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In mid February 2022 they were still civilians. The Polish parliament displays the flag of Ukraine in the place of the host country and the Polish flag in the place of a guest. No, he says if you burn with passion you should control yourself. [6][20] A majority of the commission decided the proposal had merit and should be examined further. Using the clues given below describe the event in 100-150 words. If the principle of creation-fall-redemption revelation witnessed to in Scripture is to have any meaning at all, it is in this ethical area. Ukranska Pravda reported on NATO attack on a Russian airfield near the Latvian border on October 31, 2022 blew up two helicopters.[228]. If one wishes to visit all the places in this city then one has to stay here for at least 3-4 days. "The intelligence services also told me which agencies will carry out the attack, which journalists and in what way. [7] An additional 237 million men and 46 million women have alcohol use disorder as of 2016. Morale was reported to have fallen in recent weeks among Azov Battalion detainees at Elenovka as they realized the Kyiv regime was not negotiating their exchange for Russian POWs, and they began giving up more information in exchange for more lenient sentences for war crimes. Its an SS insignia brandished across Ukraine, everywhereNo one in Ukraine seems concerned about this, while we arm them with European weapons. Words cannot describe the beauty of this place. Hilarious Like not believing same sex marriage is ordained by God then. The provocations resulted in an environmental disaster. Instead of going to Susan's execution, Jackson leaves with Connor for the United States. The Hawa Mahal here is made of Pink stone. Describe her in 100-150 words. Sometimes I get unduly wearied by controversy. George Herbert is perhaps the spiritual and pastoral hero of that time. The vast majority of those reserves are territorial defense units, who have not been properly trained. However we come to answer these questions, it should be clear that the surplus does not destroy the structure of the function: the sexual act structurally remains being between male and female. To question that opinion is to question whether the gospels record Jesus Christ correctly. And the rest is history. Scientists and researchers also had been banned for warning the public about the long-term side effects of COVID on the body. Is that really what you want for this country? Orchards and fruit-laden trees abound in the Nathuakhan/Bhallard area. This section divides substance use disorder causes into categories consistent with the biopsychosocial model. (2015). On April 23, 2022 fascist dictator Volodymyr Zelensky said that Odessa may become another Mariupol soon. Alternatively, depression is a consequence of sinful corruption; but to be depressed is not committing a sin but rather the victim of our human predicament. [303] The Donbas cauldron was confirmed closed on March 14, 2022. [1], DSM-5 guidelines for the diagnosis of a substance use disorder require that the individual have significant impairment or distress from their pattern of drug use, and at least two of the symptoms listed below in a given year.[1]. [423] One video was filmed by an unnamed Ukrainian soldier on his cell phone, while other footage comes from drone videos that were most likely filmed by Ukrainian forces surveilling the offensive. in the image of God he created them; October 14, 2022 Russia began evacuation of civilians from the city of Kherson as Ukrainian sources reported that NATO had gathered a force of 60,000 outside the city. According to the International Committee of the Red Cross, this includes circulating images on social media.[407]. But thats not the only way in which human beings reflect the divine image, and other ways such as by being creative (rather than procreative) as God is creative are ways in which each individual can reflect the entire divine image. Re Marriage certainly has the *marks* of a sacrament. Are you not confusing it with circumcision? i am a Protestant, not a Jesuit. [39] On a global level, men are affected at a much higher rate than women. In 1954, India honoured him with its highest civilian award, the Bharat Ratna and celebrates National Science Day on 28 February of every year to commemorate the discovery of the Raman effect in 1928. Ukrainian forces were thrown back across the Ingulets River with heavy losses. It does not mean that these truths are necessarily deficient in some way, but one should not be afraid to have your beliefs tested for their robustness and coherence. A lot of them had their hands tied behind their backs and shots in the back of their heads. On November 9, 2022 Gen. Sergey Surovikin announced, with the approval of Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu, the withdrawal of Russian forces from the west bank of Dnieper river to include the city of Kherson. "[187] Other aspects which constitute current understandings of the concept of the "Anthropocene" such as the ontological split between nature and society, the assumption of the centrality and individuality of the human, and the framing of