amin inshallah translation

The man asked him, "O Messenger of Allah! Abdulbasit Abdusamad died on November the 30th, 1988. [52] The Qur'an confirms this in the following verses: God is the Creator of all things, and He is the Guardian (with power of disposition) over all things. At the same time, he is near to everything that has being; nay, he is nearer to men than their jugular veins (this is alluded to in the verse 50:16), and is witness to everything though his nearness is not like the nearness of bodies, as neither is his essence like the essence of bodies. Paradise and the visit of the True Lord may come with great pleasures and success! I suppose it means 'God willing,' as in, "I will do this thing, Inshallah." Quality: Reference: Wikipedia. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Surah Al-Baqarah is the longest Surah of the Holy Quran. So I think muslims should improve themselves as much as they can. Allah bless you all. Islamic Teachings It is very nice.The way you have explained Islam and the meaning of worship is verymuch appreciative. may u long live. [145], Since God in Islam is transcendental and sovereign but also immanent and omnipresent, the Sufi view holds that in reality, only God exists. Abdulbasit Abdusamad is a renowned Qur'an reciter born in 1927 in a village called Almara'za in Egypt.. Abdul basit Abdu samad learnt the Holy Quran at an early age from Cheikh Mohamed El Amir and later from Mohamed Selim Hamada. amen, Masha'a Allah, so amazing effort May Allah provide you His blessings & Mercy. My reply to this Muslim boy was that, If you gather all the knowledge about Islam and try to convert any Christian into Muslim, you might Succeed or fail the chances are 50%l50%. Quality: Reference: Anonymous. Such as that described in the previous three verses ( 16:57-59). Let's hope it does - inshallah. I, personally, intend to spread this site to many friends of mine. in this country, it is important to conclude by saying inshallah, god willing! But this has really helped me out ,thankyou ! He was bestowed with a very good voice by Allah. Alhamdulillah, I can read all of my Muslim brother through this comment, an I belief that through this site the voice of Islam will be sounding and spreeding out to all over the world. i think it is the best religion ever! [126] He is unique, unlike anything in his creation. Everything within the universe, including inanimate objects, praises God, and is in this sense understood as a Muslim. This relationship also signifies that since God is the sustainer, he is in need of nothing, and even as he gives, nothing is diminished from his treasury. The two positions disregard the literal meaning of the texts due to the definitive evidences denoting the transcendence of God above the attributes of his created beings as per his words: "There is nothing whatever like Him. warner, but most people do not know. (Quran 34:28), Whoever You are al-Batin (the Hidden or the Most Near), and there is nothing below You (or nearer than You). May Allah Almighty continue to reward your good works. I think every one will practice to fulfil their labour. In the English language, the word generally refers to God in Islam. provide you with useful resources and advice, suitable for you as a new Muslim. The meaning is left to the knowledge of God himself, and they simply say that the meaning is as befits his majesty and perfection. Excellent website Usage Frequency: 1. May Allah multilpy the good deeds of the authors of this site and grant them Jenna. Teach me of the most unusual of knowledge!" December 22, 2002 Alhamdulillah i became a Moslem. The entirety of the Islamic teaching rests on the principle of Tawhid. It not only educates but also spiritually enlightens. Allah Haifz. ASSALAMU ALAIKUM. [168] Some suggest that the idea of wahdat al-wujud can be understood in an ecological or environmental context. im so happy that i now be able to read more about the true religion of ALLAH through this site, ALHAMDULILLAH! Reply. It is selfexistent in that it is not dependent on anything, not even time. God bless you, what a wonderful service you provide. Thus, the Qur'anic expression Rabb al-'Alamin really means the "Creator of the Worlds",[57] the "Ruler of the Universes",[58] the "Creator and Sustainer of all the peoples and Universes". Jazakum Allah khairan. Wassalaumalaikum A sweet smelling plant, good scent, fragrance, The gate of heaven which allows fasting people in Ramadan to enter. They believe God has no visible appearance. masha allaah, allahummabaarik,tabaarakarrahmaan:), Mashaallah good work, May Allah take him to highest level of paradise. Chosen, selected, preferred. 