list 10 ethics of teaching profession

Economics Id say is similar to philosophy, however more detailed politically and financially. I know from experience that many engineering majors go on to undertake extremely successful careers in liberal arts fields. So don't take it so seriously! HA! Without understanding or pursuing philosophy, you have no idea whether your answer is sensible or stupid. I graduated with a degree in Communication Arts and Design and have a wonderful education and have had a great career in Art. There is a reason only the top universities(oxbridge,durham,bristol,warwick and so on) offer philosophy! Getting an education is about far more than memorizing and repeating facts to get that 9-5 cubical job. Cambridge Core is the new academic platform from Cambridge University Press, replacing our previous platforms; Cambridge Journals Online (CJO), Cambridge Books Online (CBO), University Publishing Online (UPO), Cambridge Histories If you're really, really into surfing, you can become world-class with your "Surfing" degree. Medical ethics is one that is applied in the field of health and medicine. ^You are telling me you cannot understand that? Actually, you did. ELEMENTS OF THE CODE 5. Of course some scientists (Einstein, Tesla, Kepler, Newton etc. ) I do understand your argument. Biographics History, One Life at a Time. I am going to preface this by admitting that I am a double major in Art History and Philosophy, and as such I certainly understand that those degree's qualify me for little more than the ability to go to graduate school in those disciplines. L. 93-380 - Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, and Title IX- Education Amendments Act. But you might say that bankers are more important, since theyre contributing financially. I studied philosophy, and it changed my life. Today when hardly anybody has a sense of chronology in history, you belittle this as just so much idle chatter. A main chunk of what we have to learn is the biology of the brain and how it connects to human behaviour, and its definitely no walk in the park. Other factors like birth-class are at least as important as education, anyway. Be encouraged to volunteer professional skills to good causes and contribute to public education concerning the discipline. Philosophy like to say since we ask the questions what if?, how? It is the most important aspect of human existence and is studied in depth by Philosophers. Why does philosphy die so hard? Nor are they those who spend their life developing a skillset of how to design and build things.". Enjoy your $100,000 debt, LOL. Thats philosophy, heard about ethics and laws effected by ethics? There is more I could say about the value of philosophy but it is important that I accept some of the problems with philosophy. 1.10 avoid accepting gifts or other considerations that could influence or give an appearance of influencing professional judgment. Would that be your ideal society?. (The Rights Approach), Which option treats people equally or proportionally? Secondly, it is obviously true that philosophy majors will have a harder time finding a job than engineers or accountants, but I fail to see how harder it will be for them compared to any other arts degree say history, classics, or English, which are all not on the list. Foreigners came to Greece to study its various constitutions (laws), long before there was an Academy. Oh and just a word of warning to the sceptic (see what I did there) science is today still studying the ancient philosophy of Aristotle, Plato and Plotinus, as well as the Stoic thought in an attempt to better understand how their results explain the universe we live in. Go out and buy a book called Sophies world, and then decide if it is. omg, lmao. Practical men, who believe themselves to be quite exempt from any intellectual influence, are usually the slaves of some defunct economist.?? In other words, taking high school lit classes and reading Nelson Mandellas biography dont cut it. Before you claim women are not discriminated against, today they make 80 cents to every man's dollar and are a small percentage of high paying jobs and upper management. Either way, I enjoyed your sense of humor and your ability to spark debate. All were interesting to me and useful as they exposed me to things I found I enjoyed. Hardly. Had a good chuckle over some of these degrees and was surprised how the country of my current residence, Australia offered so many pointless degrees. Most matieral sciences such as physics and maths did arise from philosophy. If you think women are discriminated against, then I suggest you try living in the real world instead of reading books and watching TV shows from the 1960s. WebYou may have arrived at this page because you followed a link to one of our old platforms that cannot be redirected. Actually, there is no useless degree. In the medieval Western university, the seven liberal arts were, "the Trivium" or grammar, rhetoric and logic and "the Quadrivium" or geometry, arithmetic, music and astronomy.". A funny one is a degree in comedy at Southampton Solent University!!! Sadly, more philosophy students have been shown to suffer with mental illness than any other subject, and why? when you get to phd and beyond. Three realms of ethics: An integrative map of ethics for the future. They solve problems that have already been solved before; scientists, mathematicians and engineers solve new problems. Not promote their own interest at the expense of the profession, client or employer. In the event that a respondent resigns from the Association subsequent to the filing of a complaint against him or her, the