why do some people smell bad

If youre concerned about age-related changes in your body odor, you dont need to purchase any products specially formulated to target 2-noneal. "Odor so offensive it really knocks your socks off, so to speak, is known medically as bromhidrosis," says Dr. D'Angelantonio. I have tried eating clean. Some people are not holy, or they might have an illness. I had a bad body odor from my digestive system which all my symptoms are the same as a IBD flare up and candida with it, i wanted to kill myself i dropped out of college and i had to work so i was severely ridiculed for months i almost lost my mind until i came across someone on a ibs forum state the smell issue and gave out what to do, so for anyone else suffering from a smell a having bad digestive issues and candida build up. Personal Hygiene Not wearing deodorant is another one. Athlete's foot is another cause of body odor. First, when Africans were first brought over as slaves, they were not viewed as fully human. I do not get mad at them at all. Sinus and respiratory infections can cause your breath to smell like feces. When i eat cheese and bread (pizza or nachos) hich constipates some people onion or these meats, I take papaya enzymes to break the red meat dow. His body odor is like that of dog poop and a dead body. "Some of the illnesses these symptoms can indicate are celiac disease, pancreatitis, Crohn's disease, or inflammatory bowel disorder," says Dr. Patel. So you're on your way to work, sitting on a subway train between two people. Here's when you can safely wear them and when to try another shoe. I was in class today and this girl in front of me stunk so bad i puked in class. Well in that case, I might as well continue, by pointing out that you seem to be functionally illiterate. ", After showering, Americans in particular might consider rubbing on deodorant under the arms. I found some on Walmart.com. Perhaps you have terrible body odour and this asinine idea makes you happy. Cooking reduces the sulfur compounds but retains the nutrients. People sweat and smell and have great odors and foul odors and you are no different. Why do some people like the smell of gasoline? Really i am fired up on writing again. Apocrine glands can be found in areas like the armpits and groin, and dump their sweat into hair follicles first. 2013. Chances are, most people wont even notice. A man came into my office suite the other day smelling of feces, unwashed rear end, stale weed and that new stinky smell. Timpanogos, and I had to open my car window and speed home before I died of toxic smell. Ive been doing research though and there are so changes in diet and probios that might help.that and a ton of prayers. Dont be such a fucking dick some people cant help that. What a jerk why dont u try & help eaten pineapple everyday will reduce the smell & stayaway from stronger smelling foods ( like onions ), I kind of agree there os this kid in my class hes fat.People always say mean things about him beacause sometimes when he walked by you could sell something funny?My teacher found out about it and said ,Dont talk about him againAnd so on.My personal fellings is I think people shoud keep that Last year in college i had this girl at my class who always stink, be it summer or wnter. When the body does not have enough insulin to break down sugar for energy, it releases hormones to break down fat for fuel, which produces acids called ketones. These people think its funny to humiliate people who have an illness. I am a somewhat shy person who was not confident before this and now my self esteem is at an all time low. Lifesaver. It's mainly the bacteria in your large intestine that emit sulfur that gives the gas you pass a stinky smell, according to Cedars Sinai. Full bath is better especially when you apply sponge to scrub over your body with more attention to the armpit and your down area I mean your private area. And even if you feel better dont stop using it until u can find a dr or gastro who can tell you whats wrong because ur having to take OTC supplements to keep your body going and thats costly. They say my body is working ok, I don't have problems with my thyroid, everything is just fine. When he did a gluten free diet the odor went away. Others do not even know they smell by the way. Learn to write properly. Gasses that form during your digestive process can be a healthy result of a nutritious diet loaded with fiber-rich foods. If you experience these symptoms, call your doctor right away. I honestly do not know if I stink or not. They want to offend others without opening their mouths. This decline results in greater oxidation of lipid acid. Try buying natural organic tee tree oil. It is a cumalative effect. A person can try antiperspirants to reduce the amount they sweat, and deodorants to cover up any odors. They, too, have a distinct scent thats very different from a babys. Some ppl just dont understand or I'm telling you if you're having smelly issues, you have to try this. I heard she baths. Try crapping your pants and walk around all day and feel what people who experience the same thing every f-ing day of their life. Some people are sick and some medications can make them smell bad, especially their breath. so dont be rude to these people because who knows one day it may happen to you ass well, Your email address will not be published. Drink in moderation and drink water in between servings of alcohol. If your sweat always seems to smell, one (or a combination) of these causes could be the culprit. I personally think it is undigested food emitting gases & something like sewerage inside the body. Let's start with the #1 reason for stinky farts: It's tied to something you consumed. This condition is extremely dangerous and requires immediate medical attention. I think this has to do with some people having poor standards of maintaining themselves. One thing that helps me is using a half vinegar half water mix and lettingit air dry.. Yeah you might smell a bit like a pickle but you can hide that smell better then nothing at all. I think this is the same natural habit humans should have. I have to agree with your comment its point on. Digestion sometimes churns up hydrogen sulfide, which can add a rotten-egg odor to any air biscuit you cook up. My mother always said But most body odor originates from your apocrine glands, a type of sweat gland concentrated in the armpits and groin. I agree with most of these people but I have to say something important really people