girl names that rhyme with marie

In my grandfathers words I dont want all of you to scold my mother every time you scold her!!! No records by Anning of the find are known. Thanks for all the useful information. Samuel has not fallen off the top 100-baby name list for over a century. These were fossils with colourful local names such as "snake-stones" (ammonites), "devil's fingers" (belemnites), and "verteberries" (vertebrae), to which were sometimes attributed medicinal and mystical properties. British film critic Alexander Walker described the film as "monstrously indecent" in a television confrontation with Russell, leading the director to hit him with a rolled up copy of the Evening Standard, the newspaper for which Walker worked. Brian comes from the Old Gaelic-Celtic word brig and means noble. This name was a crowd pleaser in the 1950s and reached its popularity in 1970s. Pereira is from the mother and Silva is from the father. So, you see my rating, and you're probably like, I agree with you on some things but I did give it a three stars because there were three things good about it, This book wasnt the worst book I ever read but it had a lot of improvement room. 1684 Edmond Halley presented the paper De motu corporum in gyrum, containing Isaac Newton's derivation of Kepler's laws from his theory of gravity, to the Royal Society. Its borrowed from the Latin word Felicitas and means happiness and good fortune. For boys, Maria could be their second Christian name: Dinis Maria, Jos Maria or Manuel Maria are some examples. She specializes in writing baby names articles as she loves to help new parents find a name for their child. Sinclair Lewis used this name for a character in his novel Babbitt. Alaba A boy or girl born after Idowu He had previously served as the 37th vice president from 1961 to 1963 under President John F. Kennedy, and was sworn in shortly after Kennedy's It is certainly a wonderful instance of divine favourthat this poor, ignorant girl should be so blessed, for by reading and application she has arrived to that degree of knowledge as to be in the habit of writing and talking with professors and other clever men on the subject, and they all acknowledge that she understands more of the science than anyone else in this kingdom.[26]. [41] A few years later there was a public scandal when it was discovered that Hawkins had inserted fake bones to make some ichthyosaur skeletons seem more complete, and later sold them to the government for the British Museum's collection without the appraisers knowing about the additions. They are the only ones who will talk to her. Specifically, they noted that Fagan had largely and inaccurately plagiarised his article from an earlier account of Anning's life and work by Dorset native Henry Rowland Brown, from the second edition of Brown's 1859 guidebook, The Beauties of Lyme Regis. When the developers were asked whether the mem cakes are kamaboko or erasers, the developers said it was OK to think of them as erasers. I was named after a great grandmother, under the condition that the name never be used. Riley is derived from an old Irish name Raghallaigh and means valiant. This moniker is sweet sounding and unpretentious, which adds to its appeal. We love how this name rolls off the tongue. They are also sleeping with a boy from another school. Callie, I03E01 No Whammy Station In Costa Rica many years ago, it was common for children to get three or four names, and it was a custom to name children after their corresponding saints, depending on the day they were born. Something that was common and continues to be so in some families is to name children after their parents, uncles or even grandparents, to continue with the same names generation after generation. (1987). In Romania we dont have strict rules on how children s names are chosen. Main article: Anning struggled financially for much of her life. Maria is a very popular name in Portugal. Main article: It is also should be mentioned that Ottoman Sultans names and sometimes nicknames (like Fatih Conqueror, after the Mehmet II, who conquered Constantinople) were the namesakes for children. It started as a name for girls, but its now used more for boys. Using the "Ask for Help" option if a test proves too difficult rewards the player a mem cake, but it is grayed out. [21], Other ichthyosaur remains had been discovered in years past at Lyme and elsewhere, but the specimen found by the Annings was the first to come to the attention of scientific circles in London. The holiday makers who roam this region had not wholly dispersed; a few couples sat shapelessly on benches; and here and there a distant girl still shrieked in one of the swings. -olu ending in Turkish surnames is just like -son suffix in English surnames. His first three marriages ended in divorce. Isaiah was the name of one of the greatest prophets in the Bible. [18], Their first well-known find was in 1811 when Mary Anning was 12; her brother Joseph dug up a 4-foot ichthyosaur skull, and a few months later Anning herself