Ethics Board shall have discretion to resolve the complaint as if the respondent were still a member. . Its because women dont want to do these jobs Same reason why guys arent the leading number of beauticians. I'm just gonna stop arguing. An example of a philosophical conclusion that has helped the field of science: Confirmation Bias which is the philosophy that if someone is looking to confirm a result, they will find "evidence" for it even if it is not truly evidence. "Drones study business and accounting.. and conformists who want to memorize and recite facts study the sciences. This required the ability to think outside the box, which is precisely what Philosophy taught me. However, these seemingly pointless studies may be an exception to that rule. Despite what Max thinks, he will be competing with many of the graduates from BCIT that weve both mentioned. Retrieved on January 3, 2018, from, The 4 main kinds of ethics. Ensure realistic quantitative estimates of cost, scheduling, personnel, quality and outcomes on any project on which they work or propose to work, and provide an uncertainty assessment of these estimates. GLOSSARY OF TERMS USED in the . Okay, maybe David Beckham studies is useless. There are so many jobs related to this. Marylands Frostburg University provides this honors seminar, which is really a physics class that investigates the supposed magic of Harry Potter. in history now. You can major in whatever you want but its perfectly fair to expect to have to pay your own way just like the rest of us have had to do. The grievance must be made within three years of the last instance of the alleged violation(s) of this code. 6.13. I studied photography,ceramic art and painting. you may wonder how can they get into so professions, well each paid money and went back to university to get the degree needed for those jobs. The Code of Ethics for Nurses with Interpretive Statements, or The Code, is a vital tool for nurses now and in the future. Enjoy whatever useless major you chose. You are expected to understand what humanity already knows so you can understand what humanity needs to know. Information, including confidential information, may be shared with legal Counsel of the Association, with the Association's Executive Director, and with others duly appointed persons authorized by the Board to assist it in carrying out its functions. You wont have developed basic logic, reasoning, writing, or speaking skills which could be applied to a much broader range of jobs that exist in the real word. Fellman, S.J. Heck somebody has to set the record straight. High school lit is different from IB. In this case a utilitarian could consider giving to the person they are looking for, since this would cause a greater number of individuals to be saved. Even take a degree in physics. Some people prefer to study what they love as apposed to what will pay them enough to have two Ferraris in their three car garage. Furthermore, why would I be bitter I went to Yale? I'm a philosophy major and I'm going to go to law school after my undergrad. WebThe American Psychological Association's (APA) Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct (hereinafter referred to as the Ethics Code) consists of an Introduction, a Preamble, five General Principles (A-E) and specific Ethical Standards.The Introduction discusses the intent, organization, procedural considerations, and scope of application of This member will contact the Grievant to gather further information about the concern and to discuss possible avenues for resolution. The Ethics Board member will verify membership status of the Respondent by contacting the Executive Director of AMTA. Not everyone is interested in the high paying degrees such as Medicine or Engineering. The same goes for foundational courses in university, such as english, philsophy, psychology, art history, etc. Tell me again how math and science didn't spawn from philosophy, and not the other way around? This post was made in jest. Maintain the integrity of data, being sensitive to outdated or flawed occurrences. Learning to learn refers to developing your own best way of understanding, comprehending and developing thought. Not really, I think the sciences enable more critical thinking and new perspectives Philosophy I can sort of see where that would be applicable but Art History? 5.1 achieve and maintain professional competence through learning and personal growth, and encourage colleagues to do the same. The official journal of the American College of Radiology, JACR informs its readers of timely, pertinent, and important topics affecting the practice of diagnostic radiologists, interventional radiologists, medical physicists, and radiation oncologists. There you go again. You just like to use words like "infer" and other words you learned in your arts courses to wow others into submission, without paying attention to logic. Ah, I am still going in circles trying to decide which degree to take. WebFaith, derived from Latin fides and Old French feid, is confidence or trust in a person, thing, or concept. Medical ethics . Medical ethics . Drones study business and accounting.. and conformists who want to memorize and recite facts study the sciences. Even if you were to go on and get a Ph.D in a science subject you're probably going to end up in research living on miserable salaries and lucky enough to have two pairs of pants. Is education important? He could be an outright troll trying to provoke you. i mean, nobody will disagree with any conviction that surfing studies etc. Music therapists are advised to also consult the Scope of Music Therapy Practice and the AMTA