usually stink because dont clean themsevles like they dont wash their DICK OR PUSSY OR ALSO UNDERAMS. Botox injections are also an option to temporarily block the nerves that stimulate sweat glands. Learn how they're, Telemedicine allows you to get access to online medical care on your time, without the burdens of commuting, transportation costs, waiting, and. I smell and I Dont know why even if i make my bath ten times a day I still smells and I have used many duodorant but but still have this problem please help me.. Sakina Nasir from Kuwait on November 16, 2016: Great hub! Diabetics who have extremely low levels of insulin may report smelling like nail polish. And I just started dating the guy why should I have to buy him all this stuff and spend all that money I really don't even have no way. Spoils your whole damned appetite. Michelle Simtoco from Cebu, Philippines on August 12, 2011: This struck me today, "Body Odor is the smell of bacteria growing in your body and not the sweat from perspiration." A dog smell his own shit frist. But those of you who dont know where to start begin with omitting eggs and red meat. It just boggles my mind how people can stink like that, its unreal. A person with kidney failure may have breath that smells like ammonia or urine. It's a foul, acrid, nose-curling smell that a normal person will never emanate even after a sweaty workout, but which certain people emit as a matter of course. I can say from personal experience, that my body odor became an issue after my immune system became weak. They said oh nothing and covered up their noses and closed mouths and open the windows. What causes foul-smelling poop? At night 1-2 hours after dinner, I used 1 tablespoon of organic apple cider vinegar mixed in with about 6-8 oz. Other explanations for why human beings smell different from each other include hygiene and health. Like my sister and dad, and its not that they stink otherwise or dont bathe, they just smell really bad after working out outside. Ignorance is bliss, I hate to sit next to a person who stinks very bad but i tend not to show the person that i can hear him smlling bad cause maybe its nt by him that he stinks and if i show him it could bring stress to him he might even comit suicide. Perhaps if he drank fifteen glasses of water daily, and cleansed his body with herbal cleanses and stopped eating so much garbage, but I couldnt wait around for him to figure it out. I feel frustrated. As the stress grows more intense, your body reacts by releasing the cortisol hormone. Is it both? By the way, I am not overweight. Teachers are required to say certain things- its all politically based- the student who did the threatening was poor and thus attempts to punish him would be frowned upon as Student Bs parents owned a house that they had inherited when Student Bs grandparents died. I found it on Walmart.com. I mean honestly, do you realize that everyone smells like something and that you might not smell like roses yourself. I did not assume she was a pig I fear that maybe there is no resolution for her. After the long drive, my co-worker leaves a smell much worse than vomit in the seat. Constipation occurs when stool builds up in the colon or large intestine but isn't able to exit. Accessed July 21, 2017. The corn starch thing really works under boobs, on bikini line, anywhere you sweat. U revolt me . Thats why I get mad when people stink in the supermarket, I have to leave my husband do the shopping by himself while I go back to the car. It's the bacteria that we have on our skin," says Dr. Constantine George, an internal medicine specialist and founder of Hygeia Health & Wellness in Las Vegas. Some podiatrists believe a tendency for sweaty feet can be hereditary. I'm sure, you can find it in-stores too. I then tried, smashing/cutting 1 good size clove of garlic with 6-8 oz. Mary Contrary. This uniquely direct neuroanatomical link between olfaction and the parts of the brain related to emotion and memory is the key to understanding why odor-evoked memories are distinguished from other types of memories by their emotional potency and also why associations between odors and emotions are so readily formed. It is the last thing on my mind. I love the way you think its a sign of low self esteem to want to get away from a foul odour. If you eat a lot of it - you can not smell it at all on yourself. REALLY, REALLY BAD! as it is colloquially abbreviated, is referred to in medicine as. Whenever she comes into the room, I unconsciously hold my breath, because Ive learned to associate her presence with her stench. I tried the powder. 2013. If the pharmacy does not have one they may order one for you. If there is a smell itch and you know its an approaching yeast infection, you can use a tampon with any kind of vinegar or tea tree oil and it will change the ph instantly. Friend or spouse tell them politely. I am also fighting with this condition for at least 5 years, it started very slowly, then the armpit smell became stronger and stronger. Many people experience smelly armpits from time to time. The main culprit is bacteria on the skin, and the main causes are diet and hygiene. Could be that, or other reasons. .i was just recently diagnosed with gallbladder disease . It may be too harsh on the skin if used alone, so mix it with either baking soda or water. I don't know if the intestinew was of any help. People should really think about what they post up on websites. The acid in lemons and limes fights against odor-producing bacteria and also lowers the pH level of your skin, which helps prevent bacterial growth. Old people really do have a chemically-distinct odor. Findings in the American Journal of Medicine show that one-third of people who report unexplained, persistent body odor suffer from an inherited metabolic disorder called trimethylaminuria.1, This hereditary disorder prevents your body's enzymes from breaking down trimethtylamine (TMA), a fishy-smelling compound found in choline-rich foods.2 Because your body is unable to digest TMA, the excess is released through your sweat, breath, and urine, and causes you to stink. #5 - Some breeds just stink! Ive spent a lot of money on different deodorants, body washes, soaps and detergents and still, the curse of this smell haunts me. Any questions email me at classyldy83@outlook.com O have a great day. "If the patients can't sweat, they have to stay indoors and monitor their temperature," Dr. George points out. Im only left with taking the leap off my window. It's