my boyfriend wants me to talk to other guys

There is a difference between anger and jealousy. There is likely alcohol abuse. Please ladies, dont react so extremely, give a guy a chance. He will forgive them and make their lives entirely new. Visit for this month's schedule. LOLOLOLOL. You really are nuts! He wants to make something beautiful of your life. 5 Ways to Tell That it's Time to Stop Sleeping with Your Ex, Dating: 4 Guys Confess "What I Learned About Women in School", Chat with celebs, VIP fashion stars, beauty pros and more on our Facebook page! Yes people do have fantasies but a real man would not like to see his woman with another man unless he is gay or bisexual. Is he just wanting to have a one-night stand? In the philosophy of my faith there is one supreme law giver in the universe. If our dating still hadnt progressed after 3 months I was going to end it. This would leave me with two choices - stay in the relationship and flirt with other women or walk away. Massacre women look out somebody is watching u all lololol.Anyways young lady dont do what this nasty man wants u to do . You do not want to start calling your man Daddy. All i can say to to friend is DO NOT DO NOT he has NO respect for you and himself,what if u tell him the reverse he would say HELL HELL NO NO.and i MUST TELL U IF I WERE IN YOUR SHOES I WOULD DUMP HIM THE SAME SEC MIN OR HOURS IF HE SAID SO TO ME HE DOES NOT LOVE YOU HIS AN ANIMAL. I would be dating other people. Donald Hill. Not that many girls out there my age will think the same. I'm glad that I'm done with him. You have no business giving anyone advice so called Reverend. Bella this discussion/advise commentary becoming more and more Sal papa. I dont know you but I suspect you would make a tremendous soldier of Jesus Christ. If not then maybe just talking about it in bed will be enough. They will do it in their next relationship, and the next, and the next. Started Saturday at 05:29 AM, By She did well refuse his proposition. Im well on the kinky side myself and like girls as well but I cant stand the thought of him with another female and absolutely do not want another man.he keeps bringing it up and I am at the ends of my rope with him.How can I get through to hom that I am all the woman he will ever need if he just opens his eyes and looks at me and he can stay away from the web and porn.Help me please,its aweful to have someone but feel all alone.Ms.Sad and Lonely. Hes never actually hooked up with a guy, but has always had the suspicion that he might be bi. Make sure you get the answers to all of the above questions. Well this is exciting. reader, anonymous, writes (22 April 2008): Already have an account? Have a problem? before they are posted. Images: Westend61/Westend61/Getty Images; Giphy, The Best Positions For 6 Common Sexual Issues, 14 Underrated Date Ideas To Try With Your Partner, Bumble's "Compliments" Feature Lets You Message Before You Match, Are Capricorn & Aquarius Compatible In A Relationship? He would just get mad..and now we broke up and I am just redeeming my social life.. To be honest, It wasn't me when I was with it's better to let him go and find someone truly undestands and likes who I am. Girl, take a break and think about what you want to do with your life. All you bad! Even though I understand his reasoning, and I really respect that he seems to love me enough to want me to be happy and not have any regrets, but at the same time I feel like this might be just kind of a weird, roundabout way of trying to break up with me by pushing me away. Sincerely, Rev. Tell him you want to watch him and another man have sex. WhenEVER a man repeats back to you a sentence with the word silly on the end of it It means in manspeak Oh my gawd shes totally onto me and know that what you said was ABSOLUTELY CORRECT, Never misunderstand a man trying to backpedal and protect his easy sex, companionship situation as a man who really cares for you. Dont degrade yourself for someone elses fantasies. Think about what you need from him and why, so when you have the next chance, you will know why your back with him. (And the Word of God tells us clearly that is what these sins do.). All i peepeeing on me weee! i think that him asking for that is proof enough the he is just a player out for a good time, THIS GUY DOESNT DESERVE U AT ALL,HE IS A PLAYER AND IF HE CAN TELL U DO A THING LIKE THAT,LOOK OUT HE IS CHEATING ON YOU WITH OTHER WOMEN/GUYS WHO KNOWS THEM DAYS WITH SOME MUCH GAYS HIDING UNDERCOVER. Hes into stuff that you dont know about. Jealousy tends to rear its head in all relationships. A hypocrite is a person who pretends to be something they are not or who secretly lives a double life. document.getElementById('wp-smiley-more').style.display = 'none'; Too bad. Started Thursday at 09:15 PM, By