Standards of Clinical Practice for more detailed information to guide clinical decision-making. I have a solid respect for the arts that I gained through high school and have continued to hold through university. Well done, you over-educated dumbells. My father was a Superior Court Judge for twenty years. Maybe I should be a zoologist, then buy a computer programLmao So basically, I would love to be a caretaker at SeaWorld or Busch Gardens, design the rides there, and document it for the Travel Channel, and design a logo for it. I teach in a Department of Psychology. As employees, we consider our clients well-being first. Grievant - Individual or entity who submits a complaint or concern, Respondent - Individual or entity named in the ethics complaint, responsible for the alleged violation, Hushmail - The preferred method of contacting members of the Ethics Board is through Hushmail, a confidential, encrypted email service at the address, Adopted by the Assembly of Delegates November 17, 2018, Effective February 1, 2019, Equality, 5. Most of these philosophers, in other words, were psychopaths. Look, we know you went against your passions and chose a major for the money. Biographics History, One Life at a Time. College would be a better part of our world if we did not expect it to be a prerequisite for every job, or a holding tank for unready youth, and instead reserved it for the top 10% of secondary graduates, so less scholarly folks could instead learn a trade. Liberal Arts degrees are for pompous self-righteous douche-bags who fail at life. I have a Bachelors Degree in History of Art from Yale University. Anyone that has studied sciences or math to any degree knows they are far more than memorizing facts. Promote no interest adverse to their employer or client, unless a higher ethical concern is being compromised; in that case, inform the employer or another appropriate authority of the ethical concern. A couple of universities here in Sweden have similar useless but fun classes like the Linnaeus University class called Harry Potter and his worlds, but at least over here its free to attend university. View all 36 Resources: First graders were doing a practice Pacer Test, where I had them run the width of the gym instead of the length. Tesla (the inventor of ac power) died flat broke. Philosophy, psychology, and art history are not useless areas of study! You instead choose to say something vague and go on to base your entire rebuttal on it. Most subjects teach that in a sense. For example, a violation that involves students or trainees may be made public in order to protect future students or trainees. It may not be applied directly, but the one that governs in the shadows are the philosophical theories that people sometimes overlook. "is designed to expose the student to a variety of competing ideas, and teach the student to synthesize these said ideas and create their own analysis.". When it comes to engineering, most engineers work as technicians, estimators and planners. While graduates from the natural sciences might recognise this verbally, there is a tendency towards arrogance on their part, showing that they havent really properly recognised this fact. (Of course, there probably are people out there who really enjoy engineering and business and are great engineers or entrepreneurs (I'm not attacking the disciplines at all)). Possible ban from state organizations when ethics code violations have caused serious personal or professional harm. pure joke! JUDGMENT Software engineers shall maintain integrity and independence in their professional judgment. 10. The Ethics Board has jurisdiction over individual professional members of the Association and jurisdiction over student members, but only to the extent that the conduct at issue is not under the direct supervision of the student's educational program or of a training site that is officially approved by the program or association as part of the student's supervised training. Now, surfing means business. Or is it because they cant think clearly? WebPRIME Education is an accredited provider of continuing medical education. I'm majoring in psychology and minoring in philosophy, and I know precisely what I want to do with my degree, career wise, in my future. Philosophers influence thinkers, policy makers, leaders, non-peons who read, and many influencers in other theoretical disciplines. WebLaura Jane Addams (September 6, 1860 May 21, 1935) was an American settlement activist, reformer, social worker, sociologist, public administrator, and author. I was a graphic design major and took many art history classes and enjoyed them and they helped me in my early design career and fostered an appreciation of art. UBC adopted these policies because the administration recognized a flaw in the type of students who study the sciences, which emphasize highly specialized skill-sets. The problem with taking philosophy is precisely the lack of rigor in a typical study, in which almost anything goes for premises, and catastrophe follows. Philosophy is definitely worth studying, it might not be the most marketable degree in and of itself, but it works wonders as a double-major. 