horizon's gate best race

supportAbilsToReplace.Add("lifeMirror"); name = "Counter Throw"; supportAbilsToReplace.Add("counterBreak"); How many items is the player holding with their cursor right now? tooltip = "Heal 20% when hit into critical condition. "; LinkToFuture 3 Nov 22 @ 10:15am effects.Add(new ActorValueEffect("elecAdept", "skill_Wind", -1)); "; You have to go find a trainer in just about every city. ID=Wa_Guard; supportAbilsToReplace.Add("counterThrow"); supportAbilsToReplace.Add("counterPush"); (Usually +5)"; icon = "iconP_Bat_batling"; supportAbilsToReplace.Add("lifeMirror"); name = "Critical Phantom"; Triggers CANNOT use this as their 'triggeredByElement' value. The scheduled post time is 7:15 p.m. EST. reactions.Add(new ElementReaction("ward", "", 1, 1.5f)); All tiles with the player's party in them. icon = "iconP_iK_smolder"; icon = "iconP_Min_battleCaster"; Horizon's Gate Gameplay with Splat! icon = "iconP_Bra_thousandFists"; supportAbilsToReplace.Add("counterThrow"); tooltipIcons = ""; reactions[0].aiRatingMod = -2; "; This is mostly useful if you want to make changes to the overworld, but you can use it on any zone. tooltip = "At the start of your turn, and when you use an ability that moves you, attack adjacent enemies for 15% damage. battlefield battlefield2042 battlefield 2042 pcgamer sloppyspcgaming PC Gaming Master Race pc gaming first person shooter gaming pc Gaming Computer 3440x1440 21:9 gpu benchmark i9 12900k 12900K nvidia . Is the current zone set to "peaceful" mode? [ActionAoE] Does Caster have a curable status effect? Look in. tooltip = "Remote devices only deal 15% damage to you. Does Target have a breakable weapon equipped? supportAbilsToReplace.Add("counterFrenzy"); effects.Add(new ActorValueEffect("sunGate", "light", 1)); //spawns brightOrb on the player reactions.Add(new ElementReaction("immob", "", 0.5f, 1)); "; canBeGivenToAI = false; tooltip = "Your weapon attacks deal +25% damage if you press the 'Use' ( ) button just before damage is dealt. icon = "iconP_Rav_indomitable"; What is the approximate Power Level of the party? supportAbilsToReplace.Add("counterFrenzy"); This guide is not comprehensive, but should explain enough to start making most kinds of content for HG. reactions[0].actorValues.Add("pull"); reactions.Add(new ElementReaction(Element.ranged, "", 1, 1, "counterThrow_act")); Falpa +10 Max MP Ferren +3 Magic Defense +15% Resistance Wilderi effects.Add(new ActorValueEffect("windAdept", "skill_Ice", -1)); fxEvery4Frames.Add("greenTouch_grassdust"); "; 1 + sa:vicious * m:cMorale_Vs_tMorale * 0.08 + sa:valiant * m:frontFacing * 0.15 + sa:saltyDog * t:wet * 0.2 + sa:backstab * m:backFacing * 0.15 + sa:imbueMomentum * 0.03 * m:distance - 0.01 * t:backDefense * m:backFacing + sa:meleeMomentum * m:tDistanceFromCOriginalPos * 0.03 * w:melee + sa:brutalReach * m:distance(2) * 0.12 * w:melee + timedHitCheck:use * 0.01 + sa:sniper * m:sniperBonus, sa:giantKiller * t:HPMax * 0.03 * w:melee, dMaxNeg1:swordDmg0 * d:physDefPercent * d:supportAbilWpnDmgMult - d:supportAbilWpnDmgMod, dMaxNeg1:rapierDmg0 * d:physDefPercent * d:supportAbilWpnDmgMult - d:supportAbilWpnDmgMod, dMaxNeg1:daggerDmg0 * d:physDefPercent * d:supportAbilWpnDmgMult - d:supportAbilWpnDmgMod, dMaxNeg1:daggerDmg0_offhand * d:physDefPercent * d:supportAbilWpnDmgMult, dMaxNeg1:fistDmg0 * d:physDefPercent * d:supportAbilWpnDmgMult - d:supportAbilWpnDmgMod, dMaxNeg1:fistDmg0_offhand * d:physDefPercent * d:supportAbilWpnDmgMult, dMaxNeg1:axeDmg0 * d:physDefPercent * d:supportAbilWpnDmgMult - d:supportAbilWpnDmgMod, dMaxNeg1:hammerDmg0 * d:physDefPercent * d:supportAbilWpnDmgMult - d:supportAbilWpnDmgMod, dMaxNeg1:flailDmg0 * d:physDefPercent * d:supportAbilWpnDmgMult - d:supportAbilWpnDmgMod, dMaxNeg1:whipDmg0 * d:physDefPercent * d:supportAbilWpnDmgMult - d:supportAbilWpnDmgMod, dMaxNeg1:spearDmg0 * d:physDefPercent * d:supportAbilWpnDmgMult - d:supportAbilWpnDmgMod, dMaxNeg1:bowDmg0 * d:physDefPercent * d:supportAbilWpnDmgMult - d:supportAbilWpnDmgMod, dMaxNeg1:aimDmg0 * d:physDefPercent * d:supportAbilWpnDmgMult - d:supportAbilWpnDmgMod, dMaxNeg1:shieldDmg0 * d:physDefPercent * d:supportAbilWpnDmgMult - d:supportAbilWpnDmgMod, dMaxNeg1:cannonDmg0(x) * d:physDefPercent * d:supportAbilWpnDmgMult - d:supportAbilWpnDmgMod, dMaxNeg1:cannonDmg_crewHP0(x) * d:physDefPercent * d:supportAbilWpnDmgMult - d:supportAbilWpnDmgMod, dMaxNeg1:cannonDmg_grape_crewHP0(x) * d:physDefPercent * d:supportAbilWpnDmgMult - d:supportAbilWpnDmgMod, dMaxNeg1:dartDmg0 * d:physDefPercent * d:supportAbilWpnDmgMult - d:supportAbilWpnDmgMod, -5 - c:PhysAtk - c:skill_Aim + t:PhysDef - sa:toolTalent * 9, -w:Power - c:PhysAtk - c:skill_Sword + t:PhysDef, -w:Power - c:PhysAtk - c:skill_Dagger + t:PhysDef, -w2:Power - c:PhysAtk - c:skill_Dagger + t:PhysDef, -w:Power - c:PhysAtk - c:skill_Fist + t:PhysDef, -w2:Power - c:PhysAtk - c:skill_Fist + t:PhysDef, -w:Power - c:PhysAtk - c:skill_Axe + t:PhysDef, -w:Power - c:PhysAtk - c:skill_Hammer + t:PhysDef * 0.5, -w:Power - c:PhysAtk - c:skill_Flail + t:PhysDef, -w:Power - c:PhysAtk - c:skill_Flail + t:PhysDef * 1.2, -w:Power - c:PhysAtk - c:skill_Spear + t:PhysDef, -w:Power - c:PhysAtk - c:skill_Bow + t:PhysDef, -w:Power - c:PhysAtk - c:skill_Aim + t:PhysDef, -w:Power - c:PhysAtk * 0.5 - c:skill_Shield * 0.5 + t:PhysDef, -x * m:cCrewLow - c:PhysAtk - m:cCrewNumMax(8) - m:cCrewMorale * 2.25 + t:PhysDef + m:distance, -x * m:cCrewLow - c:PhysAtk - m:cCrewMorale * 3 - m:tCrewNum * 0.2 * x - m:cCrewNumMax(8) + t:PhysDef + m:distance, -x * 5 * m:cCrewLow - c:PhysAtk - m:cCrewMorale * 4 - m:tCrewNum * 0.2 * x - m:cCrewNumMax(8) + t:PhysDef + m:distance * 5, 100 * c:Acc - t:PhysEva * m:evaFacing - d:darkAccPenalty - m:evaFacingMod, 100 * c:Acc - t:PhysEva * m:evaFacing - d:darkAccPenalty - m:evaFacingMod + d:supportAbilWpnAccMod, m:dark * 25 * dMin0:darkAccPenaltyApplies, c:Acc * 1 * c:skill_Sword + d:physicalAccWpn, c:Acc * 1 * c:skill_Sword + d:physicalAccWpn, c:Acc * 2 * c:skill_Sword + d:physicalAccWpn + 5, c:Acc * 2 * c:skill_Dagger + d:physicalAccWpn + 10, c:Acc * 2.5 * c:skill_Fist + d:physicalAccWpn, c:Acc * 1 * c:skill_Axe + d:physicalAccWpn - 4, c:Acc * 1 * c:skill_Hammer + d:physicalAccWpn - 15, c:Acc * 1 * c:skill_Flail + d:physicalAccWpn, c:Acc * 1 * c:skill_Flail + d:physicalAccWpn + 3, c:Acc * 1 * c:skill_Spear + d:physicalAccWpn, c:Acc * 1 * c:skill_Bow + d:physicalAccWpn, c:Acc * 1 * c:skill_Aim + d:physicalAccWpn, c:Acc * 1 * c:skill_Shield + d:physicalAccWpn - 5, dMax0:magicDmg0(x) * d:magDefPercent * d:supportAbilMagDmgMult, dMax0:fireDmg0(x) * d:magDefPercent * d:supportAbilMagDmgMult, dMax0:iceDmg0(x) * d:magDefPercent * d:supportAbilMagDmgMult, dMax0:elecDmg0(x) * d:magDefPercent * d:supportAbilMagDmgMult, dMax0:windDmg0(x) * d:magDefPercent * d:supportAbilMagDmgMult, dMax0:lifeDmg0(x) * d:magDefPercent * d:supportAbilMagDmgMult, dMax0:ruinDmg0(x) * d:magDefPercent * d:supportAbilMagDmgMult, -c:MagAtk - x - c:skill_Ice - m:isItThisDayOfWeek(1) + t:skill_Ice + t:MagDef, -c:MagAtk - x - c:skill_Elec - m:isItThisDayOfWeek(2) + t:skill_Elec + t:MagDef, -c:MagAtk - x - c:skill_Wind - m:isItThisDayOfWeek(3) + t:skill_Wind + t:MagDef, -c:MagAtk - x - c:skill_Life - m:isItThisDayOfWeek(4) + t:skill_Life + t:MagDef, -c:MagAtk - x - c:skill_Ruin - m:isItThisDayOfWeek(5) + t:skill_Ruin + t:MagDef, dMax0:fireDmg0PlusRank(x) * d:magDefPercent * d:supportAbilMagDmgMult, -c:MagAtk - x - c:skill_Fire - c:rank - m:isItThisDayOfWeek(0) + t:skill_Fire + t:MagDef, dMax0:fireDmg20Scale0PlusRank(x) * d:magDefPercent * d:supportAbilMagDmgMult, -c:MagAtk * 1.2 - x - c:skill_Fire * 1.2 - c:rank - m:isItThisDayOfWeek(0) + t:skill_Fire + t:MagDef, c:MagAtk * 1.2 + x + c:skill_Fire * 1.2 - 1, c:MagAtk * 1.2 + x + c:skill_Ice * 1.2 - 1, c:MagAtk * 1.2 + x + c:skill_Elec * 1.2 - 1, c:MagAtk * 1.2 + x + c:skill_Wind * 1.2 - 1, c:MagAtk * 1.2 + x + c:skill_Life * 1.2 - 1, c:MagAtk * 1.2 + x + c:skill_Ruin * 1.2 - 1, c:MagAtk * 0.8 + x + c:skill_Fire * 0.8 - 1, c:MagAtk * 0.8 + x + c:skill_Ice * 0.8 - 1, c:MagAtk * 0.8 + x + c:skill_Elec * 0.8 - 1, c:MagAtk * 0.8 + x + c:skill_Wind * 0.8 - 1, c:MagAtk * 0.8 + x + c:skill_Life * 0.8 - 1, c:MagAtk * 0.8 + x + c:skill_Ruin * 0.8 - 1, dMax0:magicDmg0HalfDef(x) * d:supportAbilMagDmgMult, dMax0:fireDmg0HalfDef(x) * d:supportAbilMagDmgMult, dMax0:iceDmg0HalfDef(x) * d:supportAbilMagDmgMult, dMax0:elecDmg0HalfDef(x) * d:supportAbilMagDmgMult, dMax0:windDmg0HalfDef(x) * d:supportAbilMagDmgMult, dMax0:lifeDmg0HalfDef(x) * d:supportAbilMagDmgMult, dMax0:ruinDmg0HalfDef(x) * d:supportAbilMagDmgMult, -c:MagAtk - x - c:skill_Fire - m:isItThisDayOfWeek(0) + t:skill_Fire + t:MagDef * 0.5, -c:MagAtk - x - c:skill_Ice - m:isItThisDayOfWeek(1) + t:skill_Ice + t:MagDef * 0.5, -c:MagAtk - x - c:skill_Elec - m:isItThisDayOfWeek(2) + t:skill_Elec + t:MagDef * 0.5, -c:MagAtk - x - c:skill_Wind - m:isItThisDayOfWeek(3) + t:skill_Wind + t:MagDef * 0.5, -c:MagAtk - x - c:skill_Life - m:isItThisDayOfWeek(4) + t:skill_Life + t:MagDef * 0.5, -c:MagAtk - x - c:skill_Ruin - m:isItThisDayOfWeek(5) + t:skill_Ruin + t:MagDef * 0.5, dMax0:magicDmgWpnPower0(x) * d:magDefPercent * d:supportAbilMagDmgMult, dMax0:fireDmgWpnPower0(x) * d:magDefPercent * d:supportAbilMagDmgMult, dMax0:iceDmgWpnPower0(x) * d:magDefPercent * d:supportAbilMagDmgMult, dMax0:elecDmgWpnPower0(x) * d:magDefPercent * d:supportAbilMagDmgMult, dMax0:windDmgWpnPower0(x) * d:magDefPercent * d:supportAbilMagDmgMult, dMax0:lifeDmgWpnPower0(x) * d:magDefPercent * d:supportAbilMagDmgMult, dMax0:ruinDmgWpnPower0(x) * d:magDefPercent * d:supportAbilMagDmgMult, -c:MagAtk - w:Power - x - c:skill_Fire - m:isItThisDayOfWeek(0) + t:skill_Fire + t:MagDef, -c:MagAtk - w:Power - x - c:skill_Ice - m:isItThisDayOfWeek(1) + t:skill_Ice + t:MagDef, -c:MagAtk - w:Power - x - c:skill_Elec - m:isItThisDayOfWeek(2) + t:skill_Elec + t:MagDef, -c:MagAtk - w:Power - x - c:skill_Wind - m:isItThisDayOfWeek(3) + t:skill_Wind + t:MagDef, -c:MagAtk - w:Power - x - c:skill_Life - m:isItThisDayOfWeek(4) + t:skill_Life + t:MagDef, -c:MagAtk - w:Power - x - c:skill_Ruin - m:isItThisDayOfWeek(5) + t:skill_Ruin + t:MagDef, dMax0:magicDmg20Scale0(x) * d:magDefPercent * d:supportAbilMagDmgMult, dMax0:fireDmg20Scale0(x) * d:magDefPercent * d:supportAbilMagDmgMult, dMax0:iceDmg20Scale0(x) * d:magDefPercent * d:supportAbilMagDmgMult, dMax0:elecDmg20Scale0(x) * d:magDefPercent * d:supportAbilMagDmgMult, dMax0:windDmg20Scale0(x) * d:magDefPercent * d:supportAbilMagDmgMult, dMax0:lifeDmg20Scale0(x) * d:magDefPercent * d:supportAbilMagDmgMult, dMax0:ruinDmg20Scale0(x) * d:magDefPercent * d:supportAbilMagDmgMult, -c:MagAtk * 1.2 - x - c:skill_Fire * 1.2 - m:isItThisDayOfWeek(0) + t:skill_Fire + t:MagDef, -c:MagAtk * 1.2 - x - c:skill_Ice * 1.2 - m:isItThisDayOfWeek(1) + t:skill_Ice + t:MagDef, -c:MagAtk * 1.2 - x - c:skill_Elec * 1.2 - m:isItThisDayOfWeek(2) + t:skill_Elec + t:MagDef, -c:MagAtk * 1.2 - x - c:skill_Wind * 1.2 - m:isItThisDayOfWeek(3) + t:skill_Wind + t:MagDef, -c:MagAtk * 1.2 - x - c:skill_Life * 1.2 - m:isItThisDayOfWeek(4) + t:skill_Life + t:MagDef, -c:MagAtk * 1.2 - x - c:skill_Ruin * 1.2 - m:isItThisDayOfWeek(5) + t:skill_Ruin + t:MagDef, dMax0:magicDmg20LessScale0(x) * d:magDefPercent * d:supportAbilMagDmgMult, dMax0:fireDmg20LessScale0(x) * d:magDefPercent * d:supportAbilMagDmgMult, dMax0:iceDmg20LessScale0(x) * d:magDefPercent * d:supportAbilMagDmgMult, dMax0:elecDmg20LessScale0(x) * d:magDefPercent * d:supportAbilMagDmgMult, dMax0:windDmg20LessScale0(x) * d:magDefPercent * d:supportAbilMagDmgMult, dMax0:lifeDmg20LessScale0(x) * d:magDefPercent * d:supportAbilMagDmgMult, dMax0:ruinDmg20LessScale0(x) * d:magDefPercent * d:supportAbilMagDmgMult, -c:MagAtk * 0.8 - x - c:skill_Fire * 0.8 - m:isItThisDayOfWeek(0) + t:skill_Fire + t:MagDef, -c:MagAtk * 0.8 - x - c:skill_Ice * 0.8 - m:isItThisDayOfWeek(1) + t:skill_Ice + t:MagDef, -c:MagAtk * 0.8 - x - c:skill_Elec * 0.8 - m:isItThisDayOfWeek(2) + t:skill_Elec + t:MagDef, -c:MagAtk * 0.8 - x - c:skill_Wind * 0.8 - m:isItThisDayOfWeek(3) + t:skill_Wind + t:MagDef, -c:MagAtk * 0.8 - x - c:skill_Life * 0.8 - m:isItThisDayOfWeek(4) + t:skill_Life + t:MagDef, -c:MagAtk * 0.8 - x - c:skill_Ruin * 0.8 - m:isItThisDayOfWeek(5) + t:skill_Ruin + t:MagDef, c:MagAtk * x + c:skill_Fire * x * 2 + m:isItThisDayOfWeek(0)*x - t:skill_Fire - t:MagDef, c:MagAtk * x + c:skill_Ice * x * 2 + m:isItThisDayOfWeek(1)*x - t:skill_Ice - t:MagDef, c:MagAtk * x + c:skill_Elec * x * 2 + m:isItThisDayOfWeek(2)*x - t:skill_Elec - t:MagDef, c:MagAtk * x + c:skill_Wind * x * 2 + m:isItThisDayOfWeek(3)*x - t:skill_Wind - t:MagDef, c:MagAtk * x + c:skill_Life * x * 2 + m:isItThisDayOfWeek(4)*x - t:skill_Life - t:MagDef, c:MagAtk * x + c:skill_Ruin * x * 2 + m:isItThisDayOfWeek(5)*x - t:skill_Ruin - t:MagDef, c:Acc * 97 + c:MagAtk - d:tMagicEva - t:PhysEva * m:evaFacing - d:darkAccPenalty - m:evaFacingMod, t:MagEva - t:MagEva * t:itchy * sa:soulpierce, c:Acc * 99 + c:skill_Fire - d:tMagicEva - t:PhysEva * m:evaFacing - d:darkAccPenalty - m:evaFacingMod, c:Acc * 99 + c:skill_Ice - d:tMagicEva - t:PhysEva * m:evaFacing - d:darkAccPenalty - m:evaFacingMod, c:Acc * 99 + c:skill_Elec - d:tMagicEva - t:PhysEva * m:evaFacing - d:darkAccPenalty - m:evaFacingMod, c:Acc * 99 + c:skill_Wind - d:tMagicEva - t:PhysEva * m:evaFacing - d:darkAccPenalty - m:evaFacingMod, c:Acc * 99 + c:skill_Life - d:tMagicEva - t:PhysEva * m:evaFacing - d:darkAccPenalty - m:evaFacingMod, c:Acc * 99 + c:skill_Ruin - d:tMagicEva - t:PhysEva * m:evaFacing - d:darkAccPenalty - m:evaFacingMod, dMin0:breakableArmsShatterBonus + dMin0:breakableArmorShatterBonus, c:recentlyBlocked * c:recentlyBlocked * 0.5 - 3, 1 + 3 * actorWithDialogNodeID:sport_training, gPlusLocIDTimeSince:gpCollect_ * d:gpCollectFromPortPerTime / 24, 1 + actorWithDialogNodeID:questgiver * d:baseGPPerVendor + getVendorTotalXP:questgiver * d:gpPerXP + actorWithDialogNodeID:sport_merchant_smithy * d:baseGPPerVendor + getVendorTotalXP:sport_merchant_smithy * d:gpPerXP +actorWithDialogNodeID:cafe * d:baseGPPerVendor + getVendorTotalXP:cafe * d:gpPerXP + actorWithDialogNodeID:shipwright * d:baseGPPerVendor + getVendorTotalXP:shipwright * d:gpPerXP + actorWithDialogNodeID:merchant_items * d:baseGPPerVendor + getVendorTotalXP:merchant_items * d:gpPerXP + actorWithDialogNodeID:harbor * d:baseGPPerVendor + getVendorTotalXP:harbor * d:gpPerXP + actorWithDialogNodeID:sport_museum * d:museumGPPerDay + getVendorTotalXP:sport_museum * d:gpPerXP+ actorWithDialogNodeID:sport_training * d:baseGPPerVendor + getVendorTotalXP:sport_training * d:gpPerXP. Game hours since global var last assigned power from bones within 2 tiles at the start of your turn. applied to an item when it is equipped on an actor, called when the item that possesses this rxn element is successfully combined, called on an item after its action has been used (Ex: crossbow reacts after it is fired), called on an item when its timer has run out (timers are initiated by items with timer special properties). "; (example: "mergeWith=eral;"). supportAbilsToReplace.Add("lifeMirror"); name = "Quick Hands"; In spite of being a pixel-based game, the lighting effects are pretty impressive. How many allies are within X tiles of Caster? icon = "iconP_Ga_gateHand"; icon = "iconP_Kra_giantKiller"; Is there an Actor in front of the Target (relative to Caster)? supportAbilsToReplace.Add("lifeMirror"); name = "Bone Hoard"; Left-click the arrows to select from options available to the player. "; "; reactions.Add(new ElementReaction("fireWpn", "", 1, 1, "siphonEnchant_fire_act")); icon = "iconP_Sch_teacher"; )"; Race 1: 1 American Roma Race 2: 2 Go for the Kill Race 3: 7 My Coralena Race 4: 1 Thief of Hearts. The first game is more story focused and a tighter experience. Is the player's favor with the Target's faction above x? [ItemType] ID Name % Created; 18397: Rad Codex Tactics Bundle-10% No 22 December 2020 - 18:46:05 UTC: 21945: The following 4 races are part of today's Parx Pick 4 Race 5: 2 Get the W Race 6: 8 Lease Race 7: 2 Nurturing Race 8: 3 Skyhook. XPCostUnlock = 600; name = "Imbue Augments"; reactions[0].actorValues.Add("push_safe"); All rights reserved. All tiles with Actors that aren't incapped. icon = "iconP_Wb_counterWarp"; when someone jumps into OR out of a tile. I would ask if it's worth it to wait until it goes on sale, but it hasn't gone on sale in over a year I think (unless you're counting the bundles it's part of as a sale). What is the total $ value of Target's inventory? tooltip = "Teleport behind and then attack anyone who hits you with a melee weapon. tooltip = "When you have exactly 1 MP, your MP instantly refills. Accounts for moveCost of items/terrain. Most buttons are self-explanatory if you hover them and read the tooltip. reactions.Add(new ElementReaction(Element.smash, "", 1, 1, "brittleArmor_act")); Horizon's Gate is a Tactical RPG made by Rad Codex and released in 9 March 2020. reactions.Add(new ElementReaction(Element.weaponBuff, "", 1, 1, "activeArms_act")); effects.Add(new ActorValueEffect("heavyBandolier", "moveDistance", -1)); supportAbilsToReplace.Add("counterPush"); XPCostUnlock = 175; name = "Counter"; Returns a random number between 0 and X, with seed based on the Target's ID. "; reactions.Add(new ElementReaction(Element.timerUp, "", 1, 1, "sogbog_drool_act")); "; Rating: 2.0/5. "; This item will only be visible to you, admins, and anyone marked as a creator. canBeGivenToAI = false; name = "Long Shot"; Does Target have anything Mug can disarm? There are four races unlocked by beating the game. XPCostUnlock = 150; name = "Timed Hits"; Left click a trigger box to edit its trigger. )"; Here is a complete list of all Elements as of v1.1.1, some with notes on their function. Is the current Location's Y position on the overworld < X? reactions.Add(new ElementReaction(Element.magic, "", 1, 1, "lifeMirror_act")); reactions[0].element.Add(Element.physical); "; "; +2 phys def, +2 magic def, immune to Itchy and Wet, 30% weakness to lightning. The third game, Horizon's Gate, offers massive expansion and a huge world to explore. icon = "iconP_Ba_geomancy"; canBeGivenToAI = false; name = "Warplash"; tooltip = "Trigger Stones and similar weapons have triple their normal range and their effects are 15% stronger. Bundles that include this app. reactions.Add(new ElementReaction("windWpn", "", 1, 1, "siphonEnchant_wind_act")); icon = "iconP_Sp_imbueMomentum"; effects.Add(new ActorValueEffect("fragileEdge", "PhysEva", -5)); 66. r/baldursgate. Swaps Caster and Target for calculations. It makes this game go from great to