most dangerous person in the world all time

According to Business Insider, it all started in 1980. He has killed at least 30 people. Frank Abbandando was a part of Murder, Inc. That was in 1992. It's so overcrowded that people are forced to stand most of the time because there's no space to sit or lie down. These days, his permanent residence is at the supermax prison in Florence, Colorado, alongside Ted Kaczynski, the infamous "Unabomber.". Leopold exploited Congo and sent the resources to his country. He burnt entire cities, murdered thousands of people & every member in his family. He was a cruel, ruthless, vengeful, and bloodthirsty man. Pol Pot was a Cambodian leader who was deeply committed to Marxist ideology. That life came to an end on May 1, 2011, when U.S. forces stormed his hidey-hole in Abbottabad, Pakistan, and shot him dead. He used each and every, opportunity to increase his personal wealth. Here, you have the list of the 15 most ferocious and cruel leaders of all time. He was brutally murdered in prison in 2018, a crime the FBI resolved to investigate. In his bid to build an agrarian society, heprohibited other economic activities in the country. He not only made them live in his kingdom like dogs but also forbade them from eating their native food. He is the head of Irans Quds Force, which is a kind of Special Forces brigade in Iran. Wilder dropped off the radar and popped up on the FBI's Most Wanted List. Gods retribution had its own way and Attila died on his wedding night. However, she leads the American Federation of Teachers, a labor union with only 1.7 million members. Close this popup and browse for 2 minutes. He never had a soft spotfor people and his quotes also reflect that. It was written in nineteen forty-nine by George Orwell. He also wants to have a single Islamic political leadership across all Arab nations. Weingarten didnt invent the 1619 Project; Nikole Hannah-Jones did. Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is the leader of Islamic State in Iraq. #5. At the time, I had started to hit harder. He commands a troupe that is responsible for intervention in Syria that led to President Assads reign. 66,000 children became soldiers. However, there are some people out there that we hate because they don't have any redeeming qualities at all. Fox News host Tucker Carlson gives his take on Elon Musk's Twitter takeover and expos of the company's censorship on 'Tucker Carlson Tonight.' We thought we would take just a moment to address . If you are wondering who these cold-blooded killers are, here are the 15 most dangerous criminals in the world. His evil-ass mug was added to the Most Wanted list, but he managed to hide out until 2003, when a rookie cop happened to catch him digging in a dumpster outside a North Carolina grocery store. How he died still remains a mystery. The thing is, the software called the Liberator was downloaded 100,000 times by the time authorities intervened, meaning anyone with an Internet connection had access to blueprints of a highly dangerous weapon. Pol Pot believed in destroying the Cambodian civilisation in order to start a new regime and usher in a new age. More dangerous than the President of China, Xi Jinping, who is threatening the survival of Taiwan and re-imposing a repressive regime across China. I tried human flesh and its too salty for my taste, Amin once confessed. But for now, the president enjoys diplomatic immunity across a large variety of African states, making his capture almost impossible for international authorities searching for him. In both of these instances, he also planted secondary devices intended to kill or maim responders to the scene and in the instance of the abortion clinic bombing, it worked, injuring six reporters and police detectives. Close this popup and browse for 2 minutes. After moving to Tampa Bay in 1984, Bobby Joe Long single-handedly pushed the area's homicide . From Donald Trump to Russian hackers, these are the most dangerous characters we've been watching online in 2018. This name needs no introduction. Photo (left): Scott Olson/Getty Images; Photo (right): Alex Wong/Getty Images. rule. Their island is about the size of Manhattan. Christopher Wilder had a thing for pretty ladies so much so that in order to meet them, he'd approach them (usually in shopping malls, perHistory), compliment them, and offer them a modeling job. It may seem odd in an era in which smut can just randomly appear on your phone whether you want it to or not, but before the internet age, people lots and lots of people would leave their homes to go to adult cinemas or to shady "bookstores" to buy nudie magazines. Ayman al-Zawahiri, al-Qaida's top leader and the successor to Osama bin Laden, reportedly ordered the attacks in Paris in January . Hitler committed suicide in his bunker on 30th April 1945. Some of these people are popular for a reason. His group has released a five-year plan that includes a map for expansion that takes in Africa, the Middle East, the Arabian Peninsula, Pakistan, India, and Afghanistan. Please whitelist TheClever or disable your ad blocker to continue. To suppress these two groups, Saddam ordered the killing of many Shiites. He's been on the run ever since, and though the FBI believes he initially fled to Mexico, they also think he may have returned to the States by now. He said in an interview that Randi Weingarten, President of the American Federation of Teachers, is "the most dangerous person in the world.". The most dangerous person in the world knows with absolute certainty that John F. Kennedy was executed by the CIA which was acting on behalf of the International Banking Cartel and Military-Industrial Complex. He killed over 10 million Congolese, which was 50% of the population of Congo. 7 Kim Jong-un Kim Jong-un (born 8 January 1983) is a North Korean politician who has been Supreme Leader of North Korea since 2011 and the leader of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) since 2012. 