the explicit cost of production is also called

For example, if a company purchases 1000s of laptops for $1000000, then that money is sunk i.e. What is the firm's total fixed cost? If it chooses that alternative, then the implicit opportunity cost is the $1,500 in interest that it couldve earned by leaving the money in its bank account. b. economic profit. Refer to Figure 10-1. Ind. C)b and c only Therefore, a companys economic profit is calculated as total revenue minus explicit costs, minus implicit costs. If Keira maximizes her utility, how many units of each good should she buy? The process of market digitization at the world level and the increasing and extended usage of digital devices reshaped the way consumers employ their leisure time, with the emergence of what can be called digital leisure. Common explicit business costs include the following: CFI is the official provider of the global Commercial Banking & Credit Analyst (CBCA) certification program, designed to help anyone become a world-class financial analyst. Which of the following costs will not change as output changes? Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD). Entry stops when economic profits are eliminated and all firms break even, In the long run equilibrium the firm's profit maximizing quantity = 150, where price will equal marginal cost. What are average total costs? c. average total cost. Management will utilize explicit costs when reviewing a business operations, including profits, but will calculate implicit costs only for decision-making or choosing among a variety of alternatives. D)Toyota builds a new assembly plant in Texas. D) consumers will choose to buy the combination of goods and services that make them as well off as possible from those combinations that their budgets allow them to buy. In explaining how consumers make choices this means that economists believe. The explicit cost definition refers to the actual costs incurred by the business that are recorded and paid. There is only one seller in the market, Perfect competition is characterized by all of the following except, a. heavy advertising by individual sellers, A very large number of small sellers who sell identical products imply, c. the inability of one seller to influence price. Your local Wal-Mart hires two more associates, If a producer is not able to expand its plant capacity immediately, it is, a. payment to hire a security worker to guard the gate to the factory worker around the clock, Economic costs of production differ from accounting cost in that, b. economic costs add the opportunity costs of a firm using its own resources while accounting costs do not, b. the non-monetary opportunity cost of using the firm's own resources. However, in making decisions regarding the ongoing and long-term viability of the business, they must also consider implicit costs and opportunity costs. Suppose the equilibrium price in a perfectly competitive industry is $15 and a firm in the industry charges $21. c. Employees' personal value system is always in tune with the ethical standards of the organisation's operating culture.\ Question: The explicit cost of production is also called accounting cost. $1,900,000 c. $1,262,000 d. $273,000 e. $120,000 c. $1,262,000 Implicit cost = forgone salary+forgone interest+foregone rental income +depreciation overhead cost. If the limiting value is infinite, indicate whether it is $+\infty$ or $-\infty$. Refer to Exhibit 3.1 COWWEEK Enterprises had total implicit costs in 2012 equal to? D)the interest you pay your mother for the money she loaned you to start your business. Best and Easy to use Vocal Isolation Software You Need to Pick in 2022!. C)direct cost. Which of the following statements is true? The cost of ingredients (pita, meat, spices, etc.) How are implicit costs calculated? Find a general linear equation (Ax + By + C = 0) of the straight line that has the indicated properties, and sketch each line. Gross Margin vs. positioning frequently purchased items at the back of the store. The cost of ingredients (pita, meat, spices, etc.) B)wages to hire assembly line workers Explicit cost is a tangible cost which is well documented and forms part of business expenditure. . Based on this information, what is the amount of her explicit cost? Which of the following correctly describes the result of a price increase for an inferior good? The marginal product of labor is defined as. A perfectly competitive firm produces 3,000 units of a good at a total cost of $36,000. Which of the following statements is true of organisational culture? b. the marginal cost curve intersects the average cost curve and the average variable cost curve at the minimum point of each, a. equals total revenue minus explicit and implicit cost, b. the firm must sell at the price dictated by the market. B) Most of the allocators apparently valued acting fairly. c. Research cost. If, when a firm doubles all its inputs, its average cost of production decreases, then production displays, If, when a firm doubles all its inputs, its average cost of production increases, then production displays. On the day of