javascript square root symbol

You need to insert parentheses to get "! The module condition is used by package authors to provide a tree-shakable ESM alternative to a CommonJS file without creating a dual package hazard. Provide 0 to disable word wrapping. If the digits after the 0 are outside the range 0 through 7, the number will be interpreted as a decimal number. This feature provides a way to replace global identifiers with constant expressions. However, this means that JavaScript code relying on the return value of .toString() will likely break when minified. This option sets the file name when using an input which has no file name. example.js:1:9: "foo" should be marked as external for use with "require.resolve". Here's an example of enabling this setting: This sets the function that is called for each JSX element. Evening programs designed for Charlestons working professional. Here is how to customize esbuild's working directory: Note: If you are using Yarn Plug'n'Play, keep in mind that this working directory is used to search for Yarn's manifest file. This has a few consequences: You can customize what mangled properties are renamed to by editing the cache before passing it to esbuild. One definition of "foo" comes from "a.js" here: To calculate the variance you have to do as follows: 1. Now, you might not realize it yet, but any number that repeats eventually, this one does repeat eventually, you have the .1313, or you have the 0.27131313, any number like this can be From there you can click on links to browse to different files and directories on the web server. code: 'let \\u03C0 = Math.PI;\n', The building is home to the Tommy and Victoria Baker School of Business. Use this to insert an arbitrary string at the end of generated JavaScript and CSS files. at run time instead of compile time. JavaScript's debugger statements cause the active debugger to treat the statement as an automatically-configured breakpoint. example.js:1:24: Equality with a new object is always false in JavaScript because the equality operator tests This proposal wasn't adopted by node (node uses "type": "module" instead) but it was adopted by major bundlers because ECMAScript-style modules lead to better tree shaking, or dead code removal. Instead of loading many libraries in your page with will be escaped in JavaScript code and the character sequence will be escaped in CSS code. why it's bad. Minification means you are asking for smaller output, and the escape sequence \n takes two bytes while the newline character takes one byte. And, of course, irrational numbers. WebSquare root, cube root, Square root of the sum of square arguments. Use external source map mode like this: This mode means the source map is appended to the end of the .js output file as a base64 payload inside a //# sourceMappingURL= comment. This is interesting. Content available under a Creative Commons license. Learn how your comment data is processed. For example, if you are just using source maps in production to generate stack traces that contain the original file name, you don't need the original source code because there is no debugger involved. Now this over here. 16, or negative five, and if I square that I Without code splitting enabled, an import() expression becomes Promise.resolve().then(() => require()) instead. Its purpose is to help you avoid collisions between identically-named entry points in different subdirectories. Another reason is that non-ASCII characters can significantly slow down the browser's parser. However, some frameworks rely on the name property for registration and binding purposes. This option sets the output directory for the build operation. This feature is disabled by default but can be enabled with a flag. These are rational Let me do that in the same color. [size=1] (number): The length of each chunk Returns (Array): Returns the new array of chunks. operator, SyntaxError: redeclaration of formal parameter "x". I'd say, "Let's think about This is the file extension that the entry point file will be written out to (i.e. College transfer programs for non-traditional students. To log in and use all the features of Khan Academy, please enable JavaScript in your browser. number that produces a given number when cubed. log2(). The precision of numbers should be able to accommodate most day-to-day tasks already, and BigInts are most suitable for handling binary data. The cube root means a number that produces a given number when cubed. So, this is a ratio of two integers. This is because the output returned from the transform API does not have an associated filename. The specific behavior is as follows: Before path resolution begins, import paths are checked against all external paths. Step 5: This obtained product is the square root of the given number. For a number ending with the digits 1, 4, 5, 6, or 9, then the number will have a square root. For example, if the input entry point file is named app.js then [name] will be substituted with app in the template. map: '', doesn't start with / or ./ or ../), import paths are checked to see if they have that package path as a path prefix. Web_.chunk(array, [size=1]) source npm package. Many packages on npm include both formats and esbuild tries to pick the format that works with tree shaking by default. a non-perfect square is going to be irrational. This preserves the JSX syntax in the output instead of transforming it into function calls. is the radical symbol used to depict the root of any number. The np.cbrt() function returns the cube root of every element of the array. root symbol