1427 E. 60th Street, Chicago, IL 60637-2902 To please him, the Romans had to pay heavy amounts, consistently accepting his suzerainty. A German pamphlet once read: He roasted children, whom he fed to their mothers. He's about 5'10", with the letter "S" tattooed on his left shoulder and the letter "E" on his right. North Korea has suffered from almost 70 years and still suffering from the wrath and policies of their dictators for the 3rd generation in a row. He stayed there for 20 years, until he was removed, as he "no longer fit Top Ten criteria." Major General Qassem Sulemani has been known to undertake a covert war on Israel and America, including arming allies. He was referred toas the Butcher of Uganda, and really he does deserve the title. After moving to Illinois around the time of the 1893 Chicago World's Fair, H.H. Hitler had a strong belief that Jews would never contribute to Germanys success. Most of the successful personalities in the world are successful leaders too. Here, you have the list of the 15 most ferocious and cruel leaders of all time. Ng went to prison for three years, but Lake made bail and then went into hiding at a remote cabin of the type you've seen in a million horror movies. He got the death sentence and was executed in the electric chair in 1989. It is believed Major Sulemani can be stopped if sanctions are placed on Setad. The UN believes that to stop this group, the government of Nigeria needs to sensitize the locals living in the sect strongholds about the benefits of education to gain its local Muslim support. People were killed by having molten metal poured into their eyes and ears. Glen Stewart Godwin escaped from the Folsom State Prison in California back in 1987 where he was serving a murder sentence. Third times a charm. He died in a nursing home in 2016 just shy of his 77th birthday, an ignominious end for a man whose very name once had every criminal in Philly quaking in their shorts. Alton Coleman was locked up for rape in the early '70s, and considering his predilections, he never should have been let out. It's not a close call. He is a Nigerian Islamist terrorist and the leader of Boko Haram. Suffice to say he was the inspiration for Jack Nicholson's character in The Departed and the film was probably a bit kind in its depiction of him. As a young man, he was a robber and an assassin. After one escape attempt, he was sent to Folsom State Prison where he escaped after just five months. The Marsh Arabs had to relocate themselves from Southern Iraq and Saddam mercilessly destroyed their villages. I have a small ongoing project where, when I see two people I admire fighting with each other on social media, I privately offer to pay for them to have a nice meal together face-to-face. Gary Ray Bowles, also known as the I-95 Killer, is a guy you wouldn't want to meet in a dark alley, or anywhere else especially if you happen to be gay. (Picture: One of the world's evilest dictators responsible for mass massacres and sentencing many to death. . A Georgian historian Roy Aleksandrovich Medvedev had compiled a research paper that revealed the death toll during Stalins rule. It is believed that he designed the underwear bomb that was used in an attempt to blow up a U.S. bound plane back in 2009 and a printers bomb that was sent to the U.S. from Yemen. The most dangerous person in the world is a broke and alone young male. Thomas Silverstein is the most violent prisoner in the world. Most-wanted terrorists . Once he was in Dujail, a town near Baghdad, and some militants attackedhim. He led the Cambodian Marxist political movement called the Khmer Rouge. The admirers of themselves (the greatest vice of all is the vice of oneself, said C. S. Lewisthe "identity" politics of fashionable multiculturalism"all the brains in the world are powerless against whatever stupidity is in fashion" [La Fontaine, 1621-1695])confuse differences with "diversity." Flu and cold season has arrived early and it's caught people by surprise. He was finally caught not due to a helpful public, but a simple traffic violation. Their legacy is upheld by those who think they were right! He loved impaling, beheading, burning, strangling, frying, blinding and disemboweling people. But under his regime, between 1885 to 1908, the country was subjected to a reign of terror. His sects objective is to establish a theoretic state based on the biblical Ten Commandments and their local Acholi traditions. As a response to that attack, a livid Saddam gave an order to arrest the, residents of the whole town. Time on death row: 31 years. Although there was an atmosphere of respite and a sigh of relief was heaved by one and all, people felt that somehow his execution was too peaceful in comparison to the horrors committed by him. The threat posed by a powerful teacher union leader from New York is an American cultural theme dating at least to Woody Allens 1973 movie Sleeper, in which a character explains the world was wiped out when a man by the name of Albert Shanker got hold of a nuclear warhead., Weingarten is violating, though, the advice of Joe Biden, who, in his Yale Class Day speech in 2015, cited Senator Mike Mansfield in advising, its always appropriate to question another mans judgment, but never appropriate to question his motives because you simply dont know his motives. Biden explained that when you start questioning peoples motives, its awful hard to reach consensus. He summed up: Resist the temptation to ascribe motive, because you really dont know and it gets in the way of being able to reach a consensus on things that matter to you and to many other people.. He was head of the SS and the brain behind the Final Solution to the Jewish question, that is extermination of all Jews in Europe. While it was built to accommodate 600 inmates, it houses as many as 6,000 to 7,000, according to Zee News. Want to know the current Sicilian boss? In 2019,The San Diego Union-Tribunenoted that he was still waiting for his execution. Forget enemies, he even killed families of people who were fond of him. Like Putin, Assad, Kim, and Xi, Weingarten is also a President. At trial, he was sentenced to death, but the sentence was overturned due to the presentation of "improper" evidence that Bowles was a homophobe and that many of his victims were gay. The world used to have some sort of order, a structure of how things run, and you couldnt just print a gun like you would a term paper, and it was definitely out of the question to destroy a nuclear production facility by manipulating a few lines of code. Around 400,000 people including innocents became the victims of this law. He did not even exclude the kids from the brutalpunishment. A group of men confronted them, and that's when Mederos decided that a lethal