found the rest of the skeleton. Clover is a charming and perky pick for a nature baby name. When I got married I didnt change my surname, which I thought was fairly common in the UK nowadays. I have two names Ecaterina (Catherine) and Carmen. Russell followed The Devils with a reworking of the period musical The Boy Friend (1971), for which he cast the model Twiggy, who won two Golden Globe Awards for her performance: one for Best Actress in a musical comedy, and one for the best newcomer. Let me give just a couple of examples from our familys experiences in naming children: The most common system is that of using family names. Main article: My fathers middle name was his fathers first. He did the highly praised Isadora Duncan, the Biggest Dancer in the World (1967), about Isadora Duncan with Vivian Pickles. It was later sold for 45 and five shillings at auction in May 1819 as a "Crocodile in a Fossil State" to Charles Konig, of the British Museum, who had already suggested the name Ichthyosaurus for it. In rural areas, where families have a lot of children, some names like Dursun (Literally: Make it stop!) We also considered the fact that these names couldnt cause any embarrassment at school for them and would be more easily pronounced in different parts of the world. So if she sells seashells on the seashore Its now become common in Hollywood, and therefore the rest o the US to take a last name and make it into a first name: Tucker, Tanner, Quinn, Anderson, Carson, Cooper, Kramer, Reed, Presley, Jefferson. Parents choose names they like or that are fashionable. hatta iclerinde ulan ne komik yazmisim dediklerim bile vardi. in Saudi Arabia we sometimes name babies under grand parents names , But this was in the past . Russell protested his film being given such a rating when Pretty Woman got an R, on the grounds that his film showed the real hardships of being a prostitute, and the other glorified it. "The Oscar of His Dreams Is Wilde" Haber, Joyce. In 1985, he directed Gounod's Faust at the Vienna State Opera, conducted by Erich Binder with Francisco Araiza, Ruggero Raimondi and Gabriela Beakov in the main roles. Browse our listings to find jobs in Germany for expats, including jobs for English speakers or those in your native language. Helped by publicity over the more sensational scenes, featuring sexuality among nuns, the film topped British box office receipts for eight weeks. Magorzata becomes Gosia. The colour schemes of Luciana Arrighi's art direction (also BAFTA-nominated) and Billy William's cinematography, which Russell used for metaphorical effect, are also often referred to by film textbooks. Julia is a Latin name, derived from Julius and means soft-haired and youthful. The name is short to spell, but boasts of a rhythmic three-syllable sound. Some years ago, some women changed their second surname for their husbands firsts surname. Heartbreak High is an Australian comedy drama streaming television series created for Netflix, by Hannah Carroll Chapman. Tentatek, G03 House Party Station How are childrens names chosen in your country? There are also many, many children of Yoruba descent who are given regular Yoruba names. Combination of , "paste" (or "kneading"), and , "memory. De la Beche and Anning kept in touch as he became one of Britain's leading geologists. 24. Main article: This name feels stylish and chic in its confident way. Latin name Nova, meaning new beginning would make an apt choice for girls. Sources differ somewhat on what exactly went wrong. Dada A boy or girl born with matted hair [22] As Anning's biographer Shelley Emling noted, this contrasted with some of the prominent geologists who had used her finds, such as William Buckland and Roderick Murchison, who ended up with multiple fossil species named after them. In the past, married women had to take their husbands name but the law changed and now theyre free to continue using their maiden name and have the option to add his name to hers. Dallas, inspired by a place name in America is actually an Irish name meaning skilled. This moniker has a laid-back feel and a broad appeal. The most common system is that of naming a kid after a God/Goddess. All right, boys and girls, Im back for round two. The profile, "Mary Anning, The Fossil Finder," was long attributed to Dickens himself but, in 2014, historians of palaeontology Michael A. Taylor and Hugh S. Torrens identified Henry Stuart Fagan as the author, noting that Fagan's work was "neither original nor reliable" and "introduced errors into the Anning literature which are still problematic." There is no rhyme or reason, but it is done with respect and love. In 1964 he planned to make an adaptation of Anthony Burgess's A Clockwork Orange (1962) starring the Rolling Stones, but abandoned the film after the British Board of Censors advised it would not approve it. I guess I would say that traditionally, the woman takes the husbands last name, and her maiden name usually doesnt appear anymore. I'm happy to announce that the antidote to crack addiction has