1328). May Allah s.w.t bless us all. Among the most significant Mu'tazili theological works are: The Shi'is agreed with the Mu'tazilis and deny that God will be seen with the physical eyes either in this world or in the next. You people ar doing a great job,may the almighty Allah (SWA) bless and reward you abudantly, with the best kind of reward of Aljantul firdausi. - Believe that Therefore, Islam rejects the doctrine of the incarnation and the notion of a personal god as anthropomorphic, because it is seen as demeaning to the transcendence of God. He often participated in summer journeys, Qur'an Memorization circles, associations. One of Allahs 99 attributes. dis is remainder to our dear sister, jst vice-vasa may ALLAH c us tru.tanx. My mother and my future wife is a Muslim. And to the new people, I love this quran and l hope you will too. every monday i have to read a surah for my teacher.but icant it is to hard to read for her so i listen when abdelbase reads the quran and it make everything much easier and that is how i learn.know when i am trying to read for my teacher and i think it is heard i think of abdelbasset and it mmakes everithing so much easy. i like islam because when i was young i would sit and read the bible and to me there were only stories in the holy quran there are stories but they tell you how to live happy and how to do the right thing and go to heaven. Would you be so kind to comment on how a converted Muslim must relate with his Christian family? The Quran prescribes the fundamental transcendental criterion in the following verse: "[He is] the Creator of the heavens and the earth. This was my first day as a Muslin. really wonderful, I have been doing Alot of research ready the Kiran and such and have been considering converting to Islam but would like to speak with someone who's got more experience. I would like to suggest a way to lean big Ayath like to split and repeat big Ayath in smaller parts to Hifl easily, which this option is not available currently. other similar misconceptions, please read the article, I save your souls believe in allah Almighty Allah shower his blessings on you for such a wonderful site you have created. [8][9][10], According to Islamic theology, God has no physical body or gender, although he is always referred to with masculine grammatical articles,[11] and there is nothing else like him in any way whatsoever. and religion. According to the Qur'an, God (Allah) is omniscient; he eternally knows whatever comes into being, be it universal or particular in character. Allah, please award Your mercy to Abdelbasset Abdessamad whose recitations inspire all Muslims to read Your words in the holy Quraan! I truely beleived that islam is a true religion of God.. Name of the prophet of Allah (swt). I strongly beleived that this site will help to spread Islam wich is the one the command of our Almigthy Allah. In Islam, God is never portrayed in any image. May Allah bless you all who is working for the work of Allah on this site.This is my prayer to Allah that this site will demolish all other non muslim sites. ALGAMDOELILAH a much needed app. By the Negative Attribute they mean the negation of the negative, i.e. Q'ran. I feel hopelessness and sadness and fear- I am searching for inner peace and tranquility. I know it is allah's will but I have a friend whose interest in Islam is great, yet they are afraid to really look into it and whenever they get close they run as if they are afraid. Or Bible, Quran n modern science by Maurice Buccaille. 89:22], but as meaning "And your Lord's command/decree has come."[115]. i do not regret anything that i did. God bless you Muslims! [185][186], Proponents of wadat al-wujd such as 'Abd al-Ghani al-Nabulsi, 'Abd al-Ra'uf b. Ma Salam. SubhanAllah, I am so amazed at your Quran recitation and the melodious tune that you have when reciting. May Allah be Merciful to those who converted to the only true religion. He has touched many hearts by his sweet voice with qirah. Want to study more about Islam, I believe in God Almighty and want to worship Him with all my heart and I believe in the way Muslim worship Him in truth, so that's why I want to embrace Islam, God Almighty have mercy on us and grant us peace in this life and the hereafter. Likewise same is the case with that Christian boy he might not be able to win your heart by best of his knowledge about Christianity. [117] References to anthropomorphic attributes can probably not be understood correctly by humans. Thank you, I have longed for this moment and you have made it wonderful and lasting. ALLAH: God. i now pray 5 times a day and hope one day i will be able to fullfil my dream and go to mekka and madina to do pilgrimage. i am a muslim sis for three years now and moving forward in my Deen working to increase my imaan/faith this is such a great referance site keep up the good work. a great reciter,inspiring voice that brings millions of listeners to their kneels.He would always be remembered as Koran remains the only source of divine knowledge. Alhamdulillah this website makes it easier for the muslims to guide the interested converts and also for the interest converts to understand Islam. may ALLAH (SWT) grant all your jayz wishes AMEEN. You can also download the full Quran for free in mp3 and pdf format. Just 2,3 questions were out of this but dont worry if you prepare 1-16 exam carefully youll definitely pass InshAllah. Praise be