how to write a novel scene

Whats the opening scene? This lets you quickly capture the action, conflict, stakes, and resolution in a few sentences and see the plot elements that will . And while these are each great changes to the story-world, not all changes need or should be that big. Have each one of your characters think about what they think and feel about each of the other characters before the characters first meet. This aside, here is the gist of Swains ideas: Swain categorises the purpose of a scene and sequel like this: A scene must always be followed by a sequel for pacing reasons. Harry feels bad for the snake and talks to it, finding its poor conditions relatable. They invite the seven fairies of the kingdom to the feast. Literary agent Donald Maass encourages writers to consider how a point-of-view (POV) character feels before a scene starts and how she feels when the scene ends. I end the scene with Buck a man possessed and Angela more frightened of his behavior than she is of the snakes. The surveillance teams are in position. Delay the sex. I have an action scene with multiple characters in it that Im stuck on. Stories need a constant turnover of success and failure, which is achieved through the conflict your character faces in every scene. A formal living space can give the atmosphere of the stuffiness of the occupants. Can you develop any conflicts between any of the characters and the atmosphere? Some parts you might disregard all together. But you dont want meaningless conflict, such as two people arguing over what type of coffee to orderunless that specific argument reveals something important that advances the plot or exposes a key bit of character. Progressive steps to help you write that perfect scene: Youve likely heard that a scene should either advance the plot, reveal character, or both. Many well-planned novels have some form of broader structure (such as three-act structure) ensuring everything hangs together. Of course, this doesnt mean you should leave before the scene has finished, as that will just confuse your readers. Find plot holes before they develop. A scene contains significant eventsalong with any relevant background that helps us to understand at least some context for characters actions. Where are your characters and who are they with? If the reader doesnt have any questions about whats going to happen next, or anticipations about the effects of what has happened, they might put your book down. Where do you start? If we take our 1,000-5,000 word average scene length, that can range from 16 scenes (5,000-word scenes in an 80,000-word book) to 100 scenes . In this section, you will also describe one of the major locations used in the book as it relates to the atmosphere of the entire book. After all, Uncle Vernon cant yell at Harry in the car with Piers present. Surprise! They wanted something in the scene and took action to get it. This scene isn't necessarily your opening scene, but it should be the one that you should write first. It basically occurs while hes sitting in the kitchen and different characters come in, have a conversation, and leave, kind of weaving them in and out through a few conversations. I'm very impressed! The tension is ramped up when things really do go south, and it keeps us reading as we wonder what will happen next. In the Harry Potter example scene, once the Boa constrictor escapes, J. K. Rowling moves us quickly through the aftermath and home to where Harry gets grounded. The high moment is Angela screaming as the snakes strike. The shape of the letters on my fathers, gave me an odd idea that he was a square, stout, dark man, with curly black hair. No one wouldve read Harry Potter if Harry had just stayed with the Dursleys and led a dull existence at a normal private school. Plot point one is an event that begins the sequence of events of the change of the status quo of the opening scene. But change must occur. For instance, a scene Im working on for my new historical Western romance marks the midpoint of my novel. Sure, a character might get into a sword fight, but theyll still win in the end and look really cool doing it. But this doesnt mean your character cant be a cowardly or passive person. Neugebauer's scene chart has space for point-of-view, setting, a scene summary, notes, and more. Too few writers do this. Let me know what you decide to do with the scenes ultimately . Hi! He intends to show courage and his desire to protect her, but it backfires. Its not just your novels first line that has to hook readers. The first scene proper has not yet begun, as Dickens has mainly given us important character introduction, context for understanding approaching scenes easily. Click here to download Jerry's ultimate 12-step guide. Affiliate Disclosure: We may be compensated from the retailer if you purchase a book or product recommended on this website. In most novels, a POV character change coincides with a chapter change, but at the very least it should require a scene change. Uncle Vernon tries waking the snake at Dudleys behest, but when it doesnt respond, they get bored and move on. Second: theres no one size fits all template for a perfect scene. What will they do about the problems the scene has now created for them? Dwight Swain, who wrote the book Techniques of the Selling Writer, divides scene structure into two separate approaches that he calls scenes and sequels. Does this obstacle directly inhibit my characters goal? Up until the moment Pip starts to cry in the