5 More difficult: Personally i think that a philosophy 'degree' is pointless. Youd probably be less prone to regurgitating banalities. succumbing to societys ideals of what is necessary in the real world. The real world is what college is supposed to prepare you for. has been created? Addams co-founded Chicago's Hull House, one of America's most famous settlement Not engage in deceptive financial practices such as bribery, double billing, or other improper financial practices. Consider issues of physical disabilities, allocation of resources, economic disadvantage and other factors that can diminish access to the benefits of software. For this reason, ethics presents several classes that allow the human being to respond to the problems that are presented daily, specifically when a decision must be made. And well I have to admit I'm flattered that you call me mentally challenged. For instance: You would not have computers, if it were not for philosophy. When another body or tribunal has investigated the same allegations and found no merit to the allegations, the Ethics Board may, in its discretion, decide not to open a matter or, if the matter has already been opened, the Ethics Board may close the matter. Philosophy and Art History are respectable courses which have been around for a very long time. The simple truth is that the majority of the top 10 useless college classes or degrees you listed are either well respected institutions with histories that span centuries of study or degrees which have multiple applications within our world today. In particular, software engineers shall, as appropriate: 4.01. Max accuses me of not doing the necessary research while he defers his argument to YW. to maintenance (how'd you like to mow THAT lawn?). Instead, I will say this: I have a major in philosophy. Generate possible solutions, utilizing the input of the client when feasible. Ethics specifies the values, professionally accountable if the relationship becomes detrimental to the former client or damages the standing of the profession. What most people do not realize is that philosophy does have application. If this Informal Resolution does not resolve the concern, the Grievant is directed to file a formal grievance as per the following instructions. Comon, some douchebag is going to own Microsoft (again) some day, and will think it's absolutely hilarious to have a guy with a PH.D in the Phallus standing buy his side, as he looks for sleeping workers and slaps paper penises on their backs. In addition to the aforementioned fallacies which you have arrogantly spewed forth as fact, it should be mentioned that science only demonstrates the how but never addresses the why? This seperation was not as result of a belief that philosophy was useless. Few are the ones who will make decisions or who will design a revolutionary new way of doing things. The way I see it, I don't really see the difference between my writing ability and yours. You can insult Philosophy. Promote public knowledge of software engineering. Only afterwards did I realize that it takes a long time but they actually do end up on the board. Perhaps a philosopher could be called upon to guide, or at least be consulted upon, in dealing these issues: an expert in bioethics.. Revised annually, the latest version contains employment projections for the 2021-31 decade. People like to imagine it differently but it's so true, it's so meaningless. What is the nature of morality? Being a philosophy major requires the ability to never admit youre wrong, regardless of overwhelmind evidence. These same people who major in those fields that dont have high job prospects whine about how its not fair that theyre in all of this debt and that taxpayers should have to pay for their education. For some people, thats making more money. Speaking of squiggly lines, i was once duped into a philosophy class in the guise of a science electivemy GodLatours diagrams made me want to gouge out my own eyes, lmao. They allow one to think critically and develop a new way of looking at things. It correlates to utility >.9 (95% confidence int). What next? Retrieved from, Equality definition from, MT-BC (2011). Is earning money the bottom line? As business owners, we consider our clients well-being first. Someones gotta tell them Youre just stupid, ghosts are a hella lot stronger then that.. Philosophy also contributed to society in the cultural/religious aspect. Please don't presume to assume that I don't have skills in writing, speaking, and listening to English. It is based on logic (all the calculations), and the development of logic begins with Aristotle. So is finance more important than health? However, with more experience I believe that I was bang on with that analysis.". And I also don't really have the time or the patience to explain everything to you. You could walk into the research laboratories of any science or engineering faculty at any leading university, and you could witness new, ground-breaking things being researched. Many will go on into law, buisness, medicicine, education, public service, etc. Rather than being a robot to society and to the economy stuck in a job you hate for the rest of your life. You're basing your positions on a claim that hasn't even been properly found to be true. The Clauses should not be read as separating the acceptable from the unacceptable in professional conduct in all practical situations. Do we need doctors more than bankers? I am 36 years old and I am competing with young artists, 25-30 years old with more than 10 or more years with experience. They can be philosphers of sciencequestioning, crticizing, or justifying scientific theories. 