to Allah SWT that has guided us and made us of the muslims. But add the prefix Abdul and the meaning changes to servant of the glorious one and it is now permissible. God protect nsave you. Qibla Direction You are al-Zahir (the Manifest or the Most High), and there is nothing above You. Jazak(ie) Allahu Khairan, I Love IT. I happened upon your site through a link on i have posted it to my non muslim brother who has get very help from it the article is very helpful to muslim and non muslim to both jazakallah. finds true happiness, tranquility, and inner peace. The Beylik of Artukids was named after him, founded 11 years after his death by his sons. It would be wonderfull to you that have chosen Islam as your faith Also name of one of the sahaba. So the question is who will decide what religion should be followed / adopted. very good, i take good information. [50] Likewise, the Qur'an also says: "whereas they cannot comprehend Him with their knowledge. They avoided anthropomorphism (tashbih) to such an extent that they said that if a man moved his hand while reading the Qur'anic verse that speaks of God's creating Adam using his own hands [Q. in the sight of God. Distributor, giver, the one who is generous. by the way my wife is a convert. All praise to Allah for leading me to this site by nights end. I love so much. I found your site straighforward and interesting. ", Muhammad said also in an authentic hadith mentioned in Sahih al-Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, Jami' al-Tirmidhi, Sunan Abi Dawud, and Sunan ibn Majah: "Certainly, you will see your Rubb (on the Day of Resurrection) as you see this (full) moon, and you will have no difficulty (or trouble) in seeing Him. His voice and style always give a spiritual power and strength to our faiths. Sometimes, I used to keep the holy book along with me while listening to his recitation. Partner with MyIslam in creating positive and beneficial content to show the world the beautiful lessons in our religion. i am highly elated when i stumbled on this site and all the articles i have read about Islam are not only educative about the practices of islam but also of high quality of spituality in developing the entire ummah of muslims and non muslims through the world. Thus everything in creation is reflecting an attribute of God's names. Due to some reason I had to do two consecutive shifts as one of the agents did not show up. Usage Frequency: 1. mabuhay to all my Muslim brothers and sisters!.". Bwering, Gerhard. As one of regenerated moslem from Indonesia I admire this website very much helpfull. Reply. :), Assalamualaikum wbt. No official meaning, two arabic letters Yaa and Seen. religion of Islam has answers to all situations, and one will always know the To those of you who have made Shahaddah, you are among the beloved of Allah, May Allah grant you Jenna (Paradise). Jazakalla. I should also apologize for starting a fight,I understand that this website is amazing,and i would give it 10/10 Deeply sorry for the mean comment. You have done a great job to convey Islam to people around the world so easy to understand I just wish you all the best and please carry on your mission, May Allah Bless You, Aamen. Nice article.carry on.Send more information and update your sites in daily basis. Praise be unto Allah for he is great. Mohammad Al Amin June 23, 2021 at 5:35 am Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. I need your support to me, with you prayer to Allah. Aameen. The bedouin then said, "And how can He be known as He ought to be?" This website is having a good content to study and gain knowledge. We have to show our life style live to proof Islam is the truth and best. ecellent site well imformed :) thanks eire. This page was last edited on 8 December 2022, at 08:27. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. Hmmm! (Shahada), which is pronounced as: I testify La ilaha illa Allah, Muhammad Its very good to see this and i am very happy that i am learning more in details. I am a muslim and was really in touch about this article may Almighty Allah bless and reward all those who contributed towards this good work that you are doing.It is my hope all those who are not yet muslims will enter into this website and by Allah they convert to Islam. But while asking God we should also tell him that based on my belief I think I am following the right religion but considering that fact that there might be some hidden information that I do not know please correct it and if there is no need then please grant the right knowledge/faith/path to my brothers who are following other religions. I have read all about Islam and is really quite interesting and I would love to learn more about islam, im a teenager and i notice most of my friends are muslims and i connect with them more than my chirstain friends only difference between me and them is they wear hijabs and know more about the religion, Ready to become a Muslim,with all my heart,No One to be worshiped but ALLAH ONLY,SALAAM ALKHUM. may allah bless every one.this site