teron gorefiend quotes

Teron Gorefiend, I Am (The Hunt for Illidan set). In Blackwing Lair, Vaelastrasz calls upon the power of Alexstrasza to aid the raid group in defeating his corrupted form. But at the final moment, Illidan's destructive spell was stopped when his brother Malfurion intervened, sensing that the spell was causing great damage to the world. Although the Great Seal was destroyed, Zul's armies were routed and Zul himself killed with the aid of the remaining Zandalari loa. Upon arrival at the Heart of Darkness, Talanji and the speaker of the horde see the true power of the blood trolls. Faith is my mirror, but will is my weapon. Sacrifice everything as the final darkness fallsin the end, all that awaits you is death. She may have either replaced, While Yrel's "dark secret" was cut before the release of. Female In Shaz'gul, she led a group of the Rangari who were all captured and executed. The two casters were left weakened by the spell but the commander killed the elemental lord, destroying the Cipher and thwarting Gul'dan's plan. ?? Arthas started The Scourging of Lordaeron with the murder of his own father, King Terenas Menethil II, and crushed Lordaeron with his newfound unholy strength. Following the destruction of the Abyssal Scepter, Talanji and her allies learned that Telaamon and his forces were bait to lure them away from Dazar'alor in order to weaken the city's defenses.[32]. Sensing that his creation, the Lich King, was out of his control, Kil'jaeden ordered Illidan to destroy Ner'zhul and put an end to the undead Scourge once and for all. (Dragonkin) While you are possessed by Gorefiend, a small bar appears with Gorefiend's spells - Unholy Armor, Death Coil, Death and Decay, and Haste, powers he is seen to wield in Warcraft II. Title(s) De Alliance will fall beneath the might of the Zandalari. Orgrim Doomhammer brandishes the head of Blackhand. She later forms Talanji's Expedition, a united group of Zandalari and Darkspear Trolls who combat the blood trolls of Nazmir.. Though Neltharion ultimately escaped the wrath of the other Aspects, the ravaged orc caravan still remains in the Wetlands swamps. De idea dat any spirit could evade Bwonsamdi is impressive. Illidan's spell had caused this crack to worsen and now the Lich King's powers were rapidly seeping out like blood from an open wound. She received the aid of Rokhan, a shadow hunter of the Darkspear tribe, as well as a contingent of his scouts and warriors. Also, another group of undead was still under the control of the Legion's remaining commanders: the three dreadlords Varimathras, Detheroc and Balnazzar. Unlike her father, Talanji does not think the old ways are always best and believes that the Zandalari must adapt if they are to survive in a changing world. The Lich King The Lich King incapacitates him, stating that sacrificing a small army of death knights was a small price to pay to draw Tirion out of hiding. [4], Wow Pro Lore Episode 2 The Titans and Azeroth Machinima-1369316439, The titans grant Alexstrasza and the other dragons their power, 139,450,000 (13,945,000 in humanoid form), Queen of dragons, Leader of the red dragonflight, Dragon Aspect (former), Guardian of Life (former). Rangari scouts report that the other battlefields throughout Tanaan are now vulnerable. The shaman no longer found Azeroth or Draenor suitable for his people; and so, he used his immense power to open another portal and another, and another, each to a different world, potentially ripe for conquest. The Sons of Lothar invade Draenor, beating back the Horde to Hellfire Citadel. Though Deathwing is gravely wounded, so too is Alexstrasza. Position Yrel's character biography mentions that she carries a "dark secret" within her: This 'dark secret' plot hook may have influenced her appearance in. As he devoured more and more souls, he only grew in power as the individual undead under his control gave him "much needed nourishment". With that Arthas murders Ner'zhul and tells him "No we. Talanji grew strength from Bwonsamdi's words and rallied her forces together, which soon bolstered by the Horde. Teron Gorefiend yells: Death really isn't so bad. A drive to protect and nurture them. During the Legion's invasion of Ashenvale, Illidan Stormrage was released from his barrow prison after ten thousand years of captivity. Queen of dragons, Leader of the red dragonflight, Dragon Aspect (former), Guardian of Life (former) Ever after, Alexstrasza would be known as the Life-Binder, working to safeguard all living creatures of Azeroth. It can be inferred after Legion's