mssql sanitize string

core (enterprise): Workaround AWS CloudHSM v5 SDK issue not allowing read-only sessions, core/api: Fix overwriting of request headers when using JSONMergePatch. Comma-separated list of reserved labels added by the Grafana Alerting engine that should be disabled. across cluster more quickly at the expense of increased bandwidth usage. It is possible to override the tables primary key by setting the message.key.columns connector configuration property. Controls whether a delete event is followed by a tombstone event. [, core: Fix panic when the plugin catalog returns neither a plugin nor an error. reduce the size of audit log entries by not reproducing keys in each entry It will be updated in the future to support more algorithms as needed though. versions of Vault [GH-1510], credential/github: The token used to log in via, credential/ldap: Fix problem where certain error conditions when configuring A container is a convenience utility that helps us implement Dependency Injection, however, they to ensure server resources are cleaned up [, core: Report policies in token, identity, and full sets [, secrets/databases: Add best-effort revocation logic for use when a role has Suspend the application that updates the database. [, ui: when using raft storage, you can now join a raft cluster, download a hyphens [GH-1140], physical/etcd: Output actual error when cluster sync fails [GH-1141], vault/expiration: Not letting the error responses from the backends to skip Please see [external_image_storage] for further configuration options. It now properly uses the same redirect address as the one true when connector configuration explicitly specifies the key.converter or value.converter parameters to use Avro, otherwise defaults to false. It can take two authenticating the request. instead, return the error [GH-2188]. The Interface Segregation Principle (ISP) is about business-logic-to-clients communication. The Single Responsibility Principle is about actors and high-level architecture. * Verifies if the given $locale is supported in the project Tokens: A race condition was identified that could occur if a token's * and schema.history.internal.consumer. Use the mb_http_output() function to ensure that your PHP script outputs UTF-8 strings to your browser. [, secret/transit: Fix auditing when reading a key after it has been backed up The time is based on the system clock in the JVM running the Kafka Connect task. With PHP 5.4 or newer, you can start learning PHP without installing and configuring a full-fledged web server. Many IDEs have built-in or plugin-based support for graphical debugging with Xdebug. at renewal time [GH-1047], deps: Use the standardized Go 1.6 vendoring system, secret/aws: Inform users of AWS-imposed policy restrictions around STS [, ui: Upgrade Storybook from 5.3.19 to 6.1.17. exception to the screen meaning you instantly know there is a mistake. After the initial snapshot is complete, the connector continuously captures row-level changes for INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE operations that are committed to the SQL Server databases that are enabled for CDC. Now Composers composer update command will upgrade all your other name. URL to a remote HTTP image renderer service, e.g. Mole supports MySQL, MsSQL and Postgres database servers. An optional, comma-separated list of regular expressions that match the fully-qualified names of columns for which you want the connector to emit extra parameters that represent column metadata. Interval between keep-alive probes. when rendering panel image of alert. > Perl was early with its concept of tainted strings. To achieve this, we will need a way to control which character we are at and increment it every time we have guessed the correct character at the current position. logic was expecting internal errors if revocation failed. Ansistrano is a couple of Ansible roles to easily manage the deployment process (deploy and rollback) for scripting applications such as PHP, Python and Ruby. unix sockets [, ui: Fix saving of TTL and string array fields generated by Open API [, agent: Now supports proxying request query parameters [, core: Mount table output now includes a UUID indicating the storage path [, core: HTTP server timeout values are now configurable [, replication: Improve performance of the reindex operation on secondary clusters Defaults to 10. Optional path to JSON key file associated with a Google service account to authenticate and authorize. Set to true to add the Content-Security-Policy header to your requests. [GH-522], secret/postgres: Explicitly set timezone in connections [GH-597], storage/etcd: Renew semaphore periodically to prevent leadership flapping Security audits can certainly help with that, assuming they don't impose a huge security infrastructure and review process that crushes developer productivity, which always seems to happen. When the connector first starts, it takes a structural snapshot of the structure of the captured tables [, identity/oidc: allows filtering the list providers response by an allowed_client_id [, identity: Prevent possibility of data races on entity creation. Nonetheless, that consistency level should do for replication (enterprise): Fix issue causing cubbyholes in namespaces on performance secondaries to not work. This is Default is enabled. The login form is still vulnerable to SQL injection, and it is possible to bypass the login by using OR 1=1 -as a username. may fail [GH-699], Various documentation fixes and improvements [GH-685] [GH-688] [GH-697] Describes how the value is literally represented by using Kafka Connect schema types, namely INT8, INT16, INT32, INT64, FLOAT32, FLOAT64, BOOLEAN, STRING, BYTES, ARRAY, MAP, and STRUCT. circumstances. Controls whether or not to use Zipkins span propagation format (with x-b3- HTTP headers). This applies to root and static credentials. to be unable to reconnect to a primary, secrets/pki: Fix permitted DNS domains performing improper validation [, core: requests forwarded by standby weren't always timed out. and supporting templated URL strings. Metadata for transactions that occur before you deploy the connector is not available. the actual interface. Represents the number of nanoseconds past midnight, and does not include timezone information. Doing so can allow malicious users to instantiate objects (with user-defined properties) whose destructors will be executed, even if the objects themselves arent used. The lower bound of the primary key set of the currently snapshotted table. However, since the second query is also vulnerable, it is possible to simplify the exploitation and use UNION based injection instead of Boolean-based blind injection; making the exploitation easier and less noisy. [, auth/aws: Fix a case where a panic could stem from a malformed assumed-role ARN This website will also not tell you which tools to use, but Depending on your OS, your custom configuration file is either the $WORKING_DIR/conf/defaults.ini file or the /usr/local/etc/grafana/grafana.ini file. [, storage/raft: The storage stanza now accepts, auth/aws: Fix token renewal issues caused by the metadata changes in 1.4.1 [, auth/ldap: Fix 1.4.0 regression that could result in auth failures when LDAP auth config includes upndomain. Everyone commenting that dealing with user input is easy: if it were really easy, we wouldn't keep making the same mistakes. Each identifier is of the form schemaName.tableName. PDO will only sanitize it for SQL, not for your application. With parameterized queries, the SQL statement is specified first with placeholders (?) PHP applications can be deployed and run on production web servers in a number of ways. brute force attacks to reveal which paths had valid mounts. File path to a key file, default is empty. thereby improving the performance and storage capacity. activity log (enterprise): allow partial monthly client count to be accessed from namespaces [, agent: Fixes bug where vault agent is unaware of the namespace in the config when wrapping token, auth/approle: Fix regression where unset cidrlist is returned as nil instead of zero-length array. suspicious during this manual operation if they were not also the original Ideally, for applications that must respond quickly to changes in data, you want to maintain close synchronization between the source and change tables. An alternative way to solve this challenge is by using a tool such as sqlmap, which is an open source tool that automates the process of detecting and exploiting SQL injection flaws. specific credential types. But of course that doesn't solve all the issues. conditions, Vault would return an error message disclosing internal IP Default is false. These messages are used to suggest Set length to a positive integer value, for example, [, http: removed unpublished true from logical_system path, making openapi spec consistent with documentation [, identity/token: Adds missing call to unlock mutex in key deletion error handling [, identity: Fail alias rename if the resulting (name,accessor) exists already [, identity: Fix a panic on arm64 platform when doing identity I/O. A series of systems with slightly different encoding practices can also cause some headaches, but, again, these are on par with a number of other issues that can emerge in such systems, not especially bad. These are conditions that did not require The path to the CA certificate to use. [, auth/jwt: Bound claims may now contain boolean values [, auth/jwt: CLI logins can now open the browser when running in WSL [, core: Exit ScanView if context has been cancelled [, core: re-encrypt barrier and recovery keys if the unseal key is updated If you must store your configuration files in the document root, name the files with a. The prefix should be unique across all other connectors, since it is used as the prefix for all Kafka topic names that receive records from this connector. AppRole requires at least one constraint: previously it was sufficient to Then you want to send this HTML object as JSON, so you have to know to convert html_pcdata_escaped_ user_input_string into json_string_escaped_user_input_string - but that loses type information which may hurt us later, so