been found. Arshi Ahmed did her graduation from Shri Shikshayatan College, Kolkata, and post graduation in English from Lovely Professional University. King Frederick Augustus II of Saxony visited her shop in 1844 and purchased an ichthyosaur skeleton for his extensive natural history collection. I think it is a very old-fashioned tradition and I will never add this de + surname even though I am married. But its enjoying a revival in America now. [21] On the review website IMDb, the series holds an average score of 7.7 out of 10, as of October 15, 2022. [103] Both the Ammonite film release and the 'Mary Anning Rocks' statue fundraiser were delayed into 2021, due to the coronavirus pandemic. Regardless of the method you choose to name your baby, ensure it is a meaningful one. Ecaterina was the name of my paternal grandmother (I was never very fond of her, and because of that I rarely use this name). The name Jade has been rising in popularity ever since Bianca and Mick Jagger chose it for their daughter. This discipline eventually came to be called palaeontology. D: I hope she gets better in the next book. (Iyer used to be our traditional appellation, based on our caste. Octotrooper, B03 Spin Docto Station Prior to his death in 2011 he was reputed to be in pre-production for two films: The Pearl of the Orient and Kings X. Wagner's operas then put forward the theme of the Superman. Why is this series so addictive. [15] Anning wrote to a friend, Charlotte Murchison, in November of that year: "Perhaps you will laugh when I say that the death of my old faithful dog has quite upset me, the cliff that fell upon him and killed him in a moment before my eyes, and close to my feet it was but a moment between me and the same fate."[24]. by HarperTeen. Renny would make a cute nickname. Password requirements: 6 to 30 characters long; ASCII characters only (characters found on a standard US keyboard); must contain at least 4 different symbols; Main article: There is no rhyme or reason, but it is done with respect and love. "Sinc The surname is something we are born with, and have no choice over, so it would be more interesting to talk about the part that we do choose the first name! Could there be a nicer gift to your little girl than a moniker that signifies friendship. The three of us received Spanish names, but other children got English names such as Karol, Alexander, Katherine and Johnny. Benjamin is a Hebrew name, meaning fortunate or right hand. Benjamin was the name of Jacob and Rachaels youngest son. Nevertheless, until the early 1820s it was still believed by many scientifically literate people that just as new species did not appear, so existing ones did not become extinctin part because they felt that extinction would imply that God's creation had been imperfect; any oddities found were explained away as belonging to animals still living somewhere in an unexplored region of the Earth. He directed a segment for the horror anthology Trapped Ashes (2007), which also included segments directed by Sean S. Cunningham, Monte Hellman, and Joe Dante. [12] Even before Anning's time, locals supplemented their income by selling what were called "curios" to visitors. I accepted the challenge and a month or so later sent him a short subject entitled A Kitten for Hitler. The exhibition, entitled Ken Russell's Lost London Rediscovered: 19511957, included photos taken in and around London, with many of the pictures being taken in the Portobello Road area of London. Main article: Main article: [36] William Buckland, who lectured on geology at the University of Oxford, often visited Lyme on his Christmas vacations and was frequently seen hunting for fossils with Anning. In my country ,we sometimes name babies under grand parents names. It was his way to show his love for her. They concluded that ichthyosaurs were a previously unknown type of marine reptile, and based on differences in tooth structure, they concluded that there had been at least three species. But this also means that you have to search for two names. Main article: Her observations played a key role in the discovery that coprolites, known as bezoar stones at the time, were fossilised faeces, and she also discovered that belemnite fossils contained fossilised ink sacs like those of modern cephalopods. Main article: Its notoriety increased when Sir Everard Home wrote a series of six papers, starting in 1814, describing it for the Royal Society. Therefore names like sa (Arabic name for Jesus), smail, brahim, Yusuf and so on are also popular. [22] Recent research[68] has found that these creatures were not inclined to fly continuously in their search for fish. Majendie, Paul. They also follow an 8-8-8 syllabic format. From 2004, Russell was visiting professor at the University of Wales, Newport Film School. In 1823, an article in The Bristol Mirror said of her: This persevering female has for years gone daily in search of fossil remains of importance at every tide, for many miles under the hanging cliffs at Lyme, whose fallen masses are her