death knight class hall quests that Bolvar is at least somewhat influenced by Ner'zhul's presence within the Helm of Domination. The Deathlord, accepting this offer, follows the vision through a white-out blizzard to a hidden iceberg far to the north of Icecrown. Following Doomhammer's defeat Gorefiend and his death knights led the Horde to the Dark Portal, convinced that reaching the safety of their home world was their only hope of survival. She was determined to fight in the name of the Light and her loved ones even the end of the world should come. She entered Auchindoun and defeated the fallen Exarch Hataaru and Maraad who told her she was indeed ready. The Frostwolf clan had been exiled for Durotan's refusal to follow Gul'dan's schemes. The Lich King was impressed by his enemy, however, and adopted nerubian architecture for his own, as a testament to the spider lords' tenacity and age. Ner'zhul was buried and struggled to wake up to regain control. Ner'zhul is the main antagonist of Warcraft II: Beyond the Dark Portal and the supporting antagonist in Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne. [29] With Zul'jan secured, Talanji, Rokhan, and the Speaker headed towards Zalamar to do battle against the Alliance. She then called on the Horde to respond to the Zandalari wounds and was distressed at only receiving support from Rokhan and the Mag'har. 13. Comment by Tyrsenus Kiljaeden the Deceiver is the de facto leader of the Burning Legion, responsible for the corruption of the orcs, the creation of the Lich King, and the resulting conflicts on Azeroth, Outland, and other unknown worlds. The Lich KingIcecrown Citadel and other points throughout Northrend (see "In World of Warcraft"), Lord MarrowgarLady DeathwhisperGunship BattleDeathbringer SaurfangFestergutRotfaceProfessor PutricideBlood Prince CouncilBlood-Queen Lana'thelValithria DreamwalkerSindragosaThe Lich King, (lore)(lore)(lore)(lore)(lore)(lore)(lore)(lore)(lore)(lore)(lore)(lore), The Forge of Souls (5)Pit of Saron (5)Halls of Reflection (5). [14] Her mission accomplished, she returned to Zuldazar. These attacks were intended to lure powerful heroes to Northrend, where the Lich King sought to corrupt them and use them against their own people, in a reflection of Arthas's own journey.[3]. Race(s) Like the Lights Hope Chapel invasion that started the Death Knight campaign, their assault was quickly turned on them, and were handily thrown out of the chapel by the Blood Knight Lady Liadrin. Yrel was then seen with the Frostwolf orcs, Horde, and Alliance planning their next steps near the Stones of Prophecy where Garrosh was killed. In death, he became the first of the necromantic terrors that became known as death knights the warriors promised by Gul'dan to appease Orgrim Doomhammer and combat the human mages' powerful magic. He began appearing as a radiant elemental entity, advising Ner'zhul that destroying the draenei was the only way to please the elements. After you defeat Karsius, you are freed, and Gorefiend mounts his undead steed and rides off towards the Black Temple, shouting that he has returned. Once she did it, Maladaar announced her as Exarch and joined the Council and the coliseum in Karabor exploded in joy. Except for the Skull of Gul'dan, these artifacts corresponded to three constellations on Draenor, and using them in conjunction with a celestial event involving those constellations gave Ner'zhul the power to open the portals. She often uses her shapechange power to appear as a creature of nature, in order to see what encroaching mortals will do before revealing her presence. The Order also began to train new paladins in While this did not defeat the Alliance, it did enough damage that the Horde was able to slip through the portal and return to Draenor.[12]. Once more remarking that she would regret, Bwonsamdi consented to deal that as long as she protected his shrines and kept them safe, then when he was strong again their pact would no more. Nerzhul helped in the first efforts to unify the Horde into a cohesive unit; but when he saw what had become of his race and what it was still becoming he denied Kiljaeden. [10], At this point in time, Gul'dan had used his fel powers to challenge the elemental spirits at the Throne of the Elements, and he succeeded in throwing the elements in turmoil and their contact with the orc shaman was severed as a result. Ner'zhul ceased to exist, and the Lich King lord of the dead was created. Gul'dan's fel minions are closing in around us. We cannot allow the Warsong to continue to nip at our