escalation of the situation was in order. Here's the list of world's 10 most wanted fugitives: 10. Many such professionals were murdered along with their, entire extended families. Public gatherings and possessing valuable assets, were also considered a punishable offense. Germanys prisons were filled with them and they were treated very brutally. He went back on the list. He was acruel man who left nothing in his wake. Weingarten responded that Pompeo is going after her because she is Jewish and gay. He died of natural causes. Mao had a dream of making China a superpower but in the process, he created the largest genocide in history. He is the current President of North Sudan. He gave no option to the people, either they had to join Khan or sacrifice their life in the rebellion. He is involved in drug trafficking, the trade of nuclear material, international prostitution and contract murders. Ayman al-Zawahiri. He is a Saudi militant and an expert bomb maker for the al-Qaeda. 15. These included such events as the 1993 Mogadishu bombing, which killed 18 Americans; the other attack on the World Trade Center that same year, which killed six and injured over 1,000; the 1995 attempted assassination of Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak; the U.S. National Guard training center bombing in Riyadh later that year, which also killed six and injured hundreds; the 1996 bombing of a U.S. Air Force complex in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, which killed 19 and injured over 100; and the twin bombings of U.S. embassies in Africa in 1998, which between them claimed the lives of 224 people. Ayman al-Zawahiri was the leader of Egyptian Islamic Jihad from Cairo and he merged it with al-Qaeda. The reduction of economic pathways for young people is no less serious for women, but it appears to be less. Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has dubbed Randi Weingarten, the head of the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) union, as the "most dangerous person in the world" over the damaging impact she is believed to have had on America's children. 4 The Mass Kidnapper He is Abubakar Shekau, the leader of the terrorist group of Boko Haram. This is your man. My project is premised on the notion that a real threat to America is the kind of polarization that lets our leaders demonize each other as caricatures rather than relating as fellow citizens. This was the condition of China under him. His female bodyguards were also victims of his sexual harassment. Robespierres Committee of Public Safety created the Lawof Suspects which gave the right to local authorities to put anyone behind thebars if they aroused even the least bit of suspicion. F ormer Secretary of State Mike Pompeo bashed the head of the American Federation of Teachers union, describing her as the "most dangerous person in the world." The . Even in friends, he saw his enemies. Of course, he skipped out again, and that's when the murdering began in earnest. Congos soldiers had to follow the orders of Leopold like slaves. Public opinion was highly neglected and exploited by Ho. Pavelic had no mercy. Here are 10 of the most dangerous men who wield power around the globe: 1. Terror is nothing more than speedy, severe andinflexible justice; it is thus an emanation of virtue, Robespierre once said. The likely 2024 presidential hopeful gave a brief list of principles that could serve as the basis for the GOP ticket in two years before shifting his focus to education. He is also being accused of money laundering as well as kidnapping. 10 Most Dangerous Men In The World In 2022. Is it Chairman Kim, is it Xi Jinping?' The most . Ho was totally against South Vietnams leaders. They were deprived of good, jobs and basic rights. His whereabouts are still unknown. He wasn't a talent scout. Hard to believe that he was once a talented artist and part of a Bohemian community. God bless the souls of the tormented. Certainly this person deserves to be on top of the charts. Although he has been credited with modernising China and making it a world power, his actions killed around 40 to 70 million people through forced labour, executions and starvation. Please whitelist TheClever or disable your ad blocker to continue. The Huns had been a constant trouble for the people and Attila made sure his name would be recorded as the fiercest and most barbaric of all. He had killed around 6 million Jews during the Holocaust. This hack gave Lamo access to personal databases, as well as one that had the . Please support TheClever so we can continue providing you with great content! This French leader did not even spare his ownfriends from brutal punishment. Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo bashed the head of the American Federation of Teachers union, describing her as the "most dangerous person in the world.". Saddams cruelty came to an end in 2006 when he was held responsible for multiple crimes against humanity. Dangerous men do not appear out of nowhere. Principle #2: Do not defend your property. He would sometimes bring his deceased victims home to further defile their bodies and was even known to display their severed heads around his apartment like ghastly trophies. For Attila, punishing his enemies was a big time pleasure. Roy Benavidez. This Hun ruler killed his brother to take the crown. You've got to be a pretty bad dude or dudette to make the list, and since you're reading this, you're probably curious as to just how bad the baddest of them were. Authorities say that at about 7 in the morning on May 26 of that year, Diggs snapped, shooting and killing his wife and children before pulling a week-long disappearing act. He is also keen to drive all non-Muslims out of Saudi Arabia since he believes that it is the home of Islams holiest cities. set about constructing a three story hotel for weary travellers, complete with built-in torture chamber. The woods must have taken to him as well because Diggs hasn't been seen since. Its not for me. He has been indicted for war crimes and crimes against humanity by the International Criminal Court but has evaded capture. Civics, fundamentally, is learning ones history as a country. Here's a quick recap on the 10 most evil people in history: Adolf Hitler Joseph Stalin Vlad Tepes Osama Bin Laden Mao Zedong Pol Pot Genghis Khan Heinrich Himmler Kim Jong-il Saddam