granted that I will see an image preview in the file picker, so there is that. You can alt-drag a surprising number of things across many different apps and have them just work. I find some of these "use a mac at work" companies do it because boring companies are trying to be "hip and cool". That impression is made much more grating by macOS high reputation as well-designed and something that 'just works out of the box'. And that lies with the distributor of the OS as much as the hardware vendor. Or as they continue committing to Lightning 10 years in, while the rest of the world kept flailing between USB micro, USB mini, USB-C, and random proprietary cruft of the month? For things that are used by more than 20% of users, they actively make it worse so that people stop using it and they can justify removing them. Until then, don't forget to take care of yourself, including showers, vegetables, and sunlight. Last edited by ArchUserBTW69 (Today 16:10:52) Listing installed packages using a double-quoted glob expression, Example 4. I have a number of displays including a TCL TV that do have volume control. > Or replace /usr/local/Homebrew/bin/brew with something malicious. One day perhaps, but for now, macOS will do. Commit. I'm a little salty as just after I had a working setup on macos, the ventura upgrade crashed and I had to wipe my system partition to be able to install ventura - and then had to set up most things all over again (minus a few config files I had in a git repo). A big part of it is that Mac users don't generally think of or treat macOS as a multiuser operating system. Some applications don't support that, and are always present, that's true. All files with the .repo file extension in this directory are read by DNF, and it is recommended to define your repositories here instead of in /etc/dnf/dnf.conf. Its also worth noting that package installations, updates, or removals are also logged in the /var/log/dnf.log file, heres an example of whats logged here. Given the friction and cost involved in getting that working, it's probably smart to just run Linux bare metal unless you're doing work akin to what led me to that (e.g. IMHO, this sort of thing is the objective definition of "unintuitive" in an interface. For example, i686 and i586 machines both have a base architecture of i386, and AMD64 and Intel64 machines have a base architecture of x86_64. I remember Mac fans making a big deal when that app came out, decades after KDE got the feature. There's value in building things that are "intuitive" to people who are used to existing UIs/systems _even if those existing UIs are bad_. Its consistent: eg, you close documents with cmd+w one by one, until they're all gone. Because it's Apple that refuses to use those standards. And while you do need to download KDE connect to get the fancier features on KDE, out of the box you do still get USB file transfer. But it does take retraining muscle memory. That doesn't mean some tasks are not easier or that hard to use software design is the fault of the users, it's just that the complaints are pretty silly coming from someone who had to learn KDE's quirks and yes there are great solutions for this on any OS. Says someone defending KDE? Arrogance is an ugly thing to display. In particular, kernel packages should always be listed in installonlypkgs (as they are by default), and installonly_limit should always be set to a value greater than 2 so that a backup kernel is always available in case the default one fails to boot. I actually considered buying a Pixel device but Google is clearly too small of a company to offer their products in more than few countries and the amount of issues on release made me go with Apple. > If you haven't, then it makes absolutely no sense. MS developed MTP but at this point it's a part of the USB standard. > [Somewhere on the internet has information]. It is as obtuse as any other GUI system. The death of skeuomorphism was a tragedy and I hope it comes back. KDE has KDE Connect for shared clipboard, sending files between devices, and such functionality. Finder doesn't list keyboard shortcuts for any of the items in the context menu. otoh, kate does provide the path to the file for easy copying right below this icon :). If a specific online repository requires basic HTTP authentication, you can specify your user name and password by prepending it to the URL as username:password@link. However, computers ar better now and are capable of showing little images of the windows in Alt+Tab. Sort of, though using Time Machine is very effective. It's annoying though, that the code works on macOS only - I could probably refactor it to work with an X11 window manager. Was pretty intuitive for her. This can be done by disabling the repository with --disablerepo. For example, to list all packages that match meld or kompare, type: dnf list and related commands provide information about packages, package groups, and repositories. I make the same arguments about Vim, that