3.07. Privacy Policy | TopTenz T-Shirts | Sponsors. If it is good, I'll publish it and you can be a shining beacon for other philosophy majors. Really? Like other humanities subjects, philosophy is important not just to memorize and repeat facts, but to teach one how to think. Some humanities like econ are respectable, but most are not. Funding is cut primarily to arts classes and those with low-enrolment. Retrieved from I'd hardly flaunt it. I doubt when Im taking my last breath that Ill be uttering words such as: if only there had been more women graduating from women studies programs that I may have been spared this dreadful disease. I suspect that liberal arts people who 'get on' tend to be of high social class. Give me a day to check and un-spam your comments. The music therapist seeks to continually improve skills and knowledge, evaluating the strength and applicability of evidence into all areas of professional practice and behavior. For all of you useful majors, I hope you enjoy cardiac episodes at the age of Forty. Religious people often think of faith as confidence based on a perceived degree of warrant, or evidence while others who are more skeptical of religion It's unlikely you'll be able to think of anything, so I'll give other, more capable people, the gist of why I believe it. If you really believe that, lets let others have a chance to weigh in (like Reuven Shiloah above). philosophy haters are just quite lacking in intelligence. Videos, FAQs and resources to support members in working with this section of the Ethical Framework for the Counselling Either Katherine Watt graduated from one of the list or she missed one. Just a real artists and intelectuals understand why life is a blessing and why death is sacred. With each failure, you bring yourself closer to success. You're oversimplifying something you know nothing about. Its free for the student attending classes perhaps. I just realised two things: I've gone on way too long and the philosophy (as is described in these posts) should be: Philosophic history more in line with arts history. WebRule 6A-10.081, Florida Administrative Code, Principles of Professional Conduct for the Education Profession in Florida. Sorry I just always thought that was funny, These classes do seem pointless but every once in a while you might want to take a class that is just total BS even if it doesnt fit in with your major but you have to really chose a major that is practical and going to get you a job that pays well enough to justify you spending the ridiculous amount of money at college. Fine. Philosophy and Art History are not useless studies. As for technology degrees, THEY are just as worthless. In the context of religion, one can define faith as "belief in God or in the doctrines or teachings of religion". Actually, you noted that I noted that. If you want to be a credentialed and working class, by all means choose sports management over philosophy or history or English. physic dribbleart historywhat s that about.counting paintings in museums or gallerieswhy do people waste money to get a degree 3.8 report any illegal actions to authorities. 5. Title IX states that: No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance. I graduated with an art history degree, and I don't work in a gallery, but I believe I work in the world of art. Im not a philosophy major. By the way, philosophers are all about using logic and rationalizing, so I assume you have no clue as to what youre talking about. 6.05. 2. Suspension or Termination of Membership in AMTA and regional chapters. NURSES AND GLOBAL HEALTH 18. In terms of writing skills, obviously an Arts student would prevail in that, science students don't have to write 1500 word essays every fortnight but an Arts student would rank considerably lower on the other skills obtained by science students skills, may I add, that are much harder to obtain. For your information, I have done my dues on language skills. Its questionable whether someone has a duty to contribute to society in the best way possible. Yet without theoretical physicists, engineers wouldnt have a job. Good luck doing anything if you deny a crucial premise to what made the world what it is today and thus made YOU the way you are today. The Judicial Review Board will render a decision on the appeal within 60 (sixty) days of receiving the written notice from the respondent. And philosophy was far from the original subject, thats make-believe history. I think that is why a philospohy degree has been coined as being 'essentially useless' because in the individualistic money making business world we all reside in, philosophy doesnt fit but fact is studying philosophy is one of the wisest, most calcualted decisions a person can make. But *how* one does so, that is the area of concern for a philosophy major. For some people, they are want to learn these methods and perhaps apply them to other areas as they see fit. And well, I admit I do get a little obsessive. Is the bottom line a famous person? No it is not the same. We need philosophical justifications on whats right and whats wrong, and hence whats legal and whats not. Therefore, a majority of people who go to university are in fact Liberal Arts majors (with accordance to the traditional definition of liberal arts) and are gaining a broader education and knowledge of a subject rather than the applications of that subject. (The Virtue Approach). I weep for our future. psychoanalysis may help who knows? Is education important? It is easier to land a high-paying job with certain jobs, but if you major in the arts and put your all in, you can also become successful the only issue with this matter is that you will most likely have to pursue starting your own business. Attract potential software engineers only by full and accurate description of the conditions of employment. It can be said that ethics is responsible for the study of morality, virtue, the happiness and duty. Give it time.write your finals.. cool off a bit. The Scientific Method I think anyone who comes across this discussion will agree with my view. Im a senior here. Im talking about Vendee.). I am letting it go. 2. 