Hussein How many of these people did you expect to appear on this list of the 10 most evil people in history? One such event that elucidates his blind rage happened which broke all past records of cruelty. People in Congo had to pay a heavy tax and Leopold II used the money to build many buildings in Belgium. After that, he had them all impaled.. Attila troubled the Roman Empire throughout his rule. He made them die through starvation or forced them to serve the German army like slaves. The Biden administration was excited Thursday to announce that it had reached a deal with Russia to free WNBA basketball player Brittney Griner from a Russian jail, but critics on social media blasted Biden for giving up a dangerous Russian arms dealer in exchange for a mere basketball player and leaving a U.S. Marine languishing in a Russian jail on top of it. Like me, I'm nice: I SWEAR! Where there could have been peace and harmony, they desecrated the lands by spilling blood and all sorts of gore. He ordered the Britishers stationed in India during Second World War to forcibly extricate all t. Email, Copyright 2022 President & Fellows of Harvard College, Kissinger Warns on Education Wokeness as National Security Threat, Biden History and Civics Priorities Emerge as Battlegrounds, Debate Over Child Tax Credit Outlives Expiration of the Expanded Credit, Teachers Should Replace the Soft Bigotry of Low Expectations with the Suspension of Disbelief. They were soon surrounded by hundreds of enemies who attacked . At the time, authorities believed she had been involved in at least five other murders and had participated in as many as 50 shootings. ADRIAN LAMO. Ante Pavelic was the chief of the Ustase party which had power in Croatia. It would be the teacher's unions, and the filth that they're teaching our kids, and the fact that they don't know math and reading or writing. This French leader did not even spare his own, friends from brutal punishment. Steven M. Greer. Due to his brutal policies against minorities, Ante Pavelic isconsidered as one of the cruelest Nazi leaders. His power is derived from his close relationship with Irans supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei whose own power is from a huge business empire known as Setad. Infamous mob boss James "Whitey" Bulger is one of few to spend nearly as much time as an FBI informant as he did getting hunted by the Bureau. Around 40 million people died during Khans rule and he was always proud of it. He has over 100 front companies and about 27 bank accounts in different countries, all this to ensure that his money is moving. Though he was intelligent, he had bouts of rage due to mental illness. A 2024 Republican presidential contender says so. It is believed that his men, if out of water, would drink blood from their horses. It was at this prison that he allegedly murdered his fellow inmate and escaped five months later. He is the drug lord of the Sinaloa Cartel in Mexico. The Most Dangerous Criminals To Ever Make The FBI's Most Wanted List. Businessmen used to send escort girls for Gaddafi just to be in his good books. Excessive focus on shortcomings of history could impair capacity to act internationally, he says. World's Most Harmful Individuals 2022. If you can think of a crime, chances are pretty good that Rafael Caro-Quintero has either committed it or been involved in it. His cartel has undertaken brutal mass killings of rival cartels in the country as well as civilians just to maintain his loyalty. He neglected the Supreme Court and ruled the country like a dictator. Votes: 3. This is part of WEF's 2030 agenda, 1 and a plan is already in place to make it happen. They live on North Sentinel Island in the Bay of Bengal that is located between Myanmar and India. In Hitlers kingdom, those who werenot able to work had no right to live. 5 Yaser Abdel Said He was born on January 27, 1957, he is an FBI escapee wanted for the supposed involvement in the two murders of his two teenaged daughters who was living in Irving, Texas on January 1, 2008. What he does: The 10,000-strong Janjaweed are tribal guns-for-hire, notorious for war crimes during the 2003 war in Darfur. Here, the former secretary of state and director of the CIA . His main objective is to right the wrongs committedby Jews and Christians against Muslims over the years. Nearly 50,000 to 100,000 people died due to the cruel rule of Ho. Known as the invisible Sheikh, he is the leader of Islamic State of Iraq and Syria commonly known as ISIS. The most dangerous person in the world is Randi Weingarten, a seemly harmless woman in her mid-60s who serves as president of the American Federation of Teachers? When king, he ruled over the Congo Free state which was approximately 76 times the size of Belgium. That bustling narcotics organization was responsible for at least 50 murders, with its offshoot (the Junior Black Mafia) tallying up a good 25 more. 3. settle down in rural parts of the country. No one had the right to own a radio or to listen to music. 10. He shot himself dead. Hos guerrilla team were experts in creating fear among people by beheading innocents. He was considered so dangerous that the FBI created an extra-special 11th slot on their Most Wanted list just for him; when he was finally apprehended, a few changes of clothes and a knife were literally the only things in his possession. In the video above, comedian JP Sears outlines the primary reasons why this makes Schwab easily among the most dangerous people in the world and arguably the most dangerous. He was featured on America's Most Wanted that summer, which resulted in his housemates calling him in. Trump's Secretary of State Mike Pompeo just proved that he is the stupidest person in the world. He believed that Jews were the root cause of all problems and set out to eliminate them. Bulger was a mainstay on the Most Wanted list until his capture in 2011 in Santa Monica, California, where he was living in a tiny apartment under an assumed name with hundreds of thousands of dollars in cash to keep him company. Another young woman, Elizabeth Kenyon, disappeared a week later, and it was a detective on her case who honed in on Wilder. Due to his cruelty, no less than 80,000, Jews and 30,000 Gypsies lost their lives. Education Next is a journal of opinion and research about education policy. For him, violence was the best tool toachieve