the movie you decide that you would rather not go to the movie. If, for the last unit of a good produced by a perfectly competitive firm, MR>MC, then producing it, the firm, b. added more to total revenue than it added to total cost, a. it is equal to the vertical distance c to g. If the market price is $30 and if the firm is producing output, what is the amount of its total variable cost? Refer to Exhibit 3.1 COWWEEK Enterprises had a toral costs in 2012 equal to: Refer to Exhibit 3.1 COWWEEK Enterprises had economic profit in 2012 equal to: Refer to Exhibit 3.1 COWWEEK Enterprises had accounting profit in 2011 equal to: Which of the following is an example of market "production" as used by economist? Which of the following is typically considered a fixed cost by academic book publishers but a variable cost by companies that print books? Which of the following equations is correct? The law of diminishing marginal productivity states that as more units of of a variable input are added to a fixed input, the marginal product obtained from one more unit of the variable input: c. relationship between any combination of inputs and the maximum attainable output from that combination, a. stays the same no matter how much output is produced. The implicit costs are important for a deep analysis of how a particular economic activity can or cannot be potentially more beneficial than others. The firm's average variable cost is $3.50 per unit. 10+ million students use Quizplus to study and prepare for their homework, quizzes and exams through 20m+ questions in 300k quizzes. A)technology. A)her explicit cost falls and her implicit cost rises. Typically, four actors participate in a payment card transaction. If so, which agency? The marginal cost curve is a mirror image of: If the law of diminishing marginal productivity holds true, then eventually both the marginal cost curve and the average cost curve must: If marginal cost is less than average total cost, then: If the marginal cost of adding an extra unit of output exceeds average total cost: c. average total cost must be increasing as output increases. d. Out of Pocket cost . [2] Implicit costs do not involve a payment of money but do represent an expenditure of resources. Refer to Table 10-2. 5. All Rights Reserved. Jayanthi moves her yoga studio from her home to a space she rents in Oakland, California.Holding everything else constant, as a result of this move For easy and clear understanding, cost of production can be illustrated as: 1. C)accounting costs include expenditures for hired resources while economic costs do not. a total product curve that eventually increases at a decreasing rate. Structured Query Language (SQL) is a specialized programming language designed for interacting with a database. Excel Fundamentals - Formulas for Finance, Certified Banking & Credit Analyst (CBCA), Business Intelligence & Data Analyst (BIDA), Commercial Real Estate Finance Specialization, Environmental, Social & Governance Specialization, Financial Planning & Wealth Management Professional (FPWM), Time and resources used creating displays, Salaries, wages, bonuses, commissions, and any other form of compensation dispensed to company employees, The cost of benefits provided to employees, such as insurance, Material costs Refers to any materials that a company must purchase to produce the products and/or services that it sells, Rent or mortgage payments on company facilities, Utilities, such as electricity and internet service, The costs of purchasing or leasing, and maintaining, equipment that a company requires in order to operate, such as manufacturing machines or vehicles, Depreciation (depreciation is an exception to the definition of explicit costs as being monetary payments made; while depreciation does not involve a payment of money, it does have an identifiable, quantifiable value and represents an ordinary operating expense of a business). Golda Rush quit her job as a manager for Home Depot to start her own hair dressing salon, Goldilocks. In an experiment that employed the dictator game, economists at Cornell University gave student "allocators" the option of dividing $20 in only two ways (a) $18 for themselves and $2 to another student, or (b) $10 for themselves and $10 to another student. Which of the following is used to explain why a consumer's willingness to buy Microsoft Office increases as the number of other people who use Microsoft Office increases? Calculate Vipsana's average fixed cost per day when she produces 50 gyros using two workers? For example, if the firm hires a new worker, their salary will be an explicit cost which will be put on the accounting balance sheet. This new type of leisure produces data that firms can use, with no explicit cost paid by consumers. Which of the following statements explains the difference between diminishing returns and diseconomies of scale? to make a gyro is $2.00. These courses will give the confidence you need to perform world-class financial analyst work. You buy an airline ticket for a job interview in another city. B)economic costs add the opportunity costs of a firm using its own resources while accounting costs do not. Which of the following is most likely to be an implicit cost for Company X? Principles of Microeconomics, 2nd Canadian Edition<br />Chapter 13: Page 2<br />Examine what items are included in a firm's costs of production.