usually with really obese people, not just regular fat people. Baking soda absorbs sweat but also kills bacteria. Much more I had used every deodorant on the market to try to get rid of the smell. The smell which is in me is the fusion of the (bacteria) with my body. Benefits, Sources & Signs of Choline Deficiency." I still am not taking care of my teeth like i should. My husband had a terrible body odor that permeated his bedding and his bathroom. You are what you eat, literally and seriously. They have waterless cleanser to clean yourself with. For those who smell May God bless and provide you a way in life. "Most people assume we all like the smell of roses and hate the smell of skunk," lead researcher Rachel Herz, PhD, a visiting assistant professor of psychology at Brown, tells WebMD. Its because of the bacteria that forms in the folds of their skin that does not air out. There are those who smell due to poor hygiene, but for a lot of other people this is not the case. This process produces chemicals that have a stinky smell.6. Serious. "Apocrine Sweat Glands," Histology at Yale. I was looking for advise but the only thing I can think of is to bring my asthma mask next time I see her but that will only last one visit . Keep in mind that experts are still trying to fully understand how body odor changes with age. 2. Tips to Help You Think Clearly. FAT PEOPLE REALLY DO SMELL BAD! The building they live in generally stinks because of other people. hello my name is Christine but I was always cCalled Chris STINKY and I could never make friends in school as a child and never knew why. you leave my room smelling bad my bed smiley awful and he sweats all over his entire body. Ey are you daft its called BO people get it even you do people dont always carry around deodorant with them also some people sweat a lot and wtf spray there selfs every two minutes if I stunk and you said that to me Id say go fuck yourself or you can buy me around four tins of deodorant a day daft cunt. Hi! What. A condition in which there is a buildup of ketones, which produces a smell that is described as fruity, sweet, or similar to nail polish. Stinks make me numb and mad, i cant stand bad smells. These vegetables contain high amounts of sulfur. However, it could be an indicator of underlying digestive issues or. After nearly six months of sharing, however, his smell is really starting to make me feel ill. That will help kill internal body odors. No amount of showers will help with eliminating the odor. The cause of body odor varies from person to person. Why is that? When you live in a city of 5.2 million people, you rub shoulders with a lot of individuals, and most of them do not have powerful body odour. What if it was you who smelled bad everyday regardless of showering up to three times a day, wearing fresh clean clothes, new shoes and flossing mouth washing and brushing after every meal? Even outdoors, the aroma was there and powerful. Wait, is that how it goes? They are called ketones, and. Our website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. Could it be an allergy to some food category? Eww I dont know if she knew or not, but it was very annoying to whom where nearby her. Learn English. After your shower, immediately apply deodorant. What Conditions Can Be Mistaken for Strep Throat? A fungal infection that is a result of feet that are confined to a warm, dark, and sweaty environment. Massive seizures and death are bad! Dry skin sheds skin cells, which can have a musty odor. Denise Mann, "If You Have Body Odor, It May Be in Your Genes," WebMD. Not the same as cleaning up in a shower or bathtub. Even after my shower using antibacterial soaps I still smelled when I dried off. if the only way you can make yourself feel better is by shutting down some that is writing in slang, then you need to seek some counciling. Im so comfortedin a sad wayto know that Im not alone in this! Its ridiculous that a man would come into a restaurant smelling that bad. Like other body odors, this "old person smell" is produced when chemicals from the skin glands get broken down into small odorous. Last medically reviewed on October 25, 2018. Anyone else have a similar issue? When people sweat, the liquid mixes with the bacteria on the skin. I feel u I am one of them idk y it started like three years back I get depressed because of it, Youre a beautiful, wonderful soul and i hope that things get better soon xx. Also, I would increase my water in take and try a couple squirts of lemon juice in a glass or 2 of water a day. Theres this one kid who always sits next to me in class, has no sense of personal space, or apparently smell either. I think body odor is caused by many different reasons. I can admit it is friggin tough world man and im not fat and i eat healthy foods if i can. Infact, if they could live in jungle without redicule they absolutely will for a while, but they will want cookies to eat still. I dont know if youre aware about TMAU. You* are* the type of person I* could kill and feel no remorse (anyone else kind of scared?) Accessed July 21, 2017. Say on Saturday I could give her a shower, then comes Sunday and she still has a strong odor. These included foods containing a lot of spices. It is the red Iodine liquid they use around a surgical scar to keep it from getting infected. He predicts that in 10 to 20 years, all products will be branded to a specific odor. I use it under my arms in the shower every day- sometimes twice a day and it has helped so much. As early as the 10th century A.D., the mystic Hildegard of Bingen recommended fennel seed as a treatment for body odor. Ignorance is bliss. I have a great antiperspirant from Certain Dri that works amazing for my underarms but palms still get so sweaty. Would you want to cause someone to vomit on a bus because some woman pays $5000.00 for a hair weave and cant take a bath? 10 Reasons Why Dogs Smell Dental Issues Tear Ducts Ear Infections Dermatitis Anal Sacs Hormonal Issues Gastrointestinal Issues Atopy Parasites Obesity How Do I Make My Dog Smell Better? I know Im not alone here. When food goes bad and starts to become pungent, it is most often due to the growth of spoilage microbes such as bacteria, yeasts and mold. Excess alcohol that is not processed by the liver escapes through your pores. i homestly smell and am in grade nine. There are, however, a few exceptions to this theory. Ive known people who shower, wear deodorant and still smell bad. i cant help it. When I am depressed, I am literally too depressed