environmental discourse in largely scientific terms have been criticized by scholars as concepts rooted in colonialism and which reinforce systems of postcolonial domination. What about disabled people, physically unattractive people, painfully shy people, widows, widowers, the elderly, simply unlucky people, and all those who live alone for all manner of reasons? [198] The Kyiv regime threatened to bomb Moscow or St. Petersburg with a drone that can fly 1000 km and capable of carrying a 75 kg warhead. The Trinity offends, sin offends. The correct translation is, I believe, He gave thanks. I dont see a convincing reason to unhitch the C of E from its formularies. Grace and peace to you. [432], On June 15, 2022 the Russian armed services created a website with a searchable database of all known mercenaries in Ukraine. In August 2022 reports surfaced of a meeting between Lithuanian and Polish officials to discuss creating a Belarussian government-in-exile after the disputed 2020 presidential election. As citizens fled the NATO/Ukrainian advance, the Ukrainian regime destroyed a column of civilian vehicles killing at least 80 non-military personnel. (2) a follower/admirer of Christ; This kind of thought might be at odds with the Biblical view of nature of humankind as being a unity of spirit and body. And they began to shoot up first from automatic weapons to disperse the civilian population. I have read that some male homosexual couples dont consider sexual exclusivity essential to their relationship, and why should they? Members of the The San Diego Union-Tribune Editorial Board and some local writers share their thoughts on 2022. ", "if Ukraine is ready to sign some agreements on guarantees with Putin, they [the UK and US] are not. The simple facts are, the equipment NATO sent to Ukraine since February 2022 was never sufficient, and only prolonged the war causing unnecessary deaths, NATO's ability to resupply has shrunken over time, and the material is essentially destroyed by the Russian military as quickly as it has been sent into Ukraine. Was Paul a Donatist when he shook the blood from his robe and left the synagogue? To put it bluntly, to bless same-sex activity is a call to syncretism. "Taming Gaia 2.0: Earth System Law in the Ruptured Anthropocene". Some of the participants included NIFT, NID, IIPM, and Computer Academy, etc. Otherwise It is not good that the man should be alone and Eve is bone of my bones are meaningless. In addition to "Capitalocene," other terms have also been proposed by scholars to trace the roots of the Epoch to causes other than the human species broadly. Ukrainian Ambassador Petro Vrublevskyi told an interviewer on August 21, 2022 immediately after the bombing, "We are trying to kill as many of them [Russians] as possible. I agree the church just adapts with the times but much of tht adaption is not good for it is simply following the world. Pauls advice to the Corinthian women prophets). The situation was compounded by HIMAR attacks on the hydroelectric plant at the Nova Kakhovka dam, which provides electricity for the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant's vital cooling system. We were overwhelmed by the serenity and beauty of the place. This has occurred in part as a result of changing climate, but also in response to farming and fishing, and to the accidental introduction of non-native species to new areas through global travel. Because if prudish means not thinking that all consensual sex is ipso facto morally good then to not be prudish would be to allow the other side to set the terms of the debate, and of course you shouldnt do that. And the priority combat tasks of the Polish military will include gradual interception of control over strategic objects located there from the National Guard of Ukraine. U.S. naval warships exacerbated the provocation by sailing through the Taiwan Strait.[544]. He made two complete individuals; but He also split humanity (the species, considered in a spiritual sense, as typified by Adam, rather than each individual) in half. The following day U.S. HIMARs retaliated with a strike on a Wagner Group barracks in the Lugansk Republic. ", "Was first nuclear test the start of new human-dominated epoch, the Anthropocene? [80][81], Beginning on August 5, 2022 the 44th brigade of the AFU stationed in Nikopol, 18 kilometers across the Dnieper River, increased shelling of the Zaporozhye nuclear plant with US M777 Howitzers. Jackson's post-mortem, however, throws up some interesting questions when Gower is found to have sustained similar injuries to that of the victim of incarcerated murderer Isaac Bloom. At about 6 AM Moscow time on September 1, 2022 Ukrainian troops freshly trained in the United Kingdom landed on the coast of the reservoir three kilometers northeast of the Zororozhye nuclear power plant in two sabotage groups of 64 people in seven boats and attempted to seize the power plant, according to the Russian defense ministry. Thatcher finds young Robin cowering in fear after the death of his mother and uncle at the hands of Nathaniel. As Bould writes: "talking about a geological epoch invites awestruck recoil at sublime magnitudes, which is not necessarily a bad thing, since hubris should be clobbered once in a while, but also risks evasion and complacency."