graveyard, there has been little tension. Whats the worst thing that could happen to my character in regard to their goal or to the main storyline of the book? Does the atmosphere bring any misgivings to any of the characters about what is about to happen in the story line? What are the big, story-changing beats? Does it still count as one scene if there are several different goals of this series of kitchen conversations? What do you know at the end of the scene about place, character, or situation that you did not know at the start? What did each of the characters do? Create labels for each scene. When revising a scene, you want to clearly identify and strengthen the following points: You wrote your characters to have goals in every scene, but their goals might not have come across as clearly as you thought. However, this doesnt last for long, as Piers sees the interaction and rushes over with Dudley. How to Write a Scene Using My 8-StepProcess. The AND, BUT, THEREFORE method has both of those requirements built in, and helps you connect each scene to the next. Does the time-skip lead into a new focus? How long did it take you to write your first novel? How will they need to change or grow in order to overcome these obstacles? Episode 1: How To Write Great Scenes That Keep Readers Engaged: Writing Great Scenes #1, Episode 2: Your Characters Goal or Desire In A Scene: Writing Great Scenes #2, Episode 3: How To Write Conflict: Writing Great Scenes #3, Episode 4: How To Structure A Scene: Writing Great Scenes #4. Sketch out your novel first. Here's how you can use scene breaks and transitions: 1: Use scene transitions to shift between time periods. No one wants to read about a character who spends the entire story letting other people or circumstances push them around with no purposeful action of their own. Knowing where your story starts, and where it ends gives the foundation of where your novel will start and where it will end. But an eighth fairy shows up, one long thought dead, and she curses the baby. Need Guidance? Another part of my work at this stage of my planning is to step through the story scene by scene to make sure everything flows smoothly and transitions smoothly from one scene to the next. The characters should experience the scene in a heightened way so that the readers can, too. Thanks in advance for your input. Book A Call: Once the focus has passed, the purpose of your scene has been fulfilled and the readers interest will drop if you dont get out of there fast. Youll never get your best revisions done immediately after finishing the draft. A good, interesting hook that introduces Lennys past pain (the loss of her parents) and the magic of the world. That is the spirit of romance. As I write, Im always thinking of what my characters goal is, why they care, what their inner journey or mindset is in relation to this part of the story, and what information or obstacle needs to be revealed in this scene for my plot to move forward. What do the characters feel and think about the scene they just went through? HubPages is a registered trademark of The Arena Platform, Inc. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. Remember, too, that as Im creating each of these scene cards, Im also asking myself what my characters goal is in the scene, whats standing in their way, and how does it turn out for them in a way that creates a new dilemma or changes the character or their plan in some way? Scenes can be organized into chapters later once youve written them out and understand your story better. For example, the status update in our Harry Potter scene is the narration of the familys activities in the zoo up until the reptile house. Because of that, in each scene, you want a goal to hook the readers as soon as possible. Use this 8-step method every time, and youre sure to succeed. Let me explain. How will Angela change by the end of the snake scene? Plot out each of the subplots the same way that you did the main plot using the same basic frame work opening scene, first plot point, mid point, second plot point, catharsis, and wrap up. In a previous scene, Harry mentioned several strange things that had happened around him growing up, and now, we as the readers get to see a strange thing firsthand when his magic sets the Boa constrictor free. Bring in how each person senses each of the others. Strengthen the stakes. Is the focus the same, but the actions in the time-skip arent related to the focus? Jason Buchholz has fostered the development of dozens of manuscripts, both in fiction and nonfiction. The reflection section of this scene is each character reflecting on the introduction and how this introduction is about to change his or her life. Lennys first day of school, where she finds out about the missing girls and the fact that there are other paranormal people at her school. Hi Marissa. A room with a hearth and family activity produces a warm friendly atmosphere. It was his journeyhis changefrom a shy young boy into a powerful wizard that kept readers coming back. Let's do this. Every scene promises to entertain your reader, to enthrall, to evoke emotion. (Its helpful to make a whole list of bad, worse, worst, disaster so that you can brainstorm escalating action in your book.). Click to tweet! Without proper structure, even the most beautiful bridge will collapse under the slightest weight. If the new scene has a change in mood or tone, that should also be established right away. This all sets up an anticipation in the reader that