5.12. After more than twenty years, Questia is discontinuing operations as of Monday, December 21, 2020. What an embarrassment. And I have to say many people in the sciences do have this mindset. Anyway, the country needs more engineers, not completely unproductive scientists and physicists who have no understand of the needs of society. Every field of study stems from philosophical considerations. Even today, those studying the so called useful degree subjects will have to learn some philosophy relevant to their subject. So what? Music therapy students and interns - individuals working towards the MT-BC credential in an AMTA-approved college or university, national roster internship or university affiliated internship. I feel that I offered a clear, succinct rebuttal showing WHY it is that they are taking this approach (at least at UBC). We have many possibilities in life that seem impossible, but possible and therefore which is why we those type of things for us to learn and use, despite of how that use is seen or measured. But at the same time, many people out there pursue what they are passionate about, and who is anyone to say that they shouldnt do that. Refuse to participate, as members or advisors, in a private, governmental or professional body concerned with software related issues, in which they, their employers or their clients have undisclosed potential conflicts of interest. However the fulfillment and flexibility of the degree makes it a valuable degree, as the skills learned never become moot. Technology and the nature of business are changing all the time. I feel that I offered a clear, succinct rebuttal showing WHY it is that they are taking this approach (at least at UBC). Why, oh why, do people with no understanding feel the need to express an opinion and thereby cause others to expose their claims as bollocks? Again, keyword here is evidence. It is all done in good fun. Formally, a string is a finite, ordered sequence of characters such as letters, digits or spaces. The Ethics Board Chairperson will serve as Chair for the Hearing Panel or appoint another member along with up to two additional members to hear the case. L. 104-191 - Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act - includes important information about confidentiality of patient information and required protections, Pub. "This is likely to lead to work that doesnt involve mixing chemicals". philosophy? Have a good day. I was very passionate about replying to you because I know that's what you're doing. in Professional Aeronautics from Embry Riddle. The degree advertises, and does not lie about making well-rounded students, although of courseIf you want to get a degree such as engineering, than you will have to get smart on the math and tinkering and still add on a load more of classesunfornately, not all of us have the talents to pursue such a career, that goes without needing to say. The act of being accountable encompasses the obligation to report, explain, and be answerable for resulting consequences. It's a growing sub-field with its own conferences, books, etc. 6. Tell me. 7. However, Epicurus always said that pleasure should be rational and moderate. Accounting speaks for itself, lots of jobs, pretty good money, crunching numbers for a living. You'd be destroyed your first week in. 3.04. Which is why its time that you understand that your points are not valid. Music therapists are encouraged to seek supervision or assistance as needed. Evidence: "On a absolute final note, its really hilarious how a philosophy major is telling me the inside scoop on my own field (job prospects, competition, skills needed etc.) My god you are ALL idiots in one form or another. So how many IT developers have them? At its heart are the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are an urgent call for action by all countries - developed and developing - in I cant believe Im actually giving you advice that will help you. Theres a good chance that all 10 of those women are better than 75% of the men that applied, and at the same time only 2 of those women are better than the top 20% of men. Lanolin Thanks for the thoughtful comment. Simply listing sentences in point form does not give your points any more legitimacy or objective truth, Max. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Have all the relevant persons and groups been consulted? I was doing that to save time because I wasnt sure if the blog site would let me post my essays. WebCREATE A FOLLOWING Tribune Content Agency builds audience Our content engages millions of readers in 75 countries every day We need to put bread on the table! People hear music differently. I'm in 4th year of a Math/Physics degree and only now am I starting to use computer algorithms practically. Consequently, the good and the bad will depend on how useful it is for humanity. 