to take care of personal hygiene. For you ignorant motherfuckers we are cleaner than you, and your fucking opinion does not count Ill be that chick that will get beside you and fart and then ask you did you smell that any say fuck you at the same time, I dont waste my time educating dumb bitches like you because when you talk about us you show all your insecurities. I know lots of people who are fat and they smell nice (Im dying of laughter right now) . I also clean the armpit area on my shirts with the soap and then put them in the washer. cheers my friend. And yes, toxic buildup of epic proportions. I really think there are a lot of people who have this body odor from totally different reasons. Everyone stinks, go back in historythus the reasoning for brides having weddings in June. As Dr. George explains, "Let's say you eat garlic, onions, and spicy foods that have odors. No one can escape the propensity to stink and offend. Alternatively, consider wearing your new scent as a badge of honor. I know I smell and I hate it but please dont judge, and learn to have respect for people with this condition. And just because your farts smell doesn't mean you're eating the wrong thing, but it could definitely mean that your digestive system needs some help. Dont judge us like we never bathe or have no hygiene. M, Hi Michelle, thanks for appreciating. Oh no, Im too mean? In the hunters section, sports. End of life planning is official documentation of your financial and medical wishes for your final days. 2011. But let's not get sidetracked. Ugh, That Smell. I have never smelled anything so vile on a human being. Its life get over it you probably smell the way you ramble on. I am by far one of the cleanest people you will meet and yet, youd never know it. You all have really no idea how it feels when your the one with BO because of an illness and have to live everyday of your life in hell! This only occurs when these people are sick. Sign up here for our daily Thrillist email, and get your fix of the best in food/drink/fun. You can use sage as a body powder, body wash, and tea. Ive cried myself to sleep asking GOD to remove this curse. Or a man who complains that it is too stressful to wipe his rear end after a bowel movement? Sarcopenia, or muscle loss, is a common condition that affects older adults. I even buy expensive colognes youd find in department stores (Lauren, Gucci, Prada, Varvatos) yet they dont work either. Sometimes I even think maybe it would be better if I wasnt here period. Zoryana from Ukraine on December 07, 2014: Brenda Parker, I think you should change a towel more often. Theres also some people especially Indian people (mostly dark ones) that like to smell nasty. Some home remedies you can try include applying tea tree oil, apple cider vinegar, or yogurt. some girls(women) stink too. Scientists have known,. But "with the exception of irritating odors, smell is something we come to know from personal and cultural experiences.". My old high-school calculus teacher was a great teacher, but he was one of these people. i can fairly happily that i have not had a bath for 3 weeks, but the honest truth is that im scared of water. For example, that fresh baby smell may be more appealing to mothers, which helps with bonding. Maybe just dont care.. Both smell a little funky -- but the dude on your right with the cutoffs and baseball cap smells like a combination of stale fruit and Roquefort cheese. While 2-noneal seems like a probable cause, theres still a chance it doesnt play much of a role. When bacteria break down this fat, a stinky acid is produced. I would try something for constipation, because backed up toxins causes very bad odors. Odors tend to worsen if you have more bacteria on your skin or you're sweating more. Your skin produces two different kinds of sweat from two different types of sweat glands: Eccrine glands are present all over your body. One night my mom (who is dead now), my sister and I ate at Wendys in Tampa, Florida. A little compassion and understanding goes a long way, but from what Ive seen thats far and few. The third group played the computer game in an odorless room. I quit smoking, drinking alcohol, but I observed that it did not help. You have your period. You've probably found that your vaginal odor smells a little more intense when you're bleeding, and that's normal, Dr. Shepherd says. Some research suggests that people, and moreso animals, are adept at identifying individuals by these smell profiles. I tried thousand of deodorants, antiperspirants, no help. How Does Telemedicine Work, and What Are the Benefits? The bigger issue aside from not bathing is what is going on internally. Honestly it sucks. Half way into the year of 8th grade I started hearing classmates say I smell bad. When I am manic, I am too busy to shower. Unfortunately, they dont realize that the human brain can block out a sensory signal that flows in continuously (which is why youre not aware of your behind being compressed while sitting until you do something that brings it to mind such as reading this sentence). The smell of black people will make you gag. Or Scent away Max. tell her to use a lemon in her underarms everyday .Atleast for a day she ll not smell.moreover she can clean her smelly area with a toothbrush..don let her use deodrants bcz they ruin the skin Some people also have bacteria hanging out in their pits that might make their sweat smell like fresh onion, according to January 2015 research in Microbiome . "We will see more and more odors used to brand products," he says. So the indirect bull shit you dum muthetfuckers do like cough say indirect shit about other people but really talk about us be ready cause im coming fa ya try me after 3 surgeries, five dermatologist and every physician in va fuck ya because you wish to be as strong as me weak mutherfuckers and the reason you try and bully is because you are insecure. i have been struggling with body odor for like 8 months now even if i take a bath everyday and use antiperspirant w/ deodorant. google it.) Ah, and this gets worst when its 40C and the guy in question is moving around to spread the odor around the room. Maybe twice. People who are dirtier than others are going to have more bacteria on their bodies -- especially if they don't shower often. I am not trying to be mean but you smell bad 4 hrs after your bath. What do you smell like? Don't try it if your allergic to lemons of course. As such, they were only given the minimal hygiene necessary to keep them healthy enough to work much Continue Reading David Phillipson HubPages is a registered trademark of The Arena Platform, Inc. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. Avoid eating garlic, onions, leeks, chives, protein-rich foods, broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, bok choy, turnips, and kale. The sweat produced by apocrine glands is responsible for most cases of body odor. Watching things on tv/internet that make you laugh is a positive in healing your insides I think. "Fennel seed" by Howcheng - Own work. If you drink in moderation, the smell of alcohol can only be detected in your breath. Taking riboflavin (vitamin B2) encourages existing FMO3 enzyme activity (the enzyme that breaks down TMA). Since smell and taste are closely linked, the condition can also affect your ability to eat. When certain chemicals break down in the body with age, 2-nonenal is one of the byproducts. I cant go in public places unless its really late and the place is 24-7 with fewer people at night. It's because sweat & bacteria gets caught in their rolls. Strong smelling herbs can also be secreted through sweat when broken down in your body. I would dry myself off and then apply more lemon and let that completely air dry. I suspect this is what I have aside from being constipated. I have been smelling fresh and clean. Adulterated, in the interest of good science . Rarely, people can have bad breath because of organ failure. I hope you well and yes, don't worry i am tagging along with you pls. You can use this powder under the arms or wherever odor originates by mixing the following ingredients together. Ive contemplated suicide because of this issue. Of mines.. Like Im very healthy and I also SHOWER but, no matter what I feel like I smell bad.. Accessed July 21, 2017. I have the same issue. Avoid stressful situations or try meditation to calm your nerves. I am also going to start taking chlorophyll which help in fighting candida and body odor. In severe cases, a "rotting fish" odor emanates from your body, but in low concentrations, TMA is described as smelling "garbage-like."3. It's a combination of the following: The sweat you've accumulated throughout the day, assuming you shower in the morning. The only silver lining that I can relate to this would be that God has a plan for me, one that has this smell as a test to prove that I am not mentally weak nor commit the sin of suicide. "You don't want to do it excessively," advises Dr. George. People who notice smell that comes with digestive issues i would suggest a Low fodmap diet and Gluten free for 1 or 2 months you can google this also add in Probiotics atleast 20 bill CFU or more Buy Digestive Enzymes, Chlorophyll, Betain HCL with Pepsin, and u can add in apple cider vinegar, i would also suggest 3 colon irrigations (hydrotherapy) and do it from a local spot by a professionol dont buy the mini machine and do it yourself. You know that smell certain people have when they sweat? Denise Mann, "If You Have Body Odor, It May Be in Your Genes,". They have odd sometimes displeasing features, but those who brave it and get to know them learn they are really good people. This kind of helped me. I have suggested things he could do to improve it, but he does not seem that bothered about personal presentation outside of his work clothes, he only owns 2 black sweatshirts and a pair of 8 year old sweatpants which are threadbare and have holes in. Comment document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a62721082527c5939a7b755402a51b2b" );document.getElementById("g009dcb296").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. 2. I want to be normal. WebMD does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Ive associated the acridity more with nerves, and the work-sweat with surprise work. I have told her that she stinks and all she says is that her nose is stopped up and cant smell a thing. Gina Roberts-Grey. If you dont wash your rear end and attempt to cover up the odor with stale Shower to Shower body powder, you WILL stink. Just please before anyone judges another person please think before you act. Most cases can be treated with an over-the-counter anti-fungal cream. My name is shelz, I suffer from bromhidrosis a genetic body odor from one of the parents. 5. Please help. Did this for a while (maybe 1 or 2 months) and started noticing the "nose scratchers" didn't scratch as often. 2. B 21 years old in the only guy that I actually think I fell in love with has the same problem as well and all I come on through internet for us to find some answers and always see if you guys just completely be waiting those of us who have to have this horrible disease and handle it you dont even know if we dont know how to actually take care of it and here we just trying to find some information from people because its not very well studied and then we cant find any of that just want to sit there and act like theyre in high school and pick on people well you know what you guys should grow up and get off of an MD site so that we can actually talk about things oh wait I think this might not be in on this site so what the hell are you even doing talking about this. Shower at least once a day. They looked through 9 million different genes to see why, and found 871 mutations in the majority of people who cannot smell the effects of eating asparagus in their own urine. I couldve died from that horrible smell. My friends tell me and I do what I can, but I always smell bad! Now that is what bothers me and I will not be quiet. The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers to this website may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. omg I often wondered if she is a demon and thought about getting some holy water to pour on her. If I never washed my body or wiped my rear end, I would not be offended if someone wrote about it. Classyldy83@outlook.com. I believe it's around his neck and head. some people may have a chronic disease related to body odor (ever heard of those? SO get real go get real clean! She should be shipped back to Illiterateville. Benzene has a naturally sweet smell that most noses are particularly sensitive to. These foods include milk from wheat-fed cows, eggs, saltwater fish, organ meats (livers, brains, hearts), peanuts, and certain legumes (soybeans, chickpeas, and split peas). Why do some people's breath smell like poop? Michael wong, I dare you to walk one day in my shoes. When these bacteria eat the sugars and fats in sweat, they produce chemicals with