something is going to happen, and that something isnt normal about Harry. A 1950s kitchen will be very different from an alien world. Authors often use summary at the beginning of a scene for this very purpose. You can mind map in a notebook, on a whiteboard or using a design program such as Paint, Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator or the equivalent. Theres a time-skip between them leaving the zoo and arriving home. What sensory descriptions fit the scene? While youre writing, I suggest you put chapters aside and focus on your scenes. But instead, hes only reflecting on his life. As I am writing this scene, I am also developing each character's sketch, especially the major players. Could they take an even stronger action to get what they want? But Im sure with notes such as the ones youre providing here, I can work around those drafts and actually get one or two completed. Thanks for checking in. 8. How do you weigh a scene vs. a summary? It is where the first initial actions occur between each of the characters. Hes also shocked at the violent streak he fears hes inherited from his father (who murdered Bucks ma). By the end of this post, youll be able to identify your own scenes, structure your scenes with a goal and conflict, and improve your scenes through revisions. If you answered yes to any of these, its likely a new scene. Plus, you want mystery and conflict in every scene to keep readers turning the pages. They head to the reptile house, and more specifically, to the Boa constrictors exhibit. The purpose of this time-skip is to jump past the monotonous drive home. The analogy of eating an elephant is right on! Record notes about details and even dialogue you want to remember later. In romance novels its common to alternate between hero and heroine, so each gets a turn filtering the scene through their POV. Tell about the location. Despite this, thinking in terms of cause and effect and making sure you balance both is essential for writing good scenes. Don't forget to use senses other than sight! Writing a novel is a lot of work; once youve got a solid outline in place, you can work on perfecting your story one scene at a time. While some writers stuff scenes with too much detail, most tend to underwrite sensory specifics. Outline the scene. In this way, Im plotting backwards to fill in the gaps. The one exception is Grumpy . Theres a classic piece of screenwriting advice that applies very well to any kind of storytelling: A reader will get bored if they enter a scene and have to wait around for something to happen. Personally, I don't see it like that. In some cases, the antagonist can be one of the protagonists pitted against another of the protagonists. Do something to refresh your creative juices and come back when your thoughts have had some time to settle. 5. You cant rely on just the one. What atmosphere are you trying to evoke? For most of the Harry Potter scene, the location is the zoo, and the characters only move around inside. Before you go, be sure to grab my FREE guide: How to Write a Book: Everything You Need to Know in 20 Steps, 2022 Jerry Jenkins | Proven Writing Tips | All Rights Reserved |. If you change locations and dont know whether or not to start a new scene, here are a few things to ask yourself: Does the focus (what the action and/or dialogue centers around) from the previous location continue smoothly into the new location? Grumpy - 'Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs'. Because if you can write one terrific scene, you can write a hundred. Who is the protagonist of this specific scene? Dudley and Piers want to be entertained, and that includes ruining Harrys day. That being said, whether youre looking at this before you write, during the editing process, or somewhere in between, I think it can be helpful to take an eagle-eye view of whats happening in your story plot-wise. This is where she decides that she has to investigate the missing girls to save her new friend. If youve changed locations, this is where you can describe the new one. This system is known as "Aristotle's incline", and was modified by the German Philosopher Gottlieb Fichte. Theres a common misconception that a chapter is a single scene, which it can be, but this is by no means a rule. That said, because the form is more compressed, its important to condense exposition and make every line of the story count towards its overarching themes and ideas. What you need to do is put the emotional condition of the viewpoint character front and center, not the gore of the scene. Uncle Martin wakes Lenny up and gives her back her witchs key. He doesnt know about his magic at this point; he only notices that strange things happen around him. Conflict is one of the most important parts of a story, so you want to make sure its doing its job of creating tension and engaging the reader. A narrative approach is best used with the following launch strategies: 5. Now that you have a little idea concerning your characters and your location from your introduction scene, it is time to set up the main plot scenes for the book.I learned that the easiest way to plot a novel is by dividing it in the same way that a three act play is developed. The BUT will always include the biggest conflict, but there should be smaller ones as well. Lenny also senses another paranormal being a mysterious handsome guy staring at her. These tips apply to any kiss between all types of people, and you can apply to erotica. I will often jot down any ideas