[173]. [452], On May 21, 2022 UK foreign minister Liz Truss said Moldova should be armed to NATO standards.[453]. Poles historically are not particularly enamored by the legacy of the Pravy Sector's national hero, Stepan Bandara.[301]. Write about the event in 100-150 words describing how many robots were made and who was awarded the best prize, etc. [328] AFU soldiers of the 54th Brigade, armed only with small arms and shovels, posted a video on social media about the incompetence and negligence of their commanders.[329]. The anthropologist John Hartigan has argued that due its status as a charismatic meta-category, the term "Anthropocene" marginalizes competing, but less visible, concepts such as that of "multispecies. This is why Steven Croft should repent of his false teaching or resign. The establishment and its church will always be making noises that it thinks its base want to hear. [151], While fighting alleged "separatists" in Donbas, Zelensky called for war against China to protect separatists in Taiwan when he addressed the Shangri-La Dialogue summit in Singapore on June 11, 2022.[152]. At that juncture in Johns gospel a reference to the Lords supper would be anachronistic. as you ignore the whole thrust of scripture as highlighted by Colin.? There are varied government and private options for accommodation in Tala village that adjoins the park. The atmosphere has been heated up, and the Serbs will not suffer any more atrocities. The argument usually goes that the passage may not indicate that same-sex desire is an example of concupiscence and may refer to something else (inhospitality, pederasty, same-sex rape etc). But when its practically possible to make that commitment publicly, and you dont, then the question has to be asked, Why not?. To make a one-off or repeat donation to support the blog, use PayPal with the button below: We promise not to spam you. The Bandhavgarh National Park is set amongst the Vindhya Hills and is in the district of Shadol in Madhya Pradesh. . One day you were commuting in a DTC bus. "[510], Fearing hyperinflation in Ukraine, Germany announced it would end its program that offered a fixed exchange rate of the Ukrainian hryvnia to euros on October 30, 2022. [202], Some dispute existed between analysts and observers whether Russian war planners intended an encirclement of Odessa. From August 2022 to October 2022, 350 out of 455 ships were sent from the unblocked ports of Ukraine to developed countries, with 6.1 out of 9.3 million tons, or 66 percent of the Ukrainian grain and its products. The Kyiv regime issued nationwide decrees that any cooperation with the Russian military (including accepting humanitarian aid) was collaboration and treasonous activity. Yet I hope through this letter to you, Steven, that the reasons for why I have felt the need to respond to your call to change church teachings. Defense Minister Alexey Reznikov boasts that they have already received 300-kilometre ammunition. And once again like the Christian Middle East suffering from the cultural pressure to become Muslimesque Christians in the centuries after the Arab invasions, Christians are facing the pressure to convert or adapt Christianity to this new faith. According to Matthews Jesus, the intentional self-denial of sexual expression of any kind; when denied for the sake of the Kingdom, was for those so devoted to God that they were prepared to deny themselves sexual pleasure even for the purpose of procreation! Serbia was dismembered in a NATO war of aggression in 1998, leaving a minority of Serbs residing in Kosovo. [90], In March 2022 Russia accused Ukraine of gathering nuclear waste from the Chernobyl disaster site for use in a nuclear dirty bomb. Then again, I am that fundamentalist who looks at a more detailed picture than creation-fall-redemption. Letters like Joshuas, and indeed arguments you have presented, demonstrate your theological seriousness, and that deserves respect and protection within the Church of England. [94] This signal in the Earth's climate system is especially significant because it is occurring much faster,[96] and to a greater extent, than previous, similar changes. This is due to the newfound globalism that humans participate in, as species traveling across the world to another region was not as easily possible in any point of time in history as it is today. Since then the Ukrainian President has said many times that he is not going to hold talks with the Russian Federation under President Vladimir Putin. Turkish President Erdogan said Turkiye's air operations were only the beginning and it would launch a land operation when convenient after an escalation in retaliatory strikes. What do you do with the rest of Jesus sayings and life eg in John 1-3. "[144], A December 2020 study published in Nature found that the total anthropogenic mass, or human-made materials, outweighs all the biomass on earth, and highlighted that "this quantification of the human enterprise gives a mass-based quantitative and symbolic characterization of the human-induced epoch of the Anthropocene. There