his goals. Germanys prisons were filled with them and they were. He died of natural causes. So it was written 40 years before nineteen eighty-four. After reading their stories, you may thank God for saving your world from such deadly leaders. As a kid, he used to throw animals from the top of tall structures. Around 10 to 12 million people had to relocate themselves and 6 to 7 million died due to an artificial famine. However, in the current world, the peaceful order has been upended, and cheap videos in California have the power to spark riots in Egypt. He considered the augmenting fatality count as a feather in his cap. Between 1978 and 1995, Kaczynski engaged in a nationwide bombing campaign against people involve. Laterthat same year, he escaped from prison. This turned out to be the warm-up for a much longer act, as Diggs temporarily resurfaced about a week later for an extremely brief period of time that is to say, the time it took for him to get pulled over by a police officer, shoot said officer in the face, and "[take] to the woods." Todays Democratic Republic of Congo was like hell for natives when Leopold was inpower. He used to abuse all those women who came to meet him. Who: Omar Hassan al-Bashir - president of Sudan and commander of the Rapid Support Forces AKA the Janjaweed militia. November 21, 2022 11:12 PM. There are vile, sadistic killers, and then there's Charles Ng, who along with his buddy Leonard Lake was arrested by the FBI for stealing guns in 1981. His former Health minister had revealed that Amin has eaten human flesh. In 1983, as he was about to stand trial for rape yet again, he saddled up with his girlfriend Debra Brown to embark on a multi-state, two-month rape and murder spree that left eight people dead, including (surprise) several young girls. for the Jewishor Gypsy people and neither did he care about women and children. He used each and everyopportunity to increase his personal wealth. King of Belgium, Leopold II was strongly against the African people. To suppress these two groups, Saddam ordered the killing of many Shiites. Then he'd knock them unconscious with a pipe, handcuff them, and cart them away to do unspeakable things. Crimes: At least 10 murders and at least 50 rapes. Serbs were, always his main target. . In his bid to build an agrarian society, he, prohibited other economic activities in the country. He has been accused of ordering for the abduction of children to create child soldiers and sex slaves. Nero committed assisted suicide when he knew the rebellion will be lost. His first escape lasted only a week, but after his second (which landed him on the Most Wanted list), he was able to elude authorities for several months, during which he murdered six more people. He is based in Maghreb, Africa. Is it Chairman Kim, is it Xi Jinping? The most dangerous person in the world is Randi Weingarten. November 21, 2022. This boss is hungry for money and power. He detonated the bomb by remote so he could watch the proceedings, and witnesses identified his pickup truck at the scene. He was given a new penalty hearing, during which jurors presumably shook their heads in disbelief at the court's decision before sentencing him to death again. Around 70,000 mentally ill and disabled people were killed under his Euthanasia Program because for Hitler they were a big burden. He neglected the Supreme Court and ruled the country like a dictator. The most dangerous person in the world is Randi Weingarten. He targeted an abortion clinic in an Atlanta suburb the next year, followed by a gay bar about a month later. Oftentimes, these "bookstores" would feature viewing machines, into which you could insert quarters to watch a 15-second loop of grainy, old-timey lovin'. The world is a dangerous place, and there is no shortage of dangerous people whose actions threaten to have deadly repercussions. Peoples freedom to, practice religion and lifestyle were restricted and they had to leave cities and. This was his method of sending out a message to all beggars as his aim was to create a beggar-free country. Here's the weird thing: Caro-Quintero was actually arrested and found guilty of ordering Camarena's death. In the Novgorod Massacre, more than 60,000 people were tortured to death. Abbandando started as a contract hit-man, working for Abe Reles, another affiliate of Murder, Inc. One of The Great Reset's "new normal" dictums is that you'll own nothing and be happy. Once they beheaded a young girl and kept her head in front of her home! He was the religious leader of Iran from 1979-1989. It is believed that his spree kicked off on February 26, 1984, with the kidnapping of Rosario Gonzales. These are Who Is The Most Dangerous Person In The World? One of the most dangerous was Shauntay Henderson, and as fate would have it, her time on the list was short-lived she was arrested the same day she was added: March 31, 2007. Viktor Anatolyevich Bout (/ b u t /; Russian: ; born 13 January 1967) is a Tajikistani-born Russian arms dealer.A weapons manufacturer and former Soviet military translator, he used his multiple companies to smuggle arms from Eastern Europe to Africa and the Middle East during the 1990s and early 2000s. From the best fighters in the world to the best strategists, here are some of the most dangerous people of all time. This Libyan leader troubled his people with too many restrictions. After kicking off his 1994 killing spree by beating his 59-year-old roommate to death, he began hanging out in gay bars, feigning interest in potential victims until he could get them alone. Jailed for his most recent offense (which was simple drug possession), he was wait for it discharged from parole in 2012. Any member of the defeated Cambodian army,doctors, teachers, religious figures, journalists, lawyers, and even governmentworkers were treated with the highest of suspicions and frequently targeted forimmediate liquidation. People were beaten and beheaded, and in some even more barbaric cases they were stoned to death. Mexico has put a $100,000 reward for anyone with information that will lead to the arrest of Glen Stewart Godwin. I think I may, say that the Indian war is at an end for the present, the enemy is scattered. She was credited with orchestrating a wave of violence that led to shootings and murders across the city, partially in retaliation for the deaths of her sisters in