a noxious smell. Just ignore it no matter how unbearable the odor may be. I would cram as many clothes as possible into my washer and my clothes would sour sometimes if i forgot them them in the washer. Lower your ego and take a moment to think about others, and i pray that the realization that others have feelings will hit you smack in the face. i agree with you too,i smell bad and it all started last year,i bath everyday,change clothes and i tried all deodorants and non of them seems to help,people judge me and sometimes i just think of taking my life.i really wonder why this is happening to me, I would like to be your friend if thats OK, Im going through the exact same thing, youre not alone, Try kirks castile soap Its a bar soap very cheap Walmart sells it it takes the stank away. Below are 15 reasons why a person could have worse than normal body odor, how it can be solved, and why we shouldn't judge someone for how they smell. And, honestly, its absolutely one of the WORST feelings ever. Gives me a headache! every last one of you are pansies, especially you who wrote this article. Remember, it isnt just older adults who have a distinct smell. 1 This Is Why Your Feet Are So Sweaty, and What to Do About It Depending on what the food is, (most common is usually gluten and dairy), the elimination of that food from the diet will help to get rid of body odor. I got it from my father. "So if you're out running or jogging in the summertime, it can get really hot and your body has to somehow cool down. In the second experiment, 36 men and women tested two new scents, one slightly floral, the other clean and watery. pathdoc/Shutterstock/Nina Gonzales/Thrillist. Yes, you can sweat alcohol, and it will stink!7, It's possible that the unpleasant scent you are smelling is emanating from your breath and not your body. DOI: Mitro S, et al. If you have tested negative for strep throat, you may be experiencing a different bacterial infection or a viral infection. "Bad Body Odor May Be Caused by Metabolic Disorder," MedicineNet. Hi, try Scent away soap. However, I thought to myself she knows she smells bad maybe there is nothing she can do about it. So I am seeing this guy who im about to cut it off with because he smells so bad!!! That's because hydrogen, methane, and carbon dioxide the main gasses that make up farts don't have odors. How could you* say that about your* own family . They also act like they dont even care about themselves. Can inhaling these nicotine inhalers constantly make him smell that way? I was at the coffee shop today getting a sandwich, and somebody came in with that stinkboy smell. Incidently, what I think is worse than the mere stinkboy smell is when it gets mixed with the smell of someones ass. My old high-school calculus teacher was a great teacher, but he was one of these people. I hope that you all who go through this find hope and get better. #4 - They have skin problems. And why have I only observed it with males? The smell of papain may cause some . Its like someone who looks weird. I know its extremely repugnant, but sometimes they cannot help it. First it's good to have a change in diet. they sray themselves instead of taking a shower! Thats why some people smell bad. Thomas P. Connelly, D.D.S, "Why Alcohol Lingers On Your Breath," The Huffington Post. 15/15 Overactive Sweat Glands There are glands in the skin called sweat glands that secrete - you guessed it - sweat. take care of cavities and tooth decay. My odor problem is not as bad as before. Or maybe my liver cannot clean my organism from oily or greasy foods? I've finally found the 1 thing that works for my horrible, cat urine smelling armpits after trying tons of things over the years. #10 - They might be gassy. I have lots of friends, and even though I know there are people who judge I know I am a person who deserves respect so please stop. I smell like a strong, offensive body odor and fish. Ive become desperate to a point where I would try anything. I take multiple showers a day and still start smelling bad after not too long, in the past even on the busride to school, only 10 minutes after taking a thorough shower people were sniffnig their noses and looking around. Serious liver disease can make breath smell musty or like garlic and rotten eggs. Please, let us know what does, if anything. Just saying. I did mention to him how he needs to get some body spray and new deodorant. Interestingly, the body odor of other people also affects attractiveness on another level. ALL heavy people do not smell. Nothing will stop the stink 100%, and there are extreme cases, including a condition known as hyperhidrosis that leads to excessive sweat production. Exactly why this happens is still a mystery. Maybe gluten or dairy? I have brother that uses a nicotine inhaler.\. So in your mind, masculinity means enjoying foul body odour? fucking idiots. This especially includes people who have infections in their mouth. Lavilin (www.lavilin.com) is highly effective at killing odors. I personally dont like summer, but i can get along with that adjusting the air conditioner to low temperatures at home, having refreshing shower everyday but i have had the bad luck of being around coleagues and people who stink. As for the person who wrote this, I dont think its right for people to attack you. Body odor, or B.O. Laxatives or detoxifying herbs or supplements can remove TMA from your body, reducing the amount of time it remains in your system. I am of the opinion that in many cases, it may not actually have to do with whether the person showered, but it is in fact because of a toxin buildup in the system. If she could stop smelling, believe me, anybody can. I have been insulted, ridiculed. I suffered a major health problem because a man who is stalking me at work walks back and forth past my office. The testers had a hard time detecting differences in scent between young and middle-aged people they smelled too similar. Dr. Axe, Food Is Medicine. 