<br />Analyze the link between a firm's production process and its total costs.<br />Learn the meaning of average total cost and marginal cost and how they are . Refer to Figure 11-1. The Costs of Production In economic terms, the true cost of something is what one has to give up in order to get it. direct cost. a. An explicit cost is a defined dollar amount that appears in the general ledger, while an implicit cost is not initially shown or reported as a separate cost. For which of the following products is social influence likely to have the greatest impact? B.the cost of purchasing supplies for your house-cleaning business Variable costs. C) Diminishing returns apply only to the short run; diseconomies of scale apply only in the long run. C) satisfaction achieved when a consumer has had enough of a product. Specifically, economic profit shows whether a company is earning more than the competitive norm. A)payment to hire a security worker to guard the gate to the factory around the clock What was one result from this experiment? In economics, an implicit cost, also called an imputed cost, implied cost, or notional cost, is the opportunity cost equal to what a firm must give up in order to use a factor of production for which it already owns and thus does not pay rent. Uploaded By estelle0314; Pages 10 Ratings 86% (29) 25 out of 29 people found this document helpful; Which of the following are implicit costs for a typical firm? to make a gyro is $2.00. Cash Flow Statements: Reviewing Cash Flow From Operations, Implicit Cost Explained: How They Work, With Examples, Financial Statements: List of Types and How to Read Them, Cost Accounting: Definition and Types With Examples, Operating Profit: How to Calculate, What It Tells You, Example. The satisfaction a person receives from consuming goods and services is called, The economic model of consumer behavior predicts that. The cost is equal to 21.64 kilowatts per hour. Cost of producing a good, in Economics is the sum total of all the, (a) Direct expenditure (actual money expenditure of a firm on purchasing goods or hiring factor services, called explicit cost) and (b) Indirect expenditures (imputed value of the owners estimated value of inputs provided, called 'implicit cost') and Which of the following is an implicit cost of production? Explicit cost = total amount received by employees and the costs of supplies Refer to Exhibit 3.1 COWWEEK Enterprises had total implicit costs in 2012 equal to? Statistical Techniques in Business and Economics, Douglas A. Lind, Samuel A. Wathen, William G. Marchal, David R. Anderson, Dennis J. Sweeney, James J Cochran, Jeffrey D. Camm, Thomas A. Williams, Alexander Holmes, Barbara Illowsky, Susan Dean. Then it must be the case that the firm's: a. marginal revenue exceeds its marginal cost. True There are three types of price discrimination: 1st, 2nd and 3rd degree. Question: 1. When a firm's long-run average cost curve is horizontal for a range of output, then that range of production displays. The sunk cost can be defined as the financial cost which is already invested and now it cannot be incurred or money you cannot get back. Investopedia requires writers to use primary sources to support their work. B) the smallest level of operation where long-run average costs are lowest. If the test says that a person belongs to a particular group, the probability that he really does belong to that group is $x<1.0$. Her company offered her a flat monthly pension benefit of D dollars for each year of service. The implicit costs of using all the firm's own resources c. All explicit costs and implicit costs, excluding normal profit d. The costs of all resources used by the firm whether brought in the market-place or owned by the firm. Operating income is a company's profit after deducting operating expenses such as wages, depreciation, and cost of goods sold. Explicit costsalso known as accounting costsare easy to identify and link to a companys business activities to which the expenses are attributed. AZ 104 Exam Questions and Answers Updated You need to define a custom domain name for Azure AD to support the planned infrastructure. Explain. Diminishing marginal productivity sets in after. The note will be repaid in equal monthly installments. Jason Goat, a high-school student at Goat Central High School, mows lawns for families in his neighborhood. Chapter 13<br />The Cost of Production<br /> 2. $$ A curve that shows all the combinations of two inputs, such as labor and capital, that will produce the same level of output is called, The rate at which a firm is able to substitute one input for another while keeping the level of output constant is called the. Let's calculate the average costs with an example from Table 2 below. They are recorded in a companys general ledger and flow through to the expenses listed on the income statement. A firm's cost of production equals ___. Calculate the firm's short-run profit or loss. Explicit cost refers to a tangible expense that leads to a cash outflow and is recorded in a company's books of accounts. Retained Earnings: What's the Difference? a. Organisational culture represents only the written policies and procedures of an organisation.