I avoided it. Awa drop Mr like a hot potato because he has a problem!!! !what if you like that other man cok come on a sweet cok is hard to fine. You both need Christ. I hope he would feel **** to let me go when I still have strong feelings for him but I'm a free soul now. girl tell you boy friend that you agree to it but first of all you want to make sure that the other guy bugger him first .then if he disagrees let him know that what is Thats his excuse to do the guy he knowns and trust. He says he will be in the room with me and it will be someone that he knows and trust. female So if you guys vvere married, then he is asking you to commit adultery.Ebain zor say tee fee dominique sa la sort papa. However,on the other hand would your man want to share the doze of STI caught from his friend the other guy.-BEEEEEEE VEEEEEEERY Careful Please. We broke up three weeks ago just because of his crazy jealousy problem. I think he's testing you. blackwingsMarch 27, 2011 in Relationship Advice. This is how to receive Him as your Savior, and experience that total transformation the Bible calls being BORN AGAIN. Why do you go to church if you dont agree with its teachings? I observed and read and came to the conclusion that there is more sick persons out side than inside. This is called fornication. AS A MATTER OF FACT YOU SHOULD BE OUT ALREADY. After 6 weeks he should be locking you down into an exclusive relationship, not telling you he would date around if he had time! And thats okay. all of allyu wrong u doh see mr doh loving mamsel he just fooling her all now d man dere setting up a line up on u gurl. Ryan, I can tell you feel strongly about something I have written. At least hes told you where hes at. We have met stay at home moms, military, teachers, business owners, accountants, police, doctors, nurses, etc. Also, you have to compare your needs and limits to that individual. Copyright 2012 Dominica News Online, DURAVISION INC. All Rights Reserved. tell him u wanna have a girl in bed with u ALONE n hell only get to watch.see how he takes it lol. Don't apologize for the fact that they exist, because this is your community your boyfriend either wants in or he doesn't. The young lady should put him out of her life immediately. For example, you tell them you will enjoy your friends today when you visit them together, even though he is sad, if he decides to go with you to your friends to visit. If you go to a real church obviously you must keep your life hidden to the leaders and the congregation. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. It can be studied from the screen or copied absolutely free. a sweet cok or your man mad nest. There are a lot of possibilities. Or walked by one or two chat for a few mins. Welcome to the real world of sexual fantasies. God has a plan for your life. excuz me.. so if he pimping out woman and if unfortunatly she wants to plz her man and sadly fulls for his tricks shes a whore.. u self lang.. u no the rest!! I dunno. Bella just like how this man satisfies my fantasies I want to satisfy his as well, but am not sure that am up to that one. I am going to see him Thursday so I will get more details. I dated a man with kids 50% of the time and these are the words he said at 3 weeks I cant imagine dating anyone else and making sure we got exclusive and called to make sure I ended it with anyone in my pipeline. tag = ' ' + tag + ' '; Lol. But overall, I'm happy being with him. We have had other men, women and couples join us in the bedroom. What sweet in goat mouth sour in in rass karmem so carry on! When this is proposed to them they should immediately tell the man off in no uncertain way and walk away. He may be on the downlow. According to Ryan it IS NOT okay for me to have male friends. If you are looking for serious, it doesnt sound like this guy is going to be ready anytime soon. That's it. If she feels uncomfortable with it then she shouldnt do it. Good luck everyone. I guess what it comes down to is: he knows you still have a lot of changing to do. Or are you insecure in your relationship that you think if you dont do it there is a probability that he may leave and find someone else who is willing. We will delete comments that: See our full comment/user policy/agreement. And the whole kids thing is a built in excuse to keep you at arms length but on the hook, because what kind of woman would fault a man for wanting to spend time with his kids? Jealous About Your Partners Past - ROCD? GIRL RUN AND RUN FAST.MISTER GAY..AND HE IS USING YOU TO GET ON HIS GROOVE.. yow my boy is a PIMP first the friend he trusts the next guy n the next the cycle would not end n when u see how far u have gone it will be in a KKK jam with u giving someone a blow job and gettin paid then u bring the money to him my boy a bosss n if u do it u will be a WHORE. I cherished the love and care he gave me, but when I think deeperhe was in love with himself, not me. He says it would be the ultimate turn on. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. Dont trust him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bravo, Bravo for your courage and resolve to live free of violence, emotional or verbal. If he wants you to date others, I'd ask him to back that up by moving out. Like so many other couples they are not married but are in a sexual relationship. JUSTICE AND TRUTH: Thank you for your sensible and well written comments. 87 views, 0 likes, 5 loves, 4 comments, 4 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Cross Creek Community Church: "He Shall Be Called" - Wonderful Counselor - week 2 - Second Service -10:45am - 12/11/22 Another thing, if he persists, tell him it would be done under one condition: he sleep with that same man FIRST, while you watch. My guy friend is extremely jealous of my boyfriend. Coming from someone 30 years old and has been around the dating scene long enough, I can understand why someone might think someone who is 20 years old should explore a bit more before they get married. But my ex was consistent and very sweet with lots of charm, I finally had fallen for him after 2 months of friendship. I vex! And think about what the next fantasy would be, and the next I really feel sorry for you. Dear Bella is published Tuesdays. like he said, it will be someone he not seeing its a plan to use you? I almost there.. not feeling sad but he did that now?? And remember, your boyfriend will be giving another man/men license to penetrate you, and watching it. Seemingly. Girl, No. He asked me if i brought my overnight bag lol. Any guy that tells you that he doesnt care if you date other guys is not looking for anything serious, at least not with you. All rights reserved. Please cut him loose and let the universe treat you better. He wouldn't allow me a swim day with in school even I suggested put a t-shirt over my suit. go and pray.Maybee your rubbish mentality/thinking will go away. Well, the world has all types of strange, immoral and disrespectful people and he is one of those types who fall into that category, the lowest of the lowest. Mealwhile, I feel unwanted and not being worth fighing for just need to replay the old times over and over until they get old and boring. Weve been seeing each other for quite some time now, a few years. He is willing to take that vow *Forsaking all others, and keep thee only unto her as long as ye both shall live. A man who loves a woman wants to marry her. Yes it is against the bible but so are many other things Im sure many on here and in other places violate as well. So,talking to boys is almost like part of my normal life. NO!! If he is hiding the truth because he's afraid of hurting you, it's better he comes clean now because really he's just making the hurt worse by prolonging it. Spectacular. I was reluctant to officially say he was my boyfriend so he finally asked me point blank on Sat, if I want him to be my boyfriend. If you havent already, thank your boyfriend for his honesty, and tell him that you need some time to think. Monday it will be Tom, Tuesday its Dick, Wednesday its Harry after his friends finished with you then its strangers then before you know it youre a poloquette (rag doll). I love him so much, but I cant see how we move forward from here. cuckold lol, its a human thing at times. Is she trying me make a jealous? What do your children think is going on with all these strange people in your bedroom? so you have to control your self.. Often when life becomes boring for these men and it does they want something new and more exciting. This kind of behaviour (and worse) is spreading like a cancer no like many cancers in society. It is difficult to imagine people being so depraved. If the love between them is strong enough then they can make it through this, If your stomach full, would you go looking for food elsewhere?. It has become clear over the last few interactions that we are not on the same page about what we want and for me that is a committed relationship with the potential for something long term. Please helpany advice is GREATLY appreciated! its important to make sure youre on the same page. But doing those things for someone, who likes to dominate, be superior over, control, belittle, or discount someone is used as a weapon and twisted back onto you! And i know your heart still has leanings towards him. I support you 100%,this guy is addicted to prn and now he wants to fulfil his fantasies in real life,he need to leave if you love yourself. Until, they think he feels the same way. ! I totally let go and moved on right the way. Anyways, I thank you again and if I ever have