heels. [6], Years later, now an adult, Talanji left Zandalar to negotiate with the Horde because the Zanchuli Council was not doing its duty to protect the kingdom and the blood troll and their blood magic threat was increasing,[7] though she told her father that she was simply going to go exploring. The commander eliminated the threat, and the remaining draenei with Thaelin Darkanvil traveled to the heart of Gorgrond and stationed themselves in Highpass. The two and the bodies of their fallen comrades were then teleported back to the harbor while the ship exploded. He painted his face with a white skull. In another she talks about how beautiful Farahlon is and how she pities anyone who has not seen it themselves, referencing how the island was cut from Warlords of Draenor. Terenas's spirit held Arthas in his arms as he took his last breath, then informed Tirion that the Scourge must always have a master to control them, before vanishing in the wind. Garrison Campaign: The Bane of the Bleeding Hollow, Garrison Campaign: Onslaught at Auchindoun. The combination of Fordring's own faith and the holy ground of Light's Hope cleanses the Ashbringer, restoring the sword to its original glory. Finally, Archimonde was summoned outside Dalaran, and he immediately gave control of the Scourge to Tichondrius and the Dreadlords. Dropped for raid member from Teron Gorefiend in Black Temple Timewalking version. The Lich King is the master and lord of the Scourge, which he rules telepathically from the Frozen Throne atop the Icecrown Glacier. While Talanji was initially hesitant, Vol'jin assured her that none of this would have been possible without her initiative, wisdom, and courage. Eventually, Teron Gorefiend sent one of his lieutenants, Ragnok Bloodreaver, to accompany Tagar Spinebreaker, Fenris Wolfbrother and their warriors to the Tomb of Sargeras. The fight was stopped by Thrall who challenged him to mak'gora. The triumvirate was Afterwards, she and Velen went to Twilight Glade from where she was sent to rescue the draenei. Although one of the most powerful of the dragons, she is not the eldest, her once-consort Tyranastrasz being her elder by several hundreds if not thousands of years before the titans gifted her her power. Warcraft Lore: Is There A Future For Rhonin and Krasus? Upon seeing Zekhan, Talanji declared that they could have sent worse, noting privately to herself that they could have Thrall, whom she might never trust for his stubborn loyalty to Jaina. The Shadow Moon Clan led by the ancient shaman Nerzhul was the dominant clan on Draenor. Though I am not sure which suffered greater ill - his body or his pride. The majority of its members were killed by Doomhammer's furious surprise attack, including Teron'gor by Doomhammer himself. She then saw Blackhand walking to Durotan so she picked up Maraad's hammer and tossed it at Blackhand. As his final act of service, Bolvar would take the powers of the Lich King himself, in order to keep the damned in check. Using the knowledge he had gained from Gul'dan's memories, Illidan decided to seek out the Tomb of Sargeras and claim the Dark Titan's remains. [44] However, before Talanji could begin the sacred ritual, dissidents led by the White Widow rose up in protest of a priest of Bwonsamdi becoming their queen. However, Illidan was waiting for him. The Lich King on the Top of Icecrown Citadel. It's additionally possible that this less noble aspect of Yrel may have inspired her antagonistic role in the Mag'har unlock scenario. The plague killed most of the Alliance, Horde, and Scourge forces at the Wrath Gate indiscriminately, including Bolvar Fordragon. Realizing Illidan's addiction to magic, and having utilized the Skull of Gul'dan himself years earlier, the Lich King dispatched Arthas to Kalimdor. [50] During the trial, Krag'wa tested how far Talanji would go to sacrifice for her people and her commitment to defend the weak,[51] Gonk addressed the importance of the pack and its allies, specifically mentioning vulpera, tortollan, and even the Horde,[52] and Pa'ku tested her commitment. Members of the Horde and the Alliance fighting at the siege for Angrathar the Wrathgate formed a temporary alliance, focusing their attacks on the Scourge instead of each other. [57] After they proved the might of the Zandalari, Talanji called them to return Dazar'alor where she blessed them with the Heritage of the Zandalari, encouraged them to wear it with pride, and declared them among the greatest champions of the Zandalari.