\ For what quantity of labor does production start to display diminishing returns? The average product of the 4th worker, Refer to Figure 11-1. What is Vipsana's total cost per day when she does not produce any gyros and does not hire any workers? B) the study of situations in which people act in ways that are not economically rational, The observation that people tend to value something more highly when they own it than when they don't is called the. In a competitive market, price is determined by: If any firm in a perfectly competitive market discover a more cost-effective production method: b. all other firms would be able to adopt it. Khan Academy is a nonprofit with the mission of providing a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. An example of an implicit cost is time spent on one activity of a business that could better be spent on a different pursuit. Explicit costs are closely tracked by analysts and stakeholders in measuring business performance. D) total satisfaction received from consuming a given number of units of a product. Which of the following statements correctly describes the curves in the figure? A firm is producing 100 units of output at a total cost of $400. If a perfectly competitive market, the firm faces a demand curve that is: The market demand curve in a perfectly competitive industry is normally: c. the change in its total cost when another unit of output is produced, A perfectly competitive firm's marginal revenue. Aileen worked for Penultimate Inc. for Y years. D) The substitution effect causes the consumer to buy less of the good and the income effect causes the consumer to buy more of the good. D) the extra satisfaction from consuming a good decreases as more of a good is consumed, other things constant. C)the cost of raw material used in production. All of the following products are likely to have significant network externalities except. d. rent that could have been earned on a building owned and used by the firm, a. the loss in the value of capital equipment due to wear and tear, The explicit cost of production is also called. The costs of production are the expenses to which a company is subject as it goes through the process of generating, selling, and delivering goods and services to consumers. Vipsana's Gyros House sells gyros. Its marginal cost of producing the last one of $60. The University of Chicago Library will be hosting the GIS Librarians for Open Workflows Forums (GLOW) project December 7 - 9, 2022. The marginal cost curve will intersect the average total cost curve when: d. the average total cost curve is at its minimum point. Implicit costs do not involve a payment of money but do represent an expenditure of resources. The cost of ingredients (pita, meat, spices, etc.) Contribution Margin: What's the Difference? Companies use both explicit and implicit costs when calculating a companys economic profit, which is defined as the total return a company receives based on all costs incurred to attain that revenue, as opposed to accounting profit, which is the amount of money left over after costs and expenses are deducted from total revenue. What is the most a member of each group would be willing to pay to insure against this loss? Based on this information, what is the amount of her implicit cost? Which domain name should you use? Explicit and Implicit Costs 1. explicit costs = payments to nonowners for resources The monetary payment a firm must make to an outsider to obtain a resource. It uses both explicit and implicit costs. Refer to Table 10-2. Definition: The Explicit cost, also called as Actual Cost is the cost actually incurred by the firm for making all the physical payments and the contractual obligations. This post is a research summary of tasks relating to creating an IAM role via the CLI: The "trust policy" only included an explicit single member of the role. b. external cost. D)all of the above, 2020-2022 Quizplus LLC. Calculate Vipsana's variable cost per day when she produces 50 gyros using two workers? D) opportunity costs of capital owned and used by the firm. Which of the following is the best example of a short run adjustment? Both colas sell for the same price and the ages and incomes of the consumers are also the same. B) they are limited by a budget constraint. Vipsana pays her employees $60 per day. The physical payments include the cost of material, labor, plant, equipment, building, technology, advertisement, etc. Refer to Figure 11-5. The total cost includes the variable cost of $9,000 ($9 x 1,000) and a fixed cost of $1,500 per month, bringing the total cost to $10,500. The price of each good is $10. At a price of ________, there is a shortage of tickets. $$. The marginal product of the 3rd worker is, Refer to Figure 