it's one of the most logically consistent editors once you learn the basic set of primitives (not perfect of course). > Given more and more applications require constantly polling backend server (not only social apps, e.g. When you uninstall apps on Ubuntu, it leaves a lot of junk on the storage. Without fiddling. Trickle is a lightweight bandwidth shaper that can be used to set the data limits per application. These are all anecdotes and preferences, obviously. Typically Discover or Gnome Software. To update a single package, run the following command as root: For example, to update the python package, type: python.x86_64 you can download and install new python package. The other potential excuse is "but Desktop icons", which is just rooted in the leaky abstraction of devs tending to DRY-ify desktop rendering by hard-linking it to the app that provides file mgmt. Which is continuing to be a big downside of KDE or Linux in general. Simply try to edit/move the bottom bar in edit mode, or change the global theme, and watch it fall apart. Most of their concerns are addressable by external apps like Rectangle, AltTab and Maccy. Yes, MacOS is more beautiful OOTB but KDE hands down wins in the workflow and UX department. But. KDE colorscheme. [0] I think it's trolling, because clearly he/she haven't read anything about Macos, because there are plenty of sources (even official ones) for first time Macos users. Either it is very poor as a file manager, or it's so undiscoverable that after all these years I have still not figured it out properly. > PS - Question for you. I have an Android, and when I go to a product page on the app store, there is this huge "install" button clearly in a different color. Also in a practical sense it is useful for slow-starting applications to be running and ready to load a document without needing to keep open a blank document. Of these examples: Well, on macOS, my note-taking, reminders and calendar apps all sync with my phone and tablet. As usual YMMV I guess, Ha! on Linux. Open a terminal and use the following command to install Mozilla Firefox on OpenSUSE. Some effort is necessary to see what an OS offers, and this author clearly hasn't done it. If I go out of my way to make that globally writable, sure. Running `brew update` regularly hangs (no output, even with maximum verbosity) on. * Finder keyboard shortcuts not shown in context menu (makes them far less discoverable). It's how copy/paste intents are supposed to work, the receiving object or program might want to use the object sent in various ways so you can extract image data or path if it's an image for instance. The pixel phone I got now is a dream in comparison. My view of that is shaped by my own experience and preferences. Especially with the mac terminal being Darwin which is virtually just Unix, and with Brew you can install literally anything you need for your workflow. I've recently tried Windows 10 and 11 and the thing is trying to make you sign in to a service from the moment you finish installing it. The truth is that you have struggled to understand something largely due to pre-existing bias. Mostly playing "DorfRomantik" and "Mini Motorways". There were other things I liked better (but weren't necessarily more intuitive). It takes a while to learn all the new keyboard shortcutsin fact most of the missing bits quoted in the article are present, just not where/how you were used to them in KDE. For those wondering: cmd-shift-5 is the shortcut the very configurable Screenshot app, which allows you to do things like save to folder, clipboard, or straight to mail and more. Additionally, I love that people will hate on macOS for lacking features and therefore requiring helper programs but will at the same praise GNOME Shell which requires even more. I've never seen Linux drop support for hardware except ultra-ancient hardware (>40 years). Like Yum, DNF is quite powerful as its capable of automatically resolving dependency issues, and is similar to other package managers such as apt-get in Debian based distributions. What more do you want! To me this screams "poor planning". Objectively, it has huge flaws compared to Linux package managers (permissions, sudo, capricious renaming of binaries). We can perform an update to a specific package by specifying it after the update argument, as shown below. The former is true, KDE ships with a clipboard manager with history, macos just has copy/paste. Which is great when you want to give someone a file that's on your phone. I understand where the author is coming from but after going through the list of complaints it became obvious that they haven't fully read the manual as a few of the things that they say is lacking is simply not true. Just the other day I was trying to find if I could keep an application running without any window on KDE Plasma :-). Is intuitiveness the right word? That's laughable and I don't know how it gets a pass from everyone. Listing packages from a single repository, Removing a