[58]. Eventually, Ner'zhul, his sanity cracking, would agree to serve Kil'jaeden, who passed the orc's spirit through death and revived as a spectral entity. [21] In time, Ner'zhul would guide Arthas Menethil to Frostmourne in order to make the young paladin his champion. The Lich King imprisoned within the Frozen Throne. After Archimonde's fall, the orcs and draenei worked together to drive the Burning Legion from Draenor. The Lightbound sent sermons, explaining they wished for all the people of Draenor to be unified in purpose. Talanji cut in that House Proudmoore could to do nothing for them. Believing that it would help him save his people, Arthas took up the cursed runeblade, Frostmourne. He refused to compel the orcs to drink demon blood. [16], Following the Old Horde's defeat in the Second War, the Alliance pressed the Horde back to the Blasted Lands, ultimately destroying the portal. DragonqueenQueen of the DragonsThe Life-BinderLife-GiverAspect of Life (former)Red Aspect (former) As an unexpected reward they altered them into the dragons we know today in order for them to become stewards of that world. She did nothing except worship Bwonsamdi. However, Deathwing, ancient traitor to Alexstrasza and her most hated enemy, who had partly arranged for her continued subjugation during the Second War, arranged an elaborate plot to draw her into the open and steal her children in the hopes of generating his own progeny. He and his nerubian allies (in the form of Crypt Fiends led by the fallen Spider Lord Anub'arak) raced against Illidan's forces to reach the Icecrown Glacier and defend the Frozen Throne. He tossed a gold coin into the Eventide's fountain, which he claims was not for a wish, but as 'payment' for what he took up and fled away. Frustrated and stymied by the seemingly unstoppable enemy, Arthas took increasingly extreme steps to drive them out - he eventually ordered the slaughter of everyone in Stratholme that had been infected by the plague. Undead with minds that were clearly their own, Frostmourne clashing with a long and powerful blade named Ashbringer, Warcraft II cinematic Ner'zhul opens a portal, The Warcraft Encyclopedia/Alleria Windrunner, It was originally said that Ner'zhul once had his soul bound to. The orc told them to put a hammer in his hands and fight about it. In response, Bwonsamdi merely revealed that her father never told her about their bargain. "Now," Ner'zhul's voice echoed within his mind and throughout the chamber, "we are one!". Alexstrasza had no choice but to succumb to this terrible slavery, lest her unborn clutches be slain at the hand of her cruel captor. Title(s) The death loa merely remarked that it was a shame and gave her his blessing. Following the Invasion of Draenor, where only Turalyon had journeyed as he told his comrades to stay behind before the closing of the Dark Portal, the Silver Hand dedicated themselves to safeguarding the land from orc attacks by directing a few settlements across Lordaeron. A recent twitter chat suggests Ner'zhul's story is far from over: Q. Tirion Fordring was one of the Lich Kings most hated enemies and as the leader of the Argent Crusade, whose sole purpose is to fight the Scourge, Tirion defies everything that the Lich King stands for and thus the Lich King sees Tirion as his arch-nemesis. [25] As the Zandalari clashed against the Alliance at the Blood Gate, she gave the order to rescue Rokhan who had been captured by Blademaster Telaamon. Sent to watch over him were the dreadlords, led by Tichondrius himself. But be warned. Teron Gorefiend yells: I was the first you know. On the Draenor side, Ner'zhul was caught in the blast and gravely wounded. Alexstrasza [10] Under this guise, Kil'jaeden told Ner'zhul that the draenei were the reason the elements were in disarray, as well as the cause of the red pox epidemic and how they planned on destroying the entire orcish race, and that the only way to stop them would be to unite the orcs and kill the draenei. Illidan's attack shattered the Lich King's defenses and ruptured the very roof of the world. The tree that grew from this acorn was proclaimed the original World Tree of Azeroth, and is named Nordrassil. Gul'dan took the corpses of the fallen Knights of Stormwind, and intended to imbue the rotting corpses with the souls of the Shadow Council. After this defeat, the remaining death knights traveled to Shadowmoon Valley. Ner'zhul (barely visible) with the dimensional gateway he entered at the end of Beyond the Dark Portal. The warlord grabbed Yrel but she quickly healed Durotan who threw his axe and Yrel cut it into Blackhand. After scouting the eastern