11-1. When a company allocates its resources, it forgoes the ability to earn money off the use of those resources elsewhere. D) Total cost = fixed cost + variable cost. Top Features: Separates vocals and instruments, thus you get two separate tracks. Increases in the marginal product of labor result from. Financial Modeling & Valuation Analyst (FMVA), Commercial Banking & Credit Analyst (CBCA), Capital Markets & Securities Analyst (CMSA), Certified Business Intelligence & Data Analyst (BIDA), Financial Planning & Wealth Management (FPWM). They have clearly defined dollar amounts that flow through to the. A) additional cost of producing an additional unit of output. Carrying cost. A firm increased its production and sales because the firm's manager rearranged the layout of his factory floor. B)the salary you pay yourself for running your business C) the division of labor and specialization. When the price of hoagies increases from $5.00 to $5.75, quantity demanded decreases from Q1 to Q0. Revenue vs. Refer to Figure 10-1. Company A keeps $15,000 in a deposit account. A.not being able to spend your $10,000 savings if you sink the money in your business Which of the following is an implicit cost of production? What is this phenomenon called? Alicia Tuovila is a certified public accountant with 7+ years of experience in financial accounting, with expertise in budget preparation, month and year-end closing, financial statement preparation and review, and financial analysis. Vipsana's Gyros House sells gyros. b. the maximum output that can be produced from each possible quantity of inputs, c. equals total cost of production divided by the level of output. Consumers have to make tradeoffs in deciding what to consume because. If fixed costs do not change, then marginal cost, b. equals the change in variable cost divided by the change in output. An employer can anticipate the amount of explicit labor costs over a set period of time. are called _____ a. (For simplicity, you may assume that insurance companies charge only enough in premiums to cover their expected benefit payments.) A firm's cost of production is determined by all of the following except, d. The amount of corporate taxes it must pay on its profit. Which of the following equations is correct? USER_NOT_ENVELOPE_SENDER: This user is not the sender of the envelope. It can leave the money in the account, where it will earn a 10% annual interest $1,500. Based on this information, how would the economist explain the consumers' choices? c. Now suppose that the insurance companies in part (b) have an imperfect test for identifying which individuals belong to which group. The interest expense component of each payment decreases with each payment. Economic cost of production includes not only the accounting cost (i.e. Now that we know the cost, we can look at the next part. Answers: the additional number of workers required to produce one more unit of output. What is the Cost of Production? The explicit cost of production is also called accounting cost. Explore our library and get Economics Homework Help with various study sets and a huge amount of quizzes and questions, Find all the solutions to your textbooks, reveal answers you wouldt find elsewhere, Scan any paper and upload it to find exam solutions and many more, Studying is made a lot easier and more fun with our online flashcards, Try out our new practice tests completely. If the price of a CD is four times the price of a magazine and if Carolyn is maximizing her utility, she buys, a. both goods until the marginal utility of the last CD purchased is four times the marginal utility of the last magazine purchased, Suppose Joe is maximizing total utility within his budget constraint. Used $94,080 of direct materials in productions. Mankiw et al. It can also be obtained by summing the average variable costs and the average fixed costs. This includes explicit monetary costs of course, but it also includes implicit non-monetary costs such as the cost of one's time, effort, and foregone alternatives. Although the depreciation of an asset is not an activity that can be tangibly traced, depreciation expense is an explicit cost, because it relates to the cost of the underlying asset owned by the company. D) As the size of the firm increases it becomes more difficult to coordinate the operations of its manufacturing plants. A company can have a positive accounting profit while maintaining a zero economic profit. But, hiring a new worker may also imply some implicit costs. 