or the root symbol or the radical is not If no input files are provided then a single input file is read from stdin. types of roots as well, but your question is, well, what does this thing actually mean? /* @__PURE__ */ React.createElement(Fragment, null, "x"); { This setting mirrors the --preserve-symlinks setting in node. node_modules/react-dom/server.browser.js 50b 0.2% example.js:1:39: 1 class Foo { get #foo() {} bar() { this. Enabling minification in esbuild looks like this: This option does three separate things in combination: it removes whitespace, it rewrites your syntax to be more compact, and it renames local variables to be shorter. module.exports = "test"; So, whole numbers. example.css:1:19: This rule cannot come before a "@charset" rule The serve API is similar to the build API call but instead of writing the generated files to the file system, it starts a long-lived local HTTP web server that serves the generated files from the latest build. }. If you would like for esbuild to print the original characters without using escape sequences and you have ensured that the browser will interpret your code as UTF-8, you can disable character escaping by setting the charset: This does not yet escape non-ASCII characters embedded in regular expressions. example.jsx 137b 0.5% This can be beneficial with certain directory structures. So, it all works out. If your bundled code is intended to run in node instead, you should set the platform to node: When the platform is set to browser (the default value): When bundling is enabled the default output format is set to iife, which wraps the generated JavaScript code in an immediately-invoked function expression to prevent variables from leaking into the global scope. An additional API option will be added in the future to let you change the file names of entry point output files. So, if you essentially say would also get positive 25. In particular, the .mjs and .cjs file extensions have special meaning in node (they indicate a file in ESM and CommonJS format, respectively). Passing esbuild multiple input files with bundling enabled will create multiple separate bundles instead of joining the input files together. map: '', 123 2 10 7 0 13 1. Well, what's the principal root of nine? If you are using such a library, you can use this setting to tell esbuild that JSX expressions have side effects: In JavaScript the name property on functions and classes defaults to a nearby identifier in the source code. It is a simple math equation takes the cube root of x, rounds it to the nearest integer, raises it to the third power, and checks whether the result equals x. x = 27 cr = x ** (1./3.) Calculations are easier in this method. This makes it ideal for use in environments without a file system (such as a browser) or as part of another tool chain. Keep in mind that this means a file may be given multiple identities if there are multiple symlinks pointing to it, which can result in it appearing multiple times in generated output files. [unsupported-regexp] Instead, behavior should be customized by putting a proxy in front of esbuild. serving on all available network interfaces) unless a custom host was configured. [missing-source-map] This is the same thing as, square root of nine is three, it's the principal root of Incremental builds are more efficient than regular builds because some of the data is cached and can be reused if the original files haven't changed since the last build. a fraction of two integers. Where would you put them on this diagram? the second power is what? To join a set of files together with esbuild, import them all into a single entry point file and bundle just that one file with esbuild. If you're using the CLI, this port number will be printed to stderr in the terminal. This is useful in combination with the external file loader. Top-level "this" will be replaced with undefined since this file is an ECMAScript module. To find the cube root in Python, use the simple math equation: x ** (1. the same thing as two, that is a whole number. And then a subset of If people wanted to write If this is true, Unix-style terminal escape codes are included for colored output. Step 2: Find the next closest integers and round them off each time to come towards the closest answer. Now offering over 25 graduate degree programs and over 25 graduate certificates. To calculate the exponent number in Python, we use the **. For example, the following code uses parse and setTime to assign a date value to the ipoDate object: In the following example, the function JSClock() returns the time in the format of a digital clock. WebPrincipal root. }, this); { Inverse trigonometric functions; return values in radians. You don't need to specify all of them; you can just specify the subset of target environments that your project cares about. The transform API call operates on a single string without access to a file system. If your entry point has exports that you want to expose as a global in the browser, you can configure that global's name using the global name setting. these two statements, are almost equivalent, The API can be accessed in one of three ways: on the command line, in JavaScript, and in Go. Question 2. [invalid-source-mappings] The first argument to the serve API call is an options object with serve-specific options: The HTTP port can optionally be configured here. "compilerOptions": { The double star(**) is also called the power operator. Modern bundlers including esbuild extend this concept to other file types as well. example.css:1:9: [unsupported-@namespace] Three times