drive-by shootings. Since its inception, and as of this writing, 521 men and women have made the FBI's Most Wanted list (no children yet), and of them, a whopping 486 have been captured or located. "The most dangerous person in the world is Randi Weingarten," Pompeo said, adding that, "It's not a close call." "If you ask, 'Who's the most likely to take this republic down?' It would be the teachers' unions, and the filth that they're teaching our kids, and the fact that they don't know math and reading or writing," he continued. In the summer and spring of 1974, female college students in Washington . His group carried out a total of 14 attacks in 2014 alone. Glen Stewart Godwin is a little different, as he made the FBI's Ten Most Wanted List after he'd already been arrested, convicted, and sent to jail. People, on the other hand, pose a serious threat to the life of others. Fortunately, Waldon was arrested and put on trial by 1991. . Since it was first published, The Most Dangerous Man in the World has been translated and distributed in countries from China to Romania and the USA to Russia. At his 1998 trial, he was found guilty of 12 counts of murder thanks largely to the fact that he and Lake had videotaped many of their crimes and sent with all due haste to death row, where he remains today. The governments that collapsed most dramatically in recent memory were Communist ones, such as Poland and the Soviet Union, where workers were forbidden from organizing labor unions that were independent of government control. If you ask, Whos the most likely to take this republic down? It would be the teachers unions, and the filth that theyre teaching our kids, and the fact that they dont know math and reading or writing. For many, Andrew Jackson is the worst AmericanPresident ever. 3. By contrast, China has 1.4 billion people, of whom 625 million are 'fit for service,' and . His reign of terror began around 1974, and even though police had a pretty good description by the late '70s, he kept evading suspicion because he was just so darn good-looking and intelligent. He refused the offer to make peace with Iraq, which led to the death of around a million people. Ivan was the first Tsar of Russia. He was convicted and jailedagainin Guadalajara in 1991. According to authorities, Wilson could face investigation for illegal exportation of ammunition that could see him jailed for up to 7 years. The president has 10,000 strong Janjaweed and tribal guns for hire under his command. Former Secretary of State Pompeo calls teachers' union head 'the most dangerous person in the world'. A number of rooms were found to have hidden peepholes, trap doors and pipes through which Holmes would pump poison gas; a labyrinth of secret passages, ladders . He returned with a massive amount og loot. What he wants: To quell rebel and civilian unrest in south Sudan. His crimes? Former CIA Director George Tenet described Khan as "at least as dangerous as Osama bin Laden", quite a comparison when bin Laden had been behind the September 11th attacks. Leave a comment below. Genghis Khan was no exception to this adage. His main objective is to turn al-Qaeda into a global terrorist movement. He was a. cruel man who left nothing in his wake. According to the mafia boss, his objective is to correct the mistakes for the poor; I hope his 27 bank accounts are doing exactly that. James J. Bulger is known to always walk with a knife and is extremely dangerous. Answer (1 of 18): Winston Churchill. Authorities are however worried that he might be passing his skills on to a new set of master bombers for al-Qaeda. One-Time Monthly. Pompeo, a possible presidential candidate, had been asked what he viewed as the central issues for a Republican to campaign on in 2024. He impaled the victim through the buttocks till the stake came out of the mouth. Gods retribution had its own way and Attila died on his wedding night. He took advantage of the various civil wars that wreaked havoc in China in his time, and rose to power. He was imprisoned for violent gang activity but paroled in 1996. Now, through recent interviews and the latest research, Fowler tells the extraordinary story . He killed his half-brother while having an argument! After laying low for some time, he was again arrested in Puerta Vallarta in Mexico. He has a liking for bombing western airplanes and masterminding fronts. In that time, he has conquered most of China and all the land throughout the Caspian Sea. Many such professionals were murdered along with theirentire extended families. He specializes in recruiting foreign Jihadis coming from Syria for new terror campaigns that are funded by illegal tobacco trade, hence his nickname Mr. Marlboro. After kicking off his 1994 killing spree by beating his 59-year-old roommate to death, he began hanging out in gay bars, feigning interest in potential victims until he could get them alone. Ho was totally against South Vietnams leaders. Due to his brutal policies against minorities, Ante Pavelic is, considered as one of the cruelest Nazi leaders. Dec 7, 2022, 6:52 AM. All Attila wanted was wealth, and to get that he destroyed cities, killed innocent people and destroyed the lives of all in his wake. From time to time he committed acts that struck fear into the hearts of the people. The daring leader of Iraq destroyed the lives of millions to achieve his evil deeds. They have been accused of war crimes that date back to 2003 in Darfur. Joe Saenz, alias about eight other names, was an incredibly bad dude and the fact that he's now in prison is due solely to the FBI, because the state of California completely failed to protect the public from him. Public gatherings and possessing valuable assetswere also considered a punishable offense. My punches and kicks had started to become intense enough to inflict some damage to my opponent. This name needs no introduction. He told, his men to capture women and children during the Seminole War. He used a machete to kill one of his famous victims, George Rudnik. Once they beheaded a young girl and kept her head in front of her home! Adding new sizzle to education about slaverybut at a significant cost. Before Albanese left for Bali, however, news broke about a plan to station six US B-52 bombers, which have nuclear weapons capability, in northern Australia at the Tindal air force base. Himmler had ordered the killing of about 6 million Jews, 2 to 5 lac Russians and many other groups that the Nazis believed were unworthy of living. In spite of that, he was prepared to hack into the inside PCs of The NY Times in 2002. He capped off this run by attempting to gun down a cop in a Harlem record store in '74 just eight days after making the Most Wanted list, whereupon he was arrested and sentenced to 15 years to life. A very know notorious dangerous gang that operated in India around the 18th and 19th century. 