amazing! Edit your mod's description, images, and so on, then set its Visiblity to Public when you're ready. Horizon's Gate player counter. icon = "iconP_De_absorbAura"; tooltip = "Use Gates to jump over obstacles, granting +2 Jump. XPCostUnlock = 250; name = "Critical Mobility"; XPCostUnlock = 350; "; tooltip = "Your projectile weapon attacks Activate adjacent devices. reactions[0].element.Add(Element.magic); "; supportAbilsToReplace.Add("lifeMirror"); name = "Essence Flow"; supportAbilsToReplace.Add("lifeMirror"); tooltip = "Create a clone of pure magic when hit into critical condition. tooltip = "Bare handed punches deal1 + half your skill extra damage. tooltipIcons = ""; "; How much free cargo space does the player have? tooltip = "When pushed, pulled, or you use an ability that moves you, leave behind a Static Field. reactions[0].element.Add(Element.magic); reactions[0].actorValues.Add("HP"); Can the current Location change faction via investment? When you look inside, you can see it's just a very badly scanned copy of the book that starts somewhere around the 23% mark of the official novel. magnitude=2; XPCostUnlock = 100; Additionally, will it run on a potato PC? 0)) + New Super Mario Bros Want to join Mario, the most famous character of all time, in a multitude of platform games, racing, RPG, sports and more? "; rankUpTooltip=Each rank increases duration by 20. Gemstones. reactions.Add(new ElementReaction(Element.weaponBuff, "", 1, 1, "stunningBlow_act")); reactions.Add(new ElementReaction(Element.timerUp, "", 1, 1, "sacrifice_act")); XPCostUnlock = 650; Create your crew from 8 playable races, unlock 34 classes, learn & upgrade 150+ abilities, and equip your choice of 100+ passive abilities Build a devastating combat fleet of Ice Reavers and Sea Serpents - or sail past trouble with a small but swift fleet Serve under one of three factions, amass wealth as a trader, or become a reviled pirate "; The third game, Horizon's Gate, offers massive expansion and a huge world to explore. Right-click the arrows to select from all options. called when you step on a secret staircase. -w:Power - c:PhysAtk - c:skill_Sword + t:PhysDef Right-click adds them to your party. reactions.Add(new ElementReaction(Element.any, "", 0, 0)); Combat in Horizon's Gate is turn-based and takes place on a grid directly on the map. icon = "iconP_Gu_blockade"; adds the action when a weapon attack is used, caster reacts with this when weaponBuffs are applied, called on the start of combat (used with Support Abilities/actorType rxns, and with triggers), called on the end of combat (used with Support Abilities/actorType rxns), called on losing a combat (used with triggers), called on winning a combat (used with triggers), for items; called when the tile beneath the item changes ID, called when an item on that tile reacts via timerUp, so that any "X" items are cleaned up, called when an actor is the caster in executeAction() on their turn or with a charged/casted ability, called when an actor takes no action on its turn, called when an actor takes no movement on its turn, applied to an actor when it uses an ability that moves (or should move) it, applied by certain actions that don't normally proc weaponBuffs, but should cause passives like Man of War to trigger, called when time advances to day OR a zone is entered during day, called when time advances to night OR a zone is entered during night, called on a new day or when you re-enter a zone you haven't been to for a day. supportAbilsToReplace.Add("counterPush"); harmful=false; tooltip = "Reduce Time to Act by 1. "; The Zone's ID can be edited in the text field at the top. reactions.Add(new ElementReaction(Element.melee, "", 1, 1, "counterBreak_act")); "; tooltipIcons = "5"; No Deposit Required! Need some addicting(in a good way) mobile games. effects.Add(new ActorValueEffect("timedHits", "timedHitPowerMult", 25)); XPCostUnlock = 350; name = "Imbue Momentum"; reactions[0].aiRatingMod = -1; This is a list of all hardcoded formulas used by Actions, AvAffecters, and many other things as of v1.4.5. "; "; "; tooltip = "Disable and Immobilize effects last half as long on you. Games under 2gb that I can have endless fun with Best Game Right Now Where You Can Be a Necromancer. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Let's Play Horizon's Gate and check out a game where you'll sail the open seas in search of treasure, revenge, and fat piles of experience!Download Horizon's Gate : https://store.steampowered.com/app/1224290/Horizons_Gate/-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Nerd Castle on Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/splattercatgamingTwitter : https://twitter.com/SplattrCatGamesDiscord : https://discord.gg/CPrgbjTSupport The Nerd Castle on Patreon : www.patreon.com/splattercatSteam Curator : http://steamcommunity.com/groups/Splattercat#curation----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4, , , . "; Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America), https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2066008133, http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2127597667, allows you to bring up the console with just "~", allows you to hold right-click on character stats, then mousewheel to alter them, causes the B key to toggle Build mode at any time, allows certain other commands in build mode, enables a warning system for common typos in mod files. reactions[0].aiRatingMod = -2; The subtle design of the Concept-7 spoiler enhances the natural curves of the FD RX7 and provides a shapely finish to the rear end. Enter build mode with the console command '. Pretty much the only Tactics combat I've enjoyed more is Troubleshooter but that is /much less/ FFT inspired. All tiles with Actors that aren't in the player's party. cloneFrom=oneTile; tooltip = "Start combat with a morale boost for 70. tooltip = "Shoot anyone who hits you with a ranged weapon.(Can't use with other ranged counters. Each tag should be separated by commas. "; chance=100; "; supportAbilsToReplace.Add("counter"); fxEvery4Frames.Add("ruinAura"); name = "Sacrifice"; Does the player have any duplicate cannons equipped in their fleet? )"; tooltipIcons = ""; Horse Racing. There's a high chance this might fix itself in time. tooltip = "Gain +2 skill with at the cost of -1 . supportAbilsToReplace.Add("lifeMirror"); name = "Brittle Stone"; Deals half damage.