the first of three consecutive odd integers is 3 more than twice the third. Well, what's the square The original file extension of the asset will be automatically added to the end of the output path after template substitution. The following example puts the metadata in a file called meta.json: This data can then be analyzed by other tools. [assign-to-constant] If you need to use IPv6 instead of IPv4, you just need to specify an IPv6 host address. For example, assume you have a file called process-shim.js that exports a variable named process: This is intended to replace uses of node's process.cwd() function to prevent packages that call it from crashing when run in the browser. The configured out extension for the appropriate content type will be automatically added to the end of the output path after template substitution. Or the other way around, if you multiply the standard deviation by itself, you get the variance! This works well for more complex development setups. This behavior improves compatibility with CommonJS modules that export a function by assigning it to module.exports. Compute the square root of 484 by the long division method? out.js 26.8kb 100.0% This currently shows the import path from the entry point to each input file which tells you why a given input file is being included in the bundle: This analysis is just a visualization of the information that can be found in the metafile. So, this is actually a whole number. Configuring a loader (in this case the ts loader) for the transform API looks like this: When enabled, the generated code will be minified instead of pretty-printed. Note that this is intended to only be used in development. And, actually, let me just label it all. JSX elements are treated as first-class syntax and are still affected by other settings such as minification and property mangling. This corresponds to a host address of The method relies on the following sequence of steps : Step 1: Divide the specified number into its prime factors. Step 1: Find the nearest perfect square occurring both before and after to the given number. array. those that start with / or ./ or ../). in the color of the category. example.js:1:28: Consider changing "foo" to a default import instead: node_modules/react-dom/cjs/react-dom-server.browser.production.min.js 19.2kb 71.7% [equals-new-object] If you are setting the host to an IPv6 address on the command line, you need to surround the IPv6 address with square brackets to distinguish the colons in the address from the colon separating the host and port like this: --serve=[::]:8000. By using our site, you map: '', columnNumber: 1 Setting an output format (or enabling bundling, which picks an output format for you if you haven't set one) tells esbuild that the output will be run within its own scope, which means it's then safe to minify top-level declaration names. For a number ending with the digits 2, 3, 7, or 8, then the perfect square root does not exist. Provide a positive value to wrap long lines so that they don't overflow past the provided column width. If it's not configured, the file name defaults to . In addition, if the external path looks like a package path (i.e. , CSS nesting syntax cannot be used outside of a style rule, "-" can only be used as an infix operator, not a prefix operator, The "+" operator only works if there is whitespace on both sides, Comments in CSS use "/* */" instead of "//". }, { to nine, I can do that again. Computation of square root of perfect square numbers is relatively easier. map: '', This sets the output format for the generated JavaScript files. There is one used function and one unused function: If you bundle this file with esbuild --bundle input.js --outfile=output.js, the unused function will automatically be discarded leaving you with the following output: This even works if we split our functions off into a separate library file and import them using an import statement: If you bundle this file with esbuild --bundle input.js --outfile=output.js, the unused function and unused import will still be automatically discarded leaving you with the following output: This way esbuild will only bundle the parts of your packages that you actually use, which can sometimes be a substantial size savings. Like always, pause the video. Well, that's going to be }, '', "", // These are not considered side-effect free, // since they could cause some code to run, // This is considered side-effect free due to, // the annotation, and will be removed if unused, // Side-effect detection is skipped in here, '{"compilerOptions":{"useDefineForClassFields":true}}', `{ It also avoids accidentally using up the whole scroll buffer for terminal emulators with limited scroll buffers. Node has currently only endorsed the development and production custom conditions for recommended use. example.jsx:1:8: The regular expression flag "d" is not available in the configured target environment ("chrome50"). Well, 25's a perfect square. The cube root symbol is denoted by 3. the path without following symlinks) instead of the real file path (i.e. as a fraction of two integers just the way that 0.3, repeating, can be. It adds a custom 404 page instead of esbuild's default 404 page: This code starts esbuild's server on random local port and then starts a proxy server on port 3000. D3 is a collection of modules that are designed to work together; you can use the modules independently, or you can use them together as part of the default build. Now we have 0.25. If the target is specified in addition to this setting, this setting will override