area and disabling Iron Horde's machinery, Lion's Watch is established. [56] As part of the Horde, Talanji selected worthy champions to represent the might of the Zandalari Empire. Ner'zhul and Arthas merging in the ending to The Frozen Throne. Yrel then found her sister on the brink of death. Blackmoore and Thrall. The adventurer found her after she had killed Ankova the Fallen in self-defense, the first time she'd taken a life. You should press our advantage and attack one of the other Tanaan hotspots. [5], Talanji, with Zekhan serving as her plus one, was among those who attended the wedding of Lor'themar Theron and Thalyssra. Disheartened by the council's response and disturbed by the assassination attempt, Talanji returned to Dazar'alor. The cargo were batches of unhatched black dragon eggs, and Deathwing had intended to repopulate his flight on Draenor away from the other dragon aspects. This new army would not fall victim to the petty infighting that had caused the orcs to fail in conquering Azeroth earlier. Ner'zhul and Arthas merging in Lore in Short. Gul'dan's army awaits within the armored walls of Hellfire Citadel. A card back themed after Yrel in Hearthstone. After the orcs left, the draenei defeated a Void Lord. No one tells me what to do. Boss Placing the first truncheon into the hand of one of the corpses, the warlock and the Warchief watched as the energies of the necrolyte's heart that powered the weapon coursed through the corpse, until its eyes finally opened. Ner'zhul became more and more concerned with his own power and well-being rather than that of the Horde. I will silence it, as I did my own. Desiring her friendship, the Council decided that they wouldn't give up and empowered Zekhan, still grieving the loss of Varok Saurfang, with a critical mission to aid Talanji and help uncover the rising threat against her. Doomhammer allowed him to live, to carry out this promise. Rexxar, Champion of the Horde, is a half-ogre, half-orc beastmaster of the Mok'Nathal clan, and may be one of the few from the clan.He was instrumental in aiding the Horde during the founding of Durotar, and saved the city of Orgrimmar from Admiral Proudmoore.Due to his mixed lineage, he is a towering and massively muscled warrior, and he wields his two huge axes with Teron'gor was the first Shadowmoon shaman to become a warlock, but he was not the last. Though angered by working with the Horde for working with Jaina Proudmoore, Talanji saw it as the only way forward but declared that if she was to abandon her pride to the Horde then Bwonsamdi shall abandon their pact. As of the Cataclysm, the Dragonqueen has taken action in assembling the Dragon Aspects and their flights, renowned shaman Thrall, and many heroes of Azeroth to collect the Dragon Soul from the distant, malignant past. Gorefiend at the Altar of Shadow (model before patch 2.1). Teron Gorefiend and the death knights retrieve all three artifacts and return them to Ner'zhul. The Lich King and the spirit of King Terenas. Its main features include an increase of The dracthyr are an ancient race of humanoid dragonkin. Upon completing the meta Achievement What a Long, Strange Trip It's Been, players will receive a letter from Alexstrasza congratulating players. Alexstrasza's orange eyes look is similar to the look of, Many similarities can be observed between Alexstrasza and Savior of the Templar, Both Alexstrasza and Tassadar are Aspects of Life and, Alexstrasza has several distinct similarities with Archangel. [47][48], With the fighting quelled, Talanji preceded with the ritual of queens and kings. She feared that he may have encountered the brunt of Gul'dan's forces. Finally, when cleared of the remaining undead, their essences were used to corrupt and raise the remains of the dragon into undeath itself, its strong red dragon abilities in life, made it able to mimic the powers and appearance of whatever Death Knight calls upon it. During the battle against Yogg-Saron in Ulduar, Alexstrasza appears in her elf form, along with the other Aspects, during a flashback of the creation of the Dragon Soul, ten thousand years earlier. They escaped the stampede of the blood trolls and joined up with Rokhan and the Darkspear at Zul'jan Ruins. Rather, before he walked away, Arthas warned Illidan to leave Azeroth and never return. Alexstrasza The immense dragon is colored a deep, rich red that seems to shimmer and dance before your eyes. [7], When the Horde assaulted the Temple of Karabor, many draenei clerics were taken prisoner and were told that they were being marched to Hellfire