is like a guide for all those who want to become muslim. I am highly appreciative of the choice of Qaris available along with photos and a brief biography of each one-really unique. [158] One philosophical definition of the world Allah is " The Being Who concentrates in Himself all the attributes of perfection " [159] or " the Person Who is the Essential Being, and Who encompasses all the attributes of perfection". After a few years of considering becoming a Muslim, But it was after my tertiary education i was convinced to convert to islam. And this is why his Attributes his hearing, seeing, knowledge, will, power, creating, and so on are also beyond anything we can conceive. May God, the Al-Mighty open the hearts of the persons who seek to understand the Divine truth and adopt the straight path in their lives which is the Message of God, the One, the All-Knower and the All-Listener. thank for this wetsite to understanding of islam.. is great for me .i not convert to islam yet.. but i will step by step to closer to Allah .. believe that only one god is allah..time will change my life.. thank. become a Muslim. shooting star, flame, brightness of flame, meteor, Witness, one who gives evidence based on truth, honesty, true-hearted, sincere, truth or loyalty, Usually an honorific title denoting accepted descendents of Prophet Muhammad (saws) and his Ali (ra), To illuminate, radiant, appearance of light in the morning. this site is a good place to know something true about Islam, and in the sametime take with the hand of the people to convert to the right religion, Islam, jazakom Allah kol Khair, I recently recited the shahada and I am proud to say I am a muslim sister now. I have only just discovered this online Qur'an recitation website and I am smitten. it is a brilliant site ALLAH O AKBAR ALHUM DUL LAH.we can have references at all times for whatever we would like to learn. The conclusion of the scientific theory was that one day ( no one knows when it is going to be ) the sun will arise in the West. I understand Muslims hate Americans but if there is peace in this that I am searching my whole life for Id appreciate it. Thank you so much for the help, I am an immigrant from Serbia and grew up around the influence that Islam is evil and barbaric, however I eventually met an Albanian girl who taught me a little more about the religion and after a few years of questioning I decided to revert and I started here so again, thank you for the experience I thought I would never have, Jesus was only a prophet I thought he was the son of God. We listen him again and again. May Allah bless you for the good work being done by u. Micahel H. Hart has described Muhammad as the most influential human is history because of his activities as a social reformer, diplomat, philosopher, orator, merchant, military leader, philanthropist and legislator. The way that God answers a prayer depends on his wisdom. Hello do have any translations in english, i help my sister with quran and i find this. Converting to Islam is easy. So we should prey god the real god(assuming most of us are following religions (Christianity or Islam ) that we have adopted from our ancestors and not by studying them) that please grant us the right path as we are humans and do not have power to study all the religions and then decide which one is right. Mashaa Allah it was great articles mentioned in this page, May Allah help u all and support for the benefit of all Human Kind believers and disbelievers, and as we all know is that introducing Islam is the duty of each and every muslim. Muslims reject the Christian doctrine of the Trinity and divinity of Jesus, comparing it to polytheism. MAASSA ALLAH.SHUKRIYA TO THOSE WHO HAVE READ IT . Be the wildest of the pack. ALLAH HELP YOU, thanks so much.. it was a great efforts all the best. Lots of Love from your non-Muslim sister but soon to be. William Harrell, Thankyou so much to all the people of this site, I have finally recited the testimony of shadahaada(I can't spell) after a month of realizing that Islam was the true religion. Allah accept him and give him a great reward Amine Ya allah.Yassin Abdi. I have just converted to Muslim and want to know how I get my Islamic name, I feel there is nothing on earth better than peace. Assalamo-Aleikum. You will find it really helpful! Hence, one needs to look at these proofs, weigh them and take Seeker, demander. I trully believe that Islam is the only True religion. The basic creed of Islam, the Shahada[37] (recited under oath to enter the religion), involves (l ilha illa llh), or "I testify there is no deity other than God.". AmeenMAy Allah raise his grades in the heavens and rest his soul in peace.ameen. muslims around me must realize that time is needed to learn islam and should try to input the process with answers if asked. Asslaamualaicom.. May Allah (SWT) guide you amin. Wonderful website. very helpfull i will take this a bit further one day at time, there looks like a lot of suport out there. i would be grateful for any additional help/advise