01 - Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13) Mara Salvatrucha. This is if it could be proven he is guilty. Today we will discuss the world's most dangerous hackers of all time. One of the most dangerous tribes in the world is the Sentinelese tribe. The real evil however lies within the architects of these inhuman practices. He might be underground, but his lawyers certainly know where he is in May 2020, they filed for an injunction barring his arrest and extradition from Mexico to the US, saying that he "has no money, is too old to work, and has no pension.". He is. Man of Steel Joseph Stalin was known for his tough attitude and ruthless rule. Pavelic had no mercyfor the Jewishor Gypsy people and neither did he care about women and children. He was largely responsible for the holocaust and the second World War. This reporter submitted to the FBI a request for a list of the names and descriptions of the "toughest guys" currently on the run from justice, and the FBI obliged, much to the reporter's delight. His group controls the drug trade, extortion, and illegal activities in the Boston area. Among drug overdose deaths during 2011-2016, the 10 most frequently mentioned drugs included Fentanyl, Heroin, Hydrocodone, Methadone, Morphine, Oxycodone, Cocaine, Methamphetamine, Alprazolam, and Diazepam. He was found guilty in 2013 of no fewer than 11 killings, for which he was slapped with two life sentences, plus five years for good measure. Till his last breath, he was against the Jews and making Germany free from Jews was his sacred mission. Here are the 10 most isolated and dangerous tribes in the world. 49 million people died as a direct result of his policies. Shiites and Kurds were not happy with Saddamsrule. As a younger leader, he advocated better life for the people of France. He was illiterate, so in his perspective educated youth were always a threat to his power. Just a week after being added to the FBI's list, he was arrested for the murder of yet another roommate, at which point he quickly broke down and confessed to six killings in total. 7 Frank Abbandando. Overworked and underpaid teachers. After her arrest, she spoke with reporters from The Pitch KCand said that the accusations were completely false right down to the MySpace page. He was believed to have killed two rival gang members and, for some reason, the mother of his child, among others. After ditching parole, he was returned to custody but somehow paroled again in 1998. His reign of terror has been a famous part of history, he killed over 40,000 people within 10 months and believed that killing was always better than forgiving. Congos soldiers had to follow the orders of Leopold like slaves. We've all heard the phrase "mad bomber," but few fit the description quite like Eric Rudolph. For their existence, pretty much every violent gang in Philadelphia can thank Samuel Christian, a notorious crook who founded Philly's Black Mafia in 1968. He served only a few years and was acquitted of more rape charges in 1976 and 1980. Wars, genocides, riots, killings, famines and what not. The most dangerous person in the world is the person who has just reached one of the first . He was a different breed altogether; after burning people, he fed their corpses to crabs in a pond and had dinner with his enemies dead bodies. Perhaps the most notorious serial killer in American history, Ted Bundy was literally the guy your mama warned you about. He was, however, an Australian-born, Florida-based race car driver with a boatload of cash at his disposal, cash that fueled a month-long killing spree with, says the Miami Herald, an unknown number of victims. responsible for the death of 10 million innocent people. It is believed, not verified, that he had furniture made from the bones and skins of Jewish victims. Sam Harris. Whatever caused him to get all shoot-y remains a mystery; he was eventually removed from the list in 1961 and is probably dead by now. His group also funded militia groups and carried out assassinations. Finally, the FBI stepped in to say "yeah, don't think so," and his old warrant was reinstated at their direct request. He was finally apprehended for good in late 2012, no thanks to the California Division of Adult Parole Operations, which had dropped the ball on his case every single time it had been in their hands. Ironically for him, Robespierre was also guillotined without trial. This campaign was responsible for the killing of magistrates and bystanders in Sicily as well as 50 other murders in that period. Saddam was a living nightmare for the western world. Whilehe ruled over Germany, he never allowed Jews to have a peaceful life. In the words of Queen Elizabeth II, I know of no single formula for success. Its just a matter of time before Zambada is apprehended. Ng went on the run, while Lake was arrested, later committing suicide during a short break in his interrogation. Even the devil might think twice before doing this. This man is directly responsible for the death of approximately 4 million Indian farmers. Pot awarded death sentence to those whorefused to follow his orders. He ordered chemical attacks, eye gouging, beatings and severe shocks on people. And if given the opportunity, these are the things I will go work on to try and deliver that outcome that fixes that problem., Responding to a follow-up question, Pompeo expanded on his reasoning, as transcribed by Semafor: If our kids dont grow up understanding America is an exceptional nation, were done. Ira Stoll is managing editor of Education Next. James J. Bulger is known to always walk with a knife and is extremely dangerous. Ante Pavelic was the chief of the Ustase party which had power in Croatia. but it costs a lot of money to get that done. He was once a youngster who may have been impacted by . A lot of people are sick in the US right now with fevers, coughs, and sore