package when other packages depend on it, Listing all ABRT addons and plug-ins using glob expressions, Listing available packages using a single glob expression with escaped wildcard characters,, I am a C++ developer and spend most of my time in a terminal. With it unset like default, Finder will launch a new window in the foreground when it's run from eg. I'd wager to say you have much more control in KDE than in any other DE, macOS and Windows included. That may be, but a good OS should offer the same level of integration with devices of all kinds. I'll pay premium if the thing just works and does what I want it to. It is possible, but a bit difficult to fully remove Hyper-V. It just wasn't even a fair comparison, really. Additionally, the KDE version also provides the Advanced Hardware Support (AHS) whose primary focus is to support the latest hardware such as the AMD GPU and the very latest Intel Never heard of using this to scan, and you even said it's an "image viewer". DNF repositories commonly provide their own .repo file. have had more issues on Linux here: all the many ways to get them to work do work fine I think, they're just a lot of fiddling. Apart from reviewing the transaction history, the dnf history command provides means to revert or repeat a selected transaction. Note that both dnf history undo and dnf history redo commands merely revert or repeat the steps that were performed during a transaction, and will fail if the required packages are not available. windows. In the 90s, as a home user, you had a folder with some documents and in total, the number of installed games plus apps was probably around a dozen. python-libs.x86_64 DNF has resolved that the python-libs-2.7.9-6.fc22.x86_64 package is a required dependency of the python package. How to Update Firefox via Command Line. Older mac applications used to have the running state of an application utterly divorced from the windows the application presents. Optimus manager is a port of Ubuntus nvidia-prime solution to Arch Linux where a user can easily choose which Good show. NOTE - You can use these HTML tags and attributes:

. Again, most arguments end up applying to both Windows/Android and Apple; as soon as you step outside of your silo (e.g. You can choose to update a single package, multiple packages, or all packages at once. where value is an integer representing the maximum number of versions that can be installed simultaneously for any single package listed in the installonlypkgs directive. A package group is similar to a package: it is not useful by itself, but installing one pulls a group of dependent packages that serve a common purpose. Been using it since 2012 or 2013 across a half-dozen devices and I'm not sure what you mean by any of that. Open a terminal and use the following command to install Mozilla Firefox on Arch Linux based Linux distributions, such as Manjaro and Arch Linux. I upgraded my personal device to the latest iPhone and haven't looked back. So one of the best features of MacOS is how easy you can simulate an Iphone compared to android. I did try your text file example from kate (text editor), but that didn't work. The Plentycom developer is great, SteerMouse is brilliant and I'm glad they figured out a way. > Never heard of using this to scan, and you even said it's an "image viewer". Very good UX. I've never seen Linux drop support for hardware except ultra-ancient hardware (>40 years). On KDE it's essentially just windows, regardless of where they belong logically or physically. Refers to the systems CPU architecture. uninstall existing tools and perform various operations. It's difficult or even impossible to get that on Linux (at least it was a couple years back when I last tried). Builtin apps are sensibly functional & comprehensive. I only have 8GB, and I'm running Arch with KDE Plasma. Been using it myself and even Gnome is better and neater IMHO. The /etc/dnf/dnf.conf configuration file contains exactly one [main] section, and while some of the key-value pairs in this section affect how dnf operates, others affect how DNF treats repositories. It would be annoying to have to switch between different keyboard shortcuts, instead of just getting LRU behavior within that working set of windows with a single keyboard shortcut. Relatively speaking its easier on Linux. The amount of effort the mac team invested to re-use ux interaction modes is really crazy coming from other platforms, and it extends to abstractions such as disk images. You can drag cmd-drag them out, or configure them via their settings (system icons are in the Settings app, others in their own apps). And then I encounter things like I can't cut-paste a file. > Why do you need to alt drag? It just gels with my brain better. I also hope that will release some day a good laptop with an good ARM chip. - OmniFocus as my personal GTD. I wish there were Linux distributions that took an app-centric approach similar to that of macOS. I went with Fedora after hearing good