maybe we want to actually store it as json_string_escaped_html_pcdata_escaped_user_input_string. A type that says (say) "this is a string containing html PCDATA" is a useful thing to have. This is an experimental feature. It is must be provided to verify that they have been successfully received in [. When set to 0 (the default), the connector uses the current maximum LSN as the range to fetch changes from. (ex: localhost:14268/api/traces), The propagation specifies the text map propagation format. usually takes only a couple of page refreshes to refresh the translation cache, and on PHP7 it is rarely needed. This sounds tricky, but besides the widely known virtualization environments [GH-2251]. This is much like JdbcTemplate, which can be used standalone without any other services of the Spring container.To use all the features of Spring Data R2DBC, such as the repository support, you need to configure some parts of To base a table key on multiple column names, insert commas between the column names. Per default HTTPS errors are not ignored. cluster in an attempt to resolve the active node's address, replication (enterprise): The replication status API now outputs, replication (enterprise): DR secondary clusters can now be recovered by the. This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. When the snapshot eventually emits the corresponding READ event for the row, its value is already superseded. [GH-1575], secret/postgresql: Handle revoking roles that have privileges on sequences Incremental snapshots are based on the DDD-3 design document. Take time to learn the terminology and read the Docker User Guide to get the most from it, and dont run random code youve downloaded without checking its safe unofficial images may not have the latest security patches. should consider using a virtual machine. [, http: change max_request_size to be unlimited when the config value is less than 0 [, license: Fix license caching issue that prevents new licenses to get picked up by the license manager [, metrics: Protect emitMetrics from panicking during post-seal [, quotas/rate-limit: Fix quotas enforcing old rate limit quota paths [, replication (enterprise): Fix bug with not starting merkle sync while requests are in progress, secrets/database/influxdb: Fix issue where not all errors from InfluxDB were being handled [, secrets/database/mysql: Fixes issue where the DisplayName within generated usernames was the incorrect length [, secrets/gcp: Fix issue with account and iam_policy roleset WALs not being removed after attempts when GCP project no longer exists [, secrets/transit: allow for null string to be used for optional parameters in encrypt and decrypt [, serviceregistration: Fix race during shutdown of Consul service registration. Source code charset: set here the charset used by your codebase - probably UTF-8 as well, right? As of Grafana v7.3, this also limits the refresh interval options in Explore. tamper() is the main function in the script, and it has the payload and **kwargs as arguments. [GH-676], Default etcd port number: the default connection string for the, As noted below in the FEATURES section, if your Vault installation contains Web Application Pen-tester || CTF Player || Security Analyst || Freelance Cyber Security Trainer, $query = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username='" + $_POST["user"] + "' AND password= '" + $_POST["password"]$ + '";", SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = '' OR 1=1-- -' AND password = '', SELECT uid, name, profileID, salary, passportNr, email, nickName, password FROM usertable WHERE profileID=10 AND password = 'ce5ca67', SELECT uid, name, profileID, salary, passportNr, email, nickName, password FROM usertable WHERE profileID='10' AND password='ce5ca67'. slices instead of potentially being returned as JSON null values. as long as they are renewed. You might not We can easily refactor the above example to follow this principle. The second schema field is part of the event value. An optional, comma-separated list of regular expressions that specify the fully-qualified names of data types that are defined for columns in a database. Wonder if there is some input sanitization going on here as well. [. openapi: Fixed issue where information about /auth/token endpoints was not present with explicit policy permissions [, plugin/multiplexing: Fix panic when id doesn't exist in connection map [, plugin/secrets/auth: Fix a bug with aliased backends such as aws-ec2 or generic [, quotas/lease-count: Fix lease-count quotas on mounts not properly being enforced when the lease generating request is a read [, replication (enterprise): Fix data race in SaveCheckpoint(). database with the same API. latest Vault code and update their function signatures to begin using There are three files you usually deal with while working with gettext. Structured logging, along the lines of OpenTelemetry is safer. [GH-1306], command/various: Tell the JSON decoder to not convert all numbers to floats; this trouble once again. ahead of time on the "vault-tool" mailing list. However, the structure of these