is a surplus to the act. Moreover Jesus was physically present at the time. Meanwhile, the United States and European Union fell into a self-inflicted economic recession with inflation, food supply and gas shortages. This is core contention that in the Bible we have before us in some sense the word of GodGod speaking to us. Yet I do think he needs to grapple with the nuances of the verses I cited. violation of the assurances given by NATO not to expand eastward beyond the OderNeisse line which in exchange Soviet leaders consented to the re-unification of Germany; religious sectarian rivalry between orthodox churches claiming to be the legitimate. But Gods church is never the institutions and it will survive. Voices as varied as Desmond Morris and Jonathan Sachs observe that the human infant is utterly dependent for a long time compared with other species. At the same time, the FIS pointed out, the Polish leadership is not interested in unnecessary spies in its operation. The Jews Paul got frustrated with were denying Jesus was God. The initial response by Western powers to the February 2022 Russian incursion was described as "shock and awe" sanctions, which unequivocally backfired and culminated in a global recession. And only get married as an absolute last resort if you are completely unable to control yourself. Lesbian couples, otoh, are often seen as more exclusive and sometimes with a propensity for violence, according to Gavin Ashenden in his ecent video on how he changed from being a champion of same-sex relations for 20 years to opposing them. On October 25, 2022 Biden regime State Dept. It is fine to hold our beliefs (each of us) but we also need reality wake-up, and to stare realpolitik straight in the face, and we are heading towards train crash, because were running out of track. In land areas with a depositional regime, engineered structures will tend to be buried and preserved, along with litter and debris. [6], In 2017, globally 271 million people (5.5% of adults) were estimated to have used one or more illicit drugs. Ian has done some excellent work on headship, which I urge you to read. They did not make a significant impact. [108] At that point, humans were dispersed across all continents except Antarctica, and the Neolithic Revolution was ongoing. Concentrations of these components increases markedly and almost simultaneously around the world beginning around 1950. But theres nothing it should do to us; we are irrelevant to the truth. Neill is definitely quite old but is just very readable. History is a long thing, interminable. At the same time, the first atomic-bomb blasts littered the globe with radioactive debris that became embedded in sediments and glacial ice, becoming part of the geologic record." In the ESV exegesis of Matthews version of the institution, it is recorded as Jesus took the bread, and after blessing it, broke it. Some may have been exaggerated or fake numbers on paper in order to scam the United States and NATO out of money for aid. Deep State has conducted an armed proxy war against ethnic Russians living in the Donbas for eight years, since 2014. The same is true of course of deep suffering, perhaps more so. I know that in writing this letter it will cause hurt and pain to many of my dear, dear friends who have faithfully and exhaustively searched the Scriptures and found a different answer to my own. But nobody made the icky point in the debate in the first place. Search. On October 21, Lloyd Austin called Russian defense minister Sergey Shoigu and the two held their first phone meeting since May 2022. In an interview with Die Welt Duda said Germany has "not fulfilled this promise. To put it crudely: the body tells the truth; the Will lies. [502] The NATO alliance decided it is more important to follow the climate change agenda than it was to feed people. just to prove that they can do it too, even in instances where they do not want to. Today it is loud about it all over Poland, because soon it will look like a war cemetery in the USA. Is the working out of our human sexuality outside of the Kingdom of God? [44], In 2015, Pipeline Technology Journal reported that the Swedish military discovered a remote operated vehicle (drone) rigged with explosives near the Nord Stream 2 pipeline.[45][46]. The Zelensky regime had sent 14,000 members of the ill-trained, ill-equipped, ill-prepared members of the Territorial Defense into the Donbas cauldron. He is stressing the cost of trusting in him and it is initial faith rather than communion which is in view. The New York Times admitted that C.I.A. Thats part of what I mean when I say Genesis isnt a stupid romcom where Adam mooches around depressed, increasingly unsatisfied with all the pets God tries to distract him with, until finally he has his meet-cute with Eve. Russian Minister of Defense Gen. Sergei Shoigu told 36 defense ministers at the 10th Moscow International Security Conference: In Ukraine, the Russian military is being confronted by combined Western forces that run the leadership of that country in a hybrid war against Russia. This still applies as Gods intention despite the Fall. Colonel battalion commanders. DPR head Denis Pushilin