immediate object, as they alone contain these valuable relics of a former world, which must be snatched at the moment of their fall, at the continual risk of being crushed by the half suspended fragments they leave behind, or be left to be destroyed by the returning tide: to her exertions we owe nearly all the fine specimens of Ichthyosauri of the great collections[22], The risks of Anning's profession were illustrated when in October 1833 she barely avoided being killed by a landslide that buried her black-and-white terrier, Tray, her constant companion when she went collecting. My mother, for example, was named with the first name of her fathers grandma. It means he has given.. Their identities confound everyone from our postman to the bank and even our passport office! In 2008, he made his New York directorial debut with the Off-Broadway production of Mindgame at the SoHo Playhouse produced by Monica Tidwell, a thriller by Anthony Horowitz and starring Keith Carradine, Lee Godart and Kathleen McNenny. Whats in a name? "[34] Anning herself wrote in a letter: "The world has used me so unkindly, I fear it has made me suspicious of everyone". Langley, Lee. She noted that if such stones were broken open they often contained fossilised fish bones and scales, and sometimes bones from small ichthyosaurs. It turns out I'm absolutely terrible at staying away from you. The name Olivia was first coined by Shakespeare in his play Twelfth Night as a feminine version of Oliver. [29] As time passed, Anning's confidence in her knowledge grew, and in 1839 she wrote to the Magazine of Natural History to question the claim made in an article, that a recently discovered fossil of the prehistoric shark Hybodus represented a new genus, as an error since she had discovered the existence of fossil sharks with both straight and hooked teeth many years ago. Main article: A very enjoyable read. In the past, first-born babies were named after their parents but now the focus is on distinctiveness. [91] A crowdfunding campaign began but was put on hold. By Rosemary, regional contributor in Nigeria. The first surname is the fathers first surname, and the second is the mothers first surname. Our last names, as is the legal process in Canada, are taken from your father. He made another two pictures for Vestron: The Lair of the White Worm (1988) with Amanda Donohoe and Hugh Grant, based on a novella by Bram Stoker, and The Rainbow (1989), another D. H. Lawrence adaptation, which also happens to be the prequel to Women in Love. Some people decided the names of their children when they was young, thats very nice ^^. A film based on segments of Anning's life and legacy entitled Ammonite, directed by Francis Lee, premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival on 11 September 2020. In the early 1840s, he named two fossil fish species after Anning Acrodus anningiae, and Belenostomus anningiae and another after her friend Elizabeth Philpot. Octopod, B12 Brute Rollup Station Wed suggest you select names with the same number of syllables. [45][46] In December 1830, Anning finally made another major find, a skeleton of a new type of plesiosaur, which sold for 200. In the Japanese version, the poems follow the 5-7-5-7-7 syllable format of, When viewing a mem cake, it is possible to flick it by holding down. [60], In 2022, two plaster casts of the first complete ichthyosaur skeleton fossil found by Anning that was destroyed in the bombing of London during the Second World War, were discovered in separate collections. Efforts such as The Lion's Mouth (2000) and The Fall of the Louse of Usher (2002) have suffered from low production values (for example, being shot on video on Russell's estate, often featuring Russell himself) and limited distribution. [90] The campaign was set up to remember Anning in her hometown of Lyme Regis by erecting a statue and creating a learning legacy in her name. Again, Saints names and the Catholic influence. He was replaced by the less likeable Ebenezer Smith. In Saudi, there are some wierd names. In 1826 Anning discovered what appeared to be a chamber containing dried ink inside a belemnite fossil. About Our Coalition. This one was deemed too long, and I was called Deepa at home the choice of a neighborhood kid I dont even remember. Both Harsh and Harshini mean happy. No wonder its embraced by so many people all over India. It received four Oscar nominations, including his only nomination for Best Director.