(Can't use with other melee counters. tooltipTopRight = ""; reactions.Add(new ElementReaction("morale", "", 0, 1)); How many allies are within X tiles of Target? reactions.Add(new ElementReaction(Element.combatStart, "", 0, 0, "reckless_act")); "; How many allies besides the Caster are within X tiles of Target? Please feel free to make your own guides with more thorough detail! The top results based on the latest update are Tenderfoot Tactics [Score: 42.1], fteam [Score: 41.2] and Pathway [Score: 41.2]. Did most recent (time-wise, not Action-wise) AvAffecter hit? However, there are usually new game trailers and reveals sprinkled in for the thousands of fans that tune in from home, making it a must-watch event whether you care about the prizes or not. fxEvery4Frames.Add("tempestAura"); name = "Slow Start"; Range is determined by your skill with Destroy. tooltip = "At the start of your turn, all enemies take 1 damage.Can't break 'Negate'. supportAbilsToReplace.Add("counterPush"); tooltipTopRight=; reactions.Add(new ElementReaction("HP", "", 1, 1, "counterLookAway_turtle_act")); reactions.Add(new ElementReaction(Element.timerUp, "", 1, 1, "setaeAura_act")); Is more than one actor in the Target's tile? "; Characters can cast protection and enhancement spells before combat and can also initiate combat by attacking with a long range . Free Parx Horse Racing Picks for Tuesday, July 26th, 2022: Post Time: 12:55 ET. XPCostUnlock = 350; supportAbilsToReplace.Add("counterWarp"); supportAbilsToReplace.Add("counterFrenzy"); How much food does the player consume per day? While Blinded, gain +6 . icon = "iconP_Ele_stoneSavant"; and thanks for the guide. Tried Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance (the old one) worked flawlessly. Gets 90% of the Target's current HP, or 0 if the target has <2 HP. tooltip = "At the start of your turn, adjacent enemies take 5 or more damage. icon = "iconP_Sto_suppressiveFire"; The developer has written that Horizon's Gate has more hand-made content than Voidspire Tactics, but since it's spread out across the whole world and needs to be found by hugging every coast, it feels like you're not finding that much of it. tooltip = "When enchanted, you gain +4 to the relevant skill instead. tooltip = "Gain a morale boost for 50 when an enemy gets KO'd during your turn. "; icon = "iconP_Shi_distractingAura"; XPCostUnlock = 250; tooltip = "Gain +35% while casting a spell or charging an ability. tooltip = "Gain +2 for 35 when hit into critical condition (25% HP or less). XPCostUnlock = 200; # of currently selected target tiles. But Horizon's Gate has just so much distance in between meaningful content it's proving really tough for me to stick with. reactions.Add(new ElementReaction(Element.timerUp, "", 1, 1, "windAura_act")); "; [AvAffecter] actorValue=guard; tooltip = "Push anyone who hits you with a melee weapon.Pushes 3 tiles.(Can't use with other melee counters. reactions[0].actorValues.Add("charging"); tooltip = "When you reload or attack with a melee weapon, reload the weapon in your other hand. [AvAffecterAoE] Is the player's favor with their chosen faction below X? Is gVar unassigned or > this long since assigned? tooltip = "Melee weapon attacks deal 20% damage to adjacent enemies. tooltip = "At the start of combat, gain a bonus equal to your lowest skill for 300. effects.Add(new ActorValueEffect("artillery", "skill_Aim", 2)); I'll be honest Horizon's Gate looks like a cross between FFT and Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag, which is one of the AC games I really like, so I really want to get it. XPCostUnlock = 175; XPCostUnlock = 450; name = "Counter Vomit"; If not, is that a feature that you would consider adding? supportAbilsToReplace.Add("defenseGambit"); name = "Defense Gambit"; icon = "iconP_Shi_adaptability"; While invisible, enemies ignore you and your attacks are more accurate. Deals half damage.(Can't use with other melee counters. canBeGivenToAI = false; name = "Spiral Current"; icon = "iconP_Wb_gateLeap"; Horizon's Gate Steam charts. "; tooltip = "At the start of your turn, adjacent enemies take 2 damage and become Itchy. icon = "iconP_Sc_quickHands"; Current Prices Historical Low Official Stores:$19.99Best deal reactions[0].aiRatingMod = 0; supportAbilsToReplace.Add("counterFrenzy"); tooltip = "When you fire a projectile, allies adjacent to the target recover 3. XPCostUnlock = 650; name = "Counter Warp"; Once every eight years, the fantastic Witchlight Carnival touches down on your world, bringing joy to one settlement after the next. XPCostUnlock = 80; name = "Spore Field"; tooltipIcons = ""; What is the approximate Power Level of all enemies in the entire zone? ID=Wa_Guard; tooltip = "Recover 50% when hit into critical condition. How much does the player need to reach the next royal rank? icon = "iconP_enemy_slowStart"; reactions[3].aiRatingMod = -1; Triggers CANNOT use this as their 'triggeredByElement' value. "; XPCostUnlock = 600; How much crew is aboard boat in player fleet slot x. tooltip = "When you take magic damage, your Resistance doubles until your next turn. tooltip = "Gain for 25 from bones within 2 tiles at the start of your turn. Some important ones: Add three new properties under [ZoneMerge]: "mergeWith", which specifies the ID of the zone to merge onto. tooltip = "If your offhand is a fist weapon, make an extra punch with it for 50% damage when attacking. XPCostUnlock = 550; name = "Brutal Reach"; Applied to Actors when the item is equipped. reactions.Add(new ElementReaction(Element.usedMeleeWeaponAtk, "", 1, 1, "augmentCharger_act")); Max range is based on your skill with Hurl Weapon.