you can offer me. Salam Alikum assalamo alaykom, really i have nothing to say about this site exept jazakom allho khayran, really i'm glad to see muslim working for the religion of Allah bcz we're nothing but servents of HIM. Among the most significant Shi'i theological works are: The term wahdat al-wujud which literally means "the unity of being" or "the oneness of existence" is a controversial[165][166] mystical notion mostly spoken of in connection with Ibn 'Arabi (d. 638/1240),[167][168][169][170] even though he did not employ it in his writings. [59], The most commonly used names in the primary sources are Al-Rahman, meaning "Most Compassionate" and Al-Rahim, meaning "Most Merciful". pry for me ummaAlhamdullillahi . Quick Links: thank you for the useful reading, it really made me understand what i really am . It frequently comes up in any conversation. 3. inshallah. (Same meaning as Muhammad). help you with the conversion process. [108] In this regard it has been mentioned in some narrations that are ascribed to Ahmad ibn Hanbal (d. 241/855),[109][110] it has been reported that he said:[Note 5] "Whatever comes to your mind (i.e., regarding God and His nature), God is different than that. My internal and external world are crumbling. i am very happy to be a muslim . According to the teachings of Islam, God is the creator of the worlds and all the creatures therein. Hope this helps. without how, i.e., without modality,[85][86] without further enquiry[87] or without further specifying their manner or modality),[88][89] which is to unquestioningly accept the Divine attributes of God without ta'wil (allegorical interpretation), or ta'til (lit. The positive divine attributes are such as life, knowledge, power, will, hearing, seeing, and speaking. I was asha yadavbut i m ayisha now i got converted jus after going thrugh this siteGREAT WORK! Thanks and more power to you. "[138][139], In addition, the Qur'an also confirms in 83:15 that: "No! You can sign up for an account and create your own prayer times widget/screen and adjust the prayer times settings. Thank you. I am a new muslim from South America (Colombia) and i wish there were sites like this in spanish. Its a nice site. Koran [189], In religious usage, it refers to the earliest Muslim generations, the righteous ancestors, in Arabic. Therefore, you can start listening and reciting! All his creatures are responsible to him and dependent on him. I told him that If you are born in a Muslim family its not your greatness you were just born in a Muslim Family so you are a Muslim exactly the way this Christian boy is! He is the All-Subtle (penetrating everything no matter how small), the All-Aware." Your email address will not be published. Whether or not Allah can be considered as the personal name of God became disputed in contemporary scholarship. I love his voice. Amazing website mahsaaAllah. The Hanafi-Maturidi scholar, 'Ali al-Qari (d. 1014/1606) in his Sharh al-Fiqh al-Akbar states: "Allah the Exalted is not in any place or space, nor is He subject to time, because both time and space are amongst His creations. It contains a lot of brief, yet informative articles about different aspects of Islam. *ALLAHUAKBAR! I know this person is a good person with a genuine interest but the thought of changing their life is frightening for them. I pray that this is the true religion that will lead me to Jannah. AssalamalaikumThank you very much.This site has helped me a lot..i am a hindu,but i have a great desire to study Islam..because of this site i have really gained a lot more knowledge about the true religion..may Allah bless you for your support to all the people who have a great desire to know Islam and follow this true religiononce again Thank You.. Allahafis.. [96][97][98], Another book was written by the Shafi'i scholar, Taqi al-Din al-Hisni[ar] (d. 829/1426), titled Daf' Shubah man Shabbaha wa Tamarrad wa Nasaba dhalik ila al-Sayyid al-Jalil al-Imam Ahmad[ar] (Rebuttal of the Insinuations of him who makes Anthropomorphisms and Rebels, and Ascribes that to the Noble Master Imam Ahmad), defending Ahmad ibn Hanbal against the innovated beliefs later ascribed to him by Ibn Taymiyya and those who claimed to follow his school. A B CD E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z, Your email address will not be published. I am very happy by seeing non-muslims are converting Islam by reading your articles. I think it is wonderful being a Muslim. Benefits of Converting to Islam (3 parts). I suggest that we use and propagate the notion of "revert" to Islam because every human being is born as a Muslim. In fact, in Paradise there are pleasures that no Aa wrLL wbrkt. [22][23][24] Under no circumstances, the Shi'is argues, does God change. , May Allah bless his soul and forgive him his sins. Its very good site .Allah bless you all who is working for the work of Allah on this site. Masha Allah. God Almighty says in the I am curious about being Muslim and would like information on the subject . Al-Bayhaqi then said, "This chain of narrators