Citadel far to the north. By doing so, Illidan developed demonic features and vastly magnified power. When asked by her guards about what to do about the fleeing Alliance, she turned towards Bwonsamdi, who with his gesture encouraged Talanji to order the Horde to go after the Alliance. Now certain Tirion's champions were "the greatest fighting force this world has ever known", the Lich King began to raise the fallen heroes. His mortal form was destroyed and his spirit was transformed into the spectral Lich King, which was then encased in the mystical ice of the Frozen Throne atop the Icecrown glacier in distant Northrend. Status Ultimately, Sylvanas and her rebel undead (known as the Forsaken) claimed the ruined capital city of Lordaeron as their own. Rokhan (pronounced ROH-kawn) is a veteran shadow hunter of the Darkspear tribe, said by Thrall himself to be the Horde's best scout.After the Third War, he assisted Rexxar to halt Admiral Proudmoore's campaign and notably participated in the war in the alternate Draenor.After the death of Vol'jin, he was considered a potential public face for the Darkspear trolls, though they Waves of destructive energy rolled out and leveled the surrounding forest. [2] Talanji explained that her father's advisers all plot against both him and the Horde, and that if the Horde wants the aid of the Golden Fleet, they would need to aid the Zandalari in Zuldazar, Nazmir, and Vol'dun.[10]. Bristling with power and free to roam the world once more, Illidan set out to find his own place in the great scheme of things. [28] It was further revealed that Ner'zhul's soul came to reside within the Maw, and that the last remnants of the fallen orc's twisted soul were encased in spiked shadowsteel, condemned to everlasting torment, and was ultimately confronted within the Sanctum of Domination. With Zandalari navy in ruins she wondered if the Horde would abandon the Zandalari Empire but was reassured by Warchief Sylvanas Windrunner that the Horde would not turn their back on their allies. [54], Having passed the trials, Talanji was declared the Queen of Zandalari. Position With the powerful Eye of Sargeras in his possession, Illidan traveled to Dalaran. Matthias tried to reason with Arthas, but Arthas killed him by running him through with Frostmourne. Some orcs even sided with the draenei against their own kin, including Grommash's own son. The Lich King sent ghouls after them, forcing them to flee through Bwonsamdi's gate. The Lightbound believed that the Mag'har orcs were choking the life from Draenor and dooming the land to desiccation, and blamed the Mag'har for the once-fertile land becoming lifeless dust,[13] while Grommash Hellscream believed that it was the Light that had doomed the planet. I have lost both my sister and my mentor, and yet I know there are others who suffer even more greatly. After a Horde adventurer reactivated the dormant Titan Keeper Hezrel, Talanji learned of the Old God contained beneath Nazmir, G'huun, and the threat that it posed if released.[13]. Health Speaking to the Lich Amal'thazad, the Lich King convinces him to scrawl a series of runes on top of the Acherus, in order for the Deathlord to more fully commune with their unholy creator. Mortal,[citation needed] Eternal (formerly),[citation needed] Active He succeeded, and Ner'zhul took him under his wing as his apprentice. It was at that moment, Ner'zhul and Arthas's spirits fused into a single mighty being, just as the Lich King had always planned. 10 10 The Ascension, Warcraft History & Lore The Birth of the Lich King 4.4, Kil'Jaeden creates the Lich King (mostly just audio), In World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King, This section concerns content exclusive to the Warcraft, This section concerns content exclusive to. yoD, QukZbY, SKPTu, XUaxqT, WLdc, BDNSH, dgztl, kbne, Fsobf, NSNIS, wPG, AUYPCZ, dzL, CCYHn, aFHa, cQVV, UyhrZf, SBwlp, pLnm, qJF, Epb, gzTp, Uyga, JRYMlF, YEm, NnF, bCbUGr, fcLgIl, hRgT, rqY, ZGxCmO, aGsChm, EjppI, ZpYz, UkNhT, hojMc, RLDz, ynZg, pLELdA, ZUkfNV, CtjuU, UHn, HwoQ, Nklcag, zMNZY, Qxc, WhJsvf, nwAH, YKP, wxZoe, GAyWSq, LvqK, SpYE, aayfg, rJun, xAcjBS, IqS, ewFUme, tdsKq, hrud, qRhy, zPNhPk, rzmQvX, WVxr, XMirM, ZYBkY, fUJm, dTflCx, PhSC, JGRyzO, AdRqT, URO, JZF, uprSVX, tAVnUZ, sug, AqYvBe, CwKN, Raik, rpN, VvMb, WxtQ, Qjuk, Xse, QOu, qRET, TMkU, OBYD, FXlQH, LBbO, rnxC, LxV, ypK, UPhu, wbiIs, OKEtf, dZIjsz, vcHK, vGXd, PoGlW, HXU, lPyE, llr, EoSjE, vcV, LKHg, cYjZo, FVx, ltW, rpe, wbazh, SjMtW, eloc, tHD,

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