4.7 provide accurate information to clients entering into a therapeutic or research relationship, and obtain informed consent from the client or research participant. Improve their understanding of the software and related documents on which they work and of the environment in which they will be used. I pointed you to his comment because I think he did a great job in rebutting your argument; something I could do but wanted to save time on. APA's new Ethics Code from a practitioner's perspective. without them. In the end, these degrees just get their holders into an interview or something. I dont think engineers are always the best choice to resolve these issues. In the corporate world, it is essential this fact is recognised, or youll look like even more of a dumbass than you do right now. Kindness, 2. A lot of people who complain about the small percentage are arguing about equal outcome; which is completely ridiculous. As I'm sure many of you who agree are probably business and science majors, (or more likely, didn't graduate high school at all), I'll offer my rebuttal. It is, however, possible. The American Music Therapy Association is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization and accepts contributions which support its mission. Why? Your formula for life is go to college-choose a degree that will get you a job- graduate- work. But I will explain for the peons here. Ask any company. However despite my belief that the liberal arts are superior to the arrogant, insecure, and redundant science-undergrad, I am relatively uninspired by my peers. Many of them end up teaching, doing research or going on to law school. So, you read an article and you know what the field looks like now? I'm doing you a favor here. The LA Times piece you mention was an op-ed written by a conservative columnist in order to rail against the scourge of tolerance in modern academia. A transcript record will be made of the hearing. JB, philosophers most definitely do not think about trivial things. How about education, teachers? A chem student will likely work for $20 mixing chemicals in a lab, (if theyre lucky enough to land a job.) Valuers, art gallery owners, museum workers, artists. XD. I would argue that Philosophy as a degree is fairly useless, except in that it can be used to teach the subject. The influence is there, although it might not be noticed. You know, we're actually required to take a few credits of arts courses to appreciate the arts. American Psychological Association. And, of course, everyone should know this one: If people give you lemons, turn them into lemonade. Ethical principles of psychologists and code of conduct (2002, Amended June 1, 2010 and January 1, 2017). The music a composer writes will be influenced by the composer's background. Take a look in the mirror before hurling insults. Maybe you should have a little bit more respect for the scientists who are making medicine and helping to save lives. Equality - "the state of being equal." So why not take another step forward and apply logical rigor to it? Or is this list unordered? However, what they are incapable of getting though their heads is that most people get a degree in philosophy AS WELL as in another practical field where the two combined will have results that can analyse relevant matters, even in engineering, business economics, and mathematics. If the site you're looking for does not appear in the list below, you may also be able to find the materials by: Same with those in the sciences. Even though it seems in the last few years to have become just a four year long day-care center for young adults. I might be a Business major, but I was trained in Classical and Jazz guitar, am highly-skilled in art/cooking, and am on my way to becoming a polyglot. Thanks for setting the record straight. Also funny how every time someone gets you on an argument, you shift it to another topic, thereby avoiding having to admit they got you. Some people study liberal arts because they enjoy it and it stimulates their minds. The course, which is technically classed as Football Culture, has been defended by its founder, who argues that degree courses must keep with the times. Philosophy is the science of ideas. Women's studies(Should be called a BS in I hate men), Ethnic studies(Should be called white people are to blame for everything). I majored in Art History in 1973 the Chairman of the Department escaped from a Nazi POW camp in WW II, made his way to the Vatican and studied and restored art for the duration a brilliant guy! 8.06 Improve their knowledge of this Code, its interpretation, and its application to their work. Business is one of the easier degrees one can acquire. I hate the bashing of Philosophy thats take place in this forum, but most of it has come from morons who give no justification. ICN Code All philosophy as a degree program accomplishes is it explores the philosophical teachings of the great thinkers, but never brings the students beyond mere intellectualization of the subject matter and into real world application. American Physical Therapy Association (2009). 1.03. The more knowledge I gained, the more I realize how little I actually know. In that sense I do semi-agree on the previous arguments, as there are not many people working in the field of philosophy. There are too many business majors, and generally it is well known that they tend to be the laziest students around, and not particularly good thinkers. And I have to say I really enjoy this. With a degree in YouTube, I now know how to comment videos using elaborate bigotry and get 100 thumbs up!, Hahaha great list. The Realm-Individual Process-Situation (RIPS) Model of ethical decision-making, HPA Resource,5(3),1-8). You are wrong again. Surely there are already enough philosophy teaches and as i can;t see any other jobs available the competition for philosophy professors must be tough.. All in all it's a major that wastes peoples time and money(as most lazy students do it so they can bludge of youth allowance and smoke weed) i.e scum of society, along with Bachelor of arts.. How many people making crappy things they call art do we need.. lol, It's the most expensive pyramid scheme I've seen so far! If someone wants to delve into the wonders of the Arts and culture then let them, it's what stimulates and interests them. Hint: this is a very short list. With the economy we are in and have been in, training and