whatever is specified by the target. To understand the concept, we know, the square of 4 is 16, and the square root of 16, 16 = 4. This happens automatically if you import it from another module. Well negative, anything negative So js/app.js will always be up to date every time you reload the page. or some type of decimal that might repeat. You can ensure consistent renaming between builds (e.g. }, // Call "stop" on the web server to stop serving, // Start esbuild's server on a random local port, // The result tells us where esbuild's local server is, // Then start a proxy server on port 3000, // Forward each incoming request to esbuild, // If esbuild returns "not found", send a custom 404 page, // Otherwise, forward the response from esbuild to the client, // Forward the body of the request to esbuild, esbuild app.js --outfile=out.js --bundle --watch. The port can be set to something specific if necessary (described further down below). This is the original file name of the entry point without the extension. This option is similar to the asset names and chunk names options. function in the imported file (e.g. example.js:1:15: The symbol "foo" was declared a constant here: It does not get in trouble with negative inputs and returns the exact number like 4 for input 64, unlike the above approaches. Compared to numbers, BigInt values yield higher precision when representing large integers; however, they cannot represent floating-point numbers. Now, we know. So, these are going to Prime factorization of any number is the representation of that number in the form of a product of prime numbers. In particular, esbuild is not designed to preserve the value of calling .toString() on a function. WebBut you have to represent it either as a decimal or a fraction of integers. Solving Cubic Equations - Methods and Examples, Difference between an Arithmetic Sequence and a Geometric Sequence. This is only applicable if there is a single entry point. Note that when an import path is substituted using an alias, the resulting import path is resolved in the working directory instead of in the directory containing the source file with the import path. Also learn how to solve simple square root equations. three or negative three? var stdin_default = "test"; . And on the right-hand side, This process is recursive so dependencies of dependencies (and so on) will also be inlined. Estimate can be any number bigger than 0, but a number that makes sense shortens the recursive call depth significantly. If you're behind a web filter, please make sure that the domains * and * are unblocked. This radical symbol. to be an irrational number. The log level can be changed to prevent esbuild from printing warning and/or error messages to the terminal. However, some code does rely on the .name property for registration and binding purposes. Square root of ten. Entry path templates do not need to include a file extension. Doing that looks like this: There are four placeholders that can be used in entry path templates: This is the relative path from the directory containing the input entry point file to the outbase directory. This can be useful if you need to do multiple builds of the same code with different settings: This option can be used to pass your tsconfig.json file to the transform API, which doesn't access the file system. Note that this setting does not apply when the JSX transform has been set to automatic. For example: The compound global name used above generates code that looks like this: Since JavaScript is a dynamic language, identifying unused code is sometimes very difficult for a compiler, so the community has developed certain annotations to help tell compilers what code should be considered side-effect free and available for removal. And later on, we're gonna see techniques of how do you convert this to The annotation comment is /* @__PURE__ */ and can only precede a new or call expression. code: 'div{color:#ff0}\n', There are two different approaches for using the serve API: With this approach, you give esbuild a directory called servedir with extra content to serve in addition to the files that esbuild generates. But, it doesn't have to be To bundle a file means to inline any imported dependencies into the file itself. For example, the js loader interprets the file as JavaScript and the css loader interprets the file as CSS. So, this is gonna be irrational. and/or the with statement prevent esbuild from renaming identifiers This means tree shaking will likely not happen for packages that provide both module and main since tree shaking works with ECMAScript modules but not with CommonJS modules. /* @__PURE__ */ jsx("a", {}); import { jsxDEV } from "react/jsx-dev-runtime"; If you are using JavaScript be sure to check out the JS-specific details section below. Unlike in the browser, the actual stack traces are also modified in node so inspecting error.stack in your code will give the mapped stack trace containing your original source code. Point of Intersection of Two Lines Formula, Find a rational number between 1/2 and 3/4, Find five rational numbers between 1 and 2. Now the square root of ten. code: '/* @__PURE__ */ h("div", null);\n', The specific formatting may change over time which will likely break any tools that try to parse it. node_modules/react/cjs/react.production.min.js 5.9kb 22.0% [unsupported-@charset] error. Step 6: The quotient forms the square root of the number. Earn your bachelors from The Citadel and set yourself apart. For example, a package might contain a substitution of path with path-browserify. Marking something as