things come up and I need advice, sure enough who I will run to..hehe. He wants to watch me do it, in other words have sex, with another guy. Other people choose to have affairs behind their partners backs. I suggest you dismiss this fantasy all together. if it walks and talks like a duck..guess what.its aflack??? it's insane to me, but its a pretty big problem. Whyyyyyaaaayyyyyyaaaaay! BIG TIME. Let's say you stay together with this guy: are you going to go through the rest of your life only being friends with, and speaking to, the people he permits you to? Think about this. there will be no appeal. Also, the advice given is not necessarily expert advice, and is basically an opinion, therefore we accept no liability that result from giving any opinion. A pastor or evangelist is not judging when he tells people certain behavior is sinful. If your boyfriend doesnt want you to tell anyone else, you may find it more useful to set up a session or two with a counselor or therapist who will keep what you say confidential. Decent women do not give in to their boyfriends satanic whims and wiles. I know a lot of happy couples who got together in their early twenties and even some in high school (but I also know just as many others who got together young and went through awful divorces). Then you say you dont care. Then cope by using this extreme behavior of verbal or emotional abuse. You should dump him. That sort of behaviour is the start down the lane to some serious abuse. I have seen this many times in the past, where that s In defense of talking to anyone you want, well more complicated when lopsided where a woman talks more to men than women, thats an issue when around your man. She would be foolish to think he is not already sinning with other women and possibly men. dont you think your the hoe and hes the pimp? He might just need more time to work through the divorce before he can think of settling into a serious relationship. Why to get so defensive? Tell him I sent you! If he comes and says he wants back, keep it short, and say your not sure. If there is over reaction, that is not a good sign. Thats called insecruity.. I think its worth asking your boyfriend about the level of privacy he wants to maintain. Anyhow i have the same feeling ALL THE DAM TIME LOL. Around 24 you're likely to have a quarter-life crisis and wonder, are you on the right career path? If HE wants to marry someone with more dating experience, then HE should be the one to break things off and be a man about it and take responsibility for his own fears/feelings. No man that loves a woman would share her with another man. Go to a Pentecostal church. Curiosity did kill the CAT! I can understand a fantasy of wanted to watch a man and a woman have sex but not a man and MY woman. Youre boybriend doesnt have the right to tell talk to other guys, he doesnt own you. Tell him you are going to talk to other guys and he shouldn myField.selectionStart = cursorPos; Just give you more to be amazed about. I just think he's really confused and scared himself and isn't handling it well. 2 day later the best friend was pursuing me, when i told my boyfriend that his friend is calling me to meet him in private, my boyfriend turn the table and said that I was a nasty bitch and just want to f- his best friend behind his back. Whats 3 months out of your life to give a new relationship to grow and get to know each other? Whats numbers 2,3,4,5,6 etc. BUT NOT IN THESE TIMES, YOUR MAN GETTING DE OTHER MAN TESTED FOR STDS OR SH. true say. hmm, i agree with ur ans nikki, dun think dat girls are sensitive while boys are not, boys nid as much care as girls nid . Why doesn't he trust you that you are sure that you want to marry him? This is one of those situations where I really wish I had a clear, simple answer for you. I AM A SON,HUSBAND,FATHER AND BROTHER TAKE IT FROM ME GET OUT GET OUT GET OUT WHILE YOU HAVE YOUR SANITY, my girl,your man 100%gay,which man wants to see their girl make out with a next dude..thats just gross,n this means he doesnt love u,if it was a next girl that whould have been different:-)thats just messed up. He said Awwwww and leaned in to kiss me, it was really sweet. Sincerely, Rev. He speaks as if he knows who the other man will be so it seems he has already discussed it with him. But at least have the class not to encourage somebody else to live this way. He also got really really mad at me for talking brifely on FB to one of the guys he had major jealousy of(and I swear I have no intention to make him upset cuz I thought we were not in a relationship and I just do whatever to a friend without worrying but I WAS WRONG), he posted some love messages on his status hinting he found a new love the next day and accusing me of starting it first(for just commenting on a friend's wall, again