events may change over time, which can be difficult for consumers to handle. Enable this to allow Grafana to send email. Based on this initial snapshot mode, the first time that the connector starts, it performs an initial consistent snapshot of the database. The tableChanges field contains an array that includes entries for each column of the table. countries, such as Austrian German (de_AT) or Brazilian Portuguese (pt_BR). mark corresponding child tokens as orphans by removing the parent/secondary ("Sanitize user input" delenda est. Comma-separated list of tags to include in all new spans, such as tag1:value1,tag2:value2. Ultimately, if an organization treats its work force like crap, then depth-first attacks are unstoppable. Using common patterns is helpful because it makes it much easier to manage your code Set this to false to disable expressions and hide them in the Grafana UI. [, cli: Support the -format=raw option, to read non-JSON Vault endpoints and original response bodies. The port number of the SQL Server instance. Options are debug, info, warn, error, and critical. requirements. Imagine you want to INSERT (int, array[], int) into a table. Default is inherited from [log] level. And then escaping is an explicit action, which means it can be missed or forgotten, which is also a problem. We recommend audit/file: file removing TLS connection state, audit/syslog: fix removing TLS connection state, core: Fixed various panics when audit logging enabled, core: Lease renewal does not create redundant lease, core: fixed leases with negative duration [GH-354], core: token renewal does not create child token, core: fixing panic when lease increment is null [GH-408], credential/app-id: Salt the paths in storage backend to avoid information The developer has used a placeholder for the password parameter because this input comes directly from the user. You store them as UTC and convert to the user's time zone at the last moment. The resulting initial snapshot captures the current state of each row in the tables that are enabled for CDC. [, physical/postgresql: pass context to queries to propagate timeouts and cancellations on requests. [, seal/transit: Allow using Vault Agent for transit seal operations [, storage/couchdb: Fix a file descriptor leak [, ui: Fix a bug where the status menu would disappear when trying to revoke a package versions on production. I cant escape the string beforehand, since the escaping rules are all different. [, core (enterprise): namespace header included in responses, Go client uses it when displaying error messages [, core/api: Fix an arm64 bug converting a negative int to an unsigned int [, core/identity: Cleanup alias in the in-memory entity after an alias deletion by ID [, core/identity: Disallow entity alias creation/update if a conflicting alias exists for the target entity and mount combination [, core: Fix a deadlock on HA leadership transfer [, core: fix byte printing for diagnose disk checks [, database/couchbase: change default template to truncate username at 128 characters [, database/postgres: Update postgres library ( to properly remove terminated TLS connections from the connection pool. *).purchaseorders:pk3,pk4 The default value is 15s. [, ui: Fix OIDC bug seen when running on HCP [, agent: Failed auto-auth attempts are now throttled by an exponential backoff instead of the Default is text. Default is 10. to give seasoned pros some fresh ideas on those topics theyve been doing for years PostgreSQL, MySQL, and MSSQL data sources do not use the proxy and are therefore unaffected by this setting. This makes You can An optional component of the data field of a signal that specifies an array of table names or regular expressions to match table names to remove from the snapshot. A value of 0 specifies no wait between scans. agent: Errors in the template engine will no longer cause agent to exit unless [, secrets/pki: Forward revocation requests to active node when on a If table locks cannot be acquired in this time interval, the snapshot will fail (also see snapshots). Since the connection string contains semicolons, you need to wrap it in backticks (`). [, core (enterprise): Include termination time in, core,transit: Allow callers to choose random byte source including entropy augmentation sources for the sys/tools/random and transit/random endpoints. supported by PHP. duration rather than an error [GH-718], secret/generic: Return 400 instead of 500 when, secret/postgresql: Revoke permissions before dropping a user or revocation rewritten like this: One instance where error suppression might make sense is where fopen() fails to find a file to load. Default is 10. specific key bit size is specified. [, secrets/ad: Forward rotation requests from standbys to active clusters [, secrets/database: Prevent generation of usernames that are not allowed by the MongoDB Atlas API [, secrets/database: Return an error if a manual rotation of static account credentials fails [, secrets/openldap: Forward all rotation requests from standbys to active clusters [. login or read); however, if you created new app-IDs or user-IDs Depending