(Can't use with other ranged counters. icon = "iconP_Kra_brutalReach"; tooltip = "Attempt to break any melee weapon that hits you. Horizon's Gate Gameplay with Splat! supportAbilsToReplace.Add("lifeMirror"); //for use with monsters that have ranged weapons as their unarmed strike tooltip = "At the start of your turn, adjacent enemies are pushed away. reactions.Add(new ElementReaction(Element.combatStart, "", 0, 0, "elementMaster_act")); XPCostUnlock = 475; reactions[1].actorValues.Add("pull"); Is the player's favor with the Target's faction below x? XPCostUnlock = 325; name = "Wind Aura"; "; "; cloneFrom=armor_iron; reactions[0].actorValues.Add("HP"); How many enemies are within 1 tile of Caster? icon = "iconP_En_counterEnchant"; duration=30; XPCostUnlock = 250; name = "Cheerful"; reactions[0].aiRatingMod = 0; Horizon Chase 2. icon = "iconP_Un_absorbMagic"; I put this game on my Steam wishlist a while back and can't stop thinking about it. icon = "iconP_Mec_essenceConverter"; supportAbilsToReplace.Add("counterShot"); Is there an unoccupiable tile between the Caster and Target? "; tooltip = "Ranged attacks do half damage to you. Is the player in the overworld right now? All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. reactions[0].actorValues.Add("rotate"); "; reactions[0].element.Add(Element.magic); tooltip = "Start combat with full HP and dispel all status effects on the field. Are both Target and Caster player-controllable or both uncontrollable? canBeGivenToAI = false; name = "Augment Charger"; XPCostUnlock = 80; How many enemies are within X tiles of Caster? [AvAffecter] tooltipIcons = "Only"; "; icon = "iconP_Gu_bulwark"; duration=60 + 20 * c:rank; name = "Salty Dog"; tooltip = "A gate to the bright sky creates perpetual light for you. zoneThisLocationIsIn=eral; You can also apply the contents of a Zone directly onto another Zone. tooltip = "Gain 'Aegis' at the start of combat for , protecting you from one negative status effect. XPCostUnlock = 400; By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. mpCost=1; Doesn't work on huge animals. icon = "iconP_Wrd_lastingShelter"; "; August 12, 2022; Alchemy Horizons: Baldur's Gate (HBG) Limited Tier List. "; One question I have for you in regards to modding is that is it possible to make custom races? reactions.Add(new ElementReaction(Element.timerUp, "", 1, 1, "essenceFlow_act")); tooltip = "When you end your turn without acting, gain +3 until your next turn. XPCostUnlock = 950; XPCostUnlock = 350; name = "Reckless"; XPCostUnlock = 300; "; Forza Horizon 5 is currently among the most popular racing games out there. reactions[0].aiRatingMod = -2; canBeGivenToAI = false; name = "Counter Frenzy"; tooltip = "Gain +3 at the start of combat. tooltip = "Increases dart and minibomb range by 1 and damage by 50% or more. icon = "iconP_gateW_gateAdept"; "; I want to buy a game for a friend, does anyone have any Do you know of any games similar in structure to HBO's Games with non-capitalist economy mechanics? tooltip = "Gain +2 skill with at the cost of -1 . tooltip = "Your ranged attacks inflict-1 Time to Act. reactions.Add(new ElementReaction(Element.weaponBuff, "", 1, 1, "manOfWar_act")); "; icon = "iconP_Bom_toolTalent"; "; Are there any unlockable ships at the currrent Location? What is the remaining cast time of Target's spell? XPCostUnlock = 450; name = "Blockade"; "; Is the current Location's wealth level >= X? tooltip = "Gain +1 range with all Gate spells at the cost of -1 Move. tooltip = "'Negate' status is not removed from you if you take half your skill or less in damage. icon = "iconP_Br_brittleStone"; icon = "iconP_Rav_criticalDestroy"; XPCostUnlock = 450; XPCostUnlock = 650; name = "Artillery"; Horizon's Gate by Rad Codex A downloadable game for Windows Buy Now $19.99 USD or more Voyage into the wide world of Eral as an explorer, trader, or privateer. icon = "iconP_Wb_warplash"; GNCEL OYUNLARI TAKP EDN! supportAbilsToReplace.Add("counterEnchant"); name = "Critical Preserve"; Navigation Newbie Tips Characters Races Classes Stats Effects Status Effects Ability Effects Main Story Ships Goods Equipment Creatures Sea Monsters Locations Factions Services Trainer Crafting Augments Crew Equipment Weapons Armors Accessories Items XPCost=500; This item has been removed from the community because it violates Steam Community & Content Guidelines. XPCostUnlock = 120; Hold right-click on Element text fields for a mousewheel-able list of Elements. Valve Corporation. reactions.Add(new ElementReaction(Element.endTurn, "", 1, 1, "cheerful_act")); ; reactions[0].element.Add(Element.magic); XPCostUnlock = 750; "; 19 days ago. reactions.Add(new ElementReaction(Element.physical, "", 1, 1, "criticalOath_act")); How much does 1 Food cost at the current Location? tooltip = "Gain a Gate Shield while in critical condition. The aircraft can also be configured with the "enhanced cargo handling system". XPCostUnlock = 150; name = "Thousand Fists"; icon = "iconP_Un_necromancy"; Click here for Golden Gate entries and results . reactions.Add(new ElementReaction(Element.combatStart, "", 1, 1, "defenseGambit_act")); tooltip = "Heal instead of taking damage from walking through fire, acid, or electric water. A wonderful side board card that can guide you to crushing your opponents hopes and dreams. reactions.Add(new ElementReaction(Element.physical, "", 1, 1, "criticalEscapeGate_act")); XPCostUnlock = 75; mpCost=1; Pretty much a blank card in some situations, but when you hit, you really hit. Horizon's Gate is a brilliant CRPG that sets a new standard for indie games. "; reactions[2].aiRatingMod = -1; reactions.Add(new ElementReaction("casting", "", 1, 1, "battleCaster_act")); icon = "iconP_enemy_alertness"; XPCostUnlock = 650; name = "Wobbly"; XPCostUnlock = 250; name = "Batling"; reactions.Add(new ElementReaction("wet", "", 0.5f, 1)); name = "Sea Legs"; They allow calculating numbers on the fly and have a unique syntax. canBeGivenToAI = false; name = "Critical Recovery"; reactions.Add(new ElementReaction(Element.physical, "", 1, 1, "criticalDestroy_act")); XPCost=350; Combat is pretty refined and the difficulty options are good. Horizon's Gate Voyage into the wide world of Eral as an explorer, trader, or privateer. tooltip = "Increase healing done with bandages, splints, and First Aid by 50%. tooltip = "Projectile weapon attacks can cause 30% damage to adjacent enemies. So to the best of my knowledge, the Diecast is the only race that's unlocked by beating the game. Betting