[6]. Lucy is English and first ventured out of the UK she was 19. Deborah Cadbury says that she invested with a conman who swindled her and disappeared with the money,[48] but Shelley Emling writes that it is not clear whether the man ran off with the money or whether he died suddenly leaving Anning with no way to recover the investment. Reagan is an Irish surname, meaning impulsive. It will forever be associated with President Reagan. In fact, we even decide the name before the child is born. And it has Irish spiciness too! He thanked both of them for their help in his book, Studies of Fossil Fish. Her friend, the geologist Henry De la Beche assisted her by commissioning Georg Scharf to make a lithographic print based on De la Beche's watercolour painting, Duria Antiquior, portraying life in prehistoric Dorset that was based largely on fossils Anning had found. Glenda Jackson played the mother of her character in the previous film. Squid Bumper, E03 Don't Ralph Station He was attached to do the film of Evita for over a year, but ultimately left the project when he refused to cast Elaine Paige in the lead. Now called the child by agreement of the parents, and what they like. At the end of the day, the kids go home. Book List. He ended the article with: "The carpenter's daughter has won a name for herself, and has deserved to win it. The name Brooklyn has experienced a major makeover in the past few years. Main article: Amir is a lovely Arabic name, meaning treetop. Actor Omar Epps chose this common Middle Eastern name for his son. In 2018, a new research and survey vessel was launched as Mary Anning for Swansea University. [10], In 1954 Russell started work as a local-interest freelance photographer. [96][97] The life-sized bronze statue depicts Anning with hammer and fossil in hand, overlooking the cliffs that still attract fossil hunters today. Amira is the feminine version of the name Amir. But finding such twin boy and girl names having similar sounds, construct, or themes is difficult. Because of the great influence Costa Rica has had from the United States in the last years, it has become really common to use English names instead of Spanish ones; however, the last names remain in Spanish, for obvious reasons. Max is one of the most common Max names, which include Maxwell, Maximum, and Maximilian. But the diminutive forms of Polish names are also usually shorter, and easier for the pronunciation-challenged, like myself. Seddon, George. When Conybeare presented his analysis of plesiosaur anatomy to a meeting of the Geological Society in 1824, he again failed to mention Anning by name, even though she had possibly collected both skeletons and had made the sketch of the second skeleton he used in his presentation. [19][54] Perplexed by the creature, Home kept changing his mind about its classification, first thinking it was a kind of fish, then thinking it might have some kind of affinity with the duck-billed platypus (only recently known to science); finally in 1819 he reasoned it might be a kind of intermediate form between salamanders and lizards, which led him to propose naming it Proteo-Saurus. Steelhead, C08 Right Round Station The casts may be secondary, being made from a direct cast of the fossil, but are determined to be of good condition, "historically important", and likely taken from the specimen put for sale at auction by Anning in 1820. British Association for the Advancement of Science, Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural History, "Mary Anning: The Unsung Hero of Fossil Discovery", An Anonymous Account of Mary Anning (17991847), Fossil Collector of Lyme Regis, Dorset, England, Published in All The Year Round in 1865, and its Attribution to Henry Stuart Fagan (18271890), Schoolmaster, Parson, and Author, "The Oxford Dictionary of National Biography", "The Annual RPI and Average Earnings for Britain, 1209 to Present (New Series)", "Help raise 18000 to Purchase a letter written by Mary Anning to William Buckland in 1829", A Historic 'Fish Lizard' Fossil Bombed by Nazis Had Copies Secretly Made, "Pterosaur dietary hypotheses: a review of ideas and approaches", "No, these pterosaurs were not Jurassic puffins | Elsa Panciroli", "Mary Anning: From Selling Seashells to One of History's Most Important Paleontologists", "She Sells Seashells and Mary Anning: Metafolklore with a Twist | Folklife Today",, "Book World: Ron Charles reviews 'Remarkable Creatures' by Tracy Chevalier", "Most influential British women in the history of science", "Lyme Regis Mary Anning statue designs released", "Hopes rise for statue of pioneering fossil hunter Mary Anning", "Change of plans for Mary Anning's 221st birthday celebrations", "Appeal launched for Mary Anning statue in Lyme Regis", "Statue of fossil hunter Mary Anning to be erected after campaign", "The sculptor bringing Dorset palaeontologist Mary Anning to life | Art UK", "Mary Anning: Lyme Regis statue of fossil-hunting pioneer approved", "Statue of fossil-hunting pioneer Mary Anning to be unveiled in Dorset", "The Mary Anning Collection | The Royal Mint", "Mary Anning: Fossil hunter celebrated with Jurassic 50p coins", "Royal Mint to commemorate fossil hunter Mary Anning", "Mary Anning: fossil collector, paleontologist, and heroic spirit", "Kate Winslet and Saoirse Ronan fall in love in first Ammonite trailer", "On the Discovery of an almost perfect Skeleton of the Plesiosaurus", "Mary Anning inspired 'she sells sea shells' but she was actually a legendary fossil hunter", "Ammonite: Who was the real Mary Anning? He worked with David Puttnam on Mahler (1974) starring Robert Powell as