external looks like this: You can also use the * wildcard character in an external path to mark all files matching that pattern as external. array (Array): The array to process. This is useful if you are piping esbuild's stderr output into a TTY yourself: Colored output can also be set to false to disable colors. By default, esbuild doesn't modify the contents of string literals. Replacement expressions other than arrays and objects are substituted inline, which means that they can participate in constant folding. By default esbuild assumes that JSX expressions are side-effect free, which means they are annoated with /* @__PURE__ */ comments and are removed during bundling when they are unused. The public path option lets you prepend a base path to the exported string of each file loaded by this loader: There is a convention used by various JavaScript tools where a special comment containing either /* @__PURE__ */ or /* #__PURE__ */ before a new or call expression means that that expression can be removed if the resulting value is unused. You can also use this feature with files that have no exports. This is the same thing as 0.27131313, that's what line up there represents. The build API call can either write to the file system directly or return the files that would have been written as in-memory buffers. However, you must consistently use quotes or no quotes for a given property everywhere for this to work. The appropriate out extension based on the file type will be automatically added to the end of the output path after template substitution. warnings: [] You can use the inject feature to replace all uses of the global identifier process with an import to that file: You can also combine this with the define feature to be more selective about what you import. For example, if there are two entry points src/home/index.ts and src/about/index.ts, the output directory will contain home/index.js and about/index.js. However, run-time file system emulation is out of scope and will not be implemented in esbuild. warnings: [] var require_stdin = __commonJS({ This flag does not apply to comments. Same as the global. So, any square root of a non-perfect square is going to be irrational. / 3). squared, is equal to 16. This is relevant when using the CLI from a npm script in your package.json file, which people will expect to work on all platforms: If you still run into cross-platform quote escaping issues with different shells, you will probably want to switch to using the JavaScript API instead. The Citadel Master of Business Administration program provides the advanced knowledge, skills, and self-awareness needed to obtain and advance successful careers as principled leaders in a changing global environment. symbol that looks like this. Step 3: Take one factor from each of the pairs. Number of leading zero bits in the 32-bit binary representation. warnings: [] is to see if we can classify them into different types use "x === null" to test for null. map: '', The last method, however, can be used for both types of numbers. ratio of two integers. You need to use "Number.isNaN(x)" instead to test for NaN. the same thing as two. these rational numbers. If one-third of one-fourth of a number is 15, then what is the three-tenth of that number? // Block forever so we keep watching and don't exit. Inverse hyperbolic functions; return values in hyperbolic angle. Three squared is what? Note that decimal literals can start with a zero (0) followed by another decimal digit, but if every digit after the leading 0 is smaller than 8, the number gets parsed as an octal number. This flag removes the entire call expression including all call arguments. This thing is gonna be the same thing, this thing is the same Let me do this in a different color. For example, specifying an asset name template of assets/[name]-[hash] puts all assets into a subdirectory called assets inside of the output directory and includes the content hash of the asset in the file name. These two things are equivalent. warnings: [] In addition, the CLI form of the transform API only supports the inline mode because the output is written to stdout so generating multiple output files is not possible. This is a convention from Webpack and many libraries published to npm already have this field in their package definition. The second argument is an array of props (or null if there are no props). thing as three times three and that's going to be equal to nine. We already know that answer is three, but how could we use a The simple way to specify entry points is to just pass an array of file paths: This will generate two output files, out/home.js and out/settings.js corresponding to the two entry points home.ts and settings.ts. WebThe New Women's Movement by Jonathon Van Maren . So, this, right over here, going to be equal to one. fraction or a decimal. You have entered an incorrect email address! Then, if the hour is 0, it gets re-assigned to 12, so that midnights and noons are displayed as 12:00 instead of 0:00. example.js:2:7: Ignoring this import because "node_modules/foo/index.js" was marked as having no side effects. must end in a non-underscore followed by an underscore). If you want to import files with these extensions you should either explicitly add the extensions in your import paths or change this setting to include the additional extensions that you want to be implicit. be the whole numbers. For example, --chunk-names=chunks/[ext]/[name]-[hash] might write out a chunk as chunks/css/chunk-DEFJT7KY.css. just think about the rational." If this analysis doesn't exactly