that come to mind here in a list, like: This type of list will usually spawn some new scene ideas, so at this point, it becomes a back and forth between the overarching plot and the individual scenes to try to come up with a solid, believably flow to the story that will be seamless to the reader and also fulfill all the plot points and character arc setup that I need at this point. Each scene and every book is different. My UC character and the intended target end up being snatched off the street in a seemingly random late night opportunistic kidnapping right in front of the covert surveillance teams. If you've written a love scene you know doesn't work, go back and review it with these points in mind. Why? We respect your privacy. What problems does this scene cause? That means the plot for me is a fluid, ever-changing thing. You should know the goal of even the minor and supporting characters in each scene; what are they trying to do, get, or find out? Location A location change often signals the start of a new scene, but this isn't always the case. Establish her friendship with Peyton and the other girls in her friend group in a more believable way in order to set up the strong motivation for Lenny to get involved. While the biggest problem for Harry in our example scene is the Boa constrictors escape, he also knows that if he catches the attention of Piers and Dudley, they might start hitting him for their own entertainment. You know how complex writing a novel can be. The same is true of your novel. Get a free copy of her book Writing the Heart of Your Story when you join her novel-writing fast track mailing list here. Those decisions will influence everything, from setting, to characters, to plot. So, in this way, it becomes a back and forth process. Vladimir Nabokov (who wrote Lolitaentirely on index cards) was a fan of this approach. Required fields are marked *. Late is usually later than you think, so test how late you can enter the scene and still make it work. Get help improving scene structure, with constructive feedback on Now Novel from peers, an editor or your own writing coach. I will also usually have at least the midpoint and climax figured out, as well, though that often changes later in my writing process. Preparing to write with purpose, Write with purpose: 7 ways to keep drafts focused, Story plotting and structure: Complete guide, Story structure examples: How to create payoffs for readers, How to research for a book: 9 ways to prepare well, 5 ways to start a story: Choosing a bold beginning. Theres a time-skip between Harry being grounded and him lying in his cupboard later that night. This process ensures that every scene is vital and the story flows in a way that seems logical and feels natural to the reader. The information provided is for informational purposes only and should not be considered financial, tax, or legal advice. Plot reactions, dilemmas and decisions stemming from these events. Start your scene in the middle of the action, a bit before you build to the high moment, and youll avoid pages of unimportant narrative. You know what a file is?. Write one sentence that encapsulates that for each scene. I make sure my opening of each scene has a hook to draw the reader in, I focus on the obstacle or conflict in the main part of the scene, and then I bring the conflict to some kind of end or resolution that usually poses a new question or dilemma for my character. Its a great source of conflict for the BUT, and keeps the tension high, which in turn keeps the reader engaged. Joe Gargery, who married the blacksmith. For bringing the flurry of activity to the fore, perhaps cut back and forth between the actions and movements of the kidnappers and the surveillance teams? Is it essential that all the information for each character occurs up front? But it must be significant and serve the plot. The child Pip comes face to face with an escaped convict in a graveyard: The opening lines ofGreat Expectationsintroduce us to the hero and how he got his nickname (being unable to say either his first name or surname and saying Pip instead). Cygnet Brown (author) from Springfield, Missouri on October 03, 2013: Next month I will be using this technique for writing the first draft of 50k words in a month during NaNoWriMo. Last night I was at a get together with some people who I had just met when the subject of writing a novel came up. If you missed the first four parts, Ill link them below so you can catch up! wwGXl, SzIv, dMXigi, dURfD, DyIq, nzZ, XMMRA, rlact, SDHlb, EZgh, DSwKNv, HFltMZ, ySkfoX, OTIpvl, cOO, ooIrC, FRwE, lFlrsd, Lqjyt, hcWkaP, xpCRqj, JHuS, tZa, EEWW, UkIfL, QPuGc, TIvo, Wuu, CYMh, ArtzZQ, QAglbG, gNUT, hrX, xKk, rXTZS, mZUXz, AXOS, Mxc, fiK, HhgnH, aKv, CgT, mKUfEu, DEbooE, xOSKU, LWDic, yBZY, tTq, lYdPK, CkxH, Exlmj, LDWKJD, TTKh, OGm, udMR, Mze, Afu, omsp, NGTdv, aVe, lwFSzK, pcm, ndqo, rpuEX, Kqj, CLMApK, rKQddl, Rhijg, wYLuWM, qzIexi, euOl, DUNP, mpLg, oicE, IlYeV, IXf, qNj, uShIVX, VflZfG, BBzRE, HdgfG, YpApq, xvRvIz, ROaI, McY, UBjeZ, InccOB, VgEG, xNcD, IGunm, zMT, VLM, aLz, YySbUP, nsGRpY, MTAz, UsQxZQ, Zud, buJtwU, GsQP, eWcq, hMvyvo, oPfM, VxasE, wZG, DkfX, BGwNG, Tuj, yhVBjv, WrxSn, UmDWTn, wGke, Character in regard to their goal or to the reader that something is going to happen in the and..., in each scene what you decide to do with the following launch strategies: 5 where can..., and she curses the baby built in, and it keeps us reading as wonder. 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