1. Good luck and I wish you the best. It would make your eyes water. Learn what's involved and who can help you, Healthline has strict sourcing guidelines and relies on peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical associations. Also, a doctor maybe able to prescribe you something or you maybe can try, stuff from the vitamin section. maybe it repaired some damage in the guts. Philip Ross, "Stress Makes The World (Literally) Stink, and 5 Other Negative Effects Of Anxiety," iScienceTimes. Soak a cotton ball with witch hazel and apply directly to your underarms. I try to act differently. It is even more sad that it is about a persons family with who you live with. My mom always bathed me and cried a lot about it and when she told me itsgenetic. Do you think people should stay home and not get any groceries just cause you happen to be disgusted by the smell? They dont know how good they have it. Is it genetics? Erika Gebel, PhD, "Diabetic Ketoacidosis: How to Spot and Treat DKA," Diabetes Forecast. "If you and your spouse have a child you're holding the kid, cuddling the kid, bathing the kid, so the child will be contaminated with the same types of bacteria as well so theoretically you should all have the same type of smell. After each session, they rated the six scents. Jesus, why dont you learn to spell. Accessed July 21, 2017. "All were located . Do you have smelly armpits even after showering? I am 20 years old and recently I am going through a body odor issue because of my constipation and my organs are not working the way they should. Nothing has or ever will work. It can be a very bad experience regarding smells. "Just because it has a nice smell, doesn't mean it cleans you any better. In fact, that 2012 study found that participants rated the odors of older individuals as less unpleasant and less intense than the odors of some younger groups. Levels appear to only increase with age. what are the steps that i need to do? having body odor also cause me depression and anxiety attacks and i have been bullied hard because of body odor. And you can probably infer that if your body isn't able to cool itself off, bad things happen. At this time there is no cure. I know some guys who prefer half bath to full bath. It was one of the biggest changes from the gluten free diet. Orbit WHITE is the strongest gum, even kills beer breath. For those you dont want all those chemicals there are natural products that can help. Ever thought that maybe those who dont smell as you would expect in polite society may find those who think they smell pleasant offensive to their senses?!? That means that if we fart all the timewhich we all do, around half a liter a day we're very used. Accessed July 21, 2017. I recently moved in with my sister and her daughter, who are both extremely obese people, and guess what? It amazes me because it takes more time and energy to cover up funk than to just get rid of it! Ive tried almost every solution others have had success with from CureZone and nothing works. 6. I am dealing with ASU a body odor it doesn't smell like b.o but I can smell ass and everyone keeps telling me that i don't stink but I can smell it and is very uncomfortable and it makes me feel like I don't even wanna live anymore I take excessive baths and use bottle in a bottle of Cologne to cover it up, have tried everything I possibly can to get rid of this but can't I take at least 10 showers a day and nothing seems to help what can I do to get rid of this please will someone help me. Sometimes I have some rash on my body, it is like my organism is rejecting something. Now, a study reveals more than 800 new reasons why this strange phenomenon happens.. Its true some people are smelly cause they are unhygienic but mistaking a person with an illness with one who is generally unclean happens too often and is destroying each of these peoples lives. Yale School of Medicine. Could be any number of reasons. When they walk thru a room and leave, the smell lingers and its twice as worse as the smell of vomit, Ive never smelled anything like it! ok, serious response, Trust me if I had more people just not approach me and tell me that I was disgusting and embarrassing. I have encountered this before and because I am so easily queasy I just non nonchalantly slithered away. My roommate will take a bath she smells fine after her bath 4 hrs later she has the most foul oder. pretty privileged now arent you? You're going to break down fats," explains the doctor in describing DKA. Ive spent so much money, its pathetic and Ive become hopeless at this point. They were asked to sleep in a shirt specially fitted with underarm pads that could absorb odor for five consecutive days. Some foods, such as cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, beans, and fatty meat, can cause gas to smell particularly bad Alcohol can also play a role, as can long-term constipation Much like. So basically they like to smell stink and be themselves as stink fucks for as long as possible without social problems. What about these people who smell like this their entire lives and cant do a damn thing about it? I feel frustrated with ppl. But experts believe evolution is part of the picture. Maybe not, but i'm mentioning it just in case. When they overheat, they have no way of evaporative cooling.". Learn how this disease affects the nervous system. All of us are walking bacteria but of it can be aired out we are less likely to smell. God bless you! I also had to pay the hot water bills. The reason that some of us love the smell of mothballs and others can't stand it. I believe youll see some great results. My comment is in reply to Terry, good one. A friend of mine stayed at my home for four months and I know she showered that much, as I watched it happen daily. DOI: Theres probably a reason behind the smell, Changes in body odor are perfectly normal, How to Fight Sarcopenia (Muscle Loss Due to Aging), Healthy on a Budget: The Internets Top Gifts for 2022 (Plus Exclusive HL Discounts). A very SERIOUS illness!! When someone has an MHC with a composition unlike yours, they have stronger immunity toward different diseases and medical conditions than you do, so they naturally smell better to you. I wish I were. Some people can smell the characteristic odor that asparagus gives to their urine, while others cannot. I stink because of a medical reason and not by poor hygiene. If I were the manager, I wouldve kicked his ass out of the store faster than you can say arugula.. Sure a heaver set person has more to clean but as long as they clean themselves and keep areas dry, body odor and smells will not be an issue. Peace out. I suffer from a really bad body odor and have tried everything in my power to make it go aeay. So I did some research. For the most part, papaya smells bad for some people due to papain, an enzyme that is naturally found in papayas. I have anxiety and Im really depressed. i thought i was alone in this. Learned a lot of things. As your body digests these foods, compounds are produced and released through the pores