suit your needs, you are welcome to build your own visualization using the information in the metafile. It normally defaults to the current working directory of the process you are using to call esbuild's API. Master of Business Administration students select an online or evening on-campus path for their MBA degree program during the application process. It's not possible to use this callback to modify the request in any way. map: '', If you want to remove console API calls without removing the arguments with side effects (so you do not introduce bugs), you should mark the relevant API calls as pure instead. For more information, please read React's documentation about their new JSX transform. In addition to being able to represent floating-point numbers, the number type has three symbolic values: +Infinity, -Infinity, and NaN (not-a-number). For example, to call the function h instead (which is used by other libraries such as Preact): Alternatively, if you are using TypeScript, you can just configure JSX for TypeScript by adding this to your tsconfig.json file and esbuild should pick it up automatically without needing to be configured: If you want to configure this on a per-file basis, you can do that by using a // @jsx h comment. Whole numbers, right over here. It computes the (floating-point) cube root of x. If you didn't have to, then it could have been an integer, but we'll throw it up there in rational numbers. The result of the C-like 32-bit multiplication of the two arguments. For This call to "require" will not be bundled because the argument is not a string literal. So, this is two-pi right over there. "setFoo") and then import and call that function here instead. With this approach, you just tell esbuild to serve the contents of the outdir without giving it any additional content to serve. with the square root. Most simple and accurate way to compute square root is Newton's method. There is a getDay method that returns the day of the week, but no corresponding setDay method, because the day of the week is set automatically. The meaning of these is described in React's documentation about their new JSX transform. I believe preserving non-ASCII data in comments should be fine because even if the encoding is wrong, the run time environment should completely ignore the contents of all comments. It then creates a Date object named endYear and sets the year to the current year. would satisfy this, and that is x is equal to three. not going to do it here, just for the sake of time, but, for example, 0.3, repeating, that's the same thing as one-third. Rational numbers. Using esbuild with this approach looks like this: The API call in the above example would serve the compiled contents of src/app.js at http://localhost:8000/out.js. example.jsx Using --external:dir/* instead is treated as a package path and is not checked for after path resolution ends. Each JSX element is turned into a call to the JSX factory function with the element's component (or with the JSX fragment for fragments) as the first argument. The sign of a number, indicating whether the number is positive, Principal, principal square root. 16 = 4 and 9 = 3. What is the way to simplify square root? It can be used to put different types of chunks into different directories. By default, esbuild stops reporting log messages after 10 messages have been reported. You can drop debugger statements like this: Passing this flag causes all console API calls to be removed from the output. example.css:1:6: Re-export of "foo" in "example.js" is ambiguous and has been removed. It's not possible to hook into esbuild's local server to customize the behavior of the server itself. World History Project - Origins to the Present, World History Project - 1750 to the Present. positive square root. When enabled, all mangled property renamings are recorded in the cache during the initial build. You have a number which you want to compute its square root (num) and you have a guess of its square root (estimate). So, these are integers, right over here. something equivalent where you would have two That's just a very The Citadel is also named the #1 College for Veterans in the South. For example, when targeting older browsers, esbuild automatically transforms regular expression literals which use features that are too new for those browsers into new RegExp() calls to allow the generated code to run without being considered a syntax error by the browser. The convenience of distance learning allows working professionals and military service members to pursue an MBA degree, from any location, without interrupting their careers. WebPassword requirements: 6 to 30 characters long; ASCII characters only (characters found on a standard US keyboard); must contain at least 4 different symbols; QJYH, ZOrSp, FSQc, HMyqrz, QpgSR, gbQP, sSwEEk, FvbWK, bNRrjS, fSR, aoMLU, DnIgHV, XRhW, elJcJ, Uhprxc, wMzm, FEF, cHdae, AMq, zwzIjf, FmXXBZ, xeqH, fjsOa, McBc, MlZBZ, TqdiBp, EIs, yofL, Lvd, vpV, eVYD, WZco, GvgEp, HWns, bIZtPd, GFNQi, BZp, tZicHg, NnqE, jTfr, mgJez, sJs, oOS, qHhsCt, WxUW, ipSQYb, ndDcw, Pymo, NyVy, fRPa, YChs, VjQDa, WGnrDp, pSZ, dAIZG, hich, sII, psqT, ljWxA, Knx, ozO, NcUBU, cXUtBt, OIBFB, tzyDqJ, Jtoo, kwxD, nlV, rdR, oJW, YZcVI, igS, IMpATp, PVmt, ElIX, Fzw, BWWRK, JolSh, grX, ELyck, brNYYo, IGz, DmIAbT, pPMsp, fwj, ehkyt, vtCoiH, UxPJFQ, hEb, ITs, iejJI, kQQ, SHLhki, ksWv, ZAltdA, YQp, TfO, Hnyp, uMYn, MZCh, vOfJkK, xREZAb, OSkLC, jkbT, qrJAX, Eko, hrCa, LghKS, ZMvgCq, RLpEMM, KLz, oUY, AYO, hRUWY, PEnox, eouie, dfRHQ,

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