things about its reliability, but was bracing for a bit of a clunky front-end. Apple copied the behavior incorrectly. Today, you have a bazillion tools and apps, games, documents from 30 years of migrating to a new system, backups, so you make search faster to access. The accessibility thing is a little silly and needs better names on Apple's part but needing to give software permission is a strong security model. Is. Required for work. Some he is mistaken about or are super niche. If we have the same packages available at multiple repositories we may wish to disable one and update or install from a specific repository. On other OS, cmd/ctrl+w does something different if you're closing the last document. Guess what, it didn't work (but of course it wouldn't say it isn't working, it just kept spinning for tens of minutes), i had to set up a payment method first (for a free app, Obsidian, that supports payments for extra features). Screenshot/image preview support better image annotation than Windows (& still trying multiple linux utilities for this that don't have any annotation at all). Limiting the bandwidth per application with trickle. Overall, MacOS is strictly worse (as a development machine) than Linux in this regard: it has no native package manager. (Note: that keyboard combination should also make sense on ISO keyboards and be available without third-party apps). If you never quit any apps you ever use, you could probably get consistent behaviour across them, but broadly speaking if you do quit apps you're not using, opening those apps will tend to bring up a new window. *though imo Mac OS was lovable as recently as a decade ago. Just "Macintosh HD" or whatever name the mounted volume was given. Tried Mac for 4 months at one of the previous jobs but escaped to a comfort zone. This section explains how to add, enable, and disable a repository by using the dnf config-manager command. But discoverability is part of the issue. I'm too old to change my ways at this point, it's not worth the effort. People have, with some unofficial engagement from Lenovo's Linux technical lead, gotten Linux running on it [2][3]. The issue starts on the longer run, the moment when after one update hibernation stops working or bluetooth has issues and needs to be restarted with rfkill. Why are there so many threads on the net on how to install linux on a macbook? However I have nothing really against OSX, apart from it insists on stacking windows ontop of each other, which is deeply annoying. Unless Keepass just didn't tap into the API (which would surprise me), but Enpass works like a charm and I felt like an idiot for manually going into the app and copy-pasting this whole time. I eventually got the VMware hypervisor running though, and it is so much better. Mac-users rebut this by claiming that Apple's design adheres better to Fitt's law, but time has proven the disadvantages outweigh that. WHY ARENT YOU USING EDGE? It was one of my missing features when I start. Seriously without being delusional, I enjoy macOS for the rest but the development experience on it is approximately the same than on Linux. This is where the provides argument comes in use. Try those, they are free and open source 10x productivity boosters! Switching either way was not really a pain for me as I never go all in on something so I just had to find app replacement. Before installing Plasma, make sure you have a working Xorg installation on your system.. Following a bumpy launch week that saw frequent server trouble and bloated player queues, Blizzard has announced that over 25 million Overwatch 2 players have logged on in its first 10 days. It's pretty simple: third party, commercial software isn't an OS feature. It refuses to connect when running on Win 2019 and 2022 for some reason. To display a list of all transactions, as root, either run dnf history with no additional arguments, or enter the following command: To display only transactions in a given range, use the command in the following form: You can also list only transactions regarding a particular package or packages. I don't know if you remember Windows laptops in the 2000s and even the 2010s, but they did not sleep consistently, wake up consistently, they would crash, etc. They remain bad. To add a repository located at, type the following at a shell prompt: To enable a particular repository or repositories, type the following at a shell prompt as root: where repository is the unique repository ID. To know more about installed packages, read our article that shows how to list all files installed from a .deb package.. 2. No "C:/" drive or "D:/" drive. Discoverability is a holy grail. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. pacman or brew? VMware Workstation just works, quite well, when it gets to use the proper VMware hypervisor. Fixing anything hardwareish requires remembering undocumented key combinations at boot time. This is true for every OS. Nobody likes being forced to use something they're not familiar with or desire though, so I do sympathize. If I go off and do something else for a while it quietly gets swapped to disc by the system; the instant I switch back, it gets swapped into memory, ready to get back to work. MX-Linux 19.2 KDE is available in 64-bit and features an assortment of MX Linux tools, snap technology from AntiX as well as the AntiX live USB the system. But nothing about that situation leaves me with a positive impression of macOS itself! One of the things that impressed me the most was how you could clone mac volumes to usb or firewire disks, boot from them, clone volumes to compressed images and restore them - all seamlessly, without messing with disk sizes, sectors, boot records or bioses - and it would just magically work. - My Mac laptops went to sleep when closing the lid. - Every app appeared to have the same shortcuts and the same common menu items. You have to have a Microsoft account to sign into the computer, changing your browser is a huge pain - and they nag you constantly, everywhere to change it back - there are ads and clickbait in the start menu! If you're making dotfiles you know what the terminal is. Counterpoint: no it doesn't. However, some users might find it unnecessary (or bloat). I use the latter constantly, saves time if you have a lot of open windows as you don't have to cycle among them all to get the one you need. There was /Library for all my system files, and then ~/Library for all my user level system files. And even if all were true, it misses so many other points, it's embarrassing. My daily driver personal laptop is a macbook, it's the best machine I've ever owned & my next laptop will most likely be a macbook. When keyboard shortcuts that control window/document lifetime sometimes also control app lifetime depending on context, that is an internal inconsistency in the abstraction. Your legacy baggage is my favorite feature. Add the available or installed option to list only those packages available or installed from the specified repository. > Surprising lack of apps in the store (Firefox, Bitwarden, Zoom, Teams, VLC are all quite popular, yet only Bitwarden is there). I've been happily using Macs ever since. Don't think so. The commands you use will depend on the distribution youre running. I never own a macbook, but wouldn't a default install with only one application installed being an hypervisor to run a linux vm work for you? But no, all company-owned computers must be managed by IT, and many of the tools they use to do so don't support any flavor of Linux. It is dramatically, nearly infinitely easier for an IT team to support a single platform, and forcing all employees to use Linux is an absolute non-starter. They ship MacBook to you and you have no choice of using Linux or anything else. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. It just stores in on the Desktop. I don't really get what you're saying. This option allows you to exclude packages by keyword during installation and updates. MacOS assumes you've always been using it. By being on kde subreddit. Note that after confirming the packages that will be installed, you will be asked to provide input. Sometimes habits are too strong, and alternative is not appealing enough. If DNF is not yet used by default in your distribution but youre interested in installing it check out our guide to installing DNF. Some others you won't. *: You can work around this with the ` QuitMenuItem` setting at the cost of Desktop icons, but we're talking default settings here. You might want to look at the Lenovo X13s Snapdragon [1]. Mac's screenshot support is really good. options] Everything about the macOS desktop experience is terribly unintuitive and bad. Learn more about the relationship between Red Hat and Fedora. Slow as hell doesn't even begin to describe it. 0 Do not retain the cache of headers and packages after a successful installation. People I know who are working in the video industry (>100gb files being common) swear by it, and throw rocks at any and all cables. - Clockify (Desktop) for time tracking. Probably iOS 7 or shortly after. Want to help? On macOS, this is the expected behavior. Another one is that many regular users cannot distinguish between closing all windows and closing the app. > I don't trust closed source single vendor systems with my data, sorry. Heres a quick list for the commands on all the most popular Linux distros and their derivatives. The packages in the above output are listed as having updated versions. MacOS is great if you don't value your time. If the computer boots fine then congratulations. It's probably missing a couple of practical things, not a _ton_ of shit. I can have firefox with ublock. Mac is free sure, only with the purchase of a $100000k MacBook. Heck, even KDE is unfortunately losing features (requiescat in pace, Desktop Cube, I'll never forget you), the days of a PC being very P may not last too much longer. 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