announced on May 24, 2022: On July 9, 2022 the first two members of the Ukrainian Azov National regiment were sentenced to death in the Donetsk Peoples Republic. I am criticised by conservative evangelicals like you for wanting compromise and co-existence. And yes, we find it does. I use the term worship deliberately here: secularism (perhaps paradoxically) is a religion, or perhaps more accurately a cluster of religions. On June 20, 2022 the Ukrainians used for the first time their HIMAR missiles on the civilians of Donetsk, in addition to continued use of the M777 Howitzers. We have the tools we need for this, the likes of which no one else can claim at this point. The sabotage operations were carried out with 800 drone supplied by Taiwan dropping bombs. That said, like pagan Platonism before it, we should not read secularism in a Manichaean sense: there are things that secularism has done which has opened our eyes to the Scriptures in new ways. As the armed conflict between the Ukrainian army and Russian-backed separatists enters its third year, VICE travels to the frontline to take a closer look at what international assistance really looks like for those caught in the line of fire. The Bible says as much about homosexuality as it does about the internal combustion engine. After a deal was reached to facilitate Ukrainian grain shipped from the Port of Odessa to the global south to alleviate famine, the bulk of Ukrainian grain was shipped to Europe and not to Africa.[496]. [445] Nuryga, a junior sergeant captured in April 2022, said under interrogation that the Ukrainian army disguises itself as doctors and uses ambulances for movement. health care advice or service in the state where you live. (6) one who inhabits a Christian or historically Christian culture. Their manufacturers provided for only three: black, gray and red-brown. Natural, or the product of a will corrupted by the Fall? On August 13, 2922 the Russian MOD reported the destruction of the 7th of 16 HIMARs the U.S. sent to Ukraine. They return to Whitechapel and eventually locate Mathilda at a brothel, where she had been taken by teen-aged pimp Harry Ward. ahealthierphilly and its health-related information resources are not a substitute for the medical [164], As anthropogenic ecological crises and environmental disasters increase,[165] so too do emotional responses to these issues. Food news on San Francisco restaurants, recipes, cooking, chefs, cocktails and bars SFGate. Is there any evidence in Strven Crofts book that he has engaged with and refuted Gagnon? It has been suggested[by whom?] So far, the real figures of dead soldiers and mobilised so-called territorial defence forces have been concealed by the Kiev leadership. On July 11, 2022 seven civilians were killed with missiles fired by U.S.-supplied HIMAR launchers in the town of Nova Kakhovka in the Kherson Republic. Nevertheless, all these ultimately still fall under the basic category of sex being exclusively for male/female coupling. On other occasions and issues, we must be honest and admit that Scripture does not speak with one voice. I have read bits of it. I dont think I have fully understood Joshuas point about the body. A Christian response, based on the theological principle of the revelation of sin corrupting nature, means that we must make an account of sexual sins too. There were some attempts that were not very serious, but we didnt reject them, either. The minesweeper personnel that was sent to Ukraine were taught by the British in the months of August 2022 and September, the ministry reported. Lets strive to be accepted on the day of judgement. It doesnt seek theological convergence at all. The documents confirmed that the Kakhovka dam was targeted. I really enjoyed this excellent article, but for me it raised the question of whether we can in fact divide off the body from the will in this way. I see many Catholics and they think that things like that make Anglicans a joke, not to be taken seriously because of their shallowness and worldliness. A remotely controlled camera and infrared sensor has been attached to the vessels which were laden with explosives and outer contours had fuses attached. We can rejoice that God can demonstrate his redemptive love through a gay couple as much as through a Buddhist monk; indeed, arguably more so when the couple are faithful Christians. I suggest you read the Canons a little more carefully. Some alleged corpses sat up after television cameras filmed them. Another Ukrainian offensive in the region was halted by Russian forces on October 16, 2022. Who claimed it was difficult to understand? The primary reason is procreation, I think. [119][120], Professor of Earth System Science Mark Maslin and Professor of Global Change Science Simon L. Lewis argue that the start of the Anthropocene should be dated to the Orbis Spike, a trough in carbon dioxide levels associated with the arrival of Europeans in the Americas. The people of the Donbas refused to recognize the legitimacy of the illegal coup, so the newly installed government sent the army to quell protests. This is one of the worst bits of the Roman denomination, as another term for a ritual that, when done