who owned the hope diamond

Stolen in 1791, it was recut, with the largest section acquiring its "Hope" name when it appeared in the catalogue of a gem collection owned by a London banking family called Hope in 1839. [Its uplifting name is derived from the London banking family that owned the gem in the 1830s.]. The board meeting minutes noted, Upon examining our legal expenses . In 1947, the diamond was sold to Harry Winston, who hoped to share it with the public. . As with Tutankhamuns tomb, many associated with him were unfortunate enough to learn of Louis XVIs execution. However, in 2009 they insured it for $250 million. The diamond then passed through the Hope family over the decades until its subsequent sale in 1901. Best diamond industry news since 2004. He had to sell it to Solomon Habib for the modest sum of 400,000 dollars in 1908. Zell & Sons Fine Jewelry in New York, New York the value of the gem is $350 million. The hope diamond then passed through several dealers, including an American jeweler named Pierre Cartier. November 26, 2022 ~ Kate Cherrell. 123 Demo Blvd, Miami, FL 4567, United States+1 123-456-7890[emailprotected].org, 2022 The Diamond Authority. Our mission is to spread accurate information about the diamond industry, diamond marketing and related businesses through a combination of our website, newsletters and social media platforms. The Hope Diamond is 45.52 carats with a fancy deep grayish-blue color. The Hope diamond has attracted peoples interest, whether they believe in curses. He ascended to the position of supreme monarch and had the diamond recut and transformed into a crown jewel. The Hope Diamond is a 45.52-carat 9.104 g diamond discovered in the 17th century at the Kollur Mine in Guntur, India, and was first extracted there. The two met at the church of Russel Monseigneur, where lightning rained on the church building. This was where Cartier, with its multiple branches and increasingly impressive global client list, started to come into its own. The existence of bridgmanite means that the Hope Diamond formed in the region called the lower mantle, which is a fluid zone that starts from 410 miles below the Earth's surface and extends to the liquid outer core. As he had discovered in America, the fame and size of ones diamond was everything. . It was also purchased by Evalyn Walsh McLean, a Washington socialite. Color descriptions include fancy dark greyish-blue, dark blue in color, and steely-blue. It has also been described as a fancy dark greyish-blue and dark blue in color. Colorimetric tests have demonstrated that blue diamonds similar to the Hope are grayer (have a lower saturation level) than blue sapphires of the same color. It was then brought to the surface by volcanic activity and lived for millions of years. Diamond Buying: A Daunting Process Made Simple. After less than ten years of showing diamonds in the United States, he generously donated the stone to the Smithsonian Institution in 1958. They hosted elaborate garden parties and insisted that their guests look for Hope, which they did with many difficulties. Almost all of his children and grandchildren died, so he was succeeded by his five year-old great grandson Louis XV. It was taken back from France after the end of the French-Indian War in 1763. The diamond is on display at the National Gem and Mineral Collection in Washington, D.C. Evalyn paid Cartier more than $8 million for the D-color diamond, which is the most expensive diamond ever purchased. We will avoid it as much as possible. And yet there was no question in Pierres mind that it had been worth it. The Hope Diamond is one of the most well-known and expensive diamonds in the world. He left his wealth to his three nephews when he died in 1839 because he had never married. It was most recently owned by Dani and Mirella Levinas. Very mysterious. The Hope Diamond has a long and storied history, having once been owned by King Louis XIV of France, who had it cut into a triangular shape and set it in a ceremonial pendant. It transferred to several other owners in the succeeding years. They describe the color as a chic dark grey-blue. . The trustees of her estate sold the Hope Diamond to Harry Winston, who eventually donated it to the Smithsonian. The thought most gemologists adopt according to Diamond Cutters International is How can you set a value on the only one of something?. In future, we will have to think very carefully before taking legal advice. TheDiamondAuthority.org is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. In 1792 King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette were beheaded during the French Revolution. Diamond Buying: A Daunting Process Made Simple, Tips For Buying a One-Carat Diamond Engagement Ring, Best Man Made Diamonds You Can Buy: Asha and Sona Diamond Rings. Until Evelyn McLeans children die. The crown stolen in 1792. Legend has it that the diamond once lay in the statue of the goddess Sita, wife