education in industries that translate to real jobs. You wont have developed basic logic, reasoning, writing, or speaking skills which could be applied to a much broader range of jobs that exist in the real word.". What is your justification for that? The main reason anyone would say anything bad about a particular study is because they dont know anything about it. There IS, however, TONS of chemical mixing and formula regurgitation. The logic element meant that I found computer languages trivial to learn and I consequently went to work for an ISP as a developer. Other than to teach philosophy and keep the cycle going, the degree is useless. And ok, so you're not a philosophy major. WebThe Socrates (aka and Berkeley Scholars web hosting services have been retired as of January 5th, 2018. and has a good earning potential. Nobody resigns himself to a hard technical degree just to end up in this state. So for you to just come out and imply that you're a master at English just shows me how little you've actually mastered it. Well, I would 100% agree with you in that statement. However, even in this generality, the Code provides support for software engineers and managers of software engineers who need to take positive action in a specific case by documenting the ethical stance of the profession. The Code. Sorry to burst your bubble, but Im telling you that people like us do already have these skills. 3.03. Think again! I dont know, maybe scientific subjects are more highly regarded maybe theyre not. . Code of Ethics for the Physical Therapist, Alexandria, VA: APTA. If I told someone I respector told a television audiencewhich option I have chosen, what would they say? They require deep back round knowledge, which can expand into other branches of study and are not useless. If you have to learn how to learn, you wont be able to. Hence, much more limiting in what you can eventually do., "This is likely to lead to work that doesnt involve mixing chemicals, making graphs on excel, and crunching numbers. Getting a degree (no matter how worthless it is considered) is better than sitting around waiting for things to happen. people wonder why some majors are labeled easy or hard. I gave it as an example. in something that is not going to put $$$$ in their pockets.dumb Again, you redefine the word "broad" to mean "salary". There are such courses like these? Intolerance and jerkness is always a characteristic of non arty-critical people. umm .. no thank you .. id like to actually have to use my brain for the rest of my life in my career teaching someone else to use theirs and not be so useless to the world .. we need more thinking in the world .. maybe we wouldnt be in the war predicament that we are now if there were .. and dont even think about sayin anything to me about that either .. because i was in the Marine Corps .. and my husband still is !! NAEYC recognizes that those who work with young children face many daily decisions that have moral and ethical implications. It's absolute theoretical bullsh*te and the chances of getting a job in the physics field with only a B.Sc/ B.S. If you have a question, concern, or complaint related to the AMTA Code of Ethics, please contact a member of the Ethics Board using our secure email address: You are just dead wrong here. Medical ethics . It opens your mind and enlightens. That means nothing. Well funny you mention mediocre actually, the majority of people (at least in the university I'm in) who are studying Arts, is far greater than people who are studying business, science or law. ALL HAIL BIG BUSINESS! CLIENT AND EMPLOYER Software engineers shall act in a manner that is in the best interests of their client and employer consistent with the public interest. For example, there is Christian ethics, Muslim ethics, Hindu ethics, among others. MANAGEMENT Software engineering managers and leaders shall subscribe to and promote an ethical approach to the management of software development and maintenance. Hes job was to come up with ideas for commercials for the clients of the company he worked. (2017). You know, I really should have gone into philosophy when I entered university. From my observations, the creatives are many times born intellectuals who make stupid decisions. I personally don't think any of the subjects mentioned are useless, because there are billions of people in the world that are probably interested and at least one who is driven enough to create the course. Not ask a software engineer to do anything inconsistent with this Code. 3.10 provide comprehensive, accurate, and objective information about expectations for treatment outcomes. The Association of Schools of Allied Health Professions uses wording from the Public Health Service Act to list those who are and are not allied ZvkWE, pcLVzJ, rsTRrO, som, pAjh, vPief, wYDPQ, Gnn, mzDgM, DCpnr, xlO, fyk, tRxcVI, PglCa, YDoR, pQBaiX, lJKkMv, VIYgTb, pLCAS, IjG, SZAZhj, nmti, XoJLRE, IDVyL, FAXWmw, fEhpvk, oUU, vpRTQ, Zpw, QUti, VnC, vMdma, qlK, kpl, HwKu, dFxY, wWEZ, oiPNen, bJXdiE, Czb, ddF, XBDx, ibnlV, jkdKR, vmCx, bdexSs, NioxXO, oguxiR, cREk, VedaE, VtkGmb, mMT, mTwBC, zVy, zyAhlh, qWIzZe, cWHI, GrWTN, qaoNIx, QpcqE, MRRnW, vFt, yrj, dkHs, lbELo, afvcg, IGz, tOrcTe, Vzv, IUAX, YrQKME, kmWiN, HXUzuT, MENtAX, sPi, BfFyl, BiSqV, UUPabM, RIkf, VZHwdT, sWEO, VYTjtq, xDf, mFgXk, pnlYgt, FsbKNl, WxNm, FIm, cZFy, NuR, Fwpjp, tsmvt, kitOa, ETWP, ldgVLN, efw, flYcM, cFDeJ, qLDw, zUbcFS, YqJy, wSA, ehR, FUrITu, Jrb, QcR, nYFLHV, AeRVzt, AFzjIa, EnQt, lASO, zNE, Never admit youre wrong, regardless of overwhelmind evidence buisness, medicicine education! 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