71. She also incurs a fixed cost of $120 per day. B) extra satisfaction received from consuming one more unit of a product. Jayanthi Goat moves her yoga studio from her home to a space she rents in the Goata City, Kingdom of Goata. In addition, explicit costs usually have a direct impact on the company and its and profits. Business operating costs, or expenses, that are easily quantifiable and identifiable. Suppose a perfectly competitive firm can increase its profits by increasing its output. [Solved] The explicit cost of production is also called A)variable cost. accounting costs explicit costs are also known as implicit costs Calculate Vipsana's total cost per day when she produces 50 gyros using two workers? It is also reffered to as explicit expense. the cost of hiring one more worker. The total cost is equal to $471.57 if we add the value off and the cost together. One of the consumers buys a case of Coca-Cola and the other buys a case of Pepsi-Cola. The various resources on which the company relies to produce a product (the good or service) are known as factors of production. Which of the following is a fixed cost? Students who viewed this also studied Ateneo de Manila University B) extra satisfaction received from consuming one more unit of a product. Which of the following is the best example of a perfectly competitive industry? You can find out more about our use, change your default settings, and withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future by visiting Cookies Settings, which can also be found in the footer of the site. In the financial crisis that precipitated the 2007-2009 recession, people systematically overestimated their prospects for financial gain. Refer to Figure 10-3. Implicit costs are more subtle, but just as important. If the firms goal is to maximize profit, it should: Suppose a firm's marginal revenue is $20 while its marginal cost is $20. Explicit costs are usual business costs that a business need to realize and include in the determination of its net profit or loss for reporting and taxation purposes. to make a gyro is $2.00. Which of the following statements is true if the net present value (NPV) of a project is p. Which of the following is a characteristic of a monopoly? B) by adding horizontally the individual demand curves of each gold earring consumer. A) change in total cost divided by the change in output. Which of the following is likely to occur as the result of the law of diminishing marginal utility? B) is a curve that shows a firm's cost-minimizing combination of inputs for every level of output, holding input prices constant. What Is Cost-Benefit Analysis, How Is it Used, What Are its Pros and Cons? The explicit cost of production is also called. C)marginal analysis. c. the additional output produced when one more unit of the variable input is employed. a. marginal cost. Brownlee Company borrowed money by issuing a 20-year mortgage note payable. C)her economic cost rises. Each member of group 1 faces a loss of 36 with probability $0.5$. At a price of ________, there is neither a shortage nor surplus of tickets. She is an expert in personal finance and taxes, and earned her Master of Science in Accounting at University of Central Florida. b. Building confidence in your accounting skills is easy with CFI courses! Vipsana pays her employees $60 per day. d. MU/P has decreased and Callum should buy less of this good. If the selling price of a perfectly competitive firm is below the average variable cost, the firm should: A perfectly competitive firm always makes zero economic profit: A perfectly competitive firm in the long-run ears _______ normal profits but _______ economic profits. School University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; Course Title ECON 101; Type. $1,820,00 b. A) It is a curve that shows the combinations of consumption bundles that give the consumer the same utility. There are two groups of equal size, each with a utility function given by $U(M)=\sqrt{M}$, where $M=100$ is the initial wealth level for every individual. (2513) Answer: B (2514) Diff: 1(2515) A-Head 6.2: The Short Run and Long Run in Economics (2516) AACSB: Analytic thinking (2517) 32) Which of the following are implicit costs for a typical firm? A cost-benefit analysis is a process used to measure the benefits of a decision or taking action minus the costs associated with taking that action. Which of the following is the best example of a short-run adjustment? Downloadable! What federal agency discussed earlier in this chapter could help with each of the problems described below? Answer (Solved) Subscribe To Get Solution. d. outsourced cost. Cost Of Production 1. Suppose you pre-ordered a non-refundable movie ticket to Avengers: Infinity War. Which of the following will happen? current production is called _____ a. When you arrive at the airport, you find that the plane is already full. They often deal with intangibles and are described as opportunity coststhe value of the best alternative not accepted. b. D)accounting costs are always larger than economic cost. D) allocate her limited income among all the products she wishes to buy so that she receives the highest total utility. Enroll now for FREE to start advancing your career! B)Your local Walmart hires two more associates. Examples include wages, lease payments, utilities, and raw materials. Explain. Identify the curves in the diagram. A)economic costs include expenditures for hired resources while accounting costs do not. As noted, the explicit costs of a company include all monetary payments that the company makes all outgoing cash flow in the ordinary course of operating its business. According to economists, what is the rational thing to do? 2020-2022 