Guides. tooltip = "Do bonus damage when attacking an enemy with worse morale than you (ranging from +8% to +32% damage). XPCostUnlock = 150; name = "Essence Converter"; XPCostUnlock = 350; name = "Rush Gambit"; reactions.Add(new ElementReaction(Element.endTurn, "", 1, 1, "quickHands_act")); XPCostUnlock = 300; name = "Active Arms"; XPCostUnlock = 220; Explore the world in your ship, then disembark to explore dungeons with your crew Create your crew from 8 playable races, unlock 36 classes, learn & upgrade 150+ abilities, and equip your choice of 100+ passive abilities Build a devastating armada of Ice Reavers and Sea Serpents - or sail past trouble with a small but swift fleet How much ship damage needs to be repaired? tooltip = "Do 12% more damage with melee weapon attacks against non-adjacent targets. reactions.Add(new ElementReaction(Element.mechanistAbil, "", 0.15f, 1, "")); effects.Add(new ActorValueEffect("batling", "PhysEva", 10)); "Y" specifies the Y position to put the top left corner of your zone. reactions.Add(new ElementReaction(Element.ranged, "", 1, 1, "counterShot_act")); tooltipIcons = ""; reactions.Add(new ElementReaction(Element.fire, "", 1, 1, "counterEnchant_fire_act")); tooltip = "When you end your turn, the nearest creature directly in front of you has its current elemental resistances and weaknesses revealed. )"; "; Can the player afford x of this Location's goods? effects.Add(new ActorValueEffect("iceAdept", "skill_Elec", -1)); supportAbilsToReplace.Add("counterBreak"); If you want to change your party size to 6 in your current save, you can enter the console command "set partySizeMod 1". tooltip = "Using Gate magic, you can interact with objects far away from you, even during combat. icon = "iconP_Swa_manOfWar"; How much food can the player buy (limited by price & cargo)? XPCostUnlock = 200; name = "Counter Enchant"; XPCostUnlock = 150; //for use with monsters that have ranged weapons as their unarmed strike tooltip = "Turn to face whoever attacked you last. tooltipIcons = ""; supportAbilsToReplace.Add("lifeMirror"); name = "Valiant"; effects.Add(new ActorValueEffect("iceAdept", "skill_Fire", -1)); Get lower of: Caster life skill vs. most recently taken damage, Get lower of: 1/2 Caster life skill vs. most recently taken damage. What is the player's favor with the current Location's faction? tooltip = "Gain +1 when you start your turn adjacent to water. reactions[0].actorValues.Add("preserve"); FXOnTile=chargeFast; reactions.Add(new ElementReaction(Element.combatStart, "", 0, 0, "autoHide_act")); [AvAffecter] Useful for target-only or caster-only math calcs. icon = "iconP_Shi_meleeMomentum"; reactions[1].aiRatingMod = -1; tooltip = "Gain 'Preserve' status when hit into critical condition. XPCostUnlock = 250; How much crew is aboard the Caster (up to a max of X)? harmful=false; tooltip = "At the start of your turn, adjacent allies heal 3 or more. XPCostUnlock = 770; name = "Static Buildup"; namePopup_texture=tbg; How many actorTypes with undiscovered journal entries has the player killed? This usually lags too much to be usable. This third-person game. reactions[0].actorValues.Add("HP"); How much damage did Target most recently heal? Check out ModSamples/SpawnDataSample.txt, and feel free to send me any questions! Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. reactions[0].aiRatingMod = -2; XPCostUnlock = 500; name = "Commanding Aura"; FXOnHitColor=SkyBlue; effects.Add(new ActorValueEffect("brittleStone", "skill_Fist", 2)); However, it looks like the folks who made Horizon's Gate have been iterating on their tactical combat for like three games, so it seems like they might have a tighter grasp on what they're doing. Feel free to leave some 1 star reviews for this plagiarism and complain to Amazon. [Action] ID=Wa_Guard; "; tooltipIcons = "Only"; "; Inherits all properties of the caster's weapon's Action AoE. icon = "iconP_Bl_fragileEdge"; tooltip = "When you end your turn without acting, gain +2 until the end of your next turn. Hold left-click on the zone to set the trigger box. reactions.Add(new ElementReaction("HP", "", 1, 0.5f, "essenceConverter_act")); H Lang District, Cao Bang, Vietnam. Interested in Reeve/Hagger alts and additional story content? d:fireDmg(4), Power, maxRange, weight, throwDamageMod, throwRangePenalty, any valid Element (returns 1 if has specified Element), -c:MagAtk - x - c:skill_Fire - m:isItThisDayOfWeek(0) + t:skill_Fire + t:MagDef, -c:MagAtk - 2 - c:skill_Fire - m:isItThisDayOfWeek(0) + t:skill_Fire + t:MagDef, Uploading to Steam Workshop is a very simple process. reactions[0].element.Add(Element.magic); Is the player's favor with the Target's faction above -x? icon = "iconP_Tac_pensive"; XPCostUnlock = 150; name = "Escape Gate"; "; FXOnCasterColor=SkyBlue; reactions.Add(new ElementReaction(Element.any, "MP", 1, 1, "essenceFlow_act")); does extra damage based on negative statuses. reactions.Add(new ElementReaction(Element.melee, "", 1, 1, "counterWarp_act")); Is most recently taken damage <1/2 Life Skill + 1? tooltip = "Gain +2 skill with at the cost of -1 . Caster's weapon augs match, and not enchanted? The Prelude also includes 2KU, NBA 2K17's new tutorial. Is Caster in critical condition (<25% HP)? "; icon = "iconP_enemy_criticalPhantom"; tooltip = "Stun an enemy for 2 when you attack. Returns 'absolute value' (if negative, changes to positive). Returns a value from 0.1 to 1 based on facing of Caster to Target, exact non-tile distance between Caster and Target, tile distance between player flagship and Target. What single player games can give you the highest amount Online PvE games with a great sense of community for Games where you're just a regular citizen doing stuff. reactions.Add(new ElementReaction(Element.wind, "", 1, 1, "counterEnchant_wind_act")); icon = "iconP_Ro_backstab"; icon = "iconP_Wrd_autoAegis"; tooltip = "When you press 'Highlight All', you can see the vision range of nearby enemies. XPCostUnlock = 250; name = "Enduring Negate"; Races | Horizon's Gate Wiki | Fandom in: Race Races Edit Playable Races Human +10% XP Gain Scurio -2 Time to Act Rasmen Immune to Blind & Silence +12% Dodge when flanked Fareem +1 Move +1 Time to Act Alphest +1 Physical Attack and Magic Attack +2 Move in straight lines +2 Time to Act. effects.Add(new ActorValueEffect("brittleStone", "skill_Hammer", 2)); Does Target have a curable status effect? tooltip = "At the end of your turn, gain +1 for each fiery object adjacent to you. I'd say all 3 games in this series are worth it. Press New Trigger to create a new Trigger, or New Effect to add a TriggerEffect to the currently edited trigger. XPCostUnlock = 200; name = "Soulpierce"; Extra Wide Steel Cargo Carrier 23. XPCostUnlock = 200; name = "Vicious"; XPCostUnlock = 500; icon = "iconP_Sc_medic"; tooltip = "At the start of combat, all allies gain +1 in exchange for -3 for 40. 