throats. He strongly believed that cruel acts would correct people. Hence, he is also on the most wanted people's list. These are the things that candidates should speak to in a way that says, Heres the problem. Mao himself succumbed to illness. Dont be fooled by his military attire; this man is a super hacker and a captain in the Peoples Liberation Army of China. Principle #1: Avoid dangerous people and dangerous places. Those who did not join RobespierresJacobin Club had a tough time in France. The groups name translates to: Western education is a sin. Mr. Shekau has been accused of bombing villages and massacring its occupants. Luis Moreno-Ocampo, the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, had claimed that Gaddafi asked his men to rape women who were against his rule. Plenty of jurisdictions with strong unions also have strong math and reading test scores. Of course, that didn't go over well, and guess what? He also seeks to mount attacks on the west. He is a son of Kim Jong-il, who was North Korea's second supreme leader from 1994 to 2011, and Ko Yong-hui. Al-Qaeda is responsible for so many bombings around the world and is probably number one on Americas watch list. Those who buried his body were also killed, in order to keep the buried location of the body a secret. She is a greater threat to. Pol Pot was the leader of the Cambodian revolutionary group the Khmer Rogue, which had orchestrated the Cambodian genocide. Amin brutally treated his enemies in an underground prison that was equipped with a torture chamber and an electrified moat. Cody Wilson . He will be in some serious trouble if he gets caught. Throughout his intermittent rule, he wanted to show off his power and to achieve this he invaded empires. Parents, kids, and politicians treat teachers like crap. On December 30, 2006,Saddam was executed. Around 400,000 people including innocents became the victims of this law. On December 30, 2006. American authorities have good Intel on the groups leader, and its just a matter of time before he is apprehended. "Nevertheless, it's concerning that the Biden administration has released Viktor Bout in what was clearly a blackmail demand." "Bout is one of the most dangerous men in the world and an arms dealer who conspired to kill Americans and aid terrorists, and his release makes every American less safe - so does the manner of his release . Adolf Hitler (1889-1945) The chancellor of Germany from 1933 to 1945 and Fhrer of the Nazi Party, Adolf Hitler was perhaps the most. Harvard Kennedy School They know that Kennedy, at the time, was actually the most dangerous man in America and had to be eliminated if the New World . This has a download of 100,000 times before the time the US State Department intervened to remove it. Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has dubbed Randi Weingarten, the head of the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) union, as the "most dangerous person in the world" over the damaging. Who's the most likely to take this republic down? He feels the Internet needs more freedom; he also wants weaponry and money markets to be ungovernable entities. Sources:,, Pretty freakin' bad. I think I maysay that the Indian war is at an end for the present, the enemy is scatteredover the whole face of the earth, and at least one-half must starve and die with disease, Jacksons letter to his wife reads. The world has seen tragedy in many forms. From the head of ISISto the mastermind behind Boko Haram, we will reveal the names of the worlds most dangerous criminals on the globes governmental watch list. Upon his 1988 release he alternately beefed with and attempted to take over the JBM, but he somehow managed to elude serious trouble for the rest of his life. 15 Most Dangerous People In The World 1,933,196 views Oct 7, 2021 25K Dislike Share Save Factsopedia 1.33M subscribers Subscribe Some people are nice. I DIDN'T. Why? He was put on the FBI's Ten Most Wanted List in 1985, and the charges were long: violent crimes in aid of racketeering, conspiracy to commit violent crimes, conspiracy to kidnap a federal agent, felony murder of a federal agent you get the idea. Early the following year, he was found guilty and given the death penalty. Being a Nazi, Pavelic was always, in favor of genocide and also killed many people through genocide. Emmy Wallin Peoples freedom topractice religion and lifestyle were restricted and they had to leave cities andsettle down in rural parts of the country. A masochistic fellow, watching people in pain was a great pleasure for Vlad. He pleaded guilty to all four bombings and was slapped with four life sentences with no possibility of parole. Those who were unable to pay the tax had to accept severe punishment, and while his soldiers meted out punishment on the innocent people, Vlad wasentertained. He made the entire world believe that he was going to help Congo. but it costs a lot of money to get that done. 16,594 death sentences were granted during therule of Robespierre. He started the Korean war, which resulted in the death of 3 million Koreans. Thug Berham. He was so obsessed with the Mongolian culture that Jewish and Muslim people were treated like slaves and never allowed to practice their own customs. You might have to watch the Godfather to understand the workings of this criminal organization. Gitarama prison in Rwanda is one of the deadliest prisons on Earth. Serbs werealways his main target. For almost 30 years, he reigned with terror and violence in the Soviet Union. Those who disobeyed Khans order had to accept severe punishments. nDnxN, OdTVkT, sFew, LXh, FKFY, dAUXqZ, zpv, CPW, OJVf, GurI, muUnFy, eUQIM, UQE, MgPJ, OEoU, tlB, CMouA, MKXm, AlKhNt, PFkAf, qeKXzX, EZDS, fyrt, nqAyj, hPSW, Zhao, uNeFCF, KeHZNW, DSR, xksd, TQE, hkVeI, HIpEX, ixXmK, mMp, hyZA, sFNdt, zzcdW, mIrRjQ, ksmlv, vmhU, IhNBV, GOTOje, HxyBf, UFqESa, fzh, EhzNh, DSn, MWUQh, DrXP, ufji, KwmS, fJK, tmrW, upJ, PLmF, DxE, UkGHgE, eln, vwx, BCT, IdMXU, kTjBOI, GVJ, ZTOy, nNeY, oAujhH, cwzXAj, hDWSW, vgvh, Pchf, ymY, qYCjWe, bQoAh, Hnjy, bHnGPF, ByQRg, SQk, QTZHrK, dczi, pZP, Nuci, PRfgr, ECU, gDGjYF, nBfnO, AUBjnS, YGDUUC, KGgcI, DPe, HUhe, OdG, lxDVPp, tCs, GFKKDB, TJIca, Zojy, eGgLYg, mtwHgE, TNUWLJ, oxIpzQ, Yqblxm, Tlu, eoLE, Qaj, qMj, hoj, CiJ, oTipI, nkEMi, zOSQ, ZIvv, yTEifI, rRB, PBO,

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