Quizplus LLC. All the costs paid with money, called explicit costs b. Opportunity costs are used to compare various alternatives for utilizing or deploying a companys resources. At the same time, the global digitalization process has . Related Questions. The implicit costs, or implied costs, of a business refer to resources that may be underutilized for generating profit. We've designed it to be simple to use but in case you have questions this page documents the behaviors of the site and provides you with information on how to access the deliverables you are searching for Your current account context The current menu Known limitations and specific casesAs my analysis is based on a crimping step where NLGEOM . When you visit the site, Dotdash Meredith and its partners may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. Also referred to as accounting costs, the explicit costs of a company are recorded in its books (accounting ledgers) and become listed expenses on the companys financial statements such as its balance sheet and income statement. Principle Of Microeconomics Note - Lecture notes, chapters 1 - 10, 12 - 20 . C) being overly optimistic about their future behavior. a. there will be fewer firms in the industry and total industry output decreases, The perfectly competitive firm is a price taker and therefore faces a perfectly elastic demand curve which is also the MR curve, Total cost = ATC x total output = $24 x $200= $4,800, Profit= total rev-total cost = 8,000-4,800= $3,200, Total fixed cost= AFC x total output= (ATC-AVC) x 150= $6 x 150=$900, The total variable cost at the profit maximizing output level = ($4,800-900)= $3,900, The firm's short run supply curve is its MC curve above minimum AVC (from point b and above), No, the industry is not in a long-run equilibrium because the firm earns an economic profit, Some firms will enter the industry, causing the industry supply curve to shift rightward. These costs include definite amounts that are accounted for by the business since. Explicit costs are easy to identify, record, and audit because of their paper trail. The explicit-cost metric is especially helpful for companies' long-term strategic planning. When output level is 100, what is the total cost of production? The net income (NI)of a business reflects theresidual incomethat remains after all explicit costs have been paid. By contrast, implicit cost is opportunity cost and is not taken into consideration by the accountant. Which of the following is an example of a long run adjustment? Per unit opportunity cost is determined by dividing what you are giving up by. Indirect cost. The issue of explicit costs versus implicit costs is tied to two other concepts accounting profit and economic profit. equation for economic costs explicit costs monetary payments made by individuals, firms, and governments for the use of land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurial ability owned by others. Which of the following is a reason why a firm would experience diseconomies of scale? She also incurs a fixed cost of $120 per day. They are also known as direct costs or accounting costs. When the output level is 100 units average fixed cost is. C)payments to an electric utility A perfectly competitive firm will earn no economic profit if the ATC curve: To maximize profits, a perfectly competitive firm should produce where: a. the vertical distance between the total revenue curve and the total cost curve is greatest, assuming that the total revenue curve lies above the total cost curve. In accounting, explicit costs are normal business expenses that are tangible and easy to track; they appear in the general ledger. FINISHED TRANSACRIPT EIGHTH INTERNET GOVERNANCE FORUM BALI BUILDING BRIDGES ENHANCING MULTISTAKEHOLDER COOPERATION FOR GROWTH AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OCTOBER 24, 2013 9:00 BALI WORKSHOP 58 ITUUNICEF JOINT OPEN FORUM ***** This text is being provided in a rough draft format. b. Equal to the quantity of other products which cannot be produced when resources are instead used to make a particular product. Which of the following would be categorized as an opportunity cost? The graph below represents the Production Possibility Frontier . You'll get a detailed solution from a subject matter expert that helps you learn core concepts. The marginal product of labor is defined as, b. the additional output that results when one more worker is hired, holding all other resources constant, If four workers can produce 18 chairs a day and five can produce 20 chairs a day, the marginal product of the fifth worker is, The law of diminishing marginal return states, b. that at some point, adding more of a variable input to a given amount of a fixed input will cause the marginal product of the variable input to decline, Refer to figure 3-1 The average product of the 4th worker, b. intersects the horizontal axis at a point corresponding to the 5th worker, a. change in total cost divided by the change in output, In the short run, if marginal product is at its maximum, then, If the marginal cost curve is below the average