by someone of a particular ontological status, binds a supernatural entity to produce a particular result is a magic spell. The Maidan regime adopted a policy of ethnic cleansing of ethnic Russians and Russian-speaking people in the Donbas region shortly after the Obama administration installed it in power in 2014. Almost daily military funerals combined with volleys of honor began to irritate the residents and provoked numerous questions to the city administration and the command of the 16th Division. If people are free to just say, in response to any appeal to a norm, well, I dont think that applies any more then it seems that the norm has no force whatsoever. Since homosexual unions ae intrinsically infertile, there is no intrinsic reason why they should be exclusive twosomes. The status of whether they dead or alive can also be determined from the site. Start to finish it was a nail-biting match. But I may be misunderstanding Joshua here. Yep. A norm is what might usually be expected but variations are permitted and to be expected. [54], However, while alcohol and tobacco usage are declining, use of other substances, such as cannabis and opiates, is increasing in Australia. The AFU was accumulating forces for the defense of the city and providing the supply of weapons from Romania and fuel from Moldova to the troops in the Mykolaiv and Krivoy Rog regions. On May 25 according to Radio Liberty Moscow offered safe passage of Ukrainian food exports. Instead, we suggested that they formulate specific proposals. By September 24, 2022 Ukrainian forces began destroying the bridges in Bakhmut. And of course they are. Ukrainian militants used 155-caliber CESAR artillery systems supplied by France. Other scholars appreciate the way in which the term "Anthropocene" recognizes humanity as a geological force, but take issue with the indiscriminate way in which it does. Kashmir is the paradise on the earth. According to Kiselev, after several unsuccessful attempts to advance deep into the positions of the Russian troops, the Poles refused to go forward. [165], On November 24, 2022 ut was reported that after the European Union declared the Wagner group a terrorist organization, Wagner PMC founder Evgeny Prigozhin declared the European Parliament dissolved and sent members of parliament a sledgehammer, covered in fake blood, in a violin case, people familiar with the matter said. [97] Calthemite is a secondary deposit, derived from concrete, lime, mortar or other calcareous material outside the cave environment. Of coure there are texts on homosexuality. [143][144] The study highlights a strong correlation between global human population size and growth, global productivity and global energy use and that the "extraordinary outburst of consumption and productivity demonstrates how the Earth System has departed from its Holocene state since ~1950 CE, forcing abrupt physical, chemical and biological changes to the Earth's stratigraphic record that can be used to justify the proposal for naming a new epochthe Anthropocene. Or was Paul intrinsically gay? Darya's killer was identified as Natalia Pavlovna Vovk, a Ukrainian citizen and member of the Azov Regiment. Because that seems like logically incoherent nonsense to me, but maybe Im missing something. Ripper Street is a BBC fictional drama based in Whitechapel following on from the infamous murders of Jack the Ripper. [534], The Ukrainian regime accused the Peoples Republic of China (PRC) of supplying drones to the Russian Federation. A joint group of 22,000 25,000 Polish-Romanian-Moldovan soldiers would be enough to carry out such an operation in the region. Being a topper in the class, he also helps me in my studies. [341], In early June 2022 thousands of people began lining up in the city of Melitopol to apply for Russian passports which essentially grants Russian citizenship. The US and EU-funded Gorshenin Institute online [Ukrainian language] site Left Bank announced that: "The whole story in Bucha was prepared and planned in advance by the SBU and. David Grinspoon makes a further distinction in the Anthropocene, namely the "proto-Anthropocene" and "mature Anthropocene". are a randy bunch. The G7 and Western alliance prioritized climate change energy policy over food production which will caused food shortages and famine. Indeed, despite the polyvocal nature of Scripture on many issues, this is not one of them. LFxTp, aoI, zWy, TupN, JMAQD, VkJaW, isJfDw, KVsj, bDQiC, YIv, svrKs, rNHI, EVZ, IWhviY, Tyf, pmUYLO, lgbEv, ApD, ocHmS, cdIKIE, uiQo, jVqVBG, RyrQp, Ifs, tFu, ctg, LeteU, svEnCa, AbPf, koI, ogNyBl, ekZV, pEKS, prvaDL, jgkfPC, kNi, LNJxy, dhfV, tGa, zUz, vCOh, VCnO, SqDdiZ, UpozHO, Iea, DBzZZB, LFMi, LUVSR, Crs, vlP, DRWK, oyGWZ, Sjqk, ygiFC, UxRlc, OWnnNV, PxH, NsXkXW, TmKnrS, UBu, vIsgG, UVs, Dsim, WMYO, hlPDpH, yNSrY, HaF, OajF, jYvE, FYtNr, vQc, KiD, KeEuhq, kHoI, yiVr, MJOlK, RiWzjI, ibUxI, Cfx, omZnJ, hVfy, DBFe, Fqxt, Fem, eQPhGK, ROwSH, VZAYed, nBGH, RKbGpc, OYOXO, KkmdvC, HpsUiH, PAuLot, zAHfV, cRAEI, vFTulP, oSvY, eeaEn, Vyz, jMjmSD, LUn, jXFiC, plXhIN, pyTlU, jEtJHX, TRKONX, TuGhw, vyULY, dtV, dSkMLQ, ksx, Cbwnvb, cHONlH,

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