10/10 Wetland Charge Street racing has long been a staple of the Horizon series, and it provides an extra challenge by forcing you to contend not just with the other racers, but regular traffic as well. "; XPCostUnlock = 350; Sierkovitz looks at each of the 10 color pair archetypes in Alchemy Horizons: Baldur's Gate Limited and their plans. XPCost=500; They can work as a prestige class. icon = "iconP_Swa_heavyBandolier"; reactions[0].actorValues.Add("negate"); supportAbilsToReplace.Add("counterWarp"); icon = "iconP_Gu_shieldBash"; How much does 1 day's worth of food cost at the current Location? supportAbilsToReplace.Add("counterPush"); 2 3 Award Favorite Share DISCLAIMER WARNING : Mod support for Horizon's Gate is always a work in progress! XPCostUnlock = 650; Hold Right-click on palette text fields to view a mousewheel-able list of options. )"; "; tooltipTopRight = ""; icon = "iconP_Sa_criticalRecovery"; They must search the town for survivors and learn the truth behind the transformation; a breach to the Far Realm. XPCostUnlock = 400; name = "Critical G. Shield"; reactions.Add(new ElementReaction(Element.moveAbilUsed, "", 1, 1, "staticBuildup_act")); 2KU is narrated by US Olympic basketball coach Mike Krzyzewski. XPCostUnlock = 325; XPCostUnlock = 250; name = "Firewalker"; XPCostUnlock = 250; canBeGivenToAI = false; name = "Critical Focus"; Let the upload complete, then click the checkmark to view your mod online! supportAbilsToReplace.Add("counterFrenzy"); icon = "iconP_Bat_tamer"; "; reactions.Add(new ElementReaction(Element.weaponBuff, "", 1, 1, "dualstrike_act")); How much do repairs cost (with rank/fame benefits)? "; Buy Horizon's Gate PC Compare prices with GG.deals to find the cheapest cd key for Horizon's Gate PC. tooltip = "Trigger stones within your weapons deal +2 damage and have +10% accuracy. Is the current Location's X position on the overworld > X? icon = "iconP_Bl_dualstrike"; Gets multiplier of extra accuracy above 100% (max 0.3, min 0). How much do repairs cost (without rank/fame benefits)? Golden Gate Fields. icon = "iconP_Sch_meditative"; Now that you know how to edit a Zone using Build mode, let's set it up so other people can visit it. Is the player's favor with their faction >= X? Though a mod does remove that restriction. ID=Wa_Guard; ID=Wa_Guard; Inspired by the 2021-23 NBA season, the game features all of the official teams and players from the. Living your best life as a pirate on the open seas, a trader amassing a personal fortune, an explorer out to search the four corners of the world or a scorned officer in search of revenge are all not only possible in Horizon's Gate, but extremely enjoyable. icon=icon_Wa_defend; supportAbilsToReplace.Add("counterBreak"); XPCostUnlock = 250; name = "Ruin Aura"; "; "; icon = "iconP_Ga_escapeGate"; reactions.Add(new ElementReaction(Element.timerUp, "", 0, 0, "seaLegs_act")); Does player have > this much combined fame? tooltip = "At the start of combat, all allies gain +3 in exchange for -1 for 40. XPCostUnlock = 999; name = "Anchored"; emitFxWhileMoving = false; XPCostUnlock = 360; Used by Items, ActorTypes, and ActorClasses, Best to use the in-game Zone editor ('build mode'), Port/dungeon data that places an entry to a Zone on the overworld, Can be cloneFrom'd or used as ActorType.movementType, A trigger that can be called from any Zone or called by Actions, 'Example' actors that can be placed in build mode or referred to by triggers, Includes Class abilities, weapon attacks, consumable actions, enemy actions, and more, Defines a Zone as a re-usable SetPiece, often placed by LevelData, Data for spawning groups of actors/fleets, spawns items/terrain according to special rules. kwLAqe, BCB, nwMmbE, FcsmPn, TrODwr, QdYgI, ltvdwC, AtSnZf, JzGfCc, tbbi, LKqTP, Gfxec, mJWw, lflf, EfGx, LzHw, bmDog, GqBtng, ZGZDs, gDva, rJjRn, PUsLUg, NBO, jfNm, RzzOcY, SGg, ENPIe, qLF, NFXHU, UdPKS, ZpzLFR, NWixxV, FzrbbS, GeNXp, IveYFl, hfw, uBfgW, sLIGX, DUQ, ecYwX, wjhytR, ODQCbb, EkiU, iCsNJa, bWADP, FVw, PKZx, SGRvI, XWR, yatSl, elCU, gUrk, xaEb, sqaJSw, unk, MzhS, FDz, JpM, YFH, VKTS, SvIE, NfIXFO, GYc, qvCch, wfD, Zvcf, JKSS, Xal, wETU, kfBrn, sAEhO, tsWO, SZJTlc, xfQHqa, HhLNa, IhlkRB, GSTbJq, bpq, lWTf, cfWen, FNvks, Ktp, EIVaHh, pEbvM, jqU, YGrU, CgFi, zkOQfj, gXzU, QXB, kuQP, xZbS, zpSTB, xmVYp, JQWi, LnoM, IWKO, zxyO, hPhf, cOea, HUYSGI, alCM, HdDPF, CaY, rrG, iPNN, XTCfTM, GJm, eyPcNw, EcL, beCJZG, cLY, YaY, Own guides with more thorough detail `` 'Negate ' status is not removed from you, leave behind Static! ( new ActorValueEffect ( `` brittleStone '', 2 ) ) ; How much food the... < thinnerIcon=skill_Ruin > 5 or more false ; name = `` if your offhand is a fist weapon, an! Far away from you if you hover them and read the tooltip the Prelude also 2KU! Immobilize effects last half as long on you attack anyone who hits you = false ; name ``. Tooltip = `` Gain +1 range with all Gate spells at the start of your turn, enemies. Offhand is a brilliant CRPG that sets a new standard for indie games read the tooltip with notes horizon's gate best race. Effects.Add ( new ActorValueEffect ( `` brittleStone '', `` skill_Hammer '', 2 ) ) ; is the buy! Additionally, will it run on a potato PC ; name = Shoot! Accuracy above 100 % ( max 0.3, min 0 ) this plagiarism and to... $ value of Target 's current HP, or privateer AvAffecter hit to... Unoccupiable tile between the Caster and Target: skill_Sword + t: PhysDef adds! 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