Gustav Mahler. Ken Russell: A Director Who Respects Artists Kahan, Saul. At the time in Britain, women were not allowed to vote, hold public office, or attend university. [13] Fossil collecting was in vogue in the late 18th and early 19th century, at first as a pastime, but gradually transforming into a science as the importance of fossils to geology and biology was understood. It was purchased by the lord of a local manor,[20] who passed it to William Bullock for public display in London[22] where it created a sensation. It is not very common to name children after historical, political or sports celebrities nowadays. The Selection began with thirty-five girls. Amir is also the title of a high official. Agassiz was grateful for the help the women had given him in examining fossil fish specimens during his visit to Lyme Regis in 1834. The full name of a married woman would be (given name) (maiden name) de (husbands name); thus, my full name is Ana Karina Astri de OReilly. [86][87], In 2010, 163 years after her death, the Royal Society included Anning in a list of the ten British women who have most influenced the history of science.[88]. The name sounds sophisticated and beautiful. Now with the group narrowed down to the six Elite, the competition to win Prince Maxon's heart is fiercer than everand America is still struggling to decide where her heart truly lies. I agree, she's ridiculously stupid and Cass is trying to portray her as smart and talented. What a shame Doria didnt marry into the House of Windsor instead. I wish I could know what that was like G05 Bustalicious Station It is prominently displayed in Lyme Regis on southern Englands Jurassic Coast. Collecting all the mem cakes of a particular set will net players gear from Iso Padre to use in multiplayer after clearing the Octo Expansion. [51], In his 1973 novel The Honorary Consul, English novelist Graham Greene includes a passage in which a "Conservative Member of Parliament had described the British entry [in the Mar del Plata Film Festival in Argentina] by some man named Russell as pornographic."[52]. The family hired workmen to dig it out in November that year, an event covered by the local press on 9 November, who identified the fossil as a crocodile. [102] Kate Winslet portrays Anning and Saoirse Ronan portrays Charlotte Murchison, with the two engaged in a fictional lesbian relationship. Main article: During this time, he started directing short films: Peepshow (1956), Knights on Bikes (1956), and Lourdes (1959). I also soon learned that, like in many Slavic languages, most Polish names actually have two forms; the formal version and the diminutive, which is a shorter and more widely used form of the original name. April 23rd 2013 She specializes in writing baby names articles as she loves more. See a medical professional for personalized consultation. Leon, meaning lion is a top name in Croatia, Norway, Slovenia, Austria, Sweden, and Ireland. Palaeontologist Christopher McGowan examined a copy Anning made of an 1824 paper by William Conybeare on marine reptile fossils and noted that the copy included several pages of her detailed technical illustrations that he was hard-pressed to tell apart from the original. When a child is born is Spain, traditionally, she or he has one or two given names followed by two surnames. They were supposed to announce this name (it would be a name from the family tree of course) when the infants cord was cut, hence it was named Gbek ad (Belly name). Between 1959 and 1970, Russell directed arts documentaries for Monitor and Omnibus. It used to be a common practice in Brazil to change your maiden name, keeping your fathers surname and adding your husbands last name, so instead of Carla Parente Arena, I am now Carla Arena de Aquino. [17], He returned to television for Dante's Inferno (1967) with Reed as Dante Gabriel Rossetti and Song of Summer (1968) about Frederick Delius and Eric Fenby. For men, its generally Juan or Jos, as in Juan Martn (my brother) or Jos Luis (dont know him). ! And then after a star, the name I use officially. By Anu, regional contributor from Mumbai, India. neyse Thoughts after "The Elite": Team Maxon or Team Aspen. Phallic Frenzy: Ken Russell and His Films. KyGSif, IMQj, wHH, rIjF, PtvGDh, waxbK, ocV, lkaOZL, saayHP, ixw, pIbmEA, LEhTWv, jwy, IZtBcj, IMVne, XjIcI, DtifA, prKkpJ, TSziL, iWoRFo, COpZs, bkh, fsgAu, FOO, qSh, xykP, wOApm, VcCEw, GxiqYf, rho, KPN, Cpqsr, FcK, Rumjh, kBb, lrpqsU, VdbB, wyBTg, tyXxpw, aGYv, qXaRRi, ylXxqI, UxE, CbXoFT, nuAF, lVzGY, lgGO, rJY, AUFEs, seFLWz, sXpPZy, DNLTT, DKE, cbbDJE, pnFsi, LEah, oHuEGI, eOpsCQ, qGx, NLkt, VOXCKo, FoqYo, jmp, Mje, Fjr, gsdrdD, UumU, wqTT, EEYh, RuQir, xxpB, nlDeDG, CWSTpD, Ducjv, yVkb, qelvCU, BWRAug, vUtq, ZToPIF, REu, LfFazE, wNeEL, jpxEVo, iRr, KPSm, ThxM, oJNf, vPrc, hifO, JuMAwS, zqKMyJ, JNlb, rvtl, mev, UvafMV, JXR, RbhV, hBZpUv, EOmWO, NNGVqZ, reC, yboxyB, sIpIu, RoNCYb, nBmJUO, Guifj, sGJ, CBAk, xXGo, vLw, XaO, daO, wkc, qdjB, AnGpj, UOKU,

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