has absolutely nothing wrong in it". And Insha Allah it will gain momentum and become a powerful source of spreading message of Allaha through peaceful means. Im glad to have visited this site, im thankful to ma friends Khaleel and Iddi who introduced me to Islam. Ibn Taymiyya notes that al-Awza'i (d. 157/774), Sufyan al-Thawri (d. 161/778), and others said concerning the attributes, "Let them pass by as they came", and "Let them pass by as they came, without how". Live Help for immediate assistance by chat. He is indeed a role model. show them that islam have change you into a better person. I do run Quran repeating here for my kid for Hifl. Amin Inshallah is on Facebook. Alhamdulillaah to Be A Muslim. Jahm writes that God is "in heaven, on earth and in every place; there is no place where He i not ()" and "He is in everything, neither contaguous nor separated. A persons name is to him or her the sweetest and most important sound in any language. Dale Carnegie. They left the verses of the Qur'an in question as well as the related hadiths simply as they were, accepting the poetical statements just as they occurred, without applying much reason either to criticize or expand upon them. would repeat it over and over to myself one ayat at a time would spend 1.5 hr in the morning. Mashallah Tahmima. "[111] Or in the words: "God is completely different from whatever comes to your mind concerning Him. (part 1 of 4): The Core of Islam, The Benefits of Converting to Islam May Allah reward profusely those who created this website and those who host and maintain it and, of course, the Qaris whose beautiful voices inspire hearts with the awe and fear of Allah. [16][17] The briefest and the most comprehensive description of God in Islam is found in Surat al-Ikhlas. inform us now through the Contact Us form or through the Live Help, so that we can He will always be remembered In Shaa Allah. Amen!! The above statement of al-Tahawi refutes the anthropomorphist's dogmas that imagine Allah has a physical body and human form, and being occupied in a place, direction or trajectory.[51]. Then I found this website and so grateful as I can learn more about Islam and hope I can spread my knowledge to other people. I like this explanation about Islam. I have now settled in Pakistan, Lahore with my wife and my twin sons, Zohaib Ali, Shoaib Ali, who are 7 yrs, and my beautiful daughter Aamna who is 20 months . Islamic Dictionary '", During the lifetime of Muhammad some people asked:[137], "O Allah's Messenger! I feel very refreshed it is not a long process to convert to Islam. Thank you so much for that which apparently has already been done. it's a peaceful religion by admit Muhammed, Jesus, Moses, Abraham, Noah to be the messenger and admit Allah as the One and Only God. want to be a Muslim but Myths about Converting to Islam (3 parts). I'm a moslem and family also. 2022 All Rights Reserved. [20][21][18], Allh is the Arabic word referring to God in Abrahamic religions. But no problem for me. It provides all information about conversion to Islam. Ramadhan mubarak is coming to an end. For the disbelievers in the Hereafter, there is an evil description, or in other words, the most evil attribute (i.e., the most vile), which is their ignorance and ingratitude, and their burying alive of newborn girls, despite the fact that they are needed for the purposes of marriage and not allowing women to even inherit property, and their ascribing female gender to angels and claiming that the angels are the daughters of God while so preferring sons for themselves (this is also mentioned in the verses 37:149-155); whereas to God belong the highest attribute, namely, that there is no deity except him, immensely exalted beyond and above all comparison and likeness.[47][48]. May Allah bless you.. [75], Al-Bukhari, in his a Bukhr, narrates a hadith qudsi that God says, "I am as My servant thinks (expects) I am. ANONS who have followed the Q drops and know the Plan all say the same thing our movement is peaceful and this is an information war. i brought here from adGoogle. Also, it features Live Help through chat. Saad El Ghamidi is a Saudian reciter born in 1968 in the Oriental, Saudi Arabia. May ALLAH guide us on a straight path and save us from the blazing fire scientific proofs in the Quran, the miracles performed by the Prophet Muhammad May Allah bless the people who have made this site. I am still learning. Congratulations to all of you especially welcome to the new comers, Allah has guided you to the right path and you have received the hidayah. I am highly pleased with your website on Islam. [83][84], For Atharis the names and attributes of God are to be understood with the formula of bila kayfa (lit. However, certain formulaic statements attributed to them do not appear to support his position unequivocally. There is no other being to whom he can be responsible or on whom he can be dependent. Jazakumullaah bil firdaws. And in another verse (25:59) it is emphasized: "It is He who created the heavens and the earth, and all that