of the skin, and all of a sudden you smell like a refrigerator crisper that hasn't been cleaned in months. So why do some Indian dudes smell bad? I know the vast majority of people are exceptionally lazy these days, and that it may be politically correct to stink. Our experts continually monitor the health and wellness space, and we update our articles when new information becomes available. Doing yoga or meditation may help reduce anxiety. This sweat is high in fats and other compounds that smell when broken down by bacteria. TextSpeak is her native language. I haven taken the antibotics and have finished but the odor still there. Unfortunately, while these glands create sweat that mixes with bacteria to make us smelly, we kind of need 'em. Accessed July 21, 2017. Sometimes people band together over it and make rude comments in conjuction, this is a very hard way to lesrn. Another human smelled bad and you had to deal with the smell for 2 seconds and you lost your appetite? So think for 5 fucking seconds before you post something so de-humanising and cruel again, I now this girl that smelled really bad she would take long showers and still smell kind of weird shes a little fat. Like the many replies and reasons put forth above some people have a bad smell about them. I am not English and I dont speak like y dont u do dis an y dont u do dat. Dehydration is common among older people. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trimethylaminuria. As for me that is all I want. Apply the powder to your armpits after showering. Every one of those folds of flesh is worse than an armpit arms get lifted up and the armpits occasionally get aired out yet we still use deodorant under there. I may show her some of these posts so she can know how people will not tolerate other human beings so you have to handle your business. 2011. It takes more time and effort to cover up the smell of feces and unwashed rear end with that stinky new oil that people are slathering all over their bodies. I hate him. These women who spray themselves instead of taking a shower smell worse than if they had not sprayed themselves! I have no friends, no boyfriend. I am at my wits end even his clothes reak! Nose around me even switching seats however when I get This aromatic culinary herb contains agents that are antiseptic and antibiotic, and the piney scent is also refreshing. We didn't think it was important. He walked past me again coming out of the rest room, and again he stunk up the whole dining room. Garlic and onions also contain volatile sulfurous substances.4. It is a horrible smell and I cant understand how some people cant smell it themselves. Have enough hungry bacteria on your tootsies, and you can clear a room by taking off your shoes. I hope they will undergo and experience the same thing. Seriously, were not talking rocket science here; were talking about bathing. I find your rticle really very useful and interesting. Do you really think you can anonymously berate people online for their odors, medical or not, and not come off as an asshole? And thats just my opinon.SO IF YOU CANT SAY ANYTHING NICE AT ALL THEN KEEP YOUR. Smells get caught on the fibres of all clothes - especially coats and scarves. Anything smh this is ruining my life Ive been to dr after dr Im medically in dept because of this and no one can seem to help me find a solution Im highly depressed often have thoughts of suicide and cut all friends out my life.. Idk I guess Im telling you this cause some ppl not all but some cant control it and it does affect me when I see ppl move away from me I often hate myself and feel worthless Im very attractive and Im married my husband says its in my head idk I really rather be alone away from anyone Im tired of being judged for my smell when clearly I have tried everything to fix.. Im tired sorry I never shared my thoughts outside my family but felt like you should no how the SMELLY ppl feel.. It's only then that body odor becomes an issue. "Sweating and Body Odor," Mayo Clinic. I understand this smell bothers you, but you might smell this way to others and not have any idea. Some people dont always have that choice no matter how much they shower and wear deodorant. But be warned. And, its embarrassing But, not my fault. Dead skin, from the very top layer of your skin. My neice gets gas a lot, but you can never smell her farts as theyre not strong enough to overpower her body odor! Due to the state of my personal hygiene, or rather, lack of, i caused two people near me on my bus to be sick, it was, i have to admit, in a rather immoral kind of way, quite funny, as both were sick at exactly the same timebut, i have decided to think about what i have done, ,and have come to the conclusion that I must share my problems with everyone, so that people will be considerate of the fact that, to put it blandly, I have issues. It worked because it killed any bacteria in the fold. Once my immune system was weaken it cause my body to be over run by candida. I tried rubbing alcohol, vinegar, and tons of other things and none have worked except for the Dial Gold. Wierd thought: Ive noticed a couple of kinds of sweat smells. Ive suffered from unexplained body odor since I was 13. He is on medication, and doesnt eat very healthily, which perhaps goes some way towards explaining this, as well as the fact he doesnt seem to wash very often. The problem is that as perspiration gathers in the fabric's nooks and crannies on its path to freedom, it gets consumed by germs that have established themselves in the same crevices. Sometimes the humiliating experience is so bad i can pass out.. lol and i have to try to think bcoz i have a job to do it is tough supressing life. Spoilage odors come in many flavors . And there was a time at work, several times actually, when I was approached by my boss who would say that SHE almost never has time to shower. My smells ranged from not knowing how to wash properly, dry properly after baths, protect myself from athletes foot, do laundry properly and regularly for that matter. Nowadays, I dont even bother buying those expensive products. Especially in high school where people are so susceptible to scrutiny I would not want her to harm herself. Find out everything you need to know and more. I completely agree with you except for the part where youre a sexist prick. This content is accurate and true to the best of the authors knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional. 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