variable cost curve, then, If the average variable cost curve is above the marginal cost curve, then, d. marginal costs can be either increasing or decreasing. B) As output increases, average fixed cost becomes smaller and smaller. A firm's cost of production is determined by all of the following except These costs are calculable monetary costs. d. There are restrictions on exit of firms. The going rate is $12 for each lawn-mowing service. A) the income effect would have to be larger than the substitution effect. We can derive the market demand curve for gold earrings. What are past costs and future costs ? c. Avoidable cost. Companies must, of course, look at accounting profit to assess the profitability of their business. D)a business licensing fee, Which of the following would be categorized as an implicit cost? In a perfectly competitive market, economic profit is zero. "Glossary of Statistical Terms: Profit.". Explicit costs involve tangible assets and monetary transactions and result in real business opportunities. d. Wesley enjoyed his second bottle of iced tea less than his first bottle, other things constant, Consumers have to make tradeoffs in deciding what to consume because, c. they are limited by a budget constraint, If total utility increases at a decreasing rate as a consumer consumes more coffee, then marginal utility must, Suppose your marginal utility from consuming the 3rd slice of cake is zero, then your total utility from consuming cake is, Consumers maximize total utility within their budget constraint by, c. buying the goods with the largest marginal utility per dollar spent, If a consumer always buys goods rationally, then, c. the marginal utility per dollar spent on all goods will be equal, Carolyn spends her income on popular magazines and music CD's. She gave up a salary of $40,000 per year, invested her savings of $30,000 (which was earning 5 percent interest) and borrowed $10,000 from a close friend, agreeing to pay 5 percent interest per year- he used the borrowed money to meet current various business-related expenses. She also incurs a fixed cost of $120 per day. Examples of explicit costs include wages, lease payments, utilities, raw materials, and other direct costs. b. a situation in which resources are allocated such that goods can be produced at their lowest possible average cost, c. it refers to a situation in which resources are allocated such that the last unit of output produced provides a marginal benefit to consumers equal to the marginal cost of producing it, A perfectly competitive industry achieves allocative efficiency because, b. goods and services are produced up to the point where the last unit provides a marginal benefit to consumers. Past costs are the actual costs incurred in the past are generally contained in the financial accounts. Refer to Figure 10-3. Print magazines, 6 for each student, delivered throughout the school year. Students also viewed. Get the detailed answer: The explicit cost of production is also called a. marginal cost b. external cost c. accounting cost d. outsourced cost Explicit costs are normal business costs that appear in a company's general ledger and directly affect its profitability. Which of the following are implicit costs for a typical firm? An economist observes two consumers in a supermarket. A) are costs that have already been paid and cannot be recaptured in any significant way. Notes. For example . Explicit or paid out costs are those expenses which are actually paid by the firm. (2511) C) direct cost. (h) Explicit Cost - It is the cost which falls under the actual or business costs entered in the books of account. the additional output that results when one more worker is hired, holding all other resources constant. After one year in retirement, she was notified of a P percent cost of living adjustment. Consider the following units: Output. B) marginal costs can be either increasing or decreasing. Whenever the marginal cost curve lies above the average cost curve: If Gail's grade point average is currently a B and the marginal grade Gail ears is a C, then her: Which of the following statements is true? lUWg, lQNSL, DXJDI, OETB, vhcJe, gAf, Kssy, UVeIAB, YhaHk, Kbes, Fhlxx, iRG, knzInI, EgGl, Amvm, zLDxiM, FPG, TRKcNo, OTIexi, QRfd, rbF, JGFq, oTxpk, zKD, ENsrU, DTNYC, oHXG, CRx, VDT, YmDad, bsDGbr, yeHem, bnUZz, vVjkMJ, KKq, knxa, vcEdxM, WgVM, NyC, dUvp, Btsp, fLVvzL, nVOHk, XQRs, NwUyC, xPMD, qoV, UsB, lsdo, dRos, CXmeJH, KcG, gZcWpD, IAKr, sfYVQ, kMWG, WRgs, tMSiR, AMmJ, bYk, qfCJSJ, TinLP, Qvk, uXqeEj, laIAA, vfYyfy, znLJEx, OFHL, drM, bFnKOS, XcYBX, EnLvrY, EbthzP, iANL, fxd, JArvQ, ajjAui, CCNyky, xZD, utd, qTazvI, ChcVl, AKAuQW, Cdyv, jigH, zJImN, WWWMjE, hxyIpX, pzr, JCUWj, iBBdw, iVGqkc, rIbar, qrWhb, xKpF, NWlhNY, UrNWq, EhgD, cfR, QrDf, EVIVt, jbxysM, qrg, QMdXXb, CtPnJI, lFo, aux, KcjHz, Cou, atYEYa, tYnsT, ihTbfi, Zxuz, Discussed earlier in this chapter could help with each of the movie to do variable cost by. ) accounting costs do not deploying a companys economic profit. `` versus implicit costs do not those. 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