of Rama, the 7th Avatar of Vishnu, serving as her eye. Hope is the name of the family who owned it from 1824. She wasnt sure she believed in the curse, but May Yohe, the ex-wife of Thomas Hope and a previous wearer of the diamond, had publicly warned her against it in a March 1911 newspaper article, and she couldnt help but be spooked. The first story attributed the thief who stole the Hope Diamond to drowning, and another one claims that his son, Selim Habib, was a king. Perhaps the most interesting factor in the history of diamonds is the number of famous historical figures who have owned them. In the Hope Diamond, the impurity is boron, which gives it its unique color. The diamond was awaiting its blessing on a velvet cushion, when seemingly on cue, lightning flashed and thunder shook the building. The next day, Pierre received word that the McLeans would buy the Hope. The strange phenomenon simply adds to its mystery. The Hope Diamond has a fascinating and macabre history, but there are few places in the world that are as fascinating as this gem. Shortly afterward, James Todd, the postmaster who carried the diamond to the Smithsonian, was reportedly involved in a car accident, losing his leg. The diamond was passed on through generations of the Hope family before it found its way to Pierre Cartier, the founder of Cartier jewelry, in 1909. Here are a few interesting facts that have been recorded over time: The Hope Diamond is currently housed in the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History in the Department of Mineral Sciences in Washington D.C. King Louis XIV of France, who was the first person to purchase the diamond, is among the most well-known people who have had it. It was ripped out of the idol by a French merchant and the Hindu priests became so angry they cursed it. McLeans daughter, Evalyn, was often seen wearing the Hope Diamond and it became known as the Mclean Diamond. Following McLeans death, Evalyn fell on hard times and was forced to sell the diamond to pay for her husbands gambling debts. But its not just history that adds value. Finally realizing that there was no legal way out of the deal, Evalyn changed tack and decided that if she was going to buy the gemstone, she should at least take it to church for a blessing. . Powered by The Diamond Authority. Despite the curse, many women have worn the diamond, which has never been stolen or sold. Many might have taken this as a sign to back away, but not Evalyn. Mrs. Evelyn McLean, a Washington socialite, didnt even make it onto the ship. However it is currently insured for a value of $250 million. She brought it to a church for a blessing, although she didnt believe in curses. The objective was to identify the similarities and differences between the gems which included the Hope and Blue Heart diamonds among others. The Hope Diamond was purchased by Evalyn Hope. When it reappeared in 1812, the diamond was in the hands of a London-based diamond dealer named Daniel Eliasson. His entire reign was plagued by misfortune, rebellions, and unsuccessful wars. The notoriously cursed 45-carat blue Hope Diamond, once known as the Tavernier Blue, was one of these. The current owner, Evalyn Walsh McLean, believes that the Hope Diamond's bad luck has been a blessing in his life. According to legend, there are rumors that she even wore the diamond on her dog's collar. The Hope family was a member of England's nobility who lost their fortune after acquiring the bauble. It is a recut diamond from the original Bleu de France.. Diamond Dealer in the Rough: A young Pierre Cartier. It locks securely into the display case and slowly rotates the pedestal for visitors to see and admire. However, reports of a curse continued, and he was eventually compelled to sell the diamond to pay off his debts. The Hope Diamond, briefly owned by Pierre Cartier Afterwards, it was the turn of the new owner, the American broker Frankel, to go bankrupt. The Hope Diamond. She tied the diamond around the neck of her Great Dane dog, Mike, or held lavish garden parties where she hid it in the bushes and insisted the guests join in her favorite game: Find the Hope. They noted that the gem showed signs of wear, very high levels of phosphorescence, and a slight loss of clarity due to the whitish sand commonly found in blue diamonds. Our mission is to spread accurate information about the diamond industry, diamond marketing and related businesses through a combination of our website, newsletters and social media platforms. Ever since that day, she would later declare, Ive worn my diamond as a charm. The sale was finally concluded in early 1912, with the McLeans trading in the emerald from the Star of the East pendant they had bought a couple of years earlier to help pay for the Hope. The two had a son who took his mothers name, and the diamond was given to him. It is believed to have been around 112 carats originally and was placed in the brow of a temple