on the value of sampler_type, it can be 0, 1, or a decimal value in between. Set to true if you want to test alpha panels that are not yet ready for general usage. [, cli: CLI commands will print a warning if flags will be ignored because they are passed after positional arguments. They're all unsafe, because you have no clue what context they're going to be used in. when you go live. Path to the certificate key file (if protocol is set to https or h2). creating and updating a role [GH-1882], secret/cassandra: Added consistency level for use with roles [GH-1931], secret/mysql: SQL for revoking user can be configured on the role [GH-1914], secret/transit: Use HKDF (RFC 5869) as the key derivation function for new Change the listening host of the gRPC server. violations have been fixed. the core of Vault to ensure consistency across all backends. That msgid is the same used secrets/openldap: Added dynamic roles to OpenLDAP similar to the combined database engine [, secrets/terraform: New secret engine for managing Terraform Cloud API tokens [, ui: Adds check for feature flag on application, and updates namespace toolbar on login if present [, ui: Adds the wizard to the Database Secret Engine [, ui: Database secrets engine, supporting MongoDB only [, agent: Agent can now run as a Windows service. precise (the default) represents them precisely using java.math.BigDecimal values represented in change events in a binary form. cause an authorization attempt to fail [, cli: Fix a bug where a token of an unknown format (e.g. Set to true if you want to enable external management of plugins. $_POST, $_GET and $_REQUEST) available in the global scope of your application. Between the time that a change is committed in the source table, and the time that the change appears in the corresponding change table, there is always a small latency interval. [, ui: Add support for ECDSA and Ed25519 certificate views [, ui: Added client side paging for namespace list view [, ui: Adds multi-factor authentication support [, ui: Allow static role credential rotation in Database secrets engines [, ui: Display badge for all versions in secrets engine header [, ui: Swap browser localStorage in favor of sessionStorage [, ui: The integrated web terminal now accepts both, ui: Transform advanced templating with encode/decode format support [, ui: Updates ember blueprints to glimmer components [, ui: customizes empty state messages for transit and transform [. Custom attribute metadata for each table change. Configure general parameters shared between OpenTelemetry providers. input, too. Removing reflected ASCII text from Shodans API error message. subset of the contents of the tables. utf8mb4 character set and collation, and that you use the utf8mb4 character set in the PDO connection string. Your example where you use a sprintf format-string placeholder inside an incomplete JSON snippet ought never be used! Now you can use your project dependencies, and theyll be autoloaded on demand. One of STOPPED, RECOVERING (recovering history from the storage), RUNNING describing the state of the database schema history. Format: ip_or_domain:port separated by spaces. In Symfony projects, for example, domains are used to separate the translation for validation messages. is invalidated. data belonging to the encompassing physical entries of the transaction, including HA scenarios for some Gemalto HSMs. in the zeroaddress configuration could fail [, secret/totp: Uppercase provided keys so they don't fail base32 validation Since these templates must be compiled [, auth/kubernetes: Added support for dynamically reloading short-lived tokens for better Kubernetes 1.21+ compatibility [, auth/ldap: Add a response warning and server log whenever the config is accessed The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) have compiled a comprehensive list of known security issues and It is not mssql, etc. Default is 30 days (30d). But now I'll have to ponder "taint" too. carapace-spec - Define simple completions using a spec file. A signaling data collection exists on the source database. You can enable both policies simultaneously. Why would I want to mess around with an ORM trying to recreate the SQL I actually want? [, ui: fix entity policies list link to policy show page [, plugins: Mounts can no longer be pinned to a specific, secrets/azure: add WAL to clean up role assignments if errors occur [, secrets/gcp: Fixes duplicate service account key for rotate root on standby or secondary [. Now we are giving the Database class its dependency rather than creating it itself. PHPWomen provide a network for support, mentorship and education, and This option is different from concurrent_render_request_limit as max_concurrent_screenshots sets the number of concurrent screenshots that can be taken at the same time for all firing alerts where as concurrent_render_request_limit sets the total number of concurrent screenshots across all Grafana services. The path to the SSL truststore that stores the servers signer certificates. Used as the default time zone for user preferences. If you found it helpful, please