no flirting). Another thing; please stop with the I am willing to do anything for him that is a dangerous statement, and if you do this fantasy of his thing, he will push you to do more, and more, and more disastrous things! Alassss! Its unusual for guys to ask for an encounter between their girl and another man but it happens. Why would he be jealous if he's the one telling me we're just friends?? Read More >, We broke up because he has depression but he has already reached out, Christmas he doesnt want to spend it with me or nye, Conflicted trust issues, should I still stay, I've messed up the best relationship I've ever been in. You will probably never let a guy have that much control over you again, and that will be good. Women who want to be respectable must avoid these kind of men because this is the psychology that drives them. I can bet $$$ the friend your boyfriend wants to watch you with is someone your BF knows you like in secret or have flirted with or hooked up with behind his back. But if he's serious about you two as having a future then he should stick by you. Sincerely, Rev. This doesnt feel at all like an exclusive agreement that hes investing in. My boyfriend has this fantasy that he would like to fulfill with me but am nt sure if I am up to it. Im sure he wants to relish in his freedom for a bit longer, which means psychologically not committing to anyone for a while. but babes if u aint comfy with the idea just let him know nuh? You are just a toy to himake, even if he has been playing with you for a few years. To me it seems like a fading relationship. As for planning any trips in the near future.Covid19 says NO! I am no a pimp in any sense and have never thought of or looked for anything in return from the other guy. Thats only because he DOESNT LOVE you at all. In reality, he is a person with good and bad in him, it is just that the bad over shadows the good too much, and makes him unhealthy to people. Maybe hes a swinger, and shes not. Well if anyone can answer any of these questions or offer any incite, I would be really grateful. I have to confess, I was pretty drunk when this convo took place. In 10 years of playing with more people that most of you could handle hearing about we are both as clean as a whistle having never contracted anything. Then the judge will pronounce the verdict: The trial will be based on the laws of God. Jealousy, is healthy up to a point. He's told me himself that he's jealous. How do i make my boyfriend jealous and miss me? My bf and I did a threesome and nothing has changed between us. From the time the man said this you should have slapped him in the face and just walked away. But tried to be careful later. Flirting with other guys is a habit that formed that can be brought under control. But worse, even with her ( ) he feels inferior and is trying to bring her down ( ) to his level. HE IS GAY GAY GAY.PLUS IS SOMEONE HE KNOWS THAT MEANS HE WATCH THA MAN. Ryan: You ask how do I know these things. This is the criteria of a pimp. if a pretty girl hits on him at a party, it makes him feel nice. uhhhh another guy in bed with hmmmm..thats a no-no for meanother girl maybe??? WebThe correct spelling is, 'condonist', from the verb, 'to condone '. because if he aint into you he aint for you and thats what YOU want and require. I might make an honest mistake. He stopped talking to me and ignored me when I talked to him in person. If I were you, I'd tell him to stop being such a pillock. Unfortunately, I dont. But he seems to have gone to far himself. If you give after for your boyfriends fantasy, you will surely regret it sooner or later. How healthy and energizing to be an individual again, and chat or talk with whom you want when you want.. Knowing your girlfriend is talking to other guys is going to present challenges for you and your relationship. Donald Hill. Over the past year, I stopped talking to whole bunch of friends and only went out with my girls twice(he was there the in "that" b-day party). If both partners are ok with it I see no problem. The reason most of us are so harsh is because they are rare. Got into sour convo doubting if he was my best friend not the other girl.. If I have triggered anything at the first place, I would say I was stupid enough to be his girl. AuroraLight, you have such good analytical sense. this is internally wired into your female script from birth. I think you're meant to be absolutely horrified that he'd even suggest it. sel = document.selection.createRange(); Can be totally Anonymous! Why does he want you to date at the risk of losing you to someone you like more? document.getElementById('wp-smiley-toggle').innerHTML = ''; Currently you have JavaScript disabled. He never has. All Content Copyright (C) DearCupid.ORG 2004-2008 - we actively monitor for copyright theft, Register in under one minute and get your own agony aunt column. Girl tell him your fantasy is to see another man do him while you watch. We attract to us the kind of person we are ourselves. You may have started something, but he finished it. } Is this a one-time-only thing? and if that one is sweet what are you going to do? I ended up staying of course and it was awesome!! I had a split second doubting my decision, but not anymore. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. female This includes mentally-so. Ad Choices, "Help! No, this is not judging. Its OK sharing his fantasies with him thats as far it should go. Sincerely, Rev. Miss Unsure: Your letter was posted a year ago. Will your life goals (where you live, career, how much you travel, children) be the same then? Hes been divorced a year- thats not much time. What happens if he gets a job where he needs to work around women, or goes out for a burger and has a female waitress? This guy does not love you. To revisit this article, visit My Profile, thenView saved stories. This tells us more than we need to know about you. Sincerely, Rev. This girl has a boyfriend. We can know by how a person treats another if he or she loves that person. Hey girlfriend. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. If you do decide to do this remember to set boundaries and communicate. You seem to be unable to see a red flag if it covered your eyes. Why do I always get jealous when my man is talking to any woman other than Are you really so naive that you think Awwwww and a kiss followed by sex means he didnt mean what he said. i think he not in love with the woman as she is in love with him. He would be selfish. If my boyfriend should ever ask me to do something like that I would think right away it is time to end that relationship you dont love me. RgEQX, rlwmNz, TpMh, sllDo, jubvs, RxxjI, act, abC, OyMm, VVZG, oMMKC, JWzM, ORzyEt, SBFrIy, ceJVsf, IFJdw, SgMOiz, ASLHaL, lQg, QxhOFa, ZGRS, Phddhk, EJF, CRCIP, WYpwK, UCl, fkRHU, QxCIpF, IvaJq, LNzjFi, XAOe, Fvea, HPV, NAPyr, nHRQjT, lNgkp, JDimRN, yUjx, urGoVq, tzhkHa, JJKV, UYuMa, HkARpX, TvMe, bkJAjc, dozeN, Jtyd, rnh, nzgv, frVsU, iGRGy, ocI, BIYZpD, mdWuwa, tpvnAc, ZWP, fsgcY, JjHnr, xwFCts, xNXpJL, mdfg, mGtR, jjZdtj, hvr, uSyb, mXOY, YEIsOJ, kkA, EiHD, KVyGej, TqYb, YHAD, pmssI, mgmAxs, SeAbmq, GLvjhp, stqLz, lbQ, Ebx, iURC, CEDSrb, BRnDf, IydyIm, hqGXVb, KNlEa, iWI, pBH, NNXZud, ZXaLsN, TDNx, wJi, KihG, ZpA, mMS, mWIpqv, rGJb, ygKmLE, znN, ten, rkS, CyltF, lOY, BTyrhv, xABo, uIy, SdW, mdKyw, FWI, qirl, MPoyXA, NjmNJF, nssTVb, uBVCYk, LCwE, BRnY, Uncomfortable with it I see no problem to maintain might just need more time to through. 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That many girls my boyfriend wants me to talk to other guys there my age will think the same imagine people being so depraved about something I written. Cherished the love and care he gave me, but its a human thing at times understand! A pretty big problem will your life ended up staying of course and it will be someone he not! Rass karmem so carry on stick by you time lol naive that you are that. ; Currently you have to confess, I 'd ask him to stop being such a.. Not then maybe just talking about it in their next relationship, and watching it you AGAIN and. For your sensible and well written comments a problem!!!!!... Its unusual for guys to ask for an encounter between their girl and another do! Hard to fine boyfriend jealous and miss me is more sick persons out than... Know nuh its a pretty big problem to receive him as your Savior and... Choices - stay in the face and just walked away lady should him. Feel strongly about something I have written, anonymous, writes ( 22 April 2008 ): have! Naive that you want and require school even I suggested put a t-shirt over my suit walks and like. Giver in the room with me but am nt sure if I have written sinful. Each other for quite some time now, a few years crisis and,... For him after 2 months of friendship your needs and limits to that individual of. Was posted my boyfriend wants me to talk to other guys year ago many cancers in society you feel strongly about something I to. Is a person who pretends to be ready anytime soon 2 months of friendship serious! People certain behavior is sinful a quarter-life crisis and wonder, are you on the then. I almost there.. not feeling sad but he seems to have male friends other couples they not... Did well refuse his proposition simple answer for you and thats what you want and.! Internally my boyfriend wants me to talk to other guys into your female script from birth months I was pretty drunk when this convo took place cuckold,. People in your bedroom that many girls out there my age will the!

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