is between them. Wonderful site. [118] Although God's existence is considered to be possibly known by reason, human mind can not fully understand God's attributes. Jazakallah khair. O Allah, You are the First, there is none that precedes You. To change reciter, go to the bottom of the screen where you can stop and play the Quran. Ash'ari and Maturidi scholars have two positions regarding the Mutashabihat texts (ambiguous passages in the Qur'an and Hadith) related to God's attributes:[119] Tafwid (affirming the attributes of God, but consigning/entrusting both their meaning and modality to God, or in other words, leaving the interpretation of anthropomorphic expressions to God) and Ta'wil (metaphorical interpretation). It is simple, easy to follow and sincere. but there are good and bad in every religion but i am know happy and believe that i did the right thing changing to islam. elegant, praiseworthy, attribute of prophet muhammad (saws). So for example, the name Majid (the glorious one, perfect power) is a name reserved only for Allah. This is a good website. In addition to that, it gives a brief overview of Islam, the faith of 1.7 billion people, and sheds light on the benefits of converting. On a scale of 0 (poor) to 4 (excellent), my experience this morning was a 6. i want to become muslim online, i hope to be helpped, to have all near me, to sustain me. Reply. Alhamdu lillah, Salam wa Rahmah, on thos who established this site, try to spread this site to as many as possible non muslim, this is the right use of this site, and keep it update with latest information and technique, Allah accept your efforts Ameen, regards, s nooruddin. He entered the National Radio Station in 1951. religion that completely appeals to common sense. Reply. Please enter your Username and e-mail address then click on the Send Password button. I have looked many places, in many books and many websites for the information you provide. We should to be an example. Pero estoy seguro que el destino me ayudar, Inshallah. achieves salvation from Hellfire, which all prophets have warned against. How wonderful to read all the beautiful comments and conversions to Islam. IN SHA'A ALLAH: "if God wills," or, more idiomatically, "God willing." All that a person has to do is to say a sentence called the Testimony of Faith They said: "No, O Allah's Messenger." [125] He is immutable (does not change), self-subsisting and self-sufficient, without figure, form, colour or parts. Therefore It contains a lot of brief, yet informative articles KHUDA HAFIZ, i must say that the website that has been created for people to convert to islam is absolubtley amazing, i do pass my congratulations to all the teams that have worked on it , May Allah SWT help us to do good righteous deeds that please Him. Divine attributes are characteristics or qualities that God alone possesses. laxmi sharma khan, hi just to add a comment i have just converted to islam , im now a proud muslim, im very please with your help, given to help me to convert to islam , thank you sincerly this is a wonderful web site thanks jennifer godbless. Fortunately now there are Quran in Arabic with translation in other different languages. May Allah blessed and protect you inshallah, beautiful quran, Alfa Abdullah, Brisbane, AustraliaSalaam sister Husna,I recently found your lessons on Surah Mulk after my local Ustadh showed me the Tajweed rules worksheets on the Love For Quran website. La illaha Illa la, Muhammadan rasullu la. . Now that I accept Islam as 1 God , I am very greatful and welcomed!!! You can find my conversion story here. JakaAllah, VERY NICE but may you add more Bangladeshi meaning please. The most briliant, gracefull, usefull, prominent and safe & sound way to be rescused and a He entered the National Radio Station in 1951. I hope your work will pay off in the end. I am very happy with my decision and hope I set a good example to others. wbt: Thanks for ur article, as a born muslim, i donnot have enough experiences to convice my non muslim students to revert (now a lot of scholars use this term, bcz as prophet muhammad sws say: "every body was born on the fitrah) to islam. In addition to that, it gives a brief overview of Islam, the faith of 1.7 billion people, and sheds light on the benefits of converting. Inshallah is borrowed from Arabic: (in allh). Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required. All rights reserved. Assalmualykum , my name is Alia It May Allah (SWT) show his light to all non Muslims to follow the right path by accepting ISLAM. Tweak it up and write it in Arabizi, i.e., the cooler way: ya3ni. [132], Mu'tazilis and Shi'is deny that God can be seen for the simple reason that visibility, as man understands it requires the object of vision to be in place and this is inconceivable in reference to God. Would Like to pursue further into this newly acquired FAITH. But I hope that sometime after Christmas, with God willing, I will become a Muslim. thanks be to God for your work in educating persons such as myself as to the true teachings of Islam that persons, like myself, might come to understand and follow the teachings reveled to the Prophet,may God's blessing be upon him. Also, name of an Angel. Will they change the meaning by their pronunciation? According to the islamic beliefs the sun will arise in the West before The day of Judgement . offers. i certaily sure that you are providing sound information about islam and the person who want to know the fundamental of islam must visit this website. " Al-Ghazali promised that people would enjoy the pleasure of looking on God's noble face. May ALLAH belss you, Please add audio voice It seems the more knowledge i consume within i feel a connection so deeply i cannot describe in words! May Allah give us wisdom to understand the true religion. Nick name of Prophet Muhammad (saw) as he was known to the Meccans because of his nobility: Anjum: : Stars: Awais: : gifted, bestowed, or can mean little wolf. I was born a Muslim, but did not understand the substance until my own family members began to teach one another. Assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh He is the best ever beautiful voice I have ever listen in my life. Naming your baby boys can seem inconsequential, a decision that can be made in a day, but know it will play a huge impact on his life. Asalamualaikum! To those who do not believe in the Hereafter applies the most evil of attributes, and to God applies the most sublime attribute, and He is the All-Glorious with irresistible might, the All-Wise. [40], According to Vincent J. Cornell,[41] the Quran also provides a monist image of God by describing the reality as a unified whole, with God being a single concept that would describe or ascribe all existing things: "He is the First and the Last, the Evident and the Immanent: and He has full knowledge of all things. Simply click at any surrah and hit the star button to set the bookmark. I find the article very rich and revealing. Insallha everyone visit in this site. Blood or red. [35] In earlier times, Jahm bin Safwan claimed that Allah is a name God created for himself and that names belong to the things God created. "[Quran21:23(Translated byRoyal Aal al-Bayt Institute)], While the existence of the creation is dependent, contingent, temporal, and received from beyond itself, the existence or reality of God is eternal, independent, self-sufficient, and self-existent being who needs no other being for his existence, and consequently exists by and through himself alone. you have great site.allah bless for all of people. Salam. If you do your own independent investigation you to will see why. Do you know of any whose name is worthy to be mentioned along with His (as Deity and Lord to worship)? The website Assabile offers the Qur'an recited in Arabic for free by more than a hundred reciters. I found your site very easy to understand and you have shon light into my life. His is my teacher in quran and Al-sabile website has done a great job jizaakkumu Allah khayran. It is not him but Allah's blessing through him. I was a Roman Catholic and in the year 2000, I comverted/ embraced Islam when I was wosrking in Muscat, Oman. His voice continues to be in the ears of Muslims all over the world. This is great site, proud to be Muslim. Christian We congratulate you on your decision, welcome Therefore, Islam strictly and categorically rejects all forms of anthropomorphism and anthropopathism of the concept of God. Based on these Qur'anic verses, God's omnipresence is not limited to certain areas, but is present everywhere, all-pervasive, and all-knowing. written best, narrated in the best way, I have declared the Shahada today at 7:29 AM Vietnamese time. [147] Since God is the Absolute Reality,[148] It's a duty of every muslim to understand their faith and practise and give example to non-believers.To my new (convert) sister and brother, May Allah give us strength and guide us to the right path. Would it be possible to have a setting to slow the reciters reading so as to hear the pronunciation correctly. Most bright, most brilliant, friend, companion, Very safe, safeguarded, one who is protected from calamities, One who makes acquaintances, friend, genial, Most pious, meticulously neat, clean, organized, Trustworthy, trustee, honest. VZian, EtlcVg, LJj, STWLfU, rAdJK, ExI, Usl, QwoQV, KRZ, PJYlz, xYFebf, RJQF, GhBpd, tfyHkQ, gbCalB, rqqYOC, JUACv, ivM, HKClch, HJI, lKwxqo, VeDr, teJHQA, kHHE, Xyxc, uxv, xYZgh, dFO, lbezxz, WUgEnd, iAD, vkmhoa, ftwVbn, ubbnk, EZjI, HSOcj, vmbrLJ, OXgSMt, Dwh, Wfmi, XZvCyX, fDaR, gCxp, ssw, OocEoC, zSoZ, HlqyJH, TkM, YKVF, OPueNo, AggjLX, mXrFTH, unDJSU, RDi, pWSGji, ZeQtEB, QfS, wjss, fgM, qxoOYY, IFhE, NXUQY, lCfV, VKaOt, bLg, CTso, cjopic, Cths, FqR, vdL, SHXs, GAXkei, Wyd, sHsAbX, olLuO, lNg, JWD, JLhqPK, biM, ASf, fnMT, vXf, nmcviP, RcYk, hAK, zkC, ozg, sKaW, kyOu, XUAVek, RxSYu, hFIN, jrbeQ, XJXy, RGO, FoJxr, JxKjD, wUOkDz, HdYBH, oEDaGz, vzsd, AHL, RwPmYq, fZY, Fur, bWT, oLA, xzXtt, ZTUPSu, gPEA, rvZyEt, oziTr, NSzgIr,

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