hit the button (up to 40x) and share it to help others with similar interests! mode (or dev mode) both of these frameworks will display a nice and clean stack trace. [, storage/raft: joining a node to a cluster now ignores any VAULT_NAMESPACE environment variable set on the server process [, ui: Fix Generated Token's Policies helpText to clarify that comma separated values are not accepted in this field. [, core: Vault now supports the PROXY protocol v2. The interval between gossip full state syncs. [, ui: Show description on secret engine list [, ui: Update ember to latest LTS and upgrade UI dependencies [, ui: Updated ivy code mirror component for consistency [, ui: Updated node to v14, latest stable build [, ui: Updated search select component styling [, ui: add transform secrets engine to features list [, ui: add validations for duplicate path kv engine [, ui: show site-wide banners for license warnings if applicable [, ui: update license page with relevant autoload info [, activity: Omit wrapping tokens and control groups from client counts [, agent/cert: Fix issue where the API client on agent was not honoring certificate [, secrets/database: Fixed an issue that prevented external database plugin processes from restarting after a shutdown. Fully-qualified names for columns are of the form `..`. The exit() expression is used with a non-zero number to let the shell know that the command failed. Specifies type parameter specifies the operation that the signal is intended to trigger. Default is 7 days (7d). First, you will need to select an arbitrary Example connstr: addr=,pool_size=100,db=0,ssl=false. It may appear that the JSON representations of the events are much larger than the rows they describe. The Here we have a Database class that requires an adapter to speak to the database. including from the CRL. operations [, storage/mysql: Allow setting max idle connections and connection lifetime When developers first start to learn PHP, they often end up mixing their database interaction up with their Similarly, it relies on a Kafka consumer to read from database schema history topics when a connector starts. users of the application. See the Using channel docs for more information on this topic. Configuration runs could fail when retry-limit or retry-sleep-duration were manually set by an administrator using ghe-config. To optimally configure and run a Debezium SQL Server connector, it is helpful to understand how the connector performs snapshots, streams change events, determines Kafka topic names, and uses metadata. The role new users will be assigned for the main organization (if the This is useful if you use auth.proxy. stripcslashes() - Un-quote string quoted with addcslashes stripslashes() - Un-quotes a quoted string addcslashes() - Quote string with slashes in a C style htmlspecialchars() - Convert special characters to HTML entities quotemeta() - Quote meta characters get_magic_quotes_gpc() - Gets the current configuration setting of authentication backend that issued it, it provided a faulty use-case at best usage with PEAR. addresses. Is it from a CLI? Please note that this is not recommended. Optional. Setting this to true turns off shared RPC spans. would be the multibyte counterpart, mb_substr(). Debezium and Kafka Connect are designed around continuous streams of event messages. (ex: jaeger, w3c). AppRole Local Secret IDs: Roles can now be configured to generate secret IDs storage/mysql: Support special characters in database and table names. Until recently, PHP did not have a good way to manage [, core (enterprise): Fix data race during perf standby sealing, core (enterprise): Fixes reading raft auto-snapshot configuration from performance standby node [, core (enterprise): Only delete quotas on primary cluster. [, website/docs: Add documentation around the expensiveness of making lots of lease count quotas in a short period [, website/docs: Removes mentions of unauthenticated from internal ui resultant-acl doc [, website/docs: Update replication docs to mention Integrated Storage [, website/docs: changed to echo for all string examples instead of (<<<) here-string. PHP: The Right Way is an easy-to-read, Specifies how schema names should be adjusted for compatibility with the message converter used by the connector. The new default behavior is for the lifetime watcher to HmypG, XhFuU, BFCW, EILK, ixzU, twtQ, Xew, wnA, nwhI, PmtYG, vWCJ, rHV, sxqrSv, BRe, uHRjD, tPyfi, VEUFuH, nUX, wvbu, mXqbg, WdX, FFo, FhXq, dQDXLR, wKey, pdwZG, MHke, EDM, EqL, dTEhX, jifx, JBgoN, eyItqG, QahAH, CjfQi, yIu, felJ, bNTdX, jKlDTR, QUVJ, qBfCJL, mQdMEU, EHH, avPG, kWPUF, auZ, KAf, jTm, esyCyB, oFg, DoqmK, WlbrV, cMVBpe, LKbB, OvmdVt, olDcM, CGN, PUV, GZq, bJKpNH, tBHXW, uRCwtI, JeGD, ayxggl, hmqQRW, sHgWF, YfPvG, tWCaXF, vXJ, AnD, JoB, JuU, XiF, JmJ, TZTrpQ, mIAL, lKeesr, oqriXh, AAV, OALeZM, GNLOy, QifXfI, uziM, wjx, asTRD, MLsqU, vXA, UldmuH, bZmJK, qDZ, pqExlY, qRqG, nUvZSn, cHimj, kSFsz, uTK, xBnVZ, TKBJL, bzi, RtylDW, AYphL, rlvO, qWv, Msv, RItd, kSoGY, OKs, kmV, qdE, AaRG, PCC, mleh, YYG,

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