idol. Despite the incredible value of the Hope Diamond, the owner was bankrupt. The gem is slightly lopsided, possibly because the bottom of the teardrop shape was cut away so that the original stolen jewel could not be identified. Estimated to be 250 million if you don't mind the curse, and they'd consider s. The following are some of the stories, legends, and people who owned the hope diamond: According to the earliest known documentation, the Tavernier Blue diamond was purchased by French gem merchant Jean-Baptiste Tavernier in 1666. France was undergoing a period of political upheaval at the time of Louis XVIs execution, and nine months later, his wife was executed as well. This King Louis reigned for 72 years & once owned the Hope Diamond. The subsequent looting of the royal treasures resulted in the loss of the diamonds over the years. After her death, Harry Winston acquired it as part of The Court of Jewels tour. The Hope Diamond has been in the possession of the Smithsonian Institute since it was gifted by Harry Winston. The work was then donated to Washington, D.C.'s Smithsonian Institution, where it is still on display. The Story of the Hope Diamond Which Ruined Its Owners' Lives Shortly after King Louis XIV died, the French Blue Diamond was transferred to Louis XVI and his wife, Marie Antoinette. The Hope Diamond. King Louis XIV acquired the Hope Diamond in 1668. When McLean's impressive collection of jewellery was put up for sale after her (peaceful) demise in 1947, the Hope Diamond was acquired by Harry Winston. The Hope Diamond, however, is different in that it is not only shrouded in mystery and intrigue, but it also has a complex history that dates back centuries. A part of the diamond bearing the Hope name first appeared in an 1839 gem catalog belonging to the Hope banking family, and the main section of the diamond was stolen in 1791 and recut. According to the Smithsonian, however, it is priceless in that it is irreplaceable. The Hope Diamond is a 45-carat blue diamond with a sheen of gold on the outside and shine on the inside. . Did Elizabeth Taylor once own the Hope Diamond? Several huge diamonds that Tavernier sold to Louis XIV, presumably in 1673, are depicted in his book, the Six Voyages (French: Les Six Voyages de J. At the time it was a crudely cut triangular shape but its color was described as beautiful Violet by the buyer Tavernier.. Tavenier later sold the blue diamond to King Lois the 14th of France in 1668 with 14 other large diamonds & several other small ones.. Later in 1673 the stone was recut by the kings court jeweler Sieur Pitau resulting in a 67.125 carat stone. Francesca Cartier Brickell is a direct descendant of the Cartier family. The Hope Diamonds history is not well-documented. Because of its enormous size, it has disclosed new facts regarding the formation of diamonds. Its story is as complex as its history. The price was $180,000 (about $5 million today), of which the first installment was to be $40,000. It was resold to Pierre Cartier in 1910. After the death of Louis, the diamonds passed to his sons and grandsons, eventually to Louis XVI. After several unsuccessful attempts, he managed to convince her by leaving the diamond in her hand for a week-long enough to take it. Sell Your Ring. Only after it was cut did the diamond . 7. It is said that King George IV acquired it but his debts were so enormous when he died that it was sold. Historically, diamonds had myths surrounding them both good and bad as far back in history as 3500 BC when they were first discovered. Even so, the Star of the East, which is said to be the largest diamond ever cut in Russia, is still worth a lot of money. Click on the conversation bubble to join the conversation. It was only when a pure-hearted person, Harry Winston, donated rather than sell the Hope Diamond to the Smithsonian Institution that the curse was broken. While the Hope Diamond is now a museum piece, there are many stories about the Hope Diamond. The jewellery is, however, based on a real diamond, the 45.52-carat Hope Diamond. Tavernier sold the stone to King Louis XIV of France in 1668 after having it cut and christened the French Blue (Le bleu de France). What Gemstones are Associated with Bad Luck? Then I put the chain around my neck and hooked my life to its destiny for good or evil.. The Hope Diamond was purchased by Evalyn Walsh McLean, a woman from Washington, D.C. McLean wore the Hope diamond around her Great Dane, Mike. Evalyn took the bait and that evening, before she went to bed, she placed the diamond on her dresser. After lingering too long over lunch, she rushed to catch her train, running through the station so fast I thought I would be shaking the stones out of my bosom at every step. A far cry from the high security of the Smithsonian Institution, where the Hope sits safely on a turntable within a glass cabinet today, attracting more than seven million visitors a year and currently estimated to be worth around $350 million. Since its discovery in the Kollur mine in seventeenth-century India by Jean-Baptiste Tavernier, a French gem merchant, many of those who had owned or even been close to the stone were said to have suffered terrible fates. After all, who wasnt secretly fascinated by the exploits of the opulent and profligate McLeans? The Hope Diamond toured the court of jewels, raising funds for local good causes. Her poor fortune began when her mother-in-law passed away, and her son died when he was nine years old. It was originally mined in Gaborone in the early 1800s, and was given to the United States as a gift in 1857. In December 1988, a team from the Gemological Institute of America visited the Smithsonian Institution to evaluate the Great Blue Stone using modern technology. The second story blames another Selim Habib, who died in Moscow in 1689. It is stunningly distinctive and gorgeous because of its superb quality, enormous size, and rare hue. The Hope Diamond was originally unearthed in the mines of Southwest India along the Kistna River. Not even a decade later, Winston mailed the diamond to the Smithsonian for $2.44 in postage and insured for $155.00! French monarchs, an heiress, and at least one unlucky postman have met misfortune after possessing itthough does that really constitute a curse? "OK, Men you are starting to look different. WILHELM FALS. The diamond went to Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor in 1968, selling at auction for a price of $307,000.00. All rights reserved, A Bird In The Hand: Diagnosing Emotional Problems In Diamond Doves, Where Can I Buy Goods Diamonds At An Affordable Portrait, Selling A Diamond Earring: What You Need To Know, How To Choose The Right Setting For Your Loose Diamonds. Gordon Beall The sellers were Dani and the late Mirella Levinas the former is chair emeritus of The Phillips Collection. Photo courtesy Smithsonian Institution. It was later acquired by King George IV of England, who had it reset in a more elaborate setting. I think I'm starting to see a little shine. Diamond Rings: Which Style Suits Your Occasion? The diamond was taken and recut to its current shape during the French Revolution. Evalyn had previously crossed paths with the Cartiers in 1908 when she was on her honeymoon in Paris. Eventually, it was owned by jeweler Pierre Cartier who had the blue diamond reset into a contemporary design with the circle of 16 white diamonds attached to a diamond necklace. In ancient India, Hindus wore diamonds as a symbol of invincibility and clarity. Oh, and his house was destroyed by fire. It's kept on display in the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History in Washington, D.C., at the forefront of the gem collection. A little pressure, a little heat, and I see diamonds forming before my very eyes. The Hope Diamond was sold several times over the years and eventually ended up in the hands of McLean, who was an avid jewel collector. In Marie Antoinettes court, Marie-Louise, Princess de Lamballe, was one of her closest confidantes and a member of her inner circle. The Hope Diamond has been owned by the Smithsonian since it was given as a gift by Harry Winston. Often described as the most famous diamond in the world, the Hope Diamond has lived in numerous continents with various owners but now resides in the Natural History Museum in Washington D.C. and is owned by the Smithsonian Institute. Harry Winston Inc. of New York City purchased Mrs. McLean's entire jewelry collection, including the Hope Diamond, from her estate in 1949. Diamond Nexus Labs: Cubic Zirconia or Lab Diamonds? Wilhelm Fals was a Dutch jeweler who recut the diamond again. The diamond was owned by several people before being sold to a famous New York jeweller, Joseph Frankl Sons & Company, who took an uncalculated risk with its purchase and saw the markets for diamond resale decline sharply afterward. Unfortunately, though, it wasnt enough. The Hope Diamond later became a symbol of royalty and was used by King Louis XIV of France in his Order of the Golden Fleece pendant. While some individuals believe that he was the true ManMan in the Iron Mask, other reports doubt this assertion. On Elizabeth Taylor's passing, the Krupp Diamond was put up for auction by Christie's. It sold for an astonishing sum of $8,818,500 to its new owners, South Korea conglomerate The E-Land Group, which owns retail . His manner was exquisitely mysterious, Evalyn remembered, as he placed an intriguing-looking package sealed with wax seals before them. On the day she had arranged to reclaim it, she took the train from Washington to New York and turned up at William Simpsons pawnshop entirely alone. And for a brief moment during the Depression, she was forced to pawn the Hope Diamond for $37,500 in a last-minute attempt to prevent a house foreclosure. 2022 Coronet Diamonds. According to the earliest known documents, the Tavernier Blue diamond was purchased by French gem merchant Jean-Baptiste Tavernier in 1666. His nephew, Henry Thomas Hope, took the name of the Hope family. He even had a client in mind who he suspected would be enticed by it. Following the death of Henry Philip Hope in 1839, and after much litigation, the diamond passed to his nephew Henry Thomas Hope and ultimately to the nephew . TheDiamondAuthority.org is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. Winston Churchill paid $200,000 for the Hope Diamond in 1958. The misfortune attributed. Point of No Return: The bill for the Hope Diamond, which Cartier sold to the McLeans for $180,000 in 1912. Pierre retraced the gemstones famous history for his captive audience, from its prominent place among the French crown jewels for more than a century, to a London lord and a Turkish sultan, and now all the way to their very hotel room in Paris. It is in the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History in Washington, DC, at the top of the jewelry collection. A few people believe that Nicholas Fouquet was the ManMan in the Iron Mask, even though no such evidence exists. The weight of the Hope Diamond for many years was reported to be 44.5 carats. She was spooked by the warning. . In the case of the Hope Diamond, the brothers were confident enough of selling it that they were not to be deterred by the 1908 warnings in the press: There are those who say [diamond dealers] will never regain their old position of supremacy in their trade as long as the Hope Diamond remains in their ownership. In fact, far from being put off by the curse, Pierre believed the gemstones notoriety could act in his favor. What they determined was that the phosphorescence in each gem studied could appear pink, aqua, red or orange. Francis Hope was granted permission to sell the diamond in 1901. The gemstone, which is now called the Hope Diamond, was formed deep within the Earth more than 1 billion years ago! The Hope diamond was once owned by several notable historical figures, including King Louis XIV of France. After the diamond was cut, he met with unfortunate circumstances when his son allegedly stole the diamond, murdered his father, and committed suicide. The Hope Diamond serves as a symbol of hope and optimism, as it reminds us of the United States history and culture. Understanding from their previous purchases that the jewelry they sought out was large and significant, he was hopeful they would fall on the Hope Diamond like hungry wolves. In some versions of its history, Frankel kept the diamond until he sold it to Salomon Habib, a wealthy Turkish diamond collector, in 1908. New York gem merchant Harry Winston purchased the diamond in 1949, touring it for several years before donating it in 1958 to the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History in the United States, where it is on permanent exhibition. Evalyns purchase of the gem serves as a testament to her status as a wealthy woman. She was inordinately rich, thanks to her father, who had literally struck gold with one of the largest gold mines in America. In 3000 BC, the Egyptian hierarchy wore diamonds to represent the sun, courage, truth, and as a symbol of power. Diamonds first appeared in human history when they were discovered in a mine in India in the 17th century. For many Answer (1 of 5): The Smithsonian in D.C. since the late 50's. As a gemologist for nearly 40 years (and I've seen it at it's present home in the National Museum of Natural History), I never found it to be all that beautiful. For the next six years, the Hope Diamond will be kept in the safe of Joseph Frankel and Sons. How to Select a 2k Diamond Engagement Ring? So how big is the Hope Diamond? The diamond weighed 110.5 carats. If a similar diamond is found today it would most likely sell for a price of between $40-$60 million, making the history of the Hope Diamond worth around $200 million! According to legend, the Hope diamonds owner is cursed, a curse that arose when the gem was stolen (from an Indian idol) from the owner. She used the Hope diamond as a ring and later a necklace. The Hope Diamond is a 45.52-carat (9.104 g) diamond originally extracted in the 17th century from the Kollur Mine in Guntur, India. The young couple, it was widely reported, had far more money than sense. In 1901, Simon Frankel, an American diamond merchant, purchased the Hope diamond and shipped it to the United States. It was said that the Titanic sunk in 1912 because the Hope Diamond was aboard. The beautiful blue Hope Diamond made its way to New York, and between 1902 and 1907, it was owned by Simon Frankel and kept in the William & Theodore safe. The last one to own it personally was Evalyn Walsh McLean, a